\r\n\r\n\r\n| p/Cisco Catalyst http config/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\nMax-Age: 0\nExpires: 0\nCache-Control: no-cache\nCache-Control: private\nPragma: no-cache\nContent-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=BoundaryString\n\n--BoundaryString\n| p/Motion Webcam gateway httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 200 OK\r\nServer: Motion/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Motion Camera httpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Motion-httpd/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Motion-httpd/ v/$1/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\nServer: Motion/([\d.]+)\n.*\nContent-type: image/jpeg\n|s p/Motion webcam httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nServer: WPA/([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Glucose WeatherPop Advanced httpd/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 503 R\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nBusy$| p/D-Link router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^501 Not Implemented\n
501 Not Implemented
\nThe server has not implemented your request type\. \n\r\n$| p/Hummingbird Document Manager httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n
\nNumber: \d+
String: [^<]+
\n| p/Apple lanuchd_debug httpd/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n
\ncom\.apple\.KernelEventAgent\n| p/Apple launchd_debugd httpd/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Speed Touch WebServer/([\d.]+)\r\n| p|Alcatel/Thomson SpeedTouch ADSL http config| v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 408 Request Time-Out\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n$| p/Konica Minolta bizhub printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*\r\n\r\n
Bad Request \(Invalid Verb\)
|s p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:iis/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^
Authentication failed
\r\n$| p/InterSect Alliance SNARE http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 408 Request Timeout\nContent-Length:0\nContent-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8\n\n$| p/Finchsync PocketPC Synchonizer httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\nServer: NetSupport Gateway/([\d.]+) \(Windows NT\)\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\nContent-Length: 14\nConnection: Keep-Alive\n\nCMD=HEARTBEAT\n$| p/NetSupport Gateway httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nExpires: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:00:00 GMT\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Allegro RomPager/ v/$1/ i/Dell DRAC config/ d/remote management/ cpe:/a:allegro:rompager:$1/
# This can inhibit a more informative GetRequest.
# match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: micro_httpd\r\n| p/micro_httpd/ cpe:/o:acme:micro_httpd/
# http://code.google.com/p/free-android-apps/wiki/Project_LocalHTTPD
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal Server Error \r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nDate: .*\r\n\r\nSERVER INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid ip\.$| p/Local HTTPD/ i/based on NanoHTTPD/ d/phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: httpd-impacct/([^\r\n]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request\n
400 Bad Request
\nYour request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n\n\n$| p/httpd-impacct/ v/$1/ i/Asotel Vector 1908 switch http config/ d/switch/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: DVBViewer \(Windows\)\r\nContent-Type: video/mpeg2\r\n\r\n\r\n| p/DVBViewer digital TV viewer httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nserver: kolibri-([\w._-]+)\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\ncontent-length: 11\r\n\r\nBad Request$| p/Kolibri web application framework/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nServer: remote-potato-v([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Remote Potato media player/ v/$1/
# The date reveals the time zone instead of using GMT.
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nDate: ([^\r]+)\r\nServer: Embedthis-Appweb/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Embedthis-Appweb/ v/$2/ i/date: $1/ cpe:/a:mbedthis:appweb:$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Microsoft-Cassini/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft Cassini httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 408 Request Timeout\r\nServer: WebSphere Application Server/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 117\r\n| p/IBM WebSphere Application Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok Welcome to VOC\r\nServer: Voodoo chat daemon ver ([\w._ -]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nExpires: Mon, 08 Apr 1976 19:30:00 GMT\+3\r\nConnection: close\r\nKeep-Alive: max=0\r\nCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\r\nCache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n$| p/Voodoo http chat daemon/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Cassini/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*\n\n\n
408 - Request Timeout
\n\n\n$| p/Hiawatha/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n\nmongod ([\w._-]+)| p/MongoDB http console/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n\r\nHTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: CPE-SERVER/([\w._-]+) Supports only GET\r\n\r\n$| p/ZTE H220N router http config/ v/$1/ d/router/ cpe:/h:zte:h220n/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 51\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nError 400: Bad Request\nCan not parse request: \[\r\n\r\]$| p/Pcounter httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\nDate: \w+ \w+ \d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \w+ \d\d\d\d\r\nServer: JOSM RemoteControl\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: \*\r\n| p/JOSM OpenStreetMap editor remote control httpd/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: httpd_gargoyle/([\w._ -]+)\r\n| p/httpd_gargoyle/ v/$1/ i/Gargoyle WAP firmware/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: svea_httpd/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/svea_httpd/ v/$1/
# This is here for NULL probe cheat since several probes unpredictably trigger it -Doug
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: OfficeScan Client\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nFail| p/Trend Micro OfficeScan Antivirus http config/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http-proxy m=^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\n(?:Server|Proxy-agent): iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n=s p/iPlanet web proxy/ v/$1/
match http-proxy m|^
$| p/CC Proxy/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n\r\nInvalid requestThis message was created by Kerio Control Proxy {665}| p/Kerio Control http proxy/
match hp-gsg m|^220 JetDirect GGW server \(version (\d[\d.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/HP JetDirect Generic Scan Gateway/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match hp-gsg m|^220 HP GGW server \(version ([\w._-]+)\) ready\r\n\0| p/HP Generic Scan Gateway/ v/$1/ d/printer/
# http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=bpj01014
match hp-gsg m|^00$| p/IEEE 1284.4 scan peripheral gateway/ d/printer/
match hp-gsg m|^01$| p/IEEE 1284.4 scan peripheral gateway/ i/in use/ d/printer/
match hp-gsg m|^02$| p/IEEE 1284.4 scan peripheral gateway/ i/connection error/ d/printer/
match hylafax m|^220 ([-.\w]+) server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version (\d[-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n$| p/HylaFAX/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
# Hylafax 4.1.6 on Linux 2.4
match hylafax m|^130 Warning, client address \"[\d.]+\" is not listed for host name \"([-.\w]+)\"\.\r\n| p/HylaFAX/ i/IP unauthorized/ h/$1/
match hylafax m|^130 Warning, no inverse address mapping for client host name \"[-\w_.]+\"\.\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version ([\d.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/HylaFAX/ v/$2/ i/Reverse DNS unauthorized/ h/$1/
# http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.NSF/0/387a6235643483f186256fee005d4c2c
match ibm-hmc m|^\xab\xab\xab\xab\xa0\x81\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x13\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/IBM Hardware Management Console Cluster Ready Hardware Server/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/
match ichat m|^\r\n Welcome To\r\n ichat ROOMS (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n==| p/iChat Rooms/ v/$1/
match ice m|^IceP\x01\0\x01\0\x03\0\x0e\0\0\0| p/Internet Communications Engine/
match ident m|^flock\(\) on closed filehandle .*midentd| p/midentd/ i/broken/
match ident m|^nullidentd -- version (\d[-.\w]+)\nCopyright | p/Nullidentd/ v/$1/ i/broken/
match ident m|^\d+, \d+ : USERID : FreeBSD : \[x\]-\d+\r\n| p/FreeBSD authd/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ilo m|^\"\0\x04\0$| p/HP ProLiant ML350 Interactive Lights Out/
match ilom-remote-console m|^IUSB \0\0\0\x007\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xf1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Sun Interactive Lights Out Manager or SuperMicro IPMI remote console/ d/remote management/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-/.+\w]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) (\d[-.\w]+) IMAP4 service - at | p/Sun Solstice Internet Mail Server imapd/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK GroupWise IMAP4rev1 Server Ready\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise imapd/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*\] GroupWise Server Ready\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise imapd/ o/Unix/
match imap m|^\* OK dbmail imap \(protocol version 4r1\) server (\d[-.\w]+) ready to run\r\n| p/DBMail imapd/ v/$1/ i/imapd version may differ from overal dbmail version number/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.+\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready | p/Novell NetMail imapd/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 Server \(IMail ([-.\w]+)\)| p/IMail imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Merak (\d[-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 |i p/Merak Mail Server imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.+\w]+) IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 imapd| v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[-.\w ]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n| p/Netscape Messaging Server Imapd/ v/$2/ i/built $3/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY .*\] ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 (20[\w.]+) at | p/UW imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) IMAP4 server started\r\n| p/eXtremail IMAP server/ v/$1.$2/
match imap m|^\* OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) IMAP4 server started\r\n| p/eXtremail IMAP server/ v/$1.$2.$3/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) NetMail IMAP4 Agent server ready <.*>\r\n| p/Novell NetMail imapd/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
# Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 imap server on Windows XP
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/Alt-N MDaemon imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+) listo\r\n| p/Alt-N MDaemon imapd/ v/$2/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Dovecot IMAP Server - http://dovecot.procontrol.fi/
match imap m|^\* OK [Dd]ovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match imap m|^\* OK [Dd]ovecot MUA ready\r\n| p/Dovecot MUA imapd/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match imap m|^\* OK \[[^\[]+\] Dovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to [^.]+\. Dovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match imap m|^\* OK Dovecot at ([-\w_.]+) is ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot imapd/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match imap m|^\* OK.*?Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-(\d+) Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n| p/Courier Imapd/ i/released $1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 .*?Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-\d+ Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n| p/Courier IMAP4rev1 imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ([-.\w]+) at ([-.\w]+) ready\r\n$| p/CommuniGate Pro imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# W-Imapd-SSL v2001adebian-6
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 X-NETSCAPE LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS AUTH=LOGIN\](\S+) IMAP4rev1 ([-.\w]+) at| p/UW imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Domino IMAP4 Server Release (\d[-.\w ]+) +ready +(.*)\r\n| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ v/$1/ i/date: $2/
match imap m|^\* OK Domino IMAP4 Server Build V([\w_]+ Beta \w+) ready .*\r\n| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* BYE Domino IMAP4 Server Unable to authenticate session\.| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ i/Unable to connect/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 CHILDREN NAMESPACE\] Freemail ready - hit me with your rhythm stick\.\r\n| p/Freemail imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK AVM KEN!4 IMAP Server ready\r\n| p/AVM KEN! imapd/
# MS Exchange
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 server version ([-.\w]+) | p/Microsoft Exchange imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 IMAP4rev1 server version (\d[-.\w]+) \([-.\w]+\) ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2000 imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* BYE Connection refused\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange imapd/ i/refused/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server ([\d]+) IMAP4rev1 server version (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server $1 imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$3/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server \(IMAP4rev1, Version (\d[-.\w]+) \([-.\w]+\)\) steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2000 imapd/ v/$1/ i/German/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ i/German/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 kiszolg\xe1l\xf3 verzi\xf3 (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\) k\xe9sz\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ i/Hungarian/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Server Microsoft Exchange IMAP4rev1 verze ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ i/Czech/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK La version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) du serveur IMAP4rev1 Microsoft Exchange est pr\xeate\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server imapd/ v/$1/ i/French/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/Microsoft Exchange 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ i/Korean/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 \xbc\xad\xb9\xf6 \xb9\xf6\xc0\xfc ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/Microsoft Exchange 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ i/Korean/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Servidor IMAP4rev1de Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versi\xf3n ([\w._-]+) \(([\w._-]+)\) listo\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 imapd/ v/$1/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 IMAP4 service ready\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2007 imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready\.\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2007-2008 imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Server DeskNow \(DeskNow ([\w._-]+)\) ready\r\n| p/DeskNow imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY (?:IMAP4 )?IMAP4REV1 .*IMAP4rev1 (200\d\.[-.\w]+) at| p/UW imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? v([-.\w\+]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? v([-.\w\+]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-.\w\+]+)-Red Hat [-.\w\+]+ server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ i/RedHat/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:redhat:linux/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-\w_.]+)-Debian| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ i|Debian/Ubuntu| o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([\w_.]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match imap m|^\* OK \[[^\]]+\] ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus IMAP4 v([-\w_.]+)-OS X Server ([\d.]+):| p/Cyrus imapd/ v/$2/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match imap m|^\* OK (?:\[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*?\] )?([-.\w]+) Cyrus IMAP4? Murder v([-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP v(\d[-.\w]+)| p/Binc imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/AppleMailServer imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m=^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Server Classic Hamster (?:Vr.|Version) [\d.]+ \(Build ([\d.]+)\) greets you!\r\n= p/Classic Hamster imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Oracle Email Server esimap\t([\d.]+) \t is ready\r\n| p/Oracle imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Kerio imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) patch (\d+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Kerio imapd/ v/$1 patch $2/
