--- -- A minimalist RSYNC (remote file sync) library -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson " local base64 = require "base64" local bin = require "bin" local match = require "match" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl" _ENV = stdnse.module("rsync", stdnse.seeall) -- The Helper class serves as the main interface for script writers Helper = { -- Creates a new instance of the Helper class -- @param host table as received by the action function -- @param port table as received by the action function -- @param options table containing any additional options -- @return o instance of Helper new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = { host = host, port = port, options = options or {} } assert(o.options.module, "No rsync module was specified, aborting ...") setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Handles send and receive of control messages -- @param data string containing the command to send -- @return status true on succes, false on failure -- @return data containing the response from the server -- err string, if status is false ctrl_exch = function(self, data) local status, err = self.socket:send(data.."\n") if ( not(status) ) then return false, err end local status, data = self.socket:receive_buf("\n", false) if( not(status) ) then return false, err end return true, data end, -- Connects to the rsync server -- @return status, true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing an error message if status is false connect = function(self) self.socket = nmap.new_socket() self.socket:set_timeout(self.options.timeout or 5000) local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port) if ( not(status) ) then return false, err end local data status, data = self:ctrl_exch("@RSYNCD: 29") if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end if ( not(data:match("^@RSYNCD: [%.%d]+$")) ) then return false, "Protocol error" end return true end, -- Authenticates against the rsync module. If no username is given, assume -- no authentication is required. -- @param username [optional] string containing the username -- @param password [optional] string containing the password login = function(self, username, password) password = password or "" local status, data = self:ctrl_exch(self.options.module) if (not(status)) then return false, data end local chall if ( data:match("@RSYNCD: OK") ) then return true, "No authentication was required" else chall = data:match("^@RSYNCD: AUTHREQD (.*)$") if ( not(chall) and data:match("^@ERROR: Unknown module") ) then return false, data:match("^@ERROR: (.*)$") elseif ( not(chall) ) then return false, "Failed to retrieve challenge" end end if ( chall and not(username) ) then return false, "Authentication required" end local md4 = openssl.md4("\0\0\0\0" .. password .. chall) local resp = base64.enc(md4):sub(1,-3) status, data = self:ctrl_exch(username .. " " .. resp) if (not(status)) then return false, data end if ( data == "@RSYNCD: OK" ) then return true, "Authentication successfull" end return false, "Authentication failed" end, -- Lists accessible modules from the rsync server -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return modules table containing a list of modules listModules = function(self) local status, data = self.socket:send("\n") if (not(status)) then return false, data end local modules = {} while(true) do status, data = self.socket:receive_buf("\n", false) if (not(status)) then return false, data end if ( data == "@RSYNCD: EXIT" ) then break else table.insert(modules, data) end end return true, modules end, -- Lists the files available for the directory/module -- TODO: Add support for parsing results, seemed straight forward at -- first, but wasn't. listFiles = function(self) -- list recursively and enable MD4 checksums local data = ("--server\n--sender\n-rc\n.\n%s\n\n"):format(self.options.module) local status, data = self.socket:send(data) if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end status, data = self.socket:receive_bytes(4) if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end status, data = self.socket:send("\0\0\0\0") if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end status, data = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(4), false) if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end local pos, len = bin.unpack("