local http = require "http" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" description = [[ Checks if the target http server has mod_negotiation enabled. This feature can be leveraged to find hidden resources and spider a web site using fewer requests. The script works by sending requests for resources like index and home without specifying the extension. If mod_negotiate is enabled (default Apache configuration), the target would reply with content-location header containing target resource (such as index.html) and vary header containing "negotiate" depending on the configuration. For more information, see: * http://www.wisec.it/sectou.php?id=4698ebdc59d15 * Metasploit auxiliary module /modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/mod_negotiation_scanner.rb ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script=http-apache-negotiation --script-args http-apache-negotiation.root=/root/ -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- |_http-apache-negotiation: mod_negotiation enabled. -- -- @args http-apache-negotiation.root target web site root. -- Defaults to /. author = "Hani Benhabiles" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe", "discovery"} portrule = shortport.http action = function(host, port) local root = stdnse.get_script_args("http-apache-negotiation.root") or "/" -- Common default file names. Could add a couple more. local files = { 'robots', 'index', 'home', 'blog' } for _, file in ipairs(files) do local header = http.get(host, port, root .. file).header -- Matching file. in content-location header -- or negotiate in vary header. if header["content-location"] and string.find(header["content-location"], file ..".") or header["vary"] and string.find(header["vary"], "negotiate") then return "mod_negotiation enabled." end end end