match imap m|^\* OK Netscape IMAP4rev1 Service ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+) at .*\r\n| p/Netscape imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 server ready \(Worldmail ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Worldmail imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK HT Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/IceWarp imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Softalk IMAP Server ready\r\n| p/Softalk imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to Binc IMAP| p/Binc imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Mirapoint IMAP4 ([-\w.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Mirapoint imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK FirstClass IMAP4rev1 server v([\d.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) ready\r\n| p/FirstClass imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 DvISE Mail Access Server MA-([\w.]+) \(\w+\)\r\n| p/DvISE imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 GNU mailutils ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/GNU mailutils imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP ([-\w_.]+) \(Version ([-\w.]+)\)\r\n| p/SurgeMail imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Samsung Contact IMAP server ([\d.]+) ready on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Samsung contact imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK \[([-\w_.]+)\] IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v([\w.]+) server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 imapd| v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1(?: [\w=+-]+)*\] ([\w._-]+) IMAP4 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+ \(built \w+\s+\d+\s+\d+\))\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1[\w+= -]*\] ([\w._-]+) IMAP4 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) (\d+)bit \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server imapd/ v/$2/ i/$3 bits/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4[^\]]*\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Multiplexor imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 service \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([\w. ]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun iPlanet Messaging Server imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Anonymous Mail Server v([\d.]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/Anonymous Mail Server imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail IMAP4 Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/ModusMail imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 Service at Jana-Server ready\r\n| p/JanaServer imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK \]-:\^:-\[ IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/Merak Mail Server imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4 Service ([\d.()]+) at .*\r\n| p/SCO imapd/ v/$2/ o/SCO UNIX/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK CommuniGate Pro IMAP Server ready\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAPrev1 Service Ready - hMailServer ([\w.-]+)\r\n| p/hMailServer imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmartMax IMAPMax (\d+) Ready\r\n| p/IMAPMax/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\+OK X1 ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/IMail imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 SmarterMail\r\n| p/SmarterMail imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) ready on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK Scalix IMAP server ([\d.]+) on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix imapd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match imap m|^\* OK .* GoMail V([-\w_.]+) IMAP4rev1| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 ready! [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server MagicWinmail Extend IMAP 101\r\n| p/Winmail imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP4rev1 Mailtraq \(([\d.]+)\) ready\r\n| p/Mailtraq imapd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) CallPilot IMAP4rev1 v([\d.]+) server ready\.?\r\n| p/Nortel CallPilot imapd/ v/$2/ d/telecom-misc/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Zimbra IMAP4rev1 service ready\r\n| p/Zimbra imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) Zimbra IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Zimbra imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) DKIMAP4 IMAP Server\r\n| p/DBOX DKIMAP4 imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP Module of ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Pro imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ArGoSoft Mail Server IMAP Module v\.([\w._-]+) at | p/ArGoSoft imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X imapd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X imapd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match imap m|^\* OK MERCUR IMAP4-Server \(v([\w.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready| p/Atrium Software's Mercur imapd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK WebSTAR Mail ready\r\n| p/WebSTAR imapd/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match imap m|^\* OK Dovecot DA ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot DirectAdmin imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK AXIGEN ([\w._-]+) \(Linux/i686\) IMAP4rev1 service is ready\r\n| p/Axigen imapd/ v/$1/ i|Linux/i686| o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match imap m|^\* BYE Hi This is the IMAP SSL Redirect\r\n| p/Lotus Domino secure imapd/ i/SSL redirect/
match imap m|^\* OK Hi This is the IMAP SSL Server .*\r\n| p/Lotus Domino secure imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK TeamXchange IMAP4rev1 server \(([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/TeamXchange imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1[^\]]*?\] ([-.\w]+) IMAP4rev1 Citadel ([-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/Citadel imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* BYE Domino IMAP4 Server Configured for SSL Connections only\. Please reconnect using SSL Port (\d+), .*\r\n| p/Lotus Domino imapd/ i/SSL-only; imaps on port $1/
match imap m|^\* OK Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) IMAP4rev1 server ready\r\n| p/Kerio Connect imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([\w._-]+) IMAP4rev1 Server PMDF V([\w._-]+) at | p/PMDF imapd/ v/$2/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match ssl/imap m|^\* BYE Fatal error: tls_init\(\) failed\r\n| p/Cyrus imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK VisNetic\.MailServer\.v([\w._-]+) IMAP4rev1 .*\r\n| p/VisNetic MailServer imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+)\s+IdeaImapServer ([^\s]+) ready\r\n| p/IdeaImapServer imapd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 David\.fx Mail Access Server MA-([\w._]+ \(\w+\))\r\n| p/Tobit David.fx imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 AUTH=LOGIN\] IMAP4rev1 DavMail ([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n| p/DavMail imapd/ v/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK Welcome to Arvixe IMAP server\.\r\n| p/Arvixe imapd/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL\+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS CHILDREN LANGUAGE XSENDER X-NETSCAPE XSERVERINFO AUTH=PLAIN STARTTLS\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Oracle Communications Messaging Exchange Server ([\w._-]+) \(built (\w+ \d+ \d+)\)\)\r\n| p/Oracle Communications Message Exchange imapd/ v/$1 (built $2)/
match imap m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL QUOTA LITERAL\+ NAMESPACE UIDPLUS CHILDREN LANGUAGE XSENDER X-NETSCAPE XSERVERINFO AUTH=PLAIN\] Messaging Multiplexor \(Oracle Communications Messaging Exchange Server ([\w._-]+) \(built (\w+ \d+ \d+)\)\)\r\n| p/Oracle Communications Message Exchange imapd/ v/$1 (built $2)/
# Fairly General
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4rev1 server ready at \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \r\n| p/MailEnable Professional imapd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 Ready ([-\w_.]+) \w+\r\n| p/Perdition imapd/ h/$1/
match imap m|^\* OK ([-\w_.]+) IMAP server ready\r\n| p/hMailServer imapd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK IMAP4 proxy ready\r\n| p/imap proxy/
match imap-proxy m|^\* BYE PGP Universal no imap4 service here\r\n| p/PGP Universal imap proxy/ i/disabled/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK PGP Universal IMAP4rev1 service ready \(proxied server greeted us with: ([^)]+)\)\r\n| p/PGP Universal imap proxy/ i/Banner: $1/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK imapfront ready\.\r\n| p/Mailfront imapfront imap proxy/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK imapfront ready\. \+ stunnel\r\n| p/Mailfront imapfront imap proxy/ i/with stunnel/
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK avast! IMAP Proxy\r\n| p/Avast! anti-virus imap proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1\] SpamPal for Windows\r\n| p/SpamPal imap proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match imap-proxy m|^\* OK Zarafa IMAP gateway ready\r\n| p/Zarafa imap proxy/ o/Unix/
match imap-proxy m|\* OK \[CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE ACL ACL2=UNION\] Courier-IMAP ready\. Copyright 1998-2008 Double Precision, Inc\. See COPYING for distribution information\.\r\n| p/imapproxy/
softmatch imap m|^\* OK ([-.\w]+) [-.\w,:+ ]+imap[-.\w,:+ ]+\r\n$|i h/$1/
softmatch imap m|^\* OK [-.\w,:+ ]+imap[-.\w,:+ ]+\r\n$|i
# Cyrus IMSPD
match imsp m|^\* OK Cyrus IMSP version (\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n$| p/Cyrus IMSPd/ v/$1/
match inetd m|^Can't exec \"/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd\": No such file or directory| p/Pure-FTPd under inetd/ i/Broken/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:pureftpd:pure-ftpd/
match inetd m|^Can't exec \"([\w._/-]+)\": (.*) at ([\w._/-]+) line \d+\.\n| p/inetd/ i/failed to exec $1: $2 at $3/
match infopark m|^\d+{infopark tcl-Interface-Server} {CM ([\w._-]+)| p/Infopark Fiona TCL interface/ v/$1/
match insight-manager m|^\0\0\0\x01$| p/Consul InSight Manager/
match instrument-manager m|^\r\n\x18\t$| p/Data Innovations Instrument Manager/
match intermapper m|^Access not allowed for [\d.]+\. Check the InterMapper server's access restrictions\.$| p/InterMapper network monitor/
match intermapper m|^Protocol Error: XML data is not well-formed\.$| p/InterMapper network monitor/
match intertel-ctl m|^\x1f\x19\x0e\x01\0\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x03\x02\x01\x04\x11\x05| p/InterTel IPRC VoIP management card control channel/ d/PBX/
match intranetchat m|^\d+\0FORWARD\0\x0b\xc2c\x0c\xc1a\x9f@| p/Intranet Chat Server/
match ipmi-advertiserd m|^\x0e\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/SuperMicro IPMI advertiserd/ d/remote management/
match ipsi m|^\0\x0f\0/([\w._-]+)\0| p/Avaya $1 IPSI version/ d/PBX/
# Port 9200: http://support.lexmark.com/index?page=content&id=FA642
match ir-alerts m|^.\0\0\0\0Lexmark (\w+)\0| p/Lexmark $1 print server identification/ d/printer/
# ircd-hybrid 7 on Linux
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:No|Got) Ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:No|Got) Ident response\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
match irc m=^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* (?:Couldn't look up|Found) your hostname\r\n$= p/Hybrid-based ircd/
# ircu
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, cached\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No ident response\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
match irc m|^ERROR..Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n| p/ircu ircd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
# Hybrid6/PTlink6.15.0 ircd on Linux
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Hybrid ircd/
# ircd 2.8/hybrid-6.3.1 on Linux
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No Ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Hybrid ircd/
# ircd-hybrid-7.0 - apparently upset because Nmap reconnected too fast
match irc m|^ERROR :Trying to reconnect too fast\.\r\n| p/Hybrid ircd/
# Hybrid-IRCD 7.0 on Linux 2.4
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got Ident response\r\n| p/Hybrid ircd/
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Throttled: Reconnecting too fast\) -Email ([-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+) for more information\.| p/Unreal ircd/ i/Admin email $1/
# Sometimes multiple emails are specified, bad emails, etc
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Throttled: Reconnecting too fast\) -Email (.*) for more information\.| p/Unreal ircd/ i/Admin email $1/
match irc m|^ERROR :Closing Link: \[[\d.]+\] \(Too many unknown connections from your IP\)\r\n| p/Unreal ircd/
match irc m|^ERROR :Reconnecting too fast, throttled\.\r\n$| p/ratbox, charybdis, or ircd-seven ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Processing connection to ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/ratbox ircd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([\w._-]+) 020 \* :Please wait while we process your connection\.\r\n| p/IRCnet ircd/ h/$1/
# No, Thomas Graf, this isn't leet :)
match irc m|^PING :42\r\n$| p/iacd ircd/
# Many different ircds...
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n|
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE \* :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| h/$1/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\n| h/$1/
# dircproxy 1.0.3 on Linux 2.4.x
match irc-proxy m|^:dircproxy NOTICE AUTH :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n:dircproxy NOTICE AUTH :Got your hostname\.\r\n| p/dircproxy/
# dirkproxy (modificated dircproxy)
match irc-proxy m|^:dirkproxy NOTICE AUTH :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n:dirkproxy NOTICE AUTH :Got your hostname\.\r\n| p/dirkproxy/
# Unreal IRCD Server version 3.2 beta 17
match irc m|^:([-.\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/Unreal ircd/ h/$1/
# dancer-ircd 1.0.31+maint8-1
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n$| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Couldn't look up your hostname\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, welcome back\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname, welcome back\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* No identd \(auth\) response\r\n| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\*| p/Dancer ircd/
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Got ident response\r\n| p/ircu Undernet IRCd/ cpe:/a:undernet:ircu/
# Bitlbee ircd 0.80
match irc m|(^:[-.:\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n| p/BitlBee IRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^Warning: Unable to read configuration file `.*/bitlbee\.conf'\.\n:([-:\w_.]+)\. NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n| p/BitlBee IRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE Auth :Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/InspIRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE Auth :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\r\n| p/InspIRCd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) NOTICE \w+ :\*\*\* .*\r\nERROR :Closing link: \([\w._-]+@[\w._-]+\) \[Z-Lined: Your IP range has been attempting to connect too many times in too short a duration\. Wait a while, and you will be able to connect\.\]\r\n$| p/InspIRCd/ h/$1/
match inspircd-spanning-tree m|^CAPAB START\r\nCAPAB MODULES [\w_-]+\.so,| p/InspIRCd spanning tree/
match inspircd-spanning-tree m|^CAPAB START 1202\r\n$| p/InspIRCd spanning tree/
# PTlink6.15.2 on Linux 2.4
match irc m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Hostname lookup disabled, using your numeric IP\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\r\n| p/PTlink ircd/
match irc m|(^:[-.+\w]+) NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Looking up your hostname\.\.\.\n:[-.+\w]+ NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Checking Ident\n:[-.+\w]+ NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* Found your hostname\n| p/Bahamut Dalnet ircd/ i/derived from DreamForge and Hybrid/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([\w._-]+) NOTICE ZUSR :You have been throttled for 2 minutes for too many connections in a short period of time\. Further connections in this period will reset your throttle and you will have to wait longer\.\r\n| p/Bahamut ircd/ h/$1/
match irc m|^ERROR Your host is trying to \(re\)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n| p/IRC2000 Pro ircd/
match irc m|^IRCXPRO ([\w._-]+)\r\nAUTHREQUEST :Authentication Required\r\n| p/IRCXPRO admin ircd/ v/$1/
match irc m|^:([\w._-]+) 451 \* HELP :No te has registrado\r\n| p/ConferenceRoom ircd/ i/Spanish/ h/$1/
match irc m|^:([\w._-]+) NOTICE AUTH :Minbif-IRCd initialized, please go on\r\n| p/Minbif ircd/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :psyBNC([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!pb@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :pb([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@lam3rz\.de NOTICE \* :| p/psyBNC/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@[-\w_.]+ NOTICE \* :psyBNC on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!psyBNC@([-\w_.]+) NOTICE \* :psyBNC([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:.*!BNC@([\w._-]+) NOTICE \* :psyBNC([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/psyBNC/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:sbnc!sbnc@sbnc\.soohrt\.org NOTICE \* :Wellcum\r\n| p/sbnc/
match irc-proxy m|^NOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* .*\r\nNOTICE AUTH :\*\*\* \[BNC ([\d.]+) | p/BNC irc-proxy/ v/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^:[-\w_.!@]+ NOTICE \S+ :\*\*\* shroudBNC *([\d.]+) .Revision: (\d+)| p/ShroudBNC irc-proxy/ v/$1 revision $2/
match irods m|^\0\0\0\x8b\nRODS_VERSION\n184\n0\n0\n0\n\n\n-115000\nrods([\w._-]+)\nd\n0\n\n0\n\n| p/IRODS data management/ v/$1/
match iscsi m|^\x1b\[2JStarWind iSCSI Target v([\w._-]+) \(Build (0x\w+), Win32, Alcohol Edition\)\r\n| p/StarWind iSCSI/ v/$1 build $2/ i/Alcohol Edition/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match iscsi m|^\x1b\[2JStarWind Alcohol Edition iSCSI Target v([\w._-]+) \(Build (\d+), Win32, Alcohol Edition\)\r\n| p/StarWind iSCSI/ v/$1 build $2/ i/Alcohol Edition/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match iscsi m|^\x1b\[2JStarWind Alcohol Edition iSCSI Target v([\w._-]+) \(Build (\d+), Win32\)\r\n| p/StarWind iSCSI/ v/$1 build $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match iscsi m|^\x1b\[2JStarWind iSCSI SAN Software v([\w._-]+) \(Build (\d+), Win32\)\r\nCopyright \(c\) StarWind Software \d+-\d+\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\r\n\r\n$| p/StarWind iSCSI/ v/$1 build $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match issc m|^\rYou do not have permission to connect to the builder port\.\r\nTalk to an admin at port \d+ for entry\.\r\n| p/ISS System Scanner Console/
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor for Windows 6.5 on Windows NT 4.0 Server SP6a
# ISS RealSecure ServerSensor 7.0 on Windows 2000 Server
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor 6.0 on Windows NT 4.0 Server SP6a
# ISS RealSecure Server Sensor 7.0 issdaemon on Microsoft Windows NT Workstation with SP6a
match iss-realsecure m|^\0\0\0.\x08\x01\x03\x01\0.\x02\0\0..\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0\x80\x04..\0.\0\xa0|s p/ISS RealSecure IDS/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match iss-realsecure m|^\0\0\0.\x08\x01\x04\x01\0..\0\0..\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0\x80\x04..\0.\0\xa0\0\0|s p/ISS RealSecure IDS ServerSensor/ v/6.0 - 7.0/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# I've only seen 1 example of the following. Probably not general enough
match iss-realsecure m|^\0\0\x01/\x08\x01\x03\x01\x01'\x04\0\0\0\x18\0\0\xa4\0\0\0f\x02\0\0\x80\x04\x06\0\0\x80\0\xa05Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider|s p/ISS Realsecure Workgroup Manager/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ixia-unknown m|^Enter port cpu supported card port number and hit Enter\. For example \"3 4\"\r\n| p/Ixia 400T traffic QA/
match ixia-unknown m|^.*\0\x18Ixia Hardware I/O Server\x13Ixia Communications\x18Ixia Hardware I/O Server\x0b([\d.]+)|s p/Ixia 400T traffic QA/ v/$1/
match ixia-unknown m|^\r\nWelcome to the Ixia Socket/Serial TCL Server\r\nPress Ctrl-C to reset Tcl Session\r\nIxia>| p/Ixia TCL server/
match java-message-service m|^101 imqbroker ([^\n]+)\n| p/Java Message Service/ v/$1/
match java-rmi m=^\x80c\0\0\x00622996\|com\.code42\.messaging\.security\.DHPublicKeyMessageY\xd4\0\0\0.0\x81.0\x81.\x06\t\*\x86H\x86\xf7\r\x01\x03\x010\x81.\x02A\0=s p/Java RMI/ i/CrashPlan online backup/
# I'm not sure if this is RMI per se or just the Java serialization format. --Ed.
match java-rmi m|^\xac\xed\0\x05sr\0\x19java\.rmi\.MarshalledObject\x7c\xbd\x1e\x97\xedc\xfc>\x02\0\x03I\0\x04hash\[\0\x08locBytest\0\x02\[B\[\0\x08objBytesq\0~\0\x01xp\x15\xc8\"\x95ur\0\x02\[B\xac\xf3\x17\xf8\x06\x08T\xe0\x02\0\0xp\0\0\0'\xac\xed\0\x05t..http://([\w._-]+):\d+/|s p/Java RMI/ i/JBoss JNP service 6/ h/$1/
match java-rmi m|^\xac\xed\0\x05sr\0\x19java\.rmi\.MarshalledObject\x7c\xbd\x1e\x97\xedc\xfc>\x02\0\x03I\0\x04hash\[\0\x08locBytest\0\x02\[B\[\0\x08objBytesq\0~\0\x01xp\x04\xaaZ\x7fur\0\x02\[B\xac\xf3\x17\xf8\x06\x08T\xe0\x02\0\0xp\0\0\0\$\xac\xed\0\x05t..http://([\w._-]+):\d+/|s p/Java RMI/ i/HP Network Node Manager 9/ h/$1/
