local http = require "http" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" description = [[ Displays the contents of the "generator" meta tag of a web page (default: /) if there is one. ]] author = "Michael Kohl" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"} --- -- @usage -- nmap --script http-generator [--script-args http-generator.path=,http-generator.redirects=,...] -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- |_http-generator: TYPO3 4.2 CMS -- 443/tcp open https -- |_http-generator: TYPO3 4.2 CMS -- -- @args http-generator.path Specify the path you want to check for a generator meta tag (default to '/'). -- @args http-generator.redirects Specify the maximum number of redirects to follow (defaults to 3). -- Changelog: -- 2011-12-23 Michael Kohl : -- + Initial version -- 2012-01-10 Michael Kohl : -- + update documentation -- + make pattern case insensitive -- + only follow first redirect -- 2012-01-11 Michael Kohl : -- + more generic pattern -- + simplified matching -- 2012-01-13 Michael Kohl : -- + add http-generator.path argument -- + add http-generator.redirects argument -- + restructure redirect handling -- + improve redirect pattern -- + update documentation -- + add changelog -- 2014-07-29 Fabian Affolter : -- + update generator pattern portrule = shortport.http action = function(host, port) local response, loc, generator local path = stdnse.get_script_args('http-generator.path') or '/' local redirects = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args('http-generator.redirects')) or 3 -- Worst case: local pattern = '' -- Make pattern case-insensitive pattern = pattern:gsub("%a", function (c) return string.format("[%s%s]", string.lower(c), string.upper(c)) end) response = http.get(host, port, path, {redirect_ok=redirects}) if ( response and response.body ) then return response.body:match(pattern) end end