#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************ # * * # * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2012 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is * # * also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC. This program is free * # * software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the * # * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * # * Foundation; Version 2 with the clarifications and exceptions described * # * below. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute * # * this software under certain conditions. If you wish to embed Nmap * # * technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses * # * (contact sales@insecure.com). Dozens of software vendors already * # * license Nmap technology such as host discovery, port scanning, OS * # * detection, version detection, and the Nmap Scripting Engine. * # * * # * Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet * # * it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid * # * misunderstandings, we interpret that term as broadly as copyright law * # * allows. For example, we consider an application to constitute a * # * "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the * # * following: * # * o Integrates source code from Nmap * # * o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as * # * nmap-os-db or nmap-service-probes. * # * o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or * # * execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are * # * not derivative works.) * # * o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable * # * installer, such as those produced by InstallShield. * # * o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above * # * * # * The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived * # * works of Nmap, as well as other software we distribute under this * # * license such as Zenmap, Ncat, and Nping. This list is not exclusive, * # * but is meant to clarify our interpretation of derived works with some * # * common examples. Our interpretation applies only to Nmap--we don't * # * speak for other people's GPL works. * # * * # * If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using * # * Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help. As mentioned above, * # * we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary * # * applications and appliances. These contracts have been sold to dozens * # * of software vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well * # * as providing for priority support and updates. They also fund the * # * continued development of Nmap. Please email sales@insecure.com for * # * further information. * # * * # * As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants * # * permission to link the code of this program with any version of the * # * OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that * # * listed in the included docs/licenses/OpenSSL.txt file, and distribute * # * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all * # * respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * # * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, * # * but you are not obligated to do so. * # * * # * If you received these files with a written license agreement or * # * contract stating terms other than the terms above, then that * # * alternative license agreement takes precedence over these comments. * # * * # * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a * # * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. * # * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes (none * # * have been found so far). * # * * # * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs, * # * and add new features. You are highly encouraged to send your changes * # * to nmap-dev@insecure.org for possible incorporation into the main * # * distribution. By sending these changes to Fyodor or one of the * # * Insecure.Org development mailing lists, or checking them into the Nmap * # * source code repository, it is understood (unless you specify otherwise) * # * that you are offering the Nmap Project (Insecure.Com LLC) the * # * unlimited, non-exclusive right to reuse, modify, and relicense the * # * code. Nmap will always be available Open Source, but this is important * # * because the inability to relicense code has caused devastating problems * # * for other Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM). We also * # * occasionally relicense the code to third parties as discussed above. * # * If you wish to specify special license conditions of your * # * contributions, just say so when you send them. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * # * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * # * General Public License v2.0 for more details at * # * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html , or in the COPYING file * # * included with Nmap. * # * * # ***************************************************************************/ import os import re import unittest import zenmapCore import zenmapCore.NmapParser from zenmapGUI.SearchGUI import SearchParser from SearchResult import HostSearch class NetworkInventory(object): """This class acts as a container for aggregated scans. It is also responsible for opening/saving the aggregation from/to persistent storage.""" def __init__(self, filename=None): # A list of all scans that make up this inventory self.scans = [] # A dictionary mapping parsed scans to filenames they were loaded from self.filenames = {} # A dictionary mapping IP addresses into HostInfo objects self.hosts = {} if filename != None: self.open_from_file(filename) def add_scan(self, scan, filename=None): """Adds a scan to the list of scans. The object passed as an argument should be a parsed nmap result.""" from time import localtime for host in scan.get_hosts(): addr = "" if host.ipv6 is not None: # This is an IPv6 host, so we add the IPv6 address to the map addr = host.ipv6["addr"] elif host.ip is not None: # IPv4 addr = host.ip["addr"] if addr not in self.hosts: # Add this host to the hosts dictionary, mapped by IP address self.hosts[addr] = host.make_clone() else: # This host is already present in the host list, so we need to update its # info with the info held in the current host object old_host = self.hosts[addr] # We need to find old_host's scan date old_date = localtime(0) for old_scan in self.scans: if old_host in old_scan.get_hosts(): old_date = old_scan.get_date() new_date = scan.get_date() self._update_host_info(old_host, host, old_date, new_date, scan) self.scans.append(scan) if filename != None: basename = os.path.basename(filename) if basename in self.filenames.values(): # We need to generate a new filename, since this basename already exists base = basename ext = "xml" try: base, ext = basename.rsplit(".", 1) except ValueError: pass counter = 2 while basename in self.filenames.values(): basename = "%s %s.%s" % (base, counter, ext) counter += 1 self.filenames[scan] = basename def remove_scan(self, scan): """Removes a scan and any host information it contained from the inventory.""" # Note: If a scan is passed in that isn't in the inventory then this # method will throw a ValueError Exception and will not finish # Remove the scan from our scan list self.scans.remove(scan) # Clear the host dictionary self.hosts = {} # Remember the scan list scans = self.scans # Empty it self.scans = [] # Delete the filename entry, if any if scan in self.filenames: del self.filenames[scan] # For each scan in the remembered list, append it to the scan list and update # the host list accordingly for scan in scans: self.add_scan(scan) def _update_host_info(self, old_host, new_host, old_date, new_date, new_scan): """This function is called when a host needs to be added to the hosts dictionary, but another HostInfo object for that host already exists in the dictionary (from a previous scan). In that case, we need to update the original HostInfo object so that it holds information from both scans.""" # Ports old_list = [] old_list.extend(old_host.ports) for new_port in new_host.ports: # Check if new_port is already present in old_host's ports for old_port in old_host.ports: if old_port["portid"] == new_port["portid"] and old_port["protocol"] == new_port["protocol"]: old_list.remove(old_port) # We update old_host's port information to reflect the latest known port state if old_date < new_date: index = old_host.ports.index(old_port) old_host.ports[index] = new_port # Finished processing this new_port, we jump to the next one break else: # This new_port isn't present in old_host, so we simply append it to # old_host's port info old_host.ports.append(new_port) ports = new_scan.get_port_protocol_dict() #remove ports which are no longer up if old_date < new_date: for defunct_port in old_list: #Check if defunt_port is in ports and that the protocol matches port_number = int(defunct_port['portid']) if port_number in ports: if defunct_port['protocol'] in ports[port_number]: old_host.ports.remove(defunct_port) # extraports, ipidsequence, state, tcpsequence, tcptssequence, uptime if old_date < new_date: old_host.extraports = new_host.extraports