# ACED is a magic number and 5 is a version number.
# http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/platform/serialization/spec/protocol.html
softmatch java-rmi m|^\xac\xed\x00\x05| p/Java RMI/
# http://shrubbery.mynetgear.net/c/display/W/JBoss+Ports
match jboss-remoting m|^\0\0\0\x3e\0\0\x01\0\x03\x04\0\0\0\x03\x03\x04\0\0\0\x02\x01\x06GSSAPI\x01\nDIGEST-MD5\x01\x08CRAM-MD5\x02\x0e([\w._-]+)$| p/JBoss Remoting/ v/6/ h/$1/
# http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
match jdwp m|^JDWP-Handshake$| p/Java Debug Wire Protocol/
# Samsung ML-2850 port 2000
match jetdirect m|^ $| p/JetDirect/ d/printer/
match jmond m|^cpu: *[\d.]+ mem: *[\d.]+ swp: *[\d.]+\0| p/jmond unix resource monitor/ o/Unix/
match jtag m|^\0%\rJTAG Server\r\n\0\0\0\x08\0\0\0\xf0| p/Altera Quartus JTAG service/
match junoscript m|^<\?xml version=\"1\.0\"[^<]+\xa8\[\x0b\xaf\xcc\xd8\xf01\$\xbb\xcf \x8b4\x05s\xb4\xebg\x9a\x96<\xf5{\x9c-\xa7p\n\x9d3\x84\x87\xa6\xb7\x08Il\x8fo\xb0\xcc\xcd\xdf;\xa3\xf7\x1de\xec\xe1\xe4V~\xb1_\x18v\xaa5\x18\xba\x8c\xf3\xcf\xf5\x8f\xcd\xee\x19\xd3\x02\xcb\x04 \x83\xc3;\x8f\x98\x8eZQ\x83\xa5\x1a\x0c\xbe\x91\x16\xca\xed\xa1\xc1\xfa\x8f\xde6\x1f\xc4p\xe7\\\xd7\xec\xefl{\x88\x82=J\xa8\xf0\x08S<_-\x90Q\x15\xcd4Z\xbc\x9b#pS\nDi\xd9\xe8\xcaz\x1e\x10\xe7\x9b\x05\xd6\^&\xd3\x13H_\xed\xe2\.\xb6\xf93\x7fCS1\x0c\xe7\xe5\x10,{O\xd3\?M,c\xec@\x94\x9cz\xc9\xa1\xe0\xf6\x0c\x95\xb2\]>\xa4\x84\n\(\x07\xf1\*\[\xd2A\xaa\x8e!A\xde\0\[:\xeb\xc3\x82\xe5v\x1b\xd9\xd4\xbe\x01\x87P\xf8\xf1\n\)\x96\x92\x1c{\x99\x14\xb4-\xd8#\xc1\xf6\xfaI\xc7\x9d\x082\xee3y$| p/LANDesk remote management/
match landesk-rc m|^\xfcd\xcb6\xed\xab\x95R\+\xb0\xa8X\xde\xad\x82\x9f\t\xa7\x91\xdarW\xdc\x0b\xd3\*\xc2\xe2\xe1\xdb\x87\x1d\xablp\xe1\xc343\xc9\x7c\xcc\x1ce\xf9\x0e\xb5\xae\)%\xe1\xe7{\x15>p\x1d\x06\xc7
$| p/Legalis Intranet legal information server/
# LSMS VPN Firewall GUI admin port
# LSMS Redundancy port
match lucent-fwadm m|^0001;2$| p/Lucent Secure Management Server/
match mailq m|^version zmailer ([\d.]+)\n220 MAILQ-V2-CHALLENGE: | p/ZMailer/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match maya m|^\([\w._-]+:\d+\) : updateShowMenu MayaWindow| p/Autodesk Maya command port/
match mediad m|^\x80\0\0\$\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/IRIX mediad/ o/IRIX/
match meetingmaker m|^\xc1,$| p/Meeting Maker calendaring/
match melange m|^\+\+\+Online\r\n>> Melange Chat Server \(Version (\d[-.\w]+)\), Apr-25-1999\r\n\nWelcome | p/Melange Chat Server/ v/$1/
match metasploit m|^\n.*=\[ msf v([^\r\n]+)\r?\n.*\d+ exploits.*\d+ payloads.*\d+ encoders.*\d+ nops.*msf > $|s p/Metasploit Framework msfd/ v/$1/
match midas m|^MIDASd v([\w.]+) connection accepted\n\xff| p/midasd/ v/$1/
match minecraft m|^\xff\0\x17Took too long to log in$| p/Minecraft game server/
match misys-loaniq m|^Loan IQ %1 Request Server - Ready for Request\0| p/Misys Loan IQ/
match moo m|^Type 'connect ' to log in\.\r\n| p/LambdaMOO/
# http://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/monetdbd
match monetdb m|^C\0void:merovingian:8:md5,plain:BIG:$| p/MonetDB/ i/big-endian/ cpe:/a:monetdb:monetdb/
match monetdb m|^C\0void:merovingian:8:md5,plain:LIT:$| p/MonetDB/ i/little-endian/ cpe:/a:monetdb:monetdb/
match monetdb-ctl m|^merovingian:2:\w+:\n| p/MonetDB control/ cpe:/a:monetdb:monetdb/
match mpd m|^OK MPD ([\d.]+)\n$| p/Music Player Daemon/ v/$1/
match mpich2 m|^([\d.]+) \d+\0{240,250}$| p/MPICH2/ v/$1/
# lopster on Linux 1.1
match mserv m|^200 Mserv (\d[-.\w]+) \(c\) James Ponder [-\d]+ - Type: USER \r\n\.\r\n| p/Mserv music server/ v/$1/
match mudnames m|^MudNames ([\d.]+) - \(C\) 1997-2001 Ragnar Hojland Espinosa \n\r| p/MudNames/ v/$1/
match munin m|^# munin node at ([-\w_.]+)\n$| p/Munin/ h/$1/
match multiplicity m|^MULTIPLICITYP$| p/Stardock Multiplicity KVM daemon/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match mu-connect m|^\x7f\xba\xbe\xbf$| p/Webzen MU Online role-playing game connect/
match mu-connect m|^\xc1\x04\x00\x01$| p/Webzen MU Online role-playing game connect/
match mu-game m|^\x7f\xb2O\xbe\xbf\xad.\x8f\x8e\x8e\x8f\x88$|s p/Webzen MU Online role-playing game server/
# The "^(?:\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?" construct on these matches is much faster
# than just using the matches without an anchor. -- Brandon
match mupdate m|^(?:\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?\* OK MUPDATE \"([-.\w]+)\" \"Cyrus Murder\" \"v([-.\w]+)\" \"\(master\)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder Master/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match mupdate m|^(?:\* [^\r\n]+\r\n)*?\* OK MUPDATE \"([-.\w]+)\" \"Cyrus Murder\" \"v([-.\w]+)\" \"mupdate://([-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus Murder Slave/ v/$2/ i/Master: $3/ h/$1/
match mwti-rpc m=^Welcome MWTI RPC Communication Server Version ([\w._-]+) \[(?:Administrator|SYSTEM)\]\r\n= p/MWTI RPC Communication Server/ v/$1/
softmatch napster m|^1$|
# Ncat --chat mode, since 4.85BETA4
match ncat-chat m|^ [\d.:a-f]+ is connected as <\w+>\.\n already connected: (.*?)\.\n| p/Ncat chat/ i/users: $1/
match netop m|^\xd6\x81\x81\0\0\xf9\0\xf9\xee\xe3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/NetOp Remote Control/
match netrek m|^<>=======================================================================<>\n Pl: Rank Name Login Host name Type\n| p/Netrek game server player information interface/
# Nping echo mode -- added in Nmap 5.36TEST1
match nping-echo m|^\x01\x01\0\x18.{8}\0\0\0\0.{32}\0{16}.{32}$|s p/Nping echo/
match nrpep m|^nrpep - ([\d.]+)\n$| p|NetSaint Remote Plugin Executor/Perl| v/$1/
# The four wildcard bytes are a timestamp.
match ndmp m|^\x80\0\0L\0\0\0\0....\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0%Connected to BlueArc NDMP session \d+\n\0\0\0|s p/BlueArc ndmp/
# Wireshark dissection: NOTIFY_CONNECTED
# Multiple versions: 6.0, 11, 12, 13, 2010.
match ndmp m|^\x80\0\0\$\0\0\0\x01....\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\0$|s p|Symantec/Veritas Backup Exec ndmp|
match nngs m|^>>messages/login\r\n----- Welcome to the No Name Go Server \(NNGS\) -----\r\n\r\n| p/No Name Go Server/
match omniback m|^HP Data Protector ([\w.]+): INET, internal build 611, built on .*\n$| p/HP Data Protector/ v/$1/
match outpost-ctl m|^\[\xb0`\x81\x91\xd3\x9eI\xa2\*\x0f\x99\xff\x8a_\x12................\x01\0$|s p/Agnitum Outpost Firewall control/ d/firewall/
# May be more general: "WebGoat (OWASP): in the WebGoat WEB-INF\web.xml: Axis SOAPMonitorService.
match ovm-manager m|^\xac\xed\0\x05$| p/Oracle OVM Manager/
match para-ups m|^DeltaUPS:NET01,00,0008 1\t\d+\t\tDeltaUPS:SOD00,00,0000 DeltaUPS:STS00,00,0231 0\tMinuteman\tE 3200\t([\w._-]+)\t([\w._-]+)\t\d+\t\d+\t| p/Para Systems Sentry Plus UPS server daemon/ v/$1/ d/power-misc/ h/$2/
match pcmiler m|^ALK PCMILER SERVER READY\n| p/PC*MILER truck routing and mileage/
match pso-login m|^\x64\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3f\x01\x03\x04\x19\x55Tethealla Login\x00................................................................\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00|s p/Phantasy Star Online game login/
match pso-gate m|^\xc8\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Game Server\. Copyright 1999-2004 SONICTEAM\.\x00Tethealla Gate v([\w._-]+)................................................................................................$|s p/Phantasy Star Online game server/ v/$1/
match precomd m|^nduid: \x00([0-9a-f]{40})$| p/WebOS precomd/ i/nduid $1/ d/phone/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match donkey m|^.*\0\0\0\x06\0Donkey\x01\x0c\0\./donkey\.ini\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|s p/MLdonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f[\r\n* ]+Welcome to MLdonkey \r\n| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\n\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\n Welcome to MLdonkey chrooted| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P GUI port/ i/chrooted/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f ?Welcome to MLdonkey ?\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLDonkey ([\d.]+)\n\x1b\[3.mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ v/$1/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLdonkey, visit http://mldonkey\.dyndns\.info for new Versions\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n> | p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/
match donkey m|^\xff\xfd\x1f([^']+)'s mlDonkey\n\x1b\[34mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b\[2;37;0m\n\nUse \x1b\[31m\?\x1b\[2;37;0m for help\n\n\x1b\[7mMLdonkey command-line:\x1b\[2;37;0m\n>| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ i/name $1/
match donkey m|^ADDDOWNLOAD\(\d+\)\nhash\(\d+\)\nstate\([\w ]+\)\ntransmit\(\d+\)\nsize\(\d+\)\nfile\(\w+\)\nshared\(\d+\)\nthroughput\(\d+\)\nelapsed\(\d+\)\n;| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server information port/
match donkey m|^[\x00-\x10]\0\0\0\0\0[^\0]\0\0\0| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server/
match donkey m|^Telnet connection from [\d.]+ rejected \(see allowed_ips setting\)\n| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P server control port/ i/IP disallowed/
match donkey m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: eserver ([\d.]+)\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n404 File not found - eserver is not a HTTP server| p/Lugdunum eserver/ v/$1/
match lanforge m|^\0<@\0\0\x0c\0\0\n\nWelcome to LANforge\. Enter 'help' for more information\.\n\0\x01W@\0\0\x0c\0\0Licenses: Shelves: \d+ Cards: \d+ Ports: \d+ Active Ports: \d+\n WanLinks: \d+ Wl-2m: \d+ Wl-45m: \d+ Wl-155m: \d+ Wl-1g: \d+\n WanPaths: \d+ Armageddon: \d+ VOIP: \d+\n\nThese licenses will never expire\.\nCurrent use: Ports: \d+ WL-2m: \d+ WL-45m: \d+ WL-155m: \d+ WL-1G: \d+\n Armageddon: \d+ VOIP: \d+\nLANforge Support and Software Upgrades expire in: ([^.]*)\.\n\0| p/LANforge management/ i/support expires in $1/
match login m|^A connection was attempted on an illegal port\.\r\n| p/Ataman ATRLS rlogind/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# L2J loginserver. http://l2jserver.com/. Packets are obfuscated and encrypted
# but preceded by a 16-bit length.
match loginserver m|^\x0b\0\0......\0\0$|s p/L2J loginserver/
match loginserver m|^\x9b\0\0\xfd\x8a\"\0Zx\0.{129}\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$|s p/L2J loginserver/
match loginserver m|^\xba\0.{184}$|s p/L2J loginserver/
match maplestory m|^\x0e\0\x53\0\x01\x001Frz.R0x.\x08$|s p/Maplestory game server/
match meterpreter m|^\0.\x0b\0MZ\xe8\0\0\0\0\x5b\x52\x45\x55\x89\xe5\x81\xc3..\0\0\xff\xd3\x89\xc3Wh\x04\0\0\0P\xff\xd0h\xf0\xb5\xa2Vh\x05\0\0\0P\xff\xd3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x0e\x1f\xba\x0e\0\xb4\t\xcd!\xb8\x01L\xcd!This program cannot be run in DOS mode\.\r\r\n\$\0\0\0\0\0\0\0|s p/Metasploit meterpreter/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match meterpreter m|^\x16\x03\0\0\x59\x01\0\0\x55\x03\0................................\0\0\x28\0\x39\0\x38\0\x35\0\x16\0\x13\0\x0a\0\x33\0\x32\0\x2f\0\x07\0\x05\0\x04\0\x15\0\x12\0\x09\0\x14\0\x11\0\x08\0\x06\0\x03\x01\0\0\x04\0\x23\0\0$|s p/Metasploit meterpreter metsvc/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match millennium-ils m|^\"Thread-15\" prio=5 \(RUNNABLE\)\r\n------------------------------\r\njava\.lang\.ProcessImpl\.waitFor\(Native Method\)\r\ncom\.iii\.miltoolbarpanel\$ToolbarProcess\$1\.run\(miltoolbarpanel\.java:1168\)\r\n\r\n| p/III Millennium Integrated Library System/
match monalisa m|^\xac\xed\0\x05sr\0\x1elia\.Monitor\.monitor\.monMessage\x8e\xf8\xad\xb0\x14\xe6`!\x02\0\x03L\0\x05identt\0\x12Ljava/lang/Object;L\0\x06resultq\0~\0\x01L\0\x03tagt\0\x12Ljava/lang/String| p/MonALISA monitoring service/
# Monopoly game server
match monopd m|^.*\n| p/monopd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match mud m|^\n\r\xff\xfbUDo you want ANSI color\? \(Y/n\) $| p/ROM-based MUD/ i|http://rrp.rom.org/|
match myproxy m|^VERSION=MYPROXYv([\w._-]+)\nRESPONSE=1\nERROR=authentication failed\n\0$| p/MyProxy credential management/ v/$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.*Host .* is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server$|s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.\x04Too many connections|s p/MySQL/ i/Too many connections/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.\x04Host '[-.\w]+' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'|s p/MySQL/ i/Host blocked because of too many connections/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xff.\x04Le h\xf4te '[-.\w]+' n'est pas authoris\xe9 \xe0 se connecter \xe0 ce serveur MySQL$| p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized; French/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::fr/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffj\x04Host hat keine Berechtigung, eine Verbindung zu diesem MySQL Server herzustellen\.|s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized; German/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::de/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0.*Host '[-\w_.]+' hat keine Berechtigung, sich mit diesem MySQL-Server zu verbinden|s p/MySQL/ i/Unauthorized; German/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::de/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0...Al sistema '[-.\w]+' non e` consentita la connessione a questo server MySQL$|s p/MySQL/ i/unauthorized; Italian/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::it/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffi?\x04?Host .* is blocked because of many connection errors\.|s p/MySQL/ i/blocked - too many connection errors/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0...Servidor '[-.\w]+' est\xe1 bloqueado por muchos errores de conexi\xf3n\. Desbloquear con 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'|s p/MySQL/ i/Spanish; blocked - too many connection errors/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::es/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0...'Host' '[-.\w]+' n\xe3o tem permiss\xe3o para se conectar com este servidor MySQL| p/MySQL/ i/Spanish; unauthorized/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql::::es/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\x0a([\w._-]+)\0............\0\x5f\xd3\x2d\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0............\0$|s p/Drizzle/ v/$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\x0a([\w._-]+)\0............\0\x5f\xd1\x2d\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0............\0$|s p/Drizzle/ v/$1/
match minisql m|^.\0\0\x000:23:([\d.]+)\n$|s p/Mini SQL/ v/$1/
# MySQL 4.0.13
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0.(3\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0.*\x08\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql:$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(3\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0...\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql:$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(4\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql:$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(5\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql:$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(6\.[-_~.+\w]+)\0...\0|s p/MySQL/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql:$1/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\xffj\x04'[\d.]+' .* MySQL|s p/MySQL/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match mysql m|^.\0\0\0\n(0[\w._-]+)\0| p/MySQL instance manager/ v/$1/
