-- SNMP functions.
-- @args snmpcommunity The community string to use. If not given, it is
-- "public"
, or whatever is passed to buildPacket
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
module(... or "snmp",package.seeall)
-- SNMP ASN.1 Encoders
local tagEncoder = {}
-- Override the boolean encoder
tagEncoder['boolean'] = function(self, val)
return bin.pack('H', '05 00')
-- Complex tag encoders
tagEncoder['table'] = function(self, val)
if val._snmp == '06' then -- OID
local oidStr = string.char(val[1]*40 + val[2])
for i = 3, #val do
oidStr = oidStr .. self.encode_oid_component(val[i])
return bin.pack("HAA", '06', self.encodeLength(#oidStr), oidStr)
elseif (val._snmp == '40') then -- ipAddress
return bin.pack("HC4", '40 04', unpack(val))
-- counter or gauge or timeticks or opaque
elseif (val._snmp == '41' or val._snmp == '42' or val._snmp == '43' or val._snmp == '44') then
local val = self:encodeInt(val[1])
return bin.pack("HAA", val._snmp, self.encodeLength(#val), val)
local encVal = ""
for _, v in ipairs(val) do
encVal = encVal .. self:encode(v) -- todo: buffer?
local tableType = bin.pack("H", "30")
if (val["_snmp"]) then
tableType = bin.pack("H", val["_snmp"])
return bin.pack('AAA', tableType, self.encodeLength(#encVal), encVal)
-- Encodes a given value according to ASN.1 basic encoding rules for SNMP
-- packet creation.
-- @param val Value to be encoded.
-- @return Encoded value.
function encode(val)
local vtype = type(val)
local encoder = asn1.ASN1Encoder:new()
encoder:registerTagEncoders( tagEncoder )
local encVal = encoder:encode(val)
if encVal then
return encVal
return ''
-- SNMP ASN.1 Decoders
local tagDecoder = {}
-- Application specific tags
-- IP Address
-- Response-PDU
-- TOOD: Figure out how to remove these dependancies
tagDecoder["A2"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
local seq = {}
pos, seq = self:decodeSeq(encStr, elen, pos)
seq._snmp = "A2"
return pos, seq
tagDecoder["40"] = function( self, encStr, elen, pos )
local ip = {}
pos, ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4] = bin.unpack("C4", encStr, pos)
ip._snmp = '40'
return pos, ip
-- Decodes an SNMP packet or a part of it according to ASN.1 basic encoding
-- rules.
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The position after decoding
-- @return The decoded value(s).
function decode(encStr, pos)
local decoder = asn1.ASN1Decoder:new()
if ( #tagDecoder == 0 ) then
-- Application specific tags
-- tagDecoder["40"] = decoder.decoder["06"] -- IP Address; same as OID
tagDecoder["41"] = decoder.decoder["02"] -- Counter; same as Integer
tagDecoder["42"] = decoder.decoder["02"] -- Gauge
tagDecoder["43"] = decoder.decoder["02"] -- TimeTicks
tagDecoder["44"] = decoder.decoder["04"] -- Opaque; same as Octet String
tagDecoder["45"] = decoder.decoder["06"] -- NsapAddress
tagDecoder["46"] = decoder.decoder["02"] -- Counter64
tagDecoder["47"] = decoder.decoder["02"] -- UInteger32
-- Context specific tags
tagDecoder["A0"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- GetRequest-PDU
tagDecoder["A1"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- GetNextRequest-PDU
--tagDecoder["A2"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- Response-PDU
tagDecoder["A3"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- SetRequest-PDU
tagDecoder["A4"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- Trap-PDU
tagDecoder["A5"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- GetBulkRequest-PDU
tagDecoder["A6"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- InformRequest-PDU (not implemented here yet)
tagDecoder["A7"] = decoder.decoder["30"] -- SNMPv2-Trap-PDU (not implemented here yet)
decoder:registerTagDecoders( tagDecoder )
return decoder:decode( encStr, pos )
-- Decodes an SNMP packet or a part of it according to ASN.1 basic encoding
-- rules.
-- @param encStr Encoded string.
-- @param pos Current position in the string.
-- @return The decoded value(s).
function dec(encStr, pos)
local result
local _
_, result = decode(encStr, pos)
return result
-- Create an SNMP packet.
-- @param PDU SNMP Protocol Data Unit to be encapsulated in the packet.
-- @param version SNMP version, default 0
(SNMP V1).