old_host.ipidsequence = new_host.ipidsequence old_host.state = new_host.state old_host.tcpsequence = new_host.tcpsequence old_host.tcptssequence = new_host.tcptssequence old_host.uptime = new_host.uptime # Comment if old_host.comment == "": old_host.comment = new_host.comment elif new_host.comment != "": old_host.comment = "%s\n\n%s" % (old_host.comment, new_host.comment) # Hostnames # Replace old_host's hostname with new_host's if old_host has no # hostname or new_host's is newer. if len(new_host.hostnames) > 0 and \ (len(old_host.hostnames) == 0 or old_date < new_date): old_host.hostnames = new_host.hostnames # MAC address # If there was no MAC address set in old_host, set it to whatever is in new_host.mac. # Do the same if both hosts have a MAC address set, but new_host's address is newer. if old_host.mac is None or \ (old_host.mac is not None and new_host.mac is not None and old_date < new_date): old_host.mac = new_host.mac # OS detection fields # Replace old_host's OS detection fields with new_host's if old_host has no # OS detection info or new_host's info is newer. if len(new_host.osmatches) > 0 and (len(old_host.osmatches) == 0 or old_date < new_date): old_host.osmatches = new_host.osmatches old_host.ports_used = new_host.ports_used # Traceroute information if len(new_host.trace) > 0 and (len(old_host.trace) == 0 or old_date < new_date): old_host.trace = new_host.trace def get_scans(self): return self.scans def get_hosts(self): return self.hosts.values() def get_hosts_up(self): return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'up', self.hosts.values()) def get_hosts_down(self): return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'down', self.hosts.values()) def open_from_file(self, path): """Loads a scan from the given file.""" from zenmapCore.NmapParser import NmapParser parsed = NmapParser(path) parsed.parse() self.add_scan(parsed, path) def open_from_dir(self, path): """Loads all scans from the given directory into the network inventory.""" from zenmapCore.NmapParser import NmapParser for filename in os.listdir(path): fullpath = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): continue parsed = NmapParser(fullpath) parsed.parse() self.add_scan(parsed, filename=fullpath) def save_to_file(self, path, index, format = "xml"): """Saves the scan with the given list index into a file with a given path. With format = "xml", saves Nmap XML; otherwise saves plain text output.""" f = open(path, 'w') if format == "xml": self.get_scans()[index].write_xml(f) self.filenames[self.get_scans()[index]] = f else: self.get_scans()[index].write_text(f) f.close() def _generate_filenames(self, path): """Generates filenames for all scans that don't already have a filename.""" # The directory must not contain filenames other than those in the self.filenames dictionary for filename in os.listdir(path): if os.path.basename(filename) not in self.filenames.values(): raise Exception("The destination directory contains a file (%s) that's not a part " "of the current inventory. The inventory will not be saved." % os.path.basename(filename)) for scan in self.scans: if scan in self.filenames: # This scan already has a filename continue date = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d" % (scan.date[0], scan.date[1], scan.date[2], scan.date[3], scan.date[4]) filename = scan.get_scan_name() # Prepend the date filename = "%s %s" % (date, filename) # Sanitize the filename for char in ["\"", "'", "/", "\\", "?", "*", ":", ";"]: if char in filename: filename = filename.replace(char, "_") # Filename length check # (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename#Comparison_of_file_name_limitations) if len(filename) > 250: filename = filename[:250] # TODO: Filename security checks? # Try to open the file in append mode. If file.tell() returns a greater-than-zero # value, this means that the file already exists and has some data in it, so we # choose another filename until we successfully open a zero-length file. filename_full = filename + ".xml" counter = 2 while filename_full in self.filenames.values(): # There's already a scan with this filename, so we generate a new name by appending # the counter value before the file extension. filename_full = "%s %s.xml" % (filename, str(counter)) counter += 1 # Add the filename to the list of saved filenames self.filenames[scan] = filename_full def save_to_dir(self, path): """Saves all scans in the inventory into a given directory and returns a list of (full-path) filenames that were used to save the scans.""" self._generate_filenames(path) for scan, filename in self.filenames.iteritems(): f = open(os.path.join(path, filename), "w") scan.write_xml(f) f.close() return self.filenames.values() def open_from_db(self, id): pass def save_to_db(self): # For now, this saves each scan making up the inventory separately in # the database. from time import time from cStringIO import StringIO from zenmapCore.UmitDB import Scans for parsed in self.get_scans(): f = StringIO() parsed.write_xml(f) scan = Scans(scan_name = parsed.scan_name, nmap_xml_output = f.getvalue(), date = time()) class FilteredNetworkInventory(NetworkInventory): def __init__(self, filename = None): NetworkInventory.