# This is a random 128-byte IV followed by a four-byte timestamp.
# 0x46000000 = Tue Mar 20 09:38:40 2007
# 0x53FFFFFF = Thu Aug 28 22:22:23 2014
match nagios-nsca m|^.{128}[\x46-\x53]...$|s p/Nagios NSCA/
match nbd m|^NBDMAGIC\0\0B| p/Network Block Device/
match ncacn_http m|^ncacn_http/([\d.]+)$| p/Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# NCD Thinstar 300 running NCD Software 2.31 build 6
match ncd-diag m|^WinCE/WBT Diagnostic port\n\rSerial Number: (\w+) MAC Address: 0000(\w+)\s+.*CPU info: ([ -.+\w/ ]+)\r\n.*(Windows CE Kernel[-.+:\w ]+)\r|s p/NCD Thinster Terminal Diagnostic port/ i/Serial# $1; MAC: $2; CPU: $3; $4/
match ncid m|^200 NCID Server: ARC_ncidd ([\w._-]+)\r\nCIDLOG: \*DATE\*| p/ARC_ncidd/ v/$1/ i/Network Caller ID/
match netdevil m|^pass_pleaz$| p/Net-Devil backdoor/ i/**TROJAN**/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match netsaint m|^Sorry, you \(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\) are not among the allowed hosts\.\.\.\n$| p/Netsaint status daemon/
match netsaint m|^ERROR Client is not among hosts allowed to connect\.| p/Nagios Statd Server/
# http://www.monkeyz.eu/projects/netsoul_spec.txt
match netsoul m|^salut \d+ [0-9a-f]{32} [\d.]+ \d+ \d+\n| p/Netsoul instant messaging/
# I love this service:
match netstat m|^Active Internet connections \(.*\)\nProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State \n| o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match netstat m|^Active Internet connections\nProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address \(state\)\n| o/QNX/
match netstat m|^netstat: invalid option -- f\nusage: netstat \[-veenNcCF\]| p/Linux netstat/ i/broken/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match netstat m|^Process Software MultiNet V([\d.]+) Rev A-X, AlphaServer ([\d/ ]+), OpenVMS AXP V([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nProduct License Authorization Expiration Date\r\n| p/OpenVMS netstatd/ i/PSM $1; AlphaServer $2; OpenVMS AXP $3/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match netsupport-dna m|^\x01\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\n\x0c00\d{10}$| p/NetSupport DNA asset management/
match netsync m|^\x06\x02...([\w._@-]+)..|s p/Netsync/ v/6/ i/Monotone VCS; key name $1/
match netsync m|^\x00\x64\x01\x00$| p/Netsync/ i/Monotone VCS/
match netbios-ssn m|^smbd: error while loading shared libraries: libattr\.so\.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n| p/Samba smbd/ i/Broken/
match netbus m|^NetBus ([\d.]+).*\r$| p/NetBus trojan/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^nnrpd: invalid option -- S\nUsage error\.\n| p/INN NNTPd/ i/broken/
match nntp m|^502 You have no permission to talk\. Goodbye.\r\n$| p/INN NNTPd/ i/unauthorized/
match nntp m|^200 ([-.\w]+) NNTP Service Ready - ([-.\w]+@[-.\w]+) \(DIABLO (\d[-.\w ]+)\)\r\n| p/Diablo NNTP service/ v/$3/ i/Admin: $2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP Service ([\w._-]+) Version: [\w._-]+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ o/Windows 2000/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP-service ([\w._-]+) Version: [\w._-]+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ o/Windows 2000/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match nntp m|^200 Service NNTP ([\w._-]+) Version: [\w._-]+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match nntp m|^200 Servicio NNTP ([\w._-]+) Version: [\w._-]+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows::::es/
match nntp m|^200 Servi\xe7o NNTP ([\w._-]+) Version: [\w._-]+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ i/Portugese/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows::::pt/
match nntp m|^200 NNTP Service Microsoft\xae Internet Services (\d[-.\w]+) Version: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match nntp m|^502 Connection refused\r\n| p/Microsoft NNTP Service/ i/refused/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^200 ([-.\w]+) DNEWS Version *(\d[-.\w]+).*posting OK \r\n| p/Netwinsite DNEWS/ v/$2/ i/posting OK/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version (\d[-.\w]+) running at| p/Leafnode NNTPd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Lotus Domino NNTP Server for ([-./\w]+) \(Release (\d[-.\w]+), .*\) - Not OK to post\r\n$| p/Lotus Domino nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting denied/ o/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Lotus Domino NNTP Server for ([-./\w]+) \(Release (\d[-.\w]+), .*\) - OK to post\r\n$| p/Lotus Domino nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ o/$1/
# Windows NT 4.0 SP5-SP6
match nntp m|^20[01] Microsoft Exchange Internet News Service Version (\d\.\d\.[\d.]+) \((.*)\)\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange Internet News Service/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^20. ([-.\w]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (\d[-.\w ]+) ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^20. ([-.\w]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (\d[-.\w ]+) ready \(no posting\)\.\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ v/$2/ i/no posting/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ArGoSoft News Server for WinNT/2000/XP v ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/ArGoSoft nntpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^400 No space left on device writing SMstore file -- throttling\r\n| p/InterNetNews (INN)/ i/HDD full/
match nntp m=^200 NNTP-Server Classic Hamster (?:Vr\.|Version) \d[-.\w ]+ \(Build (\d[-.\w ]+)\) \(post ok\) says: Hi!\r\n= p/Classic Hamster NNTPd/ v/$1/ i/posting ok/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Netware News Server
match nntp m|^200 ([\w.-_]+) NetWare-News-Server/([\d.]+) 'LDNUM' NNRP ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/NetWare nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Leafnode NNTP daemon, version ([\w.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) \r\n| p/Leafnode nntpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match nntp m|^\nLeafnode must have a fully-qualified and globally unique domain name,\nnot just \"([-\w_.]+)\"\.\n| p/Leadnode nntpd/ i/misconfigured/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^20\d ([\w.-_]+) NNTPCache server V([\d.]+) \[see www\.nntpcache\.org\]| p/NNTPCache/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^502 access denied <[-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+>, you do not have connect permissions in the nntpcache\.access file\.\r\n| p/NNTPCache/ i/Access denied/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN ([\d.]+) .* \(Debian\) ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ i/on Debian; posting ok/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (?:NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^201 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (?:NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready \(no posting\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ i/no posting/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews (?:NNRP )?server INN ([\d.]+) .* ready\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
#atch nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews server INN 2\.4\.2 \(20040820 prerelease\) ready\r\n
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) NNRP Service Ready - [-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+ \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) InterNetNews server INN ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/INN nntpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 nntp//rss v([\d.]+) news server ready\r\n| p|nntp//rss nntpd| v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Hi, you can post \(sn version ([\w.]+)\)\r\n| p/sn nntpd/ v/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted\r\n| p/JAMES nntpd/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Jana news server ready - posting allowed\r\n| p/Jana nntpd/ i/posting ok/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^200 NNTP server NOFFLE ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/NOFFLE nntpd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Servizio NNTP [\d.]+ Version: ([\d.]+) Posting Allowed \r\n| p/Servizio nntpd/ v/$1/ i/posting ok/
match nntp m|^502 Could not get your access name\. Goodbye\.\r\n| p/inn2 nntpd/ i/unauthorized/
match nntp m|^201 NNTP server ready \(no posting\)\r\n502 No permission\r\n| p/Symantic Enterprise Firewall nntpd/ i/unauthorized/ d/firewall/
match nntp m|^502 ([-\w_.]+): Transfer permission denied to [\d.]+ - [-\w_.@]+ \(DIABLO ([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n| p/Diablo nntpd/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) - colobus ([\d.]+) ready - \(posting ok\)\.\r\n| p/Colobus nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 Welcome to .* \(Typhoon v([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Typhoon nntpd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 +Kerio MailServer ([\d.]+) +NNTP server ready\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer nntpd/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 NewsCache ([-\w_.]+), accepting NNRP commands\r\n| p/Newscache nntp cache/ v/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ([\w._-]+) Cyrus NNTP v([\w._-]+) server ready, posting allowed\r\n| p/Cyrus nntpd/ v/$2/ i/posting ok/ h/$1/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w_.]+) ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/NNTP\)\r\n| p/Mailtraq nntpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp m|^200 Service available, posting allowed\r\n| p/Freenet Message System nntpd/
match nntp m|^200 ([-\w._]+) InterNetNews NNRP server INN (.*) ready \(posting ok\)\r\n| p/InterNetNews NNRP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match nntp-proxy m|^200 CCProxy NNTP Service\r\n| p/CCProxy NNTP proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nntp-proxy m|^200 avast! NNTP proxy ready\.\r\n$| p/Avast! anti-virus NNTP proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
softmatch nntp m|^200 [-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]*nntp[-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]*\r\n$|
match novastor-backup m|^\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0#\x01\x80\x01.([\w._-]+)\x02\x13(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\0\0|s p/NovaNET-WEB backup/ v/$1/ i/$2/
# Windows 2000 Server Windows Media Unicast Service (NsUnicast) - Nsum.exe
match nsunicast m|^4\0\0\0V4\x12\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x004\0\0\0\x04\0\xf0\0.\x07.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0..\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x02\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Unicast Service/ i/nsum.exe/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match nsunicast m|^[4f]\0\0\0V4\x12\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x00[4f]\0\0\0.\0\xf0\0\xd3\x07\t\0.\0.\0.\0.\0.\0..\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0.\0|s p/Microsoft Windows Media Unicast Service/ i/nsum.exe/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match netsupport m|^.\0\x02\0([^\0]+)\0+.\0\x01\0|s p/NetSupport PC remote control/ i/Name $1/
match oftp m|^\x10\0\0\x17IODETTE FTP READY \r$| p/ODETTE File Transfer Protocol/
match oo-defrag m|^\x99\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\xb9\x08\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0N\x06\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\n\x0b\0\0\0\xe8\xff\x01\0\x95\x8a\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x12\0\0\0 o\0\0\x13\0\0\0p\0\0\0\xf5\x01\0\0\x8c\x02\0\0\x1c\x01\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x98\xadm\t\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\xff\xfa\x9e\x0f\0\0\0\0\0\xff\r\x06\0\0\0\0\x99\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\xb9\x08\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0N\x06\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\x0b\0\0\0\xe8\xff\x01\0\x95\x8a\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x12\0\0\0!o\0\0\x13\0\0\0p\0\0\0\xf5\x01\0\0\x8c\x02\0\0\x1c\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x98\xadm\t\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\xff\xfa\x9e\x0f\0\0\0\0\0\xff\r\x06\0\0\0\0\x99\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\xb9\x08\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0o\x0e\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\n\x0b\0\0\0\xe8\xff\x01\0\x95\x8a\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x12\0\0\0 o\0\0\x13\0\0\0p\0\0\0\xf5\x01\0\0\x8c\x02\0\0\x1c\x01\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0gM1\x06\0\0\0\0\x98\xadm\t\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\xff\xfa\x9e\x0f\0\0\0\0\0\xff\r\x06\0\0\0\x006\x01\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\x07\x08\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x07\x052Q\0\0L\^\x03\0\0\0\0\0\xa2\x88\0\0\0\0\0\0\xd9\xe6\x03\0\0\0\0\0\xb9\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0e\x0b\0\0\0\0\0\0\)\xb8\x02\0\0\0\0\0\xed\x07\x95\?\0\0C\xad/\+i\0t\r\0\0\0\0\0\0{{\x16\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xd0\0\0\0((?:[^\0]\0)+)\0\x006\x01\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x03\0\0\0\x07\x08\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x07\x052Q\0\0L\^\x03\0\0\0\0\0\xa2\x88\0\0\0\0\0\0\xd9\xe6\x03\0\0\0\0\0\xb9\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0e\x0b\0\0\0\0\0\0\)\xb8\x02\0\0\0\0\0\xed\x07\x95\?\0\0C\xad/\+i\0t\r\0\0\0\0\0\0{{\x16\x05\0$|s p/O&O Defrag Professional/ v/15/ i/path: $P(1)/
# http://any.openlookup.net:5851/
match openlookup m|^\d+:d7:smethod,6:shello,8:soptions,\d+:d10:shttp_port,\d+:i\d+,5:sname,\d+:s([\w._-]+),10:ssync_port,\d+:i\d+,10:stimestamp,\d+:f\d+(?:\.\d+),8:sversion,\d+:s([\w._-]+),$| p/OpenLookup/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match openlookup m|^\d+:d7:smethod,6:shello,8:soptions,\d+:d10:shttp_port,\d+:i\d+,10:ssync_port,\d+:i\d+,10:stimestamp,\d+:f\d+(?:\.\d+),8:sversion,\d+:s([\w._-]+),\d+:syour_address,\d+:a\d+:s[\w._-]+,\d+:i\d+,,,,$| p/OpenLookup/ v/$1/
match ovhcheckout m|^200 OK [\d.]+ ([\w._-]+) oco-([\w._-]+) \n$| p/OVH OvhCheckOut/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match parallels-server m|^PRLT\x06\0\0\x00([\w._-]+ \(\w\w\w, \d\d \w\w\w \d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\))\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Parallels Server/ v/$1/
# *B1E1 is magic. Protocol implementation at
# http://www.papouch.com/shop/scripts/soft/tmedotnet/readme.asp
match papouch-tme m|^\*B1E1([\+-]\d\d\d\.\d)\r$| p/Papouch TME Ethernet thermometer/ i/temperature: $1 C/
match partimage m|^([\d.]+) SSL(?: LOG)?\0 +\0$| p/Partimage+SSL/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match patrol m|^\0\0\0\r..Who are you\?\n\0|s p/BMC Patrol Agent/ o/Unix/
match pcanywheredata m|^\0X\x08\0\}\x08\r\n\0\.\x08.*\.\.\.\r\n|s p/PCAnywhere/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pbmasterd m|^pbmasterd(\d[-.\w]+)@[-.+\w]+: | p/Symark Power Broker pbmasterd/ v/$1/ i/privilege separation software/
match pblocald m|^pblocald(\d[-.\w]+)@[-.+\w]+: | p/Symark Power Broker pblocald/ v/$1/ i/privilege separation software/
match p4d m|^..\0\0\0xfiles\0\x01\0\0\x005\0server\0\x01\0\0\x003\0server2\0\x02\0\0\x00..\0|s p/Perforce configuration daemon/
# Pharos Notify 7.1
match pharos m=^PSCOM(?:\xb6|\$)\0\0.*AUTHENTICATE=s p/Pharos Notify/ i/printing client/
match pjlink m|^PJLINK 0\r$| p/PJLink projector control/ d/media device/
match pjlink m|^PJLINK 1 [0-9a-f]{8}\r$| p/PJLink projector control/ d/media device/
match poweroff m|^201 Welcome to Poweroff ([\d.]+) created by Jorgen Bosman\r\n| p/Poweroffd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match prelude-manager m|^\x01\x04\0\0\0\0\0\rD| p/Prelude IDS manager/
match polycom-mgc m|^NotAuthorized\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Polycom VSX 8000 MGC Manager/ d/webcam/
# This one is probably too specific... need more submissions
match pyro m|^PYRO\0\x04\0\x12\0\0\0\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Python Remote Object Nameserver/
match pksd m|^usage: [/\w]*/etc/pksd\.conf conf_file\n$| p/PGP Public Key Server/ i/broken/
match pioneers m|^version report\n| p/Pioneers game server/
match pioneers-meta m|^welcome to the pioneers-meta-server version ([\d.]+)\n| p/Pioneers game meta server/ v/$1/
# UW POP2 server on Linux 2.4.18
match pop2 m|^\+ POP2 ([\w._-]+) v([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n$| p/UW POP2 server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop2 m|^\+ POP2 ([\w._-]+) ([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n$| p/UW POP2 server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# Novell Groupwise 6.0.1
match pop3 m|^\+OK GroupWise POP3 server ready\r\n$| p/Novell GroupWise pop3d/ o/Unix/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Ready when you are <200\d+\.| p/Hotmail Popper hotmail to pop3 gateway/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Internet Rex POP3 server ready <| p/Internet Rex Pop3 server/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DBMAIL pop3 server ready to rock <| p/DBMail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 POPFile \(v(\d[-.\w]+)\) server ready\r\n| p/POPFile pop3d/ v/$1/
# Dots in Revision to prevent MY CVS from screwing it up
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.+\w]+) NetMail POP3 Agent \$Re..sion: ([\d.]+) \$\r\n| p/Novell NetMail pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.+\w]+) Merak (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 | p/Merak Mail server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK \]-:\^:-\[ \]-:\^:-\[ POP3| p/Merak Mail Server pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) [-\w_.]+ Mail Server ([\d.]+) POP3 .*\d:\d\d:\d\d \+| p/Merak Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Mercury/32 3.32 pop3 Server module on Windows XP
match pop3 m|^\+OK <\d{6,10}\.\d{4,6}@([-.+\w]+)>, POP3 server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 pop3d| o/Windows/ h/$1/
# gnu/mailutils pop3d 0.3.2 on Linux
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/GNU mailutils pop3d/ h/$1/
# Solid POP3 Server 0.15 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK Solid POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Solid POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/ h/$1/
# Cyrus POP3 v2.0.16
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w\+]+) server ready ?\r\n| p/Cyrus POP3/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ?([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 Murder v(\d[-.\w\+]+) server ready ?\r\n| p/Cyrus POP3 Murder/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# pop3d (GNU Mailutils 0.3) on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@(\w+)>\r\n| p/GNU Mailutils pop3d/ h/$1/
# Solid POP3 Server 0.15_1 on FreeBSD
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w\d_-]+\.[\w\d_.-]+) POP3 <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@[-.\w]+>\r\n| p/Solid pop3d/ h/$1/
# pop3d (GNU Mailutils 0.3) on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Ready <\d{3,6}\.1[012]\d{8}@\w+>\r\n| p/GNU Mailutils pop3d/
# dovecot 0.99.10 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK dovecot MUA ready\r\n| p/Dovecot MUA pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot ready\. ?<.*@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [Dd]ovecot on ([\w._-]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot ready -| p/Dovecot pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK (.*) Dovecot ready\.\r\n$| p/Dovcot pop3d/ i/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|\+OK E-mail server ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot at ([-\w_.]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
# teapop 0.3.5 on Linux 2.4
match pop3 m|^\+OK Teapop \[v?(\d[-.\w ]+)\] - Teaspoon stirs around again .*\r\n| p/Teapop pop3d/ v/$1/
# Qpopper v4.0.5 on Linux 2.4.19
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready \r\n$| p/Qpopper pop3d/
# Jana Server 1.45 on Win98
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready \r\n| p/Jana POP3 server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server at ([-.\w]+) ready <\d| p/AppleMailServer pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|\+OK <10\d+\.\d+@([-.\w]+)> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-./\w]+)\) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3 server/ v/$2/ o/$3/ h/$1/
# Mail-Enable pop3 server 1.704
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to MailEnable POP3 Server| p/MailEnable POP3 Server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server (\d[-.\w]+) <.*>\r\n| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# Qpopper 4.0.3 on Linux
# QPopper 4.0.4 FreeBSD
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready <\d{1,5}\.10\d{8}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/Qualcomm Qpopper pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 Server Version (\d[-.\w]+) <.*>\r\n| p/GNU POP3 Server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/eXtremail pop3d/ v/$1 rel$2/ h/$3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/eXtrememail pop3d/ v/$1 rel$2 rev$3/ h/$4/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to vm-pop3d (\d[-.\w]+)| p/vm-pop3d/ v/$1/ i/derived from gnu-pop3d/
# tpop3d v1.4.2 on Linux - http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/tpop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\da-f]{32}@([-.\w]+)>\r\n| p/tpop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK UCB based pop server \(version (\d[-.\w]+) at sionisten\) starting\.\r\n| p/Heimdal kerberized pop3/ v/$1/ i/UCB-pop3 derived/
# VPOP3 (Virtual POP3 server) 2.0.0d on Windows 2000
match pop3 m|^\+OK VPOP3 Server Ready <.*>\r\n| p/PSCS VPop3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready .* on ([^/]+)/([^\.]+)\.\r\n| p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/ i/CN=$2;Org=$3/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version ([-.\w]+) ready on | p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version Release ([-.\w]+) ready on | p/Lotus Domino POP3 server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 hotwayd v(\d[-.\w]+) -> The POP3-HTTPMail Gateway\.| p/hotwayd pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 service \(Netscape Messaging Server (\d[^(]+) \(built ([\w ]+)\)\)\r\n| p/Netscape Messenging Server pop3/ v/$2/ i/built on $3/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready <| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-Red Hat [-\d.]+ server ready <| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ i/Red Hat/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\d[-.\w]+)-OS X ([\d.]+) server ready <| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ i/Mac OS X $3/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Cyrus POP3 v(\S+Debian\S+) server ready| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)> [\w._-]+ Cyrus POP3 v([\w._-]+) server ready\r\n| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK X1 NT-POP3 Server ([-\w.]+) \(IMail ([^)]+)\)\r\n| p/IMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 \[cppop (\d[^]]+)\] at \[| p/cppop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ([-\w_.]+) \[cppop (\d[^]]+)\] at \[| p/cppop pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Gpop ready for requests from [\d\.]+ ([\w\d]+)| p/Google Gmail pop3d/ i/$1/
# MS Exchange
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 POP3 server version (\S+).* ready\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2000 pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server version (\S+) ready\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server version ([\d.]+) ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Der Microsoft Exchange POP3-Server \(Version ([\d\.]+)\) ist betriebsbereit\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/German/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Der Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3-Server, Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\), steht zur Verf\xfcgung\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/German/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb0\xe6\xb1\xbe ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Chinese/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xbc\xad\xb9\xf6 \xb9\xf6\xc0\xfc ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Korean/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3-server versie ([\d.]+) is gereed\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Dutch/
