description = [[ Tries to get Telnet login credentials by guessing usernames and passwords. ]] author = "Eddie Bell, Ron Bowes" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {'brute', 'intrusive'} --- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 23/tcp open telnet -- |_telnet-brute: root - 1234 -- Update (Ron Bowes, November, 2009): Now uses unpwdb database. require('shortport') require('stdnse') require('strbuf') require('comm') require('unpwdb') local soc local catch = function() soc:close() end local try = nmap.new_try(catch) portrule = shortport.port_or_service(23, 'telnet') local escape_cred = function(cred) if cred == '' then return '<blank>' else return cred end end --- -- Go through telnet's option palaver so we can get to the login prompt. -- We just deny every options the server asks us about. local negotiate_options = function(result, soc) local index, x, opttype, opt, retbuf index = 0 retbuf = while true do -- 255 is IAC (Interpret As Command) index, x = string.find(result, '\255', index) if not index then break end opttype = string.byte(result, index+1) opt = string.byte(result, index+2) -- don't want it! won't do it! if opttype == 251 or opttype == 252 then opttype = 254 elseif opttype == 253 or opttype == 254 then opttype = 252 end retbuf = retbuf .. string.char(255) retbuf = retbuf .. string.char(opttype) retbuf = retbuf .. string.char(opt) index = index + 1 end soc:send(strbuf.dump(retbuf)) end --- -- A semi-state-machine that takes action based on output from the -- server. Through pattern matching, it tries to deem if a user/pass -- pair is valid. Telnet does not have a way of telling the client -- if it was we have to make an educated guess local brute_line = function(line, user, pass, usent, soc) if (line:find 'incorrect' or line:find 'failed' or line:find 'denied' or line:find 'invalid' or line:find 'bad') and usent then usent = false return 2, nil, usent elseif (line:find '[/>%%%$#]+' or line:find "last login%s*:" or line:find '%u:\\') and not (line:find 'username%s*:' and line:find 'login%s*:') and usent then return 1, escape_cred(user) .. ' - ' .. escape_cred(pass) .. '\n', usent elseif line:find 'username%s*:' or line:find 'login%s*:' then try(soc:send(user .. '\r\0')) usent = true elseif line:find 'password%s*:' or line:find 'passcode%s*:' then -- fix, add 'password only' support if not usent then return 1, nil, usent end try(soc:send(pass .. '\r\0')) end return 0, nil, usent end --[[ Splits the input into lines and passes it to brute_line() so it can try to login with <user> and <pass> return value: (1, user:pass) - valid pair (2, nil) - invalid pair (3, nil) - disconnected and invalid pair (4, nil) - disconnected and didn't send pair --]] local brute_cred = function(user, pass, soc) local status, ret, value, usent, results usent = false ; ret = 0 while true do status, results = soc:receive_lines(1) -- remote host disconnected if not status then if usent then return 3 else return 4 end end if (string.byte(results, 1) == 255) then negotiate_options(results, soc) end results = string.lower(results) for line in results:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do ret, value, usent = brute_line(line, user, pass, usent, soc) if (ret > 0) then return ret, value end end end return 1, "error -> this should never happen" end action = function(host, port) local pair, status local user, pass, count, rbuf local usernames, passwords status, usernames = unpwdb.usernames() if(not(status)) then stdnse.format_output(false, usernames) end status, passwords = unpwdb.passwords() if(not(status)) then return stdnse.format_output(false, passwords) end pair = nil status = 3 count = 0 local opts = {timeout=4000} local soc, line, best_opt = comm.tryssl(host, port, "\n",opts) if not soc then return stdnse.format_output(false, "Unable to open connection") end -- continually try user/pass pairs (reconnecting, if we have to) -- until we find a valid one or we run out of pairs pass = passwords() while not (status == 1) do if status == 2 or status == 3 then user = usernames() if(not(user)) then usernames('reset') user = usernames() pass = passwords() if(not(pass)) then return stdnse.format_output(true, "No accounts found") end end stdnse.print_debug(2, "telnet-brute: Trying %s/%s", user, pass) end -- make sure we don't get stuck in a loop if status == 4 then count = count + 1 if count > 3 then return false, nil end else count = 0 end if status == 3 or status == 4 then try(soc:connect(host, port, best_opt)) end status, pair = brute_cred(user, pass, soc) end soc:close() return pair end