description = [[ Discovers the EMC Networker backup software server on a LAN by using network broadcasts. ]] --- -- @usage nmap --script broadcast-networker-discover -- -- @output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-networker-discover: -- |_ -- -- author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"broadcast", "safe"} require 'rpc' prerule = function() return true end local function Callit( host, port, program, protocol ) local results = {} local portmap, comm = rpc.Portmap:new(), rpc.Comm:new('rpcbind', 2) local status, result = comm:Connect(host, port) if (not(status)) then return false, result end comm.socket:set_timeout(10000) status, result = portmap:Callit(comm, program, protocol, 2 ) if ( not(status) ) then return false, result end while ( status ) do local _, rhost status, _, _, rhost, _ = comm:GetSocketInfo() if (not(status)) then return false, "Failed to get socket information" end if ( status ) then table.insert(results, rhost) end status, result = comm:ReceivePacket() end comm:Disconnect() return true, results end local function fail(err) return ("\n ERROR: %s"):format(err or "") end action = function() local results = {} local ip = ( nmap.address_family() == "inet" ) and "" or "ff02::202" local iface = nmap.get_interface() -- handle problematic sends on OS X requiring the interface to be -- supplied as part of IPv6 if ( iface and nmap.address_family() == "inet6" ) then ip = ip .. "%" .. iface end for _, port in ipairs({7938,111}) do local host, port = { ip = ip }, { number = port, protocol = "udp" } local status status, results = Callit( host, port, "nsrstat", "udp" ) -- warn about problematic sends on OS X requiring the interface to be -- supplied as part of IPv6 if ( not(status) and results == "Portmap.Callit: Failed to send data" ) then return fail("Failed sending data, try supplying the correct interface using -e") end if ( status ) then break end end if ( "table" == type(results) and 0 < #results ) then return stdnse.format_output(true, results) end end