match pop3 m|^\+OK \xd1\xe5\xf0\xe2\xe5\xf0 Microsoft Exchange POP3 \xe2\xe5\xf0\xf1\xe8\xe8 ([\d.]+) \xe3\xee\xf2\xee\xe2\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Unknown language/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 kiszolg\xe1l\xf3 verzi\xf3 ([\d.]+) k\xe9sz\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Hungarian/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Le serveur POP3 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) est pr\xeat\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/French/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Le serveur POP3 Microsoft Exchange version ([\d.]+) est pr\xeat\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/French/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange POP3 server verze ([\d.]+) je p\xf8ipraven\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Czech/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 \xa6\xf8\xaaA\xbe\xb9\xaa\xa9\xa5\xbb ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\) \xa5i\xa5H\xa8\xcf\xa5\xce\xa1C\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Taiwanese?/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Servidor POP3 de Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versi\xf3n ([\d.]+) \(([\w._-]+)\) listo\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Server POP3 di Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 versione ([\w._-]+) \(([\w._-]+)\) pronto\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2003 pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Italian/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 service ready\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2007 pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 HIROC service ready\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2007 pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready\.\r\n| p/MS Exchange 2007 pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK QPOP \(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\.| p/Qpop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK QPOP Modified by Compaq \(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\.| p/QPop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Qpopper .*\(version ([^)]+)\) at .*starting\.| p/Qpopper pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Mail Server v(\d[-.\w])\) ready| p/Netscape Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Cubic Circle's v(\d[-.\w]+) .* POP3 ready| p/Cubic Circle Cucipop pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version \S+ \(([^)]+)\)\r\n$| p/ArGoSoft freeware pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server, Version [-.\w]+ \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n$| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server POP3 Module v\.([\w._-]+) at | p/ArGoSoft Mail Server pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [-.\w]+ \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n$| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Pro/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus for WinNT/2000, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Plus/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) Execmail POP3 \((\d[^)]+)\)| p/Execmail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK MailSite POP3 Server (\S+) Ready <| p/MailSite pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3? MDaemon (\S+) ready \r\n| p/MDaemon pop3d/ v/$2/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP MDaemon ([\d.]+) \xd7\xbc\xb1\xb8\xba\xc3 \r\n| p/MDaemon pop3d/ v/$2/ i/Chinese/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP MDaemon ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/MDaemon pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# qmail-pop3d 1.03-1
match pop3 m|^\+OK <\d{1,5}\.10\d{8}@[-.\w]+>\r\n$| p/qmail-pop3d/ o/Unix/
# Courier Pop3 courier-pop3d-0.42.0-1.7.3
match pop3 m|^\+OK Hello there\.\r\n$| p/Courier pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Hello there\. <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n$| p/Courier pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) VisNetic.MailServer.v([-.\w]+) POP3 | p/VisNetic MailServer pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) POP3 server \(Post\.Office v([-.\w]+) release ([-.\w]+) with ZPOP version ([-.\w]+)| p/Post.Office pop3d/ v/$2 release $3/ i|w/ZPOP $4| h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK CommuniGate Pro POP3 Server ([-.\w]+) ready| p/CommuniGate Pro/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK CommuniGate Pro POP3 Server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK\r\n$| p/Openwall popa3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-.\w]+) MultiNet POP3 Server Process V(\S+) at| p/DEC OpenVMS MultiNet pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <.*>, MercuryP/NLM v(\d[-.\w]+) ready.\r\n$| p/Mercury POP3 server/ v/$1/ o/NetWare/ cpe:/o:novell:netware/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Microsoft Windows POP3 Service Version 1.0 <| p/Microsoft Windows 2003 POP3 Service/ v/1.0/ o/Windows 2000/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_2000/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ([-.\w]+) v?(200\d\w?\.[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/UW Imap pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 v?([\d.]+) server ready <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/UW Imap pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 \[([-\w_.]+)\] v([\d.]+) server ready\r\n| p/UW Imap pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <\w{11}>\r\n$| p/WebSTAR pop3 server/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server ready <([-.\w@:]+)>\r\n$| p/Kerio MailServer POP3 Server/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) POP3 server ready <| p/Kerio MailServer POP3 Server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) patch ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@\(null\)>\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer POP3 Server/ v/$1 patch $2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) patch ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer POP3 Server/ v/$1 patch $2/ h/$3/
match pop3 m=^\+OK POP3-Server Classic Hamster (?:Vr\.|Version) [\d.]+ \(Build ([\d.]+)\) greets you! <.*>\r\n= p/Classic Hamster pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Stalker POP3 Server ([\w.]+) at ([-\w_.]+) ready <.*>\r\n| p/Stalker pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 service \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([-\w_.\s]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/iPlanet pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Messaging Multiplexor \(iPlanet Messaging Server ([-\w_.\s]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/iPlanet messaging multiplexor/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WinGate Engine POP3 Gateway ready\r\n| p/WinGate pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Oracle Email Server espop3\t([\d.]+) \t is ready\r\n| p/Oracle pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK InterMail POP3 server ready\.\r\n| p/InterMail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@unspecified.host>\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro pop3/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+) POP3 server ready <[-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro pop3/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(Netscape Messaging Server - Version ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n| p/Netscape Messaginging Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [-\w_.]+ PopMax version ([\d. ]+) POP3 Mail Server Ready, Willing, and Waiting\r\n| p/MailMax PopMax pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to GNU POP3 ([-\d.]+) <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/GNU POP3/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK popserver ([\d.]+) pop3 server ready\r\n| p/LiberoPops pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(JAMES POP3 Server ([\w.]+)\) ready \r\n| p/JAMES pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) NetMail POP3 Agent \$R...sion: ([\d.]+) \$\r\n| p/NetMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready \(Worldmail ([\d.]+)\) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Eudora Worldmail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 WorkgroupMail ([\d.]+) .*\r\n| p/WorkgroupMail pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready \(LSMTP v([\w.]+)\) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/LSMTP pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Mirapoint POP3 ([\d.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Mirapoint RazorGate pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK K9 - ([\d.]+) - http://keir\.net ready <[\w.]+>\r\n| p/K9 pop3d from keir.net/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK MERCUR POP3-Server \(v([\d.]+) \w+\) for Windows NT ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MERCUR pop3d/ v/$1/ i/Windows NT/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready QuickMail Pro Server for MacOS ([\d.]+) <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/QuickMail Pro pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready\r\n| p/602LAN Suite pop3/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready \(Tobit Software, Germany\)\r\n| p/Tobit DvISE pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK David\.fx Mail Access Server ready \(Tobit\.Software, Germany\)\r\n| p/Tobit David.fx pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ([-\w_.]+) \(Version ([-\w.]+)\) http://surgemail\.com\r\n| p/SurgeMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X ([\d.]+) <| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) POP3 Server\] service ready; | p/XMail pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Samsung Contact POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Samsung Contact pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 service \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([-\d.]+) \(built .*\)| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Messaging Multiplexor \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server (\d[-\w_.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Multiplexor pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Greetings from minipop ([\d.]+) <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/minipop pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Hermes ([\w. ]+) POP3 Ready\. <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Hermes pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m=^\+OK (?:modusMail|ModusMail) POP3 Server ([\w._-]+) Ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n= p/ModusMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 server \(DeskNow POP3 Server ([\d.]+)\) ready \r\n| p/DeskNow pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 SINA \(([-\d.]+)\) Server Ready\r\n| p/SINA pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) SpearMail POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Spearmail pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK SCO POP3 server \(version ([-\w.]+)\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/SCO pop3d/ v/$1/ o/SCO UNIX/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK QPOP modified by SCO \(version ([-\w.]+)\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\. \r\n| p/SCO-modified QPOP pop3d/ v/$1/ o/SCO UNIX/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n| p/WebEasyMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK \(POP3\) hMailServer ([-\w.]+)\r\n| p/hMailServer pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Hi\r\n| p/Zoe Java pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Pop server at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/BorderWare firewall pop3d/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+) Winmail Mail Server POP3 ready\r\n| p/Winmail pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to ([-\w_.]+), with Ability Mail Server ([\w._-]+) by Code-Crafters\.\r\n| p/Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to ([\w._-]+), with Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server ([\w._-]+) <[\d.]+@[\w._-]+>\r\n| p/Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK DAWKCo POP3 Server v([-\w_.]+) ready <| p/DAWKCo pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to ([-\w_.]+), powered by Ocean Mail Server ([\d.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n| p/Ocean Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)> ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/POP3\)\r\n| p/Mailtraq pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) Solstice \(tm\) Internet Mail Server \(tm\) POP3 ([\d.]+)| p/Sun Solstice Internet Mail Server pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to RaidenMAILD POP3 service v([\d.]+),| p/RaidenMAILD pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 FTGate4 server ready| p/Floosietek FTGate4 pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 FTGate6 server ready <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n| p/Floosietek FTGate6 pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK DBOX POP3 Server ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/DBOX TCL pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 on WinWebMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail\.com\r\n| p/WinWebMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 Server Version ([\d.]+) Copyright \d{4} International Messaging Associates\r\n| p/IMA pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK MERCUR POP3-Server \(v([-\w_.]+) \w+\) for Windows ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Atrium Software's Mercur pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK 4D Mail ([-\w_.]+) ready <| p/WebSTAR 4D pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 ([-\w_.()]+) w/IMAP client at| p/SCO pop3d/ v/$2/ o/SCO UNIX/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Server Ready\r\n| p/Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator pop3d/ d/security-misc/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Citadel POP3 server <\d+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Citadel pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK <-?[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>, POP3 server ready\.\r\n| p/Mercury Mail Transport System pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <[-0-9a-f]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/SmarterMail pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK mdpop3 ([\w.]+ \([\w ]+\)) ready\r\n| p/mdpop3/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+)\s+IdeaPop3Server ([^\s]+) ready\.\r\n| p/IdeaPop3Server pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to Arvixe POP3 server\.\r\n| p/Arvixe pop3d/
# These are fairly general
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Server ready\r\n$| p/zpop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready\r\n$| p/qpoppper pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ([-\w_.]+) ready <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n| p/BVRP Software SLMAIL pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 Server \(Version ([\w.]+)\) ready at <.*>\r\n| p/BSD-based in.pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK popd-([\d.]+) ready \r\n| p/FreeBSD popd/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server at ([-\w_.]+) ready <[\d.]+@| p/FirstClass pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Server OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Communigate Pro pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^-ERR Permission denied - closing connection\.\r\n$| p/Classic Hamster pop3d/ i/Permission denied/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) <[\d.]+@[-\w_.]+>\r\n| p/IA MailServer pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/qmail pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MailMax pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/qpopper/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Scalix POP3 interface ready on: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Scalix pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) .* GoMail V([\d.]+) POP3| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 Welcome to ([-\w_.]+) using the Internet Anywhere Mail Server Version: ([\d.]+)\. Build: (\d+) by True North Software, Inc\.| p/True North Internet Anywhere pop3d/ v/$2 build $3/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Authorized Users Only! \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to mpopd V([\d.]+)\.\.\.\. :\)\r\n| p/mpopd perl pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 thats cool man\r\n| p/Mozilla Thunderbird webmail plugin pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [-\w_.]+ Welcome to the mail server\.\r\n| p/Ipswitch IMail pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK CMailServer ([\d.]+) POP3 Service Ready\r\n| p/CMailServer pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+) <| p/Eudora Internet Mail Server X pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) DynFX POP3 Server ([-\w_.]+) <| p/DynFX pop3d/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 on WinWebMail \[([-\w_.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail\.net\r\n| p/WinWebMail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server \(Neon Mail Server System Advance ([-\w_.]+), [^)]*\) ready ([-\w_.]+)\. <| p/Neon Mail Server pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK WorldMail POP3 Server ([-\w_.]+) Ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/Eudora Worldmail pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome to the Atmail POP3 server - Login with user@domain\.\r\n| p/Atmail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Atmail IMAP/POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Atmail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot DA ready\. <[\w._=-]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n| p/Dovecot DirectAdmin pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot DA ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot DirectAdmin pop3d/
match pop3 m|^Unable to open trace file \"/var/spool/popper/| p/popper pop3d/ i/Misconfigured/
match pop3 m|^\+OK SocketMail v ([-\w_.]+) SocketMail POP3 Server Ready\r\n| p/SocketMail pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+) (?:POP3 Service )?Zimbra POP3 server ready\r\n| p/Zimbra pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK TMSOFT POP3 Server v([\w._-]+) ready <\w+>\r\n| p/TMSOFT pop3d/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3D\(\*\) Server PMDFV([\w._-]+) at .* <\w+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n| p/PMDF pop3d/ v/$1/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3D\(\*\) Server PMDFV([\w._-]+) at .* \(APOP disabled\)\r\n| p/PMDF pop3d/ v/$1/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Dovecot POP3 at ([\w._-]+) ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
# Debian lenny 5.0 Dovecot 1.0.rc15
match pop3 m|^\+OK Pop3 ready\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
# embyte
match pop3 m|^\+OK E-POST POP3 Server \(([^\)]+)| p/E-Post POP3 Server/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+) Cyrus POP3 v([\w._-]+)-OS X Server ([\w._-]+):\t9L1 server ready <[\d.]+@[\w._-]+>\r\n$| p/Cyrus pop3d/ v/$2/ i/OS X Server $3/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([\w._-]+)>\r\n$| p/Kerio Connect pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Welcome NewsGator Online Services POP3 Server version ([\w._-]+)\r\n$| p/NewsGator Enterprise Server pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3 m|^-ERR \[SYS/PERM\] Fatal error: tls_init\(\) failed\r\n| p/Cyrus pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK Quick 'n Easy Mail Server ready\r\n| p/Quick 'n Easy pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+) IceWarp ([\w._-]+) POP3 \w+, \d+ \w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ [+-]\d+ <[\w._-]+@[\w._-]+>\r\n| p/IceWarp pop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:icewarp:mail_server:$2/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DavMail ([\w._-]+) POP ready at | p/DavMail pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 AnalogX Proxy (\d[-.\w]+) \(Release\) ready\.\n$| p/AnalogX POP3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK CCProxy (\S+) POP3 Service Ready\r\n| p/CCProxy pop3d/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^Proxy\+ POP3 server\. Insecure access - terminating\.\r\n| p/Proxy+ pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK TrendMicro IMSS (\d[-.\w ]+) POP3 Proxy at ([-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Trend Micro IMSS virus scanning POP3 proxy/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK Proxy-POP server \(DeleGate/([\d.]+) by ysato AT delegate DOT org\) at ([-\w_.]+) starting\.\r\n| p/DeleGate pop3 proxy/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK Jana-Server POP3 ready <[\w.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/JanaServer pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 Y(?:ahoo)?POPs! proxy ready\r\n| p/YahooPOPs! pop3 proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 \(Spampal\) server ready \(USER command must include mailserver name\)\r\n| p/Spampal pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK Mirapoint POP3PROXY ([-\w.]+) server ready\r\n| p/Mirapoint pop3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server Beta - ([\d/.]+) \[[\d.]+\]\r\n| p/AVG pop3 proxy/ v/$1 Beta/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server ([\d/.]+) \[[\w/.]+\]\r\n| p/AVG pop3 proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server <[\w.]+@[-\w_.]+> ([\d/.]+) \[[\d/.]+\]\r\n| p/AVG pop3 proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^-ERR AVG POP3 Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server!\r\n| p/AVG pop3 proxy/ i/broken/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK FreePOPs/([\d.]+) pop3 server ready\r\n| p/FreePOPs pop3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 Spam Inspector Spam Filter Gateway Version ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\n| p/Spam Inspector pop3 proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK MailMarshal\(([\d.]+)\) POP3 server ready <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)>\r\n| p/MailMarshal pop3d/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK HTML2POP3 server ready \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/HTML2POP3 pop3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK ([-\w_.]+) POP3 proxy ready\r\n| p/pop3gwd pop3 proxy/ h/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK AVG POP3 Proxy Server <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> ([\d.]+)/[\d.]+ \[[\d/.]+\]\r\n| p/GriSoft anti-virus pop3 proxy/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK InterScan VirusWall POP3 Proxy\r\n| p/InterScan VirusWall pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK WinProxy POP3 Proxy Ready\r\n| p/WinProxy pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^-ERR 403 The requested host is forbidden by WinProxy\. See your network administrator\.\n| p/WinProxy pop3 proxy/ i/IP forbidden/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK MrPostman webmail proxy ready\r\n| p/MrPostman webmail pop3 proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK (.*) \(PGP Universal service is proxying this connection\)\r\n| p/PGP Universal pop3 proxy/ i/Proxied greeting: $1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK F-Secure/fsigk_pop/\d+/[-\w_.]+ starting\.\r\n| p/F-Secure Internet Gateway pop3 proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK hello from popgate\(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/POPgate pop3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK \[ISafe POP3 Proxy\] \r\n| p/ISafe pop3 proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK <[\d.]+@([-\w_.]+)> \[ISafe POP3 Proxy\] \r\n| p/ISafe pop3 proxy/ h/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK UserGate: forward ready\r\n-ERR UserGate: Mistake of the protocol\r\n| p/UserGate pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK kingate pop3 proxy\r\n| p/kingate pop3-proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 Proxy Server Ready\r\n| p/IronMail pop3-proxy/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK avast! POP3 proxy ready\.\r\n| p/Avast! anti-virus pop3 proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK O3SIS UMA Proxy POP3 Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/O3SIS UMA pop3 proxy/ v/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK Zarafa POP3 gateway ready\r\n| p/Zarafa pop3 proxy/ o/Unix/
