local comm = require "comm" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local string = require "string" description = [[ Detects the Java Debug Wire Protocol. This protocol is used by Java programs to be debugged via the network. It should not be open to the public Internet, as it does not provide any security against malicious attackers who can inject their own bytecode into the debugged process. Documentation for JDWP is available at http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html ]] author = "Michael Schierl " license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"version"} --- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION -- 9999/tcp open jdwp Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference Implementation) version 1.6 1.6.0_17 portrule = function(host, port) -- JDWP will close the port if there is no valid handshake within 2 -- seconds, Service detection's NULL probe detects it as tcpwrapped. return port.service == "tcpwrapped" and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open" and not(shortport.port_is_excluded(port.number,port.protocol)) end action = function(host, port) -- make sure we get at least one more packet after the JDWP-Handshake -- response even if there is some delay; the handshake response has 14 -- bytes, so wait for 18 bytes here. local status, result = comm.exchange(host, port, "JDWP-Handshake\0\0\0\11\0\0\0\1\0\1\1", {proto="tcp", bytes=18}) if (not status) then return end -- match jdwp m|JDWP-Handshake| p/$1/ v/$3/ i/$2\n$4/ local match = {string.match(result, "^JDWP%-Handshake\0\0..\0\0\0\1\128\0\0\0\0..([^\0\n]*)\n([^\0]*)\0\0..\0\0..\0\0..([0-9._]+)\0\0..([^\0]*)")} if match == nil or #match == 0 then -- if we have one \128 (reply marker), it is at least not echo because the request did not contain \128 if (string.match(result,"^JDWP%-Handshake\0.*\128") ~= nil) then port.version.name="jdwp" port.version.product="unknown" nmap.set_port_version(host, port) end return end port.version.name="jdwp" port.version.product = match[1] port.version.version = match[3] -- port.version.extrainfo = match[2] .. "\n" .. match[4] nmap.set_port_version(host, port) return end