__init__(self, filename) # A dictionary listing host filtering criteria self.search_dict = {} self.filtered_hosts = [] search_keywords = dict() search_keywords["target"] = "target" search_keywords["t"] = "target" search_keywords["inroute"] = "in_route" search_keywords["ir"] = "in_route" search_keywords["hostname"] = "hostname" search_keywords["service"] = "service" search_keywords["s"] = "service" search_keywords["os"] = "os" search_keywords["open"] = "open" search_keywords["op"] = "open" search_keywords["closed"] = "closed" search_keywords["cp"] = "closed" search_keywords["filtered"] = "filtered" search_keywords["fp"] = "filtered" search_keywords["unfiltered"] = "unfiltered" search_keywords["ufp"] = "unfiltered" search_keywords["open|filtered"] = "open_filtered" search_keywords["ofp"] = "open_filtered" search_keywords["closed|filtered"] = "closed_filtered" search_keywords["cfp"] = "closed_filtered" search_keywords[""] = "" self.search_parser = SearchParser(self, search_keywords) # FIXME: This method doesn't do anything. We just need to support # the type of interface that SearchParser expects in order to use it. # Perhaps, we will eventually refactor the SearchParser a little bit # more? def init_search_dirs(self, junk): pass def get_hosts(self): if len(self.search_dict) > 0: return self.filtered_hosts else: return NetworkInventory.get_hosts(self) def get_hosts_up(self): if len(self.search_dict) > 0: return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'up', self.filtered_hosts) else: return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_up(self) def get_hosts_down(self): if len(self.search_dict) > 0: return filter(lambda h: h.get_state() == 'down', self.filtered_hosts) else: return NetworkInventory.get_hosts_down(self) def get_total_host_count(self): return len(self.hosts) def _match_all_args(self, host, operator, args): """A helper function that calls the matching function for the given operator and each of its arguments.""" for arg in args: positive = True if arg != "" and arg[0] == "!": arg = arg[1:] positive = False if positive != self.__getattribute__("match_%s" % operator)(host, arg): # No match for this operator return False else: # if the operator is not supported, pretend its true # All arguments for this operator produced a match return True def get_host_count(self): return len(self.network_inventory.hosts) def match_keyword(self, host, keyword): return self.match_os(host, keyword) or\ self.match_target(host, keyword) or\ self.match_service(host, keyword) def match_target(self, host, name): return HostSearch.match_target(host, name) def match_in_route(self, host, hop): hops = host.get_trace().get('hops', []) return hop in hops def match_hostname(self, host, hostname): return HostSearch.match_hostname(host, hostname) def match_service(self, host, service): return HostSearch.match_service(host, service) def match_os(self, host, os): return HostSearch.match_os(host, os) def match_open(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open") def match_closed(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed") def match_filtered(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "filtered") def match_unfiltered(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "unfiltered") def match_open_filtered(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "open|filtered") def match_closed_filtered(self, host, portno): host_ports = host.get_ports() return HostSearch.match_port(host_ports, portno, "closed|filtered") def apply_filter(self, filter_text): self.filter_text = filter_text.lower() self.search_parser.update(self.filter_text) self.filtered_hosts = [] for hostname, host in self.hosts.iteritems(): # For each host in this scan # Test each given operator against the current host for operator, args in self.search_dict.iteritems(): if not self._match_all_args(host, operator, args): # No match => we discard this scan_result break else: # All operator-matching functions have returned