# http://echelon.pl/pubs/poppassd.html
# you give it username, present password and new password, and
# it changes the password of the user.
# poppassd 1.8.1
match pop3pw m|^200 poppassd v?([-._\w]+) | p/poppassd/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 ([-._\w]+) poppassd v?([-._\w]+) | p/poppassd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 poppassd hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/
match pop3pw m|^200 hello there, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/
match pop3pw m|^200 hello there, please tell me who you are\r\n| p/poppassd/
match pop3pw m|^200 poppassd v([\w.]+) for Digital Unix with C2 security Hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/poppassd/ v/$1/ i/Digital Unix with C2 security/ o/Digital UNIX/
match pop3pw m|^200 courierpassd v(\d[-.\w]+) hello, who are you\?\r\n| p/Courierpassd pop3 password change daemon/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 ([-.+\w]+) MercuryW PopPass server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 poppass service| o/Windows/ h/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 X1 NT-PWD Server ([-.+\w]+) \(IMail (\d[-.\w]+)\)\r\n| p/Ipswitch IMail pop3 password change daemon/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3pw m|^200 CommuniGate Pro PWD Server (\d[-.\w]+) ready <| p/CommuniGate Pro pop3 password change daemon/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^\+OK ApplePasswordServer (\d[-.\w]+) password server at | p/ApplePasswordServer pop3 password change daemon/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 Stalker Internet Password Server ready\. V\.([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Stalker Mail Server password change daemon/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match pop3pw m|^550 Login failed - already \d+/\d+ users connected sorry \(use G_CON_PERIP_EXCEPT to bypass\) \(IP=[\d.]+\)\r\n| p/Qualcomm poppassd/ i/Maximum users connected/
match pop3pw m|^200 hello and welcome to SchoolsNET SINA poppassd \[([-\d.]+)\]\r\n| p/SINA pop3pw/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 Post\.Office v([\d.]+) password server ready\r\n| p/Post.Office pop3pw/ v/$1/
match pop3pw m|^200 MERCUR Password service for Windows NT ready\r\n| p/Atrium Software's Mercur pop3pw/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3pw m|^200 hello\r\n| p/SLMail pop3pw/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3pw m|^200 Ok, \"modusMail Mail Management Server ready\" <[\d.]+@\(null\)>\r\n| p/ModusMail poppassd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
softmatch pop3 m|^\+OK [-\[\]\(\)!,/+:<>@.\w ]+\r\n$|
match pptp m|^\0\x10\0\x01\x1a\+ (.*) \nno entries\n| p/QMC DeskLaser printer/ i/Status $1/ d/printer/
match printer m|^\d+-202 your host does not have line printer access\.| p/AIX lpd/ i/Unauthorized/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match printer m|^\d+-201 ill-formed FROM address\.$| p/AIX lpd/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match printer-admin m|^LXK: $| p/Lexmark printer admin/ d/printer/
match prisontale m|^ \0\0\0\*\x03\x01\x80\x10\0.\xc9....................|s p/PrisonTale game server/
match pwdgen m|^\w+ \([\w-]+\)\r\n$| p/pwdgen/
match pycharm m|^\0\.[\w._/-]+/Library/Preferences/PyCharm([\w._-]+)\0\)[\w._/-]+/Library/Caches/PyCharm[\w._-]+$| p/PyCharm/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match qaweb m|^QAS2$| p/QuickAddress Pro for the Web/
match qconn m|^QCONN\r\n\xff\xfd\"$| p/qconn remote IDE support/ o/QNX/
# kvm -net nic -net socket,listen=:8100
match qemu-vlan m|^\0\0\x01V\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xffRT\0\x124V\x08\0E.\x01H...\0.\x11..\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\0D\0C\x014.{1,2}\x01\x01\x06\0......\0{18}RT\0\x124V\0{202}c\x82Sc5\x01|s p/QEMU VLAN listener/
match qsp-proxy m|^\x01\x01\0\x08\x1c\xee\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Symantec ManHunt/
# Windows QOTD service only has 12 quotes. Found on Windows XP in
# %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\quotes
match qotd m=^"(?:My spelling is Wobbly\.|Man can climb to the highest summits,|In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular\.|Assassination is the extreme form of censorship\.|When a stupid man is doing|We have no more right to consume happiness without|We want a few mad people now.|The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to|Here's the rule for bargains:|Oh the nerves, the nerves; the mysteries of this machine called man|A wonderful fact to reflect upon,|It was as true as taxes is\.)= p/Windows qotd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::en/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match qotd m=^"(?:Mi ortograf\xeda tiembla\. Es bueno revisarla,|un hombre puede escalar a las m\xe1s altas cumbre|Algo maravilloso a poner de manifiesto:|Cuando un necio hace algo de lo que se aveg\xfcenza,|En el cielo, un \xe1ngel no es nadie en concreto|Traigamos unos cuantos locos ahora\.|Era tan verdad como los impuestos\. Y no|Hay libros cortos que, para entenderlos como se merecen,|La prosperidad hace amistades, y la adversidad las|El uso principal de un PC es confirmar la ley de|Quedarse en lo conocido por miedo a lo desconocido,|Cuando las leyes son injustas, no obligan en el fuero|Magia equivale a cualquier avance en la ciencia\.|Vale mejor consumir vanidades de la vida,)= p/Windows qotd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::es/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Some Italian qotds start with a space instead of a "
match qotd m=^.(?:Voce dal sen fuggita|Semel in anno licet insanire|Cosa bella e mortal passa e non dura|Quando uno stupido compie qualcosa di cui si vergogna,|Se tu pagare come dici tu,|Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,|Sperare senza far niente e` come)= p/Windows qotd/ i/Italian/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::it/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match qotd m=^"(?:Prazos longos sao f\xa0ceis de subscrever\.|Deus, para a felicidade do homem, inventou a f\x82 e o amor\.|Ao vencido, \xa2dio ou compaixao, ao vencedor, as batatas\.|Quem nao sabe que ao p\x82 de cada bandeira p\xa3blica,|Nao te irrites se te pagarem mal um benef\xa1cio; antes cair|A vida, como a antiga Tebas, tem cem portas\.)= p/Windows qotd/ i/Portugese/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::pt/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# The German version doesn't start with "
match qotd m=^(?:Wer wirklich Autorit\xe4t hat, wird sich nicht scheuen,|Moral ist immer die Zuflucht der Leute,|Beharrlichkeit wird zuweilen mit Eigensinn|Wer den Tag mit Lachen beginnt, hat ihn|Wenn uns keine Ausweg mehr bleibt,|Gesichter sind die Leseb\xfccher des Lebens|Grosse Ereignisse werfen mitunter ihre Schatten|Dichtung ist verpflichtet, sich nach den|Ohne Freihet geht das Leben|Liebe ist wie ein Verkehrsunfall\. Man wird angefahren)= p/Windows qotd/ i/German/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::de/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match qotd m=^"(?:Clovek ma tri cesty, jak moudre jednat\. Nejprve premyslenim|Co je vubec hodno toho, aby to bylo vykonano,|Fantazie je dulezitejsi nez vedeni\.|Potize narustaji, cim vice se clovek blizi|Kdo nezna pristav, do ktereho se chce plavit,|Lidske mysleni ztraci smysl,|Nikdo nevi, co muze vykonat,|Nic neprekvapi lidi vice nez zdravy rozum|Zadny cil neni tak vysoky,)= p/Windows qotd/ i/Czech/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::cs/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match qotd m=^"(?:L'art de persuader consiste autant|Le peu que je sais, c'est \x85 mon ignorance|Certaines \x83mes vont \x85 l'absolu comme l'eau|Le m\x82rite a sa pudeur comme la chastet|Rien de plus futile, de plus faux, de plus|\xb7 vaincre sans p\x82ril, on triomphe|Le comble de l'orgueil, c'est de se)= p/Windows qotd/ i/French/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:qotd::::fr/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match quagga m|^\r\nHello, this is [Qq]uagga \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 1996-200| p/Quagga routing software/ v/$1/ i/Derivative of GNU Zebra/
match qtopia-transfer m|^220 Qtopia transfer service ready!\n| p/Qtopia transfer daemon/ d/PDA/
match radmind m|^200-?RAP 1 ([-\w_.]+) ([-\w_.]+) radmind access protocol\r\n| p/radmind/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match rationalsoft m|^\0\0\0\x10ip_infilter=true$| p/Rational Soft Hidden Administrator Server/ i/ha_server.exe/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match razor2 m|^sn=\w&srl=\d+&ep4=[-\w]+&a=\w&a=\w+\r\n$| p/Vipul's Razor2 anti-spam service/
match renderer m|^250 backburner ([\d.]+) Ready\.\r\nbackburner>| p/Discreet Backburner network renderer/ v/$1/
# Port 8600
match remote-rac m|^\x10\0\0\0\t\xe7\xa0o\xde&\xdc\xfec\xbf\xb91\xef\xc3\?\xc9\x10\0\0\0\xa1\xcasZ6\[\xdf\x0cc\xbf\xb91\xef\xc3\?\xc9\x08\0\x19\xdbh\x06\xa1\xfc\x91\xce$| p/Remote Administrator Control/ d/remote management/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
# Port 8610
match remote-rac m|^\x02\x00\x00\x00\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00.{256}$|s p/Remote Administrator Control/ d/remote management/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match rgpsp m|^last pid: \d+ rgpsp poller ! ! !\n| p/Remote GPS Poller/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# Remote Console via RCONJ - RCONJ is a java utility that allows one
# to remote console into a Novell server. It uses 2034 (unsecure) or
# 2036 (secure) by default but can be changed.
# The unknown token looks like it might be signifigant but I can't
# find any protocol descriptions. -Doug
match rconj m|^\0.\0\x01\0\0\0\0.*\x0b\0\0\0\0([-\w_]+)\x00437|s p/Novell rconj/ i/Unknown token: $1/ o/Unix/
match realplayfavs m|^_realplayfavs_::([\w\s]+)::connected\0$| p/RealPlayer Shared Favorites/ i/name: $1/
match realplayfavs m|^_realplayfavs_::| p/RealPlayer Shared Favorites/
match resvc m|^\{\w+\} NODEINFO \(\d+\) \{\d+\}Version: (\d[-.\w ]+) Microsoft Routing Server ready\r\n | p/Microsoft Exchange routing server/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match remoteanything m|^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+) G\0\0\0\xb6\0.\t| p/TWD RemoteAnything/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match rifa-dvr m|^RIFA\0\0\0\0| p/Rifatron DVR/ d/webcam/
match righteous-backup m|^\xe1\xe7\xef\xf0\0\0\x00.\(Righteous Backup Linux Agent\) ([^\xe1]+)\xe1\xe7\xe6\x07\0\x01\0 $| p/R1Soft Righteous Backup Linux Agent/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match righteous-backup m|^\xe1\xe7\xe6\x07\0\x01\0 $| p/R1Soft Righteous Backup/
match roku m|^roku: ready\r\n| p/Roku SoundBridge/ d/media device/
match rowmote m|^KEY UNAUTHORIZED\r\nKEY UNAUTHORIZED\r\n| p/Rowmote remote media controller/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
# RedHat 7.3 - rsync server version 2.5.4 protocol version 26
# Redhat Linux 7.1
# rsync 2.5.5-0.1 with custom banner on Debian Woody
match rsync m|^@RSYNCD: (\d+)| i/protocol version $1/
match rpacd m|^\0\x01\0\n\0\0\0=The host is not in the allowed host list\. Connection refused\.$| p/WinPcap Remote Capture Packet daemon/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match rpd m|^\+host=cashew version=([\d.]+) uptime=[\d+:]+ audio-bits=\d+ audio-byte-order=\w+-endian| p/Remote Play Daemon/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match runes-of-magic m|^\x10\0\0\0\x03| p/Runes of Magic game server/
# Simple Asynchronous File Transfer (SAFT)
match saft m|^220 ([-\w.]+) SAFT server \(sendfiled ([\w.]+) on ([\w]+)\) ready\.\r\n| p/sendfiled/ v/$2/ o/$3/ h/$1/
match saprouter m|^\0\0\0.NI_RTERR\0.\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xfb\0\0\0.\*ERR\*\x001\0connection timed out\0-5\0NI \(network interface\)\x007\d0\x003\d\0nirout\.cpp\x00\d\d\d\d\0RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: no route received within 5s \(CONNECTED\)\0\w+ +\w+ +\d+ +\d+:\d+:\d+ +\d+\0\0\0\x0059\0SAProuter ([\w._ ()-]+) on '([\w._-]+)'\0\0\0\0\0\*ERR\*\0\0\0\0\0|s p/SAP SAPROUTER/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match saprouter m|^\0\0\0.NI_RTERR\0.\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xfb\0\0\0.\*ERR\*\x001\0connection timed out\0-5\0NI \(network interface\)\x007\d0\x003\d\0nirout\.cpp\x00\d\d\d\d\0RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: CONNECTED timeout\0\w+ +\w+ +\d+ +\d+:\d+:\d+ +\d+\0\0\0\x0046\0SAProuter ([\w._ ()-]+) on '([\w._-]+)'\0\0\0\0\0\*ERR\*\0\0\0\0\0|s p/SAP SAPROUTER/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match scalix-ual m|^\x02\x1c50\x1c\x03\0\0\0\0$| p/Scalix UAL/
match scanager m|^\*\*\* ITSO_DB_FAIL \*\*\* invalid request\r\n| p/Indiana University Scanager DB/
