local bin = require('bin') local nmap = require('nmap') local shortport = require('shortport') local stdnse = require('stdnse') local tab = require('tab') description = [[ Attempts to enumerate process info over the Apple Remote Event protocol. When accessing an application over the Apple Remote Event protocol the service responds with the uid and pid of the application, if it is running, prior to requesting authentication. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 3031 --script eppc-enum-processes -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 3031/tcp open eppc -- | eppc-enum-processes: -- | application uid pid -- | Address Book 501 269 -- | Facetime 501 495 -- | Finder 501 274 -- | iPhoto 501 267 -- | Photo booth 501 471 -- | Remote Buddy 501 268 -- | Safari 501 270 -- | Terminal 501 266 -- | Transmission 501 265 -- |_VLC media player 501 367 -- author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(3031, "eppc", "tcp", "open") action = function( host, port ) local socket = nmap.new_socket() socket:set_timeout(5000) local try = nmap.new_try( function() stdnse.debug1("failed") socket:close() end ) -- a list of application that may or may not be running on the target local apps = { "Address Book", "App Store", "Facetime", "Finder", "Firefox", "Google Chrome", "iChat", "iPhoto", "Keychain Access", "iTunes", "Photo booth", "QuickTime Player", "Remote Buddy", "Safari", "Spotify", "Terminal", "TextMate", "Transmission", "VLC", "VLC media player", } local results = tab.new(3) tab.addrow( results, "application", "uid", "pid" ) for _, app in ipairs(apps) do try( socket:connect(host, port, "tcp") ) local data local packets = { "PPCT\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1", -- unfortunately I've found no packet specifications, so this has to do bin.pack("HCpH", "e44c50525401e101", 225 + #app, app, "dfdbe302013ddfdfdfdfd500") } for _, v in ipairs(packets) do try( socket:send(v) ) data = try( socket:receive() ) end local uid, pid = data:match("uid=(%d+)&pid=(%d+)") if ( uid and pid ) then tab.addrow( results, app, uid, pid ) end try( socket:close() ) end return "\n" .. tab.dump(results) end