local dns = require "dns" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ Attempts to perform a dynamic DNS update without authentication. ]] author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} --- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 53/udp open domain -- | dns-update: -- | Successfully added the record "nmap-test.cqure.net" -- |_ Successfully deleted the record "nmap-test.cqure.net" -- -- @args dns-update.hostname the name of the host to add to the zone -- @args dns-update.ip the ip address of the host to add to the zone -- -- -- Examples -- -- Adding different types of records to a server -- * dns.update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="" } ) -- * dns.update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="www.cqure.net" } ) -- * dns.update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data={ pref=10, mx="mail.cqure.net"} }) -- * dns.update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data={ prio=0, weight=100, port=389, target="ldap.cqure.net" } } ) -- -- Removing the above records by setting an empty data and a ttl of zero -- * dns.update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * dns.update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * dns.update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * dns.update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- -- Version 0.2 -- Created 01/09/2011 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson -- Revised 01/10/2011 - v0.2 - added test function portrule = shortport.port_or_service( 53, "dns", "udp", {"open", "open|filtered"} ) local function test(host, port) local status, err = dns.update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="" } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "www2", { zone="cqure.net", host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="" } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="www.cqure.net" } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data={ pref=10, mx="mail.cqure.net"} }) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data={ prio=0, weight=100, port=389, target="ldap.cqure.net" } } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "www2.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end status, err = dns.update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then stdnse.print_debug("SUCCESS") else stdnse.print_debug("FAIL: " .. (err or "")) end end action = function(host, port) local t = stdnse.get_script_args('dns-update.test') local name, ip = stdnse.get_script_args('dns-update.hostname', 'dns-update.ip') if ( t ) then return test(host, port) end if ( not(name) or not(ip) ) then return end -- we really need an ip or name to continue -- we could attempt a random name, but we need to know at least the name of the zone local status, err = dns.update( name, { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data=ip } ) if ( status ) then local result = {} table.insert(result, ("Successfully added the record \"%s\""):format(name)) local status = dns.update( name, { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="", ttl=0 } ) if ( status ) then table.insert(result, ("Successfully deleted the record \"%s\""):format(name)) else table.insert(result, ("Failed to delete the record \"%s\""):format(name)) end nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open") return stdnse.format_output(true, result) elseif ( err ) then return "\n ERROR: " .. err end end