# This sdmsvc was matching HP printers. May be bogus, so removed.
# match sdmsvc m|^[\xaa\xff]$| p/LANDesk Software Distribution/ i/sdmsvc.exe/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-martin-managesieve-04.txt
match sieve m|^NO Fatal error: Error initializing actions\r\n$| p/Cyrus timsieved/ i|included w/cyrus imap|
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v([\w._-]+-Red Hat[- ][\w._+-]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved/ v/$1/ i/Red Hat/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:redhat:linux/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v([\w._-]+-Debian[- ][\w._+-]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved/ v/$1/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved \(Murder\) v([-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved Murder/ v/$1/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v([\w_.]+)-OS X ([^"]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X $2/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Cyrus timsieved v(\d[-.\w]+)\"\r\n| p/Cyrus timsieved/ v/$1/ i|included w/cyrus imap|
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"dovecot\"\r\n| p/Dovecot timsieved/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"DBMail timsieved ([\w._-]+)\"\r\n| p/DBMail timsieved/ v/$1/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"CITADEL Sieve ([\d.]+)\"\r\n| p/Citadel timsieved/ v/$1/
match sieve m|^/usr/share/pysieved/plugins/dovecot\.py:27: DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated\. Use the subprocess module\.\n import popen2\n\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"pysieved ([\w._+-]+)\"\r\n| p/pysieved/ v/$1/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"pysieved ([\w._-]+)\"\r\n| p/pysieved/ v/$1/
match sieve m|^\"IMPLEMENTATION\" \"Dovecot Pigeonhole\"\r\n\"SIEVE\" \"[\w._;-]+(?:\s+[\w._;-]+)*\"\r\n\"NOTIFY\" \"mailto\"\r\n\"SASL\" \"[\w._;-]*(?:\s+[\w._;-]+)*\"\r\n\"STARTTLS\"\r\n\"VERSION\" \"([\w._-]+)\"\r\nOK \"Dovecot ready\.?\"\r\n$| p/Dovecot Pigeonhole sieve/ v/$1/
match sftp m|^\+Shiva SFTP Service\0$| p/Shiva LanRover SFTP service/
match sftp m|^SSH-2\.0-mod_sftp/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/ProFTPD mod_sftp/ v/$1/
match sgms m|^SGMS Scheduler SGMS (\d+) ([\d.]+) .*\n>| p/Sonicwall Viewpoint SGMSd/ v/$2/ i/SGMS protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match sharefolder m|^t\x03\0\0$| p/Public ShareFolder mailbox synchronization/
# HP-UX B.11.00 A 9000/785
match shell m|^\x01remshd: getservbyname\n$| p/HP-UX Remshd/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match shell m|^\x01remshd: Kerberos Authentication not enabled\.\n| p/HP-UX Remshd/ i/Kerberos disabled/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match shell m|^\x01remshd: Error! Kerberos authentication failed| p/HP-UX Remshd/ i/Kerberos broken/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match shell m|^\* You are not welcome to use rshd from .*\n| p/FreeBSD rshd/ i/Access denied/ o/Unix/
# Backdoor shell!
match shell m|^(?:ba)?sh-\d\.\d\d\w?# $| p/ROOT SHELL/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Unix/
match shell m|^:: w4ck1ng-shell \(Private Build v([\w._-]+)\) bind shell backdoor :: \n\n| p/w4ck1ng-shell/ v/$1/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match satstrat m|^VERSION ([\d.]+)\r\nJOIN 0\r\nNICK 0 !SaCkS\r\nJOIN 1\r\n| p/SatStrat/ v/$1/
match securepath m|^GENERAL: \d+ \d+\n$| p/HP StorageWorks SecurePath/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match securepath m|^Unauthorized client; connection refused\n| p/HP StorageWorks SecurePath/ i/unauthorized/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match service-monitor m|^\0\0\0\x18\0\0..\0\0..\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0.([^\0]+)\0|s p/CA Spectrum/ i/User $1/
match service-monitor m|^550 Bad syntax\. Go away\.\n$| p/CA Spectrum/
match slnp m|^220 SLNP (\w+)@[vV]ersion:\s?V?([^@]+)@pid:\d+\n$| p/Sisis $1/ v/$2/ o/Unix/
match slnp m|^220 SLNP (\w+)@[vV]ersion:\s?V?([^@]+)@user:([^@]+)@pid:\d+\n$| p/Sisis $1/ v/$2/ i/User: $3/ o/Unix/
match starutil m|^star-v3 utility server\n\0| p/StarUTIL router config/ v/3/ d/router/
# good SMTP banner regexps can be found here:
# http://www.tty1.net/smtp-survey/measurement_en.html
# Goes at the top because some general match lines (Exim)
# will match the replayed greeting of the proxied server!
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) PGP Universal service ready \(proxied server greeted us with: (.*)\)\r\n| p/PGP Universal smtp proxy/ i/Proxied greeting: $2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-/.+\w]+) MailGate ready for ESMTP on | p/MailGate smtpd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-/.+\w]+) SMTP ready to roll\r\n| p/Hotmail Popper hotmail to smtp gateway/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-/.+\w]+) AvMailGate-(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/AvMailGate smtp anti-virus mail gateway/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-/.+\w]+) Internet Rex ESMTP daemon at your service\.\r\n| p/Internet Rex smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP NetIQ MailMarshal \(v(\d[-.\w]+)\) Ready\r\n| p/MailMarshal/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP NetIQ MailMarshal \d[-.\w]+ Service Pack (\w+) \(v(\d[-.\w]+)\) Ready\r\n| p/MailMarshal/ v/$3 Service Pack $2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MailMarshal \(v([\d.]+)\) Ready\r\n| p/MailMarshal/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# I think the revision number is different than the official product version number
# Dots in Revision to prevent MY CVS from screwing it up
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) Novonyx SMTP ready \$Re..sion: *([\d.]+) *\$\r\n| p/Novonyx Novell NetMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^554-([-.+\w]+)\.us\r\n554 Access denied\r\n$| p/IronPort appliance mail rejector/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 eSafe@([-.+\w]+) Service ready\r\n| p/eSafe mail gateway/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[ -](\S+) ESMTP Merak (\d[^;]+);|i p/Merak Mail Server smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220[ -]\]-:\^:-\[ ESMTP \]-:\^:-\[; .*\r\n| p/Merak Mail Server smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220.*?MERCUR SMTP[\s-]Server \(v([^)]+)\) for ([-.\w ]+) ready at | p/LAN-ACES MERCUR smtp server/ v/$1/ o/$2/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) MasqMail (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP\r\n| p/MasqMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# Barracuda Networks "Spam Firewall" embedded spam appliances
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w\d]+) ESMTP \([a-fA-F0-9]{32}\)\r\n| p/Barracuda Networks Spam Firewall smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^554 Service unavailable; Client host \[[\w._-]+\] blocked using Barracuda Reputation;| p/Barracuda Networks Spam Firewall smtpd/ i/client blocked by Barracuda Reputation/
# Cisco NetWorks ESMTP server IOS (tm) 5300 Software (C5300-IS-M) on Cisco 5300 Access Server
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) Cisco NetWorks ESMTP server\r\n| p/Cisco IOS NetWorks smtp server/ d/terminal server/ o/IOS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) Mercury/32 v(\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP server ready\.\r\n| p|Mercury/32 smtpd| v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/
# Canon ImageRunner SMTP server (network scanner/copier/printer)
match smtp m|^220 Canon[-.\w]+ ESMTP Ready\r\n| p/Canon printer smtp server/ d/printer/
match smtp m|^220 .*?eSafe E?SMTP Service (\d\S+) ready| p/eSafe mail gateway/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 .*?eSafe E?SMTP Service ready| p/eSafe mail gateway/
match smtp m|^520 Connection not authorised from this address\.\r\n| p/Mercury smtpd/ i/Connection not authorised/
# Exim 3.36 on Linux 2.4 blocking the given IP
match smtp m|^554 SMTP service not available\r\n$| p/Exim smtpd/ i/Serviced refused (IP block)/ cpe:/a:exim:exim/
# Jana Server 1.45 on Win98
match smtp m|^220 Jana-Server Simple Mail Transfer Service ready\r\n| p/JanaServer mail server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 <1\d+\.\d+@([-.\w]+)> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP Server\] service ready; | p/XMail SMTP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 <1\d+\.\d+@([-.\w]+)> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) \(([-./\w]+)\) ESMTP Server\] service ready; | p/XMail SMTP server/ v/$2/ i/on $3/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) <1\d+\.\d+@[-\w_.]+> \[XMail (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP Server\] service ready| p/XMail SMTP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^421 \[XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) ESMTP Server\] - Server does not like Your IP\r\n| p/XMail SMTP server/ v/$1/ i|Linux/x86| o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FirstClass ESMTP Mail Server v(\d[-.\w]+) ready\r\n| p/FirstClass SMTP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) AppleMailServer (\d[-.\w]+) SMTP Server Ready\r\n| p/AppleMailServer/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP CommuniGate Pro (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Communigate Pro SMTP/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[- ]([-.\w]+) MailSite ESMTP Receiver Version (\d[-.\w]+) Ready\r\n| p/Rockliffe MailSite/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) ESMTP server ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/eXtremail smtpd/ v/$2.$3/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) eXtremail V(\d[-.\w]+) release (\d+) rev(\d+) ESMTP server ready \.\.\.\r\n| p/eXtremail smtpd/ v/$2.$3.$4/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to ([-.\w]+) - VisNetic MailScan ESMTP Server BUILD (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/VisNetic MailScan ESMTP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# HP Service Desk 4.5 SMTP Server
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) service desk (\d[-.\w]+) SMTP Service Ready for input\.\r\n| p/HP Service Desk SMTP server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# VPOP3 SMTP server 2.0.0d
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) VPOP3 SMTP Server Ready\r\n| p/PSCS VPOP3 mail server/ h/$1/
# CommuniGate Pro 4.1.3 on Mac OS X 10.2.6
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP CommuniGate Pro (\d[-.\w]+) is glad to see you!\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro mail server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 .* SMTP Server ([\w._-]+) is glad to see you!\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro mail server/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP is glad to see you!\r\n| p/CommuniGate Pro mail server/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[ -]([-.\w]+) ESMTP MDaemon (\d[-.\w]+); | p/Alt-N MDaemon mail server/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) \(IMail ([^)]+)\) NT-ESMTP Server| p/IMail NT-ESMTP/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 X1 NT-ESMTP Server ([-.+\w]+) \(IMail ([^)]+)\)\r\n| p/IMail NT-ESMTP/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^421 Insufficient System Storage\.\(IMail ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/IMail smtpd/ v/$1/ i/Storage full/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-([-.+\w]+) Microsoft SMTP MAIL ready at.*Version: ([-\w.]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft SMTP/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 \[?([-.+\w]+)\]? Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: ([-\w.]+) ready| p/Microsoft ESMTP/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at| p/Microsoft Exchange ESMTP/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2010 smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Server \(Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service ([-\w.]+)\) ready| p/Microsoft Exchange/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service ([-\w_.]+) ready\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 \+OK Microsoft Exchange SMTP server version ([\d.]+)| p/Microsoft Exchange/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^421 [\d.]+ Service not available, closing transmission channel\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange smtpd/ i/disabled/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail (\d[^; ]+)| p/Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail ready | p/Sendmail/ o/Unix/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail/
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail AIX([\d.]+)/(\d[^; ]+)| p/Sendmail/ v/$3/ i/AIX $2/ o/AIX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$3/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail AIX([\d.]+)/UCB (\d[^; ]+);| p/Sendmail/ v/$3/ i/AIX $2/ o/AIX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$3/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail @\(#\)Sendmail version (\d[^; ]+) - Revision ([\d.]+) | p/Sendmail/ v/$2 rev $3/ o/HP-UX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2r$3/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) E?SMTP Sendmail @\(#\)Sendmail version (\d[^; ]+) - Revision ([\d.]+):: HP-UX([\d.]+)| p/Sendmail/ v/$2 rev $3/ o/HP-UX $4/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2r$3/
match smtp m|^220[\s-](\S+) Sendmail (SMI-\S+) ready at .*\r\n$| p/Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/
match smtp m|^220[\s-]([-\w_.]+) Sendmail (\S+) ready at .*\r\n| p/Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/
match smtp m|^220[\s-]([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Sendmail SGI-(\d[^; ]+)| p/Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/IRIX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/
match smtp m|^220 E?SMTP ([\w._-]+) Sendmail ([\w._-]+)/[\w._-]+ ready at | p/Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/IRIX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/
match smtp m|^421 4\.3\.2 Connection rate limit exceeded\.\r\n$| p/Sendmail/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail/
match smtp m|^220[- ]([^\r\n]+) ESMTP Exim (V?\d\S+)| p/Exim smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:exim:exim:$2/
match smtp m|^220[- ].*\r\n220[- ]([^\r\n]+) ESMTP Exim |s p/Exim smtpd/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:exim:exim/
match smtp m|^220 CheckPoint FireWall-1 secure ESMTP server\r\n$| p/Checkpoint FireWall-1 smtpd/ d/firewall/
match smtp m|^220 CheckPoint FireWall-1 secure SMTP server\r\n$| p/Checkpoint FireWall-1 smtpd/ d/firewall/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) running IBM AS/400 SMTP V([\w]+)| p|IBM AS/400 smtpd| v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: (\d[\w.]+)- ready at | p/MailEnable smptd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Mail Enable SMTP Service, Version: (\d[\w.]+)-- ready at| p/MailEnable smptd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Enterprise version number seems to be preceeded by "0--"; Professional with "0-"
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: \d+--([\d.]+) ready at| p/MailEnable Enterprise smptd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Catch-alls. Hyphens aren't making sense -Doug
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: ([\w._-]+) ready at| p/MailEnable smptd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^530 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: ([\w._-]+) denied access at| p/MailEnable smptd/ v/$2/ i/Denied access/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP CPMTA-([-.+\w]+) - NO UCE\r\n| p/CPMTA/ v/$2/ i/qmail-derived/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) SMTP/smap Ready\.\r\n| p/Smap/ i/from firewall toolkit/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP service \(Netscape Messaging Server ([-.+ \w]+) \(built| p/Netscape Messaging Server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) NTMail \(v([-.+\w]+)/.* ready| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ v/$1/ i/on NTMail $3/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP Postfix\r\n| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ v/$1/ i/on Postfix/ o/Unix/ h/$2/
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n220 ([-.+\w]+) Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: ([\d.]+) ready at| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ v/$1/ i/on Microsoft ESMTP $3/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-InterScan Version (\S+) .*Ready\r\n| p/Trend Micro InterScan/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) InterScan VirusWall NT ESMTP (\d[-.\w]+) \(build (\d+)\) ready at | p/Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall SMTP/ v/$2 build $3/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) GroupWise Internet Agent (\S+) .*Novell, Inc\..*\r\n| p/Novell GroupWise/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 \S+ \S+ ESMTP receiver fssmtpd(\d+) ready| p/fssmtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|Failed to open configuration file.*exim| p/Exim smtpd/ i/broken/ cpe:/a:exim:exim/
match smtp m|^220 Trend Micro ESMTP ([-.+\w]+) ready\.\r\n$| p/Trend Micro ESMTP/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Matrix SMTP Mail Server v([\w.]+) on Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/Matrix SMTP Mail Server/ v/$1/ i/on Matrix $2/
match smtp m|^220(\S+) WebShield SMTP V(\d\S.*?) Network Associates, Inc\. Ready at| p/Network Associates WebShield/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220(\S+) WebShielde(\w+)/SMTP Ready.| p/WebShielde$2 smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.+\w]+) ESMTP MailMasher ready to boogie\r\n| p/MailMasher smtpd/ h/$1/
# 220 example.com ESMTP Postfix (2.0.13) (Mandrake Linux)
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Postfix \(([-.\w]+)\) \(([-.\w ]+)\)| p/Postfix smtpd/ v/$2/ i/$3/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix:$2/a
# 220 Example LLC example.com ESMTP Postfix (2.6.1)
match smtp m|^220 (.*) ([\w._-]+) ESMTP Postfix \(([\w._-]+)\)\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ v/$3/ i/$1/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix:$3/a
# postfix 1.1.11-0.woody2
match smtp m|^220([\s-]\S+) ESMTP Postfix| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 [\*\d\ ]{2,300}\r\n| p/Cisco PIX sanitized smtpd/ d/firewall/
match smtp m|^220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version ([-.\w]+) \(([-.\w]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro for WinNT/2000/XP, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Pro/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Freeware/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus for WinNT/2000, Version [\d.]+ \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP server \([Pp]ost.[Oo]ffice v([-.\w]+) release ([-.\w]+) ID# | p/Post.Office/ v/$2 release $3/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP VisNetic.MailServer.v([-.\w]+); | p/VisNetic MailServer/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# CommuniGate Pro 4.0.5