-- @param commStr community string, if not already supplied in registry or as
-- the snmpcommunity
script argument.
function buildPacket(PDU, version, commStr)
local comm = nmap.registry.args.snmpcommunity
if (not comm) then comm = nmap.registry.snmpcommunity end
if (not comm) then comm = commStr end
if (not comm) then comm = "public" end
if (not version) then version = 0 end
local packet = {}
packet[1] = version
packet[2] = comm
packet[3] = PDU
return packet
-- Create an SNMP Get Request PDU.
-- @param options A table containing the following fields:
-- * "reqId"
: Request ID.
-- * "err"
: Error.
-- * "errIdx"
: Error index.
-- @param ... Object identifiers to be queried.
-- @return Table representing PDU.
function buildGetRequest(options, ...)
if not options then options = {} end
if not options.reqId then options.reqId = math.mod(nmap.clock_ms(), 65000) end
if not options.err then options.err = 0 end
if not options.errIdx then options.errIdx = 0 end
local req = {}
req._snmp = 'A0'
req[1] = options.reqId
req[2] = options.err
req[3] = options.errIdx
local payload = {}
for i=1, select('#', ...) do
payload[i] = {}
payload[i][1] = select(i, ...)
if type(payload[i][1]) == "string" then
payload[i][1] = str2oid(payload[i][1])
payload[i][2] = false
req[4] = payload
return req
-- Create an SNMP Get Next Request PDU.
-- @param options A table containing the following fields:
-- * "reqId"
: Request ID.
-- * "err"
: Error.
-- * "errIdx"
: Error index.
-- @param ... Object identifiers to be queried.
-- @return Table representing PDU.
function buildGetNextRequest(options, ...)
if not options then options = {} end
if not options.reqId then options.reqId = math.mod(nmap.clock_ms(), 65000) end
if not options.err then options.err = 0 end
if not options.errIdx then options.errIdx = 0 end
local req = {}
req._snmp = 'A1'
req[1] = options.reqId
req[2] = options.err
req[3] = options.errIdx
local payload = {}
for i=1, select('#', ...) do
payload[i] = {}
payload[i][1] = select(i, ...)
if type(payload[i][1]) == "string" then
payload[i][1] = str2oid(payload[i][1])
payload[i][2] = false
req[4] = payload
return req
-- Create an SNMP Set Request PDU.
-- Takes one OID/value pair or an already prepared table.
-- @param options A table containing the following keys and values:
-- * "reqId"
: Request ID.
-- * "err"
: Error.
-- * "errIdx"
: Error index.
-- @param oid Object identifiers of object to be set.
-- @param value To which value object should be set. If given a table, use the
-- table instead of OID/value pair.
-- @return Table representing PDU.
function buildSetRequest(options, oid, value)
if not options then options = {} end
if not options.reqId then options.reqId = math.mod(nmap.clock_ms(), 65000) end
if not options.err then options.err = 0 end
if not options.errIdx then options.errIdx = 0 end
local req = {}
req._snmp = 'A3'
req[1] = options.reqId
req[2] = options.err
req[3] = options.errIdx
if (type(value) == "table") then
req[4] = value
local payload = {}
if (type(oid) == "string") then
payload[1] = str2oid(oid)
payload[1] = oid
payload[2] = value
req[4] = {}
req[4][1] = payload
return req
-- Create an SNMP Trap PDU.
-- @return Table representing PDU
function buildTrap(enterpriseOid, agentIp, genTrap, specTrap, timeStamp)
local req = {}
req._snmp = 'A4'
if (type(enterpriseOid) == "string") then
req[1] = str2oid(enterpriseOid)
req[1] = enterpriseOid
req[2] = {}
req[2]._snmp = '40'
for n in string.gmatch(agentIp, "%d+") do
table.insert(req[2], tonumber(n))
req[3] = genTrap
req[4] = specTrap
req[5] = {}
req[5]._snmp = '43'
req[5][1] = timeStamp
req[6] = {}
return req
-- Create an SNMP Get Response PDU.
-- Takes one OID/value pair or an already prepared table.
-- @param options A table containing the following keys and values:
-- * "reqId"
: Request ID.
-- * "err"
: Error.
-- * "errIdx"
: Error index.
-- @param oid Object identifiers of object to be sent back.
-- @param value If given a table, use the table instead of OID/value pair.
