local drda = require "drda" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Attempts to extract information from database servers supporting the DRDA protocol. The script sends a DRDA EXCSAT (exchange server attributes) command packet and parses the response. ]] --- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 50000/tcp open drda -- | drda-info: DB2 Version: 8.02.9 -- | Server Platform: QDB2/SUN -- | Instance Name: db2inst1 -- |_ External Name: db2inst1db2agent00002B430 author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe", "discovery", "version"} -- Version 0.1 -- Created 05/08/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson -- -- parseVersion was ripped from the old db2-info.nse written by Tom Sellers -- portrule = shortport.version_port_or_service({50000,60000,9090,1526,1527}, {"drda","ibm-db2"}, "tcp", {"open", "open|filtered"}) --- Converts the prodrel server string to a version string -- -- @param server_version string containing the product release -- @return ver string containing the version information local function parseVersion( server_version ) local pfx = string.sub(server_version,1,3) if pfx == "SQL" or pfx == "IFX" then local major_version = string.sub(server_version,4,5) -- strip the leading 0 from the major version, for consistency with -- nmap-service-probes results if string.sub(major_version,1,1) == "0" then major_version = string.sub(major_version,2) end local minor_version = string.sub(server_version,6,7) local hotfix = string.sub(server_version,8) server_version = major_version .. "." .. minor_version .. "." .. hotfix elseif( pfx == "CSS" ) then return server_version:match("%w+/(.*)") end return server_version end action = function( host, port ) local helper = drda.Helper:new() local status, response local results = {} status, response = helper:connect(host, port) if( not(status) ) then return response end status, response = helper:getServerInfo() if( not(status) ) then return response end helper:close() -- Set port information if ( response.srvclass and response.srvclass:match("IDS/") ) then port.version.name = "drda" port.version.product = "IBM Informix Dynamic Server" port.version.name_confidence = 100 table.insert( results, ("Informix Version: %s"):format( parseVersion(response.prodrel) ) ) elseif ( response.srvclass and response.srvclass:match("Apache Derby") ) then port.version.name = "drda" port.version.product = "Apache Derby Server" port.version.name_confidence = 100 table.insert( results, ("Derby Version: %s"):format( parseVersion(response.prodrel) ) ) elseif ( response.srvclass and response.srvclass:match("DB2") ) then port.version.name = "drda" port.version.product = "IBM DB2 Database Server" port.version.name_confidence = 100 table.insert( results, ("DB2 Version: %s"):format( parseVersion(response.prodrel) ) ) else table.insert( results, ("Version: %s"):format( response.prodrel ) ) end nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open") if response.srvclass ~= nil then port.version.extrainfo = response.srvclass end nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched") -- Generate results table.insert( results, ("Server Platform: %s"):format( response.srvclass ) ) table.insert( results, ("Instance Name: %s"):format( response.srvname ) ) table.insert( results, ("External Name: %s"):format( response.extname ) ) return stdnse.format_output( true, results ) end