True, so this # host satisfies all conditions self.filtered_hosts.append(host) class NetworkInventoryTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_no_external_modification(self): """Test that HostInfo objects passed into the inventory are not modified during aggregation.""" scan_1 = zenmapCore.NmapParser.ParserBasics() host_a = zenmapCore.NmapParser.HostInfo() host_a.hostnames = ["a"] host_a.set_state('up') scan_1.start = "1000000000" scan_1.nmap["hosts"] = [host_a] scan_2 = zenmapCore.NmapParser.ParserBasics() host_b = zenmapCore.NmapParser.HostInfo() host_b.hostnames = ["b"] host_b.set_state('up') scan_2.start = "1000000001" scan_2.nmap["hosts"] = [host_b] inv = NetworkInventory() inv.add_scan(scan_1) inv.add_scan(scan_2) self.assertEqual(host_a.hostnames, ["a"]) self.assertEqual(host_b.hostnames, ["b"]) self.assertEqual(scan_1.nmap["hosts"], [host_a]) self.assertEqual(scan_2.nmap["hosts"], [host_b]) self.assertEqual(inv.get_hosts_up()[0].hostnames, ["b"]) def test_cancel_and_remove_scan(self): """Test that canceling and removing a scan does not blow away the inventory hosts""" added_ips = ['',''] removed_ips = [''] scan_1 = zenmapCore.NmapParser.ParserBasics() host_a = zenmapCore.NmapParser.HostInfo() host_a.hostnames = ["a"] host_a.set_ip({'addr':added_ips[0]}) scan_1.start = "1000000000" scan_1.nmap["hosts"] = [host_a] scan_2 = zenmapCore.NmapParser.ParserBasics() host_b = zenmapCore.NmapParser.HostInfo() host_b.hostnames = ["b"] host_b.set_ip({'addr':added_ips[1]}) scan_2.start = "1000000001" scan_2.nmap["hosts"] = [host_b] scan_3 = zenmapCore.NmapParser.ParserBasics() host_c = zenmapCore.NmapParser.HostInfo() host_c.hostnames = ["b"] host_c.set_ip({'addr':removed_ips[0]}) scan_3.start = "1000000001" scan_3.nmap["hosts"] = [host_c] inv = NetworkInventory() inv.add_scan(scan_1) inv.add_scan(scan_2) try: inv.remove_scan(scan_3) except: pass self.assertEqual(added_ips, inv.hosts.keys()) self.assertEqual(host_a.hostnames, ["a"]) self.assertEqual(host_b.hostnames, ["b"]) class FilteredNetworkInventoryTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_filter(self): """Test that the filter still works after moving code to the """ """HostSearch class""" from zenmapCore.NmapParser import NmapParser inv = FilteredNetworkInventory() scan = NmapParser() scan.parse_file("test/xml_test9.xml") filter_text = "open:22 os:linux service:openssh" inv.add_scan(scan) inv.apply_filter(filter_text) assert(len(inv.get_hosts()) == 2) class PortChangeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_port(self): """Verify that the port status (open/filtered/closed) is diplayed """ \ """correctly when the port status changes in newer scans""" from zenmapCore.NmapParser import NmapParser inv = NetworkInventory() scan1 = NmapParser() scan1.parse_file("test/xml_test13.xml") inv.add_scan(scan1) scan2 = NmapParser() scan2.parse_file("test/xml_test14.xml") inv.add_scan(scan2) assert(len(inv.get_hosts()[0].ports) == 2) scan3 = NmapParser() scan3.parse_file("test/xml_test15.xml") inv.add_scan(scan3) assert(len(inv.get_hosts()[0].ports) == 0) # Additional test case for when the two scans have port scan ranges # which do not overlap. Example nmap -F -sU versus # nmap -F scanme.nmap.org inv = NetworkInventory() scan4 = NmapParser() scan4.parse_file("test/xml_test16.xml") inv.add_scan(scan4) assert(len(inv.get_hosts()[0].ports)==3) scan5 = NmapParser() scan5.parse_file("test/xml_test17.xml") inv.add_scan(scan5) assert(len(inv.get_hosts()[0].ports)==7) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() if False: scan1 = NmapParser("/home/ndwi/scanz/neobee_1.xml") scan1.parse() scan2 = NmapParser("/home/ndwi/scanz/scanme_nmap_org.usr") scan2.parse() inventory1 = NetworkInventory() inventory1.add_scan(scan1) inventory1.add_scan(scan2) for host in inventory1.get_hosts(): print "%s" % host.ip["addr"], #if len(host.hostnames) > 0: # print "[%s]:" % host.hostnames[0]["hostname"] #else: # print ":" #for port in host.ports: # print " %s: %s" % (port["portid"], port["port_state"]) #print " OS matches: %s" % host.osmatches #print " Ports used: %s" % host.ports_used #print " Trace: %s" % host.trace #if "hops" in host.trace: # print " (%d)" % len(host.trace["hops"]) inventory1.remove_scan(scan2) print for host in inventory1.get_hosts(): print "%s" % host.ip["addr"], inventory1.add_scan(scan2) print for host in inventory1.get_hosts(): print "%s" % host.ip["addr"], dir = "/home/ndwi/scanz/top01" inventory1.save_to_dir(dir) inventory2 = NetworkInventory() inventory2.open_from_dir(dir) print for host in inventory2.get_hosts(): print "%s" % host.ip["addr"],