-- @return Table representing PDU.
function buildGetResponse(options, oid, value)
if not options then options = {} end
-- if really a response, should use reqId of request!
if not options.reqId then options.reqId = math.mod(nmap.clock_ms(), 65000) end
if not options.err then options.err = 0 end
if not options.errIdx then options.errIdx = 0 end
local resp = {}
resp._snmp = 'A2'
resp[1] = options.reqId
resp[2] = options.err
resp[3] = options.errIdx
if (type(value) == "table") then
resp[4] = value
local payload = {}
if (type(oid) == "string") then
payload[1] = str2oid(oid)
payload[1] = oid
payload[2] = value
resp[4] = {}
resp[4][1] = payload
return resp
-- Transforms a string into an object identifier table.
-- @param oidStr Object identifier as string, for example
-- ""
-- @return Table representing OID.
function str2oid(oidStr)
local oid = {}
for n in string.gmatch(oidStr, "%d+") do
table.insert(oid, tonumber(n))
oid._snmp = '06'
return oid
-- Transforms a table representing an object identifier to a string.
-- @param oid Object identifier table.
-- @return OID string.
function oid2str(oid)
if (type(oid) ~= "table") then return 'invalid oid' end
return table.concat(oid, '.')
-- Transforms a table representing an IP to a string.
-- @param ip IP table.
-- @return IP string.
function ip2str(ip)
if (type(ip) ~= "table") then return 'invalid ip' end
return table.concat(ip, '.')
-- Transforms a string into an IP table.
-- @param ipStr IP as string.
-- @return Table representing IP.
function str2ip(ipStr)
local ip = {}
for n in string.gmatch(ipStr, "%d+") do
table.insert(ip, tonumber(n))
ip._snmp = '40'
return ip
-- Fetches values from a SNMP response.
-- @param resp SNMP Response (will be decoded if necessary).
-- @return Table with all decoded responses and their OIDs.
function fetchResponseValues(resp)
if (type(resp) == "string") then
local _
_, resp = decode(resp)
if (type(resp) ~= "table") then
return {}
local varBind
if (resp._snmp and resp._snmp == 'A2') then
varBind = resp[4]
elseif (resp[3]._snmp and resp[3]._snmp == 'A2') then
varBind = resp[3][4]
if (varBind and type(varBind) == "table") then
local result = {}
for k, v in ipairs(varBind) do
local val = v[2]
if (type(v[2]) == "table") then
if (v[2]._snmp == '40') then
val = v[2][1] .. '.' .. v[2][2] .. '.' .. v[2][3] .. '.' .. v[2][4]
elseif (v[2]._snmp == '41') then
val = v[2][1]
elseif (v[2]._snmp == '42') then
val = v[2][1]
elseif (v[2]._snmp == '43') then
val = v[2][1]
elseif (v[2]._snmp == '44') then
val = v[2][1]
table.insert(result, {val, oid2str(v[1]), v[1]})
return result
return {}
-- Fetches the first value from a SNMP response.
-- @param response SNMP Response (will be decoded if necessary).
-- @return First decoded value of the response.
function fetchFirst(response)
local result = fetchResponseValues(response)
if type(result) == "table" and result[1] and result[1][1] then
return result[1][1]
return nil
--- Walks the MIB Tree
-- @param socket socket already connected to the server
-- @param base_oid string containing the base object ID to walk
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
-- @return table containing oid
and value
function snmpWalk( socket, base_oid )
local snmp_table = {}
local oid = base_oid
local status, err, payload
while ( true ) do
local value, response, snmpdata, options, item = nil, nil, nil, {}, {}
options.reqId = 28428 -- unnecessary?
payload = snmp.encode( snmp.buildPacket( snmp.buildGetNextRequest(options, oid) ) )
status, err = socket:send(payload)
if ( not( status ) ) then
stdnse.print_debug("snmp.snmpWalk: Send failed")
return false, err
status, response = socket:receive_bytes(1)
if ( not( status ) ) then
-- Unless we don't have a usefull error message, don't report it
if ( response ~= "ERROR" ) then
stdnse.print_debug("snmp.snmpWalk: Received no answer (%s)", response)
return false, response
return false, nil
snmpdata = snmp.fetchResponseValues( response )
value = snmpdata[1][1]
oid = snmpdata[1][2]
if not oid:match( base_oid ) or base_oid == oid then
item.oid = oid
item.value = value
table.insert( snmp_table, item )
snmp_table.baseoid = base_oid
return true, snmp_table