description=[[ Sniffs an interface for HTTP traffic and dumps any URLs, and their originating IP address. Script output differs from other script as URLs are written to stdout directly. There is also an option to log the results to file. The script can be limited in time by using the timeout argument or run until a ctrl+break is issued, by setting the timeout to 0. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script url-snarf -e -- -- @output -- | url-snarf: -- |_ Sniffed 169 URLs in 5 seconds -- -- @arg timeout runs the script until the timeout (in seconds) is reached. -- a timeout of 0s can be used to run until ctrl+break. (default: 30s) -- @arg nostdout doesn't write any output to stdout while running -- @arg outfile filename to which all discovered URLs are written -- author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"safe"} require 'packet' require 'url' local arg_iface = nmap.get_interface() or stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".interface") prerule = function() local has_interface = ( arg_iface ~= nil ) if not nmap.is_privileged() then stdnse.print_verbose("%s not running for lack of privileges.", SCRIPT_NAME) return false end if ( not(has_interface) ) then stdnse.print_verbose("%s no network interface was supplied, aborting ...", SCRIPT_NAME) return false end return true end -- we should probably leverage code from the http library, but those functions -- are all declared local. local function get_url(data) local headers, body = unpack(stdnse.strsplit("\r\n\r\n", data)) if ( not(headers) ) then return end headers = stdnse.strsplit("\r\n", headers) if ( not(headers) or 1 > #headers ) then return end local parsed = {} parsed.path = headers[1]:match("^[^s%s]+ ([^%s]*) HTTP/1%.%d$") if ( not(parsed.path) ) then return end for _, v in ipairs(headers) do, parsed.port = v:match("^Host: (.*):?(%d?)$") if ( ) then break end end if ( not( ) then return end parsed.port = ( #parsed.port ~= 0 ) and parsed.port or nil parsed.scheme = "http" local u = if ( not(u) ) then return end return u end local arg_timeout = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".timeout")) or 30 local arg_nostdout= stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".nostdout") local arg_outfile = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".outfile") local function log_entry(src_ip, url) local outfd =, "a") if ( outfd ) then local entry = ("%s\t%s\r\n"):format(src_ip, url) outfd:write(entry) outfd:close() end end action = function() local counter = 0 if ( arg_outfile ) then local outfd =, "a") if ( not(outfd) ) then return ("\n ERROR: Failed to open outfile (%s)"):format(arg_outfile) end outfd:close() end local socket = nmap.new_socket() socket:set_timeout(1000) socket:pcap_open(arg_iface, 1500, true, "tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)") local start, stop = os.time() repeat local status, len, _, l3 = socket:pcap_receive() if ( status ) then local p = packet.Packet:new( l3, #l3 ) local pos = p.tcp_data_offset + 1 local http_data = p.buf:sub(pos) local url = get_url(http_data) if ( url ) then counter = counter + 1 if ( not(arg_nostdout) ) then print(p.ip_src, url) end if ( arg_outfile ) then log_entry(p.ip_src, url) end end end if ( arg_timeout and arg_timeout > 0 and arg_timeout <= os.time() - start ) then stop = os.time() break end until(false) if ( counter > 0 ) then return ("\n Sniffed %d URLs in %d seconds"):format(counter, stop - start) end end