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service. Welcome.\r\n$| p/CommuniGate Pro smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Process Software ESMTP service V([-.\w]+) ready| p/Process Software smtpd/ v/$2/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Mercury (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP server ready\.\r\n$| p/Mercury Mail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Release ([\w._-]+)\) ready at | p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Release (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready| p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready at| p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Release (\d[-.\w ]+)\) ready at | p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Build V([\w_]+) Beta (\w+)\) ready at | p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$2 Beta $3/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Build V([\w_]+) Beta (\w+)\) ready at | p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$1 Beta $2/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) ESMTP Service \(Lotus Domino Versione ([\w._ -]+)\) ready| p/Lotus Domino smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Italian/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Lotus SMTP MTA Service Ready\r\n$| p/Lotus Notes SMTP/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) WebSTAR Mail Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/WebSTAR SMTP server/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) SMTP NAVGW (\d[-.\w]+);| p/Norton Antivirus Gateway NAVGW/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+) ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) Kerio MailServer (\d[-.\w]+ patch \d+) ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 YSmtp(\S+) ESMTP service ready| p/Yahoo! smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) GMX Mailservices ESMTP| p/GMX smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP MailMax (\d[-.\w\d]+)| p/MailMax smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP WEB.DE V([^\s\;]+)| p/Web.de smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^relaylock: Error: PRODUCT_ROOT_D not defined\nrelaylock: Error: PRODUCT_ROOT_D not defined\n1\n$| p/Plesk relaylock smtp wrapper/ i/broken/
match smtp m|^220 Compuserve Office Mail Service \(lnxc-(\d+)\) ESMTP| p/Compuserve smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to Nemesis ESMTP server on \S+| p/Nemesis smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to the INDY SMTP Server\r\n$| p/INDY smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 Postini E?SMTP (\d+) [\w\d_+/:-]+ ready| p/Postini smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w\d-]+)\.hotmail\.com Sending unsolicited commercial| p/Hotmail smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+) \(IntraStore TurboSendmail\) E?SMTP Service ready| p/TurboSendmail smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+) E?SMTP Mirapoint (\d[^\;]+);| p/Mirapoint smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP Mirapoint Messaging Server MOS ([^;\r\n]+)[;\r\n]| p/Mirapoint Messaging Server MOS smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+) Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite, Version: (\d\S+) ready| p/Trend Micro InterScan smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+).*?Server ESMTP \(iPlanet Messaging Server (\d[^\(\)]+)| p/Sun iPlanet smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server (\d\S+)| p/Eudora smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220[-\s](\S+) running Eudora Internet Mail Server X (\d\S+)\r\n| p/Eudora smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) - Maillennium E?SMTP| p/Maillennium smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+).*?SMTP \(Sun Internet Mail Server sims.(\d[^\)]+)\)| p/Sun sims smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP qpsmtpd (\d\S+) ready;| p/qpsmtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP XWall v(\d\S+)| p/XWall smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP Service \(Worldmail (\d[^\)]+)\) ready| p/Worldmail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) eMail Sentinel (\d+) ESMTP Service ready| p/eMail Sentinel smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) ESMTP mxl_mta-(\d[^\;]+);| p/mxl smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) -- Server ESMTP \(SUN JES MTA 6\.x\)| p/SUN JES smtpd/ v/6.x/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) Service ready by DvISE PostMan \((\d+)\) ESMTP Server| p/DvISE PostMan smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready by DvISE PostMan \((\d+)\) ESMTP Server \(Tobit Software, Germany\)\r\n| p/Tobit DvISE PostMan smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ?(\S+) ESMTP server \(InterMail v(\S+)| p/InterMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) \(built .*; (\d+)bit\)| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server smtpd/ v/$2/ i/$3 bits/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) \(built .*; (\d+)bit\)| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server smtpd/ v/$2/ i/$3 bits/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java\(tm\) System Messaging Server ([\w._-]+) (\d+)bit \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server smtpd/ v/$3/ i/$2 bits/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java System Messaging Server ([\d.]+) \(built .*\)\)\r\n| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 (\S+) -- Server ESMTP \(Sun Java System Messaging Server (\d[^\(\)]+)| p/Sun Java System Messaging Server smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 jMailer SMTP Server\r\n$| p/jMailer smtpd/
match smtp m|^220[- ][^ ]+ Smail-([^ ]+) .*ESMTP|s p/Smail-ESMTP/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220[- ][^ ]+ Smail-([^ ]+) | p/Smail/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 \[([-\w_.]+)\] ESMTP amavisd-new service ready\r\n| p/amavisd smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m=^220 SMTP-Server Classic Hamster (?:Vr\.|Version) [\d.]+ \(Build ([\d.]+)\)\r\n= p/Classic Hamster smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-Stalker Internet Mail Server V.([\w.]+) is ready\.\r\n| p/Stalker smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) Stalker Internet Mail Server V\.([\w.]+) is ready\.\r\n| p/Stalker smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MailMax ([\d.]+) [A-Z][a-z][a-z].*\r\n| p/MailMax smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Mailmax version ([\d. ]+) ESMTP Mail Server Ready \r\n| p/MailMax smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) running IBM MVS SMTP CS V2R10 on .*\r\n| p/IBM MVS smtpd/ o/MVS/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 [-\w_]+ ESMTP ([-\w_.]+) \(Debian/GNU\)\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP \(Debian/GNU Mewwwwwww\)\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) [\w._-]+ ESMTP Postfix \(Debian/GNU\)| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/Debian/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP postfix NO UCE\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/whoson patch/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTPD Server - Postfix\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP PostFix ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix:$2/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Oracle Email Server SMTP Inbound Server\t([\d.]+) \t Ready\r\n| p/Oracle smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Mail essentials server \(([\d.]+)\) ready for ESMTP transfer\r\n| p/Mail essentials for Exchange smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP - WinRoute Pro ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/WinRoute Pro smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n| p/Lyris ListManager smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Lyris service ready\r\n| p/Lyris smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP Lyris ListManager service ready\r\n| p/Lyris ListManager smtpd/
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP\r\n220 [-\w_.]+ AsyncOS\r\n| p/IronPort C-60 smtpd/ d/specialized/ o/AsyncOS/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Ready 12\.\r\n| p/Tunix firewall smtpd/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(Netscape Messaging Server - Version ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n| p/Netscape Messaging Server/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP SMTPBeamer v([\d.]+)\r\n| p/SMTPBeamer smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ZMailer Server ([\w.]+) #\d+ ESMTP ready at .*\r\n| p/ZMailer smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 - zeus SMTPS Sendmail ([-\w_.]+)/[-\w_.]+; .*\n| p/Zeus SMTPS smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Coremail SMTP\(Anti Spam\) System \(\w+\[(\d+)\]\)\r\n| p/Coremail smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP WorkgroupMail ([\d.]+) .*\r\n| p/WorkgroupMail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) \(PowerMTA(?:\(TM\)) v([\w.]+)\) ESMTP service ready\r\n| p/PowerMTA smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP BorderWare MXtreme Mail Firewall\r\n| p/BorderWare MXtreme smtpd/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(JAMES SMTP Server ([\w.]+)\) ready| p/JAMES smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(JAMES SMTP Server\) ready | p/JAMES 3 M3 smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MDaemon ([\d.]+) ready\r\n| p/MDaemon smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\s+ESMTP MDaemon ([\d.]+); .*\r\n| p/MDaemon smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MDaemon ([\d.]+) UNREGISTERED; .*\r\n| p/MDaemon smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP MSA MDaemon ([\w._-]+) UNREGISTERED; .*\r\n| p/MDaemon smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220[ -]([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MSA MDaemon ([\d.]+);| p/MDaemon smtpd/ v/$2/ i/MSA support/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^421 Sorry, SMTP server too busy right now \(193\); try again later\r\n| p/MDaemon smtpd/ i/Server too busy error/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP HT Mail Server v([\d.]+); .*\r\n| p/IceWarp smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP IceWarp ([\d.]+)[; ]| p/IceWarp smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Gruponet IE2020 ([\d./]+);\r\n| p/Gruponet mail appliance smtpd/ v/$2/ d/specialized/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) mailfront ESMTP\r\n| p/mailfront smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server SLmail ([\d.]+) Ready ESMTP spoken here\r\n| p/SLmail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) VaMailArmor-([\d.]+)\r\n| p/VaMailArmor smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP MailFrontier \(([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/MailFrontier smtpd/ v/$2/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) WindowsNT SMTP Server v([\w/.]+) ESMTP ready at .*\r\n| p/Windows NT SMTP Server smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) \(LSMTP for Windows NT v([\w.]+)\) ESMTP server ready\r\n| p/LSMTP smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Mandamail ([\d.]+)/[\d.]+\r\n| p/Mandamail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to the QK SMTP Server\r\n| p/QK smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 PostCast SMTP server \(http://www\.postcastserver\.com/\) ready at .*\r\n| p/PostCast smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) running IBM MVS SMTP CS (\w+) on .*\r\n| p/IBM MVS smtpd/ v/$2/ o/MVS/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^Permission denied - do not try again\.\r\n| p/Hamster smtpd/ i/Access denied/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^500 Permission denied - closing connection\.\r\n| p/Hamster smtpd/ i/Access denied/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 \(SMTP\) hMailServer ([\d.]+) - Up since .*\r\n| p/hMailServer smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP hMailServer ([\w.-]+)\r\n| p/hMailServer/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Ready for action \(Mailtraq ([\d.]+)/E?SMTP\)\r\n| p/Mailtraq smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Service Ready \(QuickMail Pro Server for MacOS ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/QuickMail Pro smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) HP Sendmail \(([\d/.]+) .*\) ready at .*\r\n| p/HP Sendmail/ v/$2/ o/HP-UX/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:hp:sendmail:$2/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) Bluecat Networks Inc\. Meridius Security Gateway\r\n220 | p/Bluecat Meridius smtpd/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SurgeSMTP \(Version ([\w.-]+)\) http://surgemail\.com\r\n| p/Surgemail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Hermes ([\d.]+) ML SMTP Ready\.\r\n| p/Hermes smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 LiteMail SMTP Server Ready\.\r\n| p/LiteMail smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(DeskNow SMTP Server ([\d.]+)\) ready .*\r\n| p/DeskNow smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Server \(DeskNow\) ready| p/DeskNow smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 network-box ESMTP\r\n| p/Network Box smtpd/ d/firewall/
match smtp m|^220-\S+ Sendmail ([\d.]+)/A/UX ([\d.]+) ready at .*\r\n220 ESMTP spoken here\r\n| p/Sendmail/ v/$1/ i|on A/UX $2| o|A/UX| cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) sina_smtpd \(([\d.-]+)\) id=\d+\r\n| p/SINA smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SpearMail SMTP Daemon ready\.\r\n| p/SpearMail smtpd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP on WebEasyMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.51webmail\.com\r\n| p/WebEasyMail smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) AntiVir MailGate\r\n| p/AntiVir MailGate smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 server ESMTP KEN! v([\d.]+); .*\r\n| p/AVM KEN! smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) NTMail \(v([\d.]+)/[\w.]+\) ready for ESMTP transfer \r\n| p/NTMail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) Sendmail IBM OS/2 SENDMAIL VERSION ([\w./]+) ready at .*\r\n220 ESMTP spoken here\r\n| p/Sendmail smtpd/ v/$2/ o|OS/2| h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail:$2/ cpe:/o:ibm:os2/
match smtp m|^220 imss-2 ESMTP ready at .*\r\n| p/Trend Micro IMSS smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Service ready\.\r\n214- Valid commands are:\r\n214- HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET QUIT NOOP\r\n214- HELP VRFY\r\n214- Commands not valid are:\r\n214- SEND SOML SAML TURN\r\n.*214- [-\w_.]+ is running the OS/400 operating system\.\r\n|s p|OS/400 smtpd| o|OS/400| h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 shttp\.srv Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/Small Home Server smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^501 Domain must resolve\r\n$| p/odmrd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ModusMail ESMTP Receiver Version ([\d.]+) Ready\r\n| p/ModusMail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 mailmatrix SMTP Server \(Mail Matrix Server\) ready| p/Mail Matrix smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-([-\w_.]+) ESMTP .* GoMail V([\d.]+);| p/GoMail mass mailing plugin smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 [-\w_.]+ Winmail Mail Server ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Winmail smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP \(Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Code-Crafters Ability Mail Server smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP Welcome to the Internet Anywhere Mail Server Version: ([\d.]+)\. Build: (\d+) by True North Software, Inc\.\r\n| p/True North Internet Anywhere smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Build $3/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Notice the ; immediatley after the host
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+); .* \+\d+\r\n| p/Webwasher CSM Suite smtpd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^451 Temporary local problem - please try later\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^421 unable to read controls \(#4\.3\.0\)\r\n| p/qmail smtpd/ i/qmail-smtpd-auth 0.31/ o/Unix/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Miralix SMSGwSMTP Ready\r\n| p/Miralix SMTP2SMS Gateway/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^554 Please check your SMTP server is set to [-\w_.]+\.co\.uk\. Further help is available at| i/Wanadoo blocks smtp - NOT A REAL smtpd!/
match smtp m|^554 Please check that your outgoing mail server settings are correct\. Contact your service provider's technical support for assistance\.\n| i/Wanadoo blocks smtp - NOT A REAL smtpd!/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) V([\w._-]+), OpenVMS V([\w._-]+) Alpha ready at .* \r\n| p/OpenVMS smtpd/ v/$2/ i/OpenVMS $3; Alpha/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match smtp m|^220 rblsmtpd\.local\r\n| p/rblsmtpd wrapped smtpd/ i/Connecting from banned IP/
match smtp m|^rblsmtpd: [\d.]+ pid \d+:.*220 rblsmtpd\.local\r\n|s p/rblsmtpd wrapped smtpd/ i/Connecting from banned IP/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome to the Advanced SMTP Server\r\n| p/SoftStack Advanced smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 SurgeSMTP \(Version ([-\w_.]+)\) http://surgemail\.com\r\n| p/Netwin Surgemail smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 HMailServer ESMTP\r\n| p/HMailServer smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 SMTP-Server The Croatian Classic Hamster Ver\. [\d.]+ \(Podverzija ([\d.]+)\)\r\n| p/Classic Hamster smtpd/ v/$1/ i/Croatian/
match smtp m|^220 I, CALLPILOT\[[\d.]+\], speak ESMTP\. Talk to me\.\r\n| p/Nortel CallPilot imapd/ d/telecom-misc/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Welcome to RaidenMAILD E?SMTP service v([\d.]+),| p/RaidenMAILD smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP [^ ]+ CMailServer ([\d.]+) SMTP Service Ready\r\n| p/Youngzsoft CMailServer smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ESMTP on WinWebMail \[([\d.]+)\] ready\. http://www\.winwebmail| p/WinWebMail smtpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220-W E L C O M E T O Q U A R K M A I L S M T P S E R V I C E !\r\n220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(quarkmail server - version ([\d.]+)\) ready| p/Quarkmail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Sendmail Switch-([\d.]+)/Switch-([\d.]+);| p/Sendmail Switch smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Switch $3/ h/$1/
# This is a fall-back line for other probes when postfix banner is stripped
match smtp m|^220 .*\r\n221 2\.7\.0 Error: I can break rules, too\. Goodbye\.\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) running EIMS X ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Eudora EIMS X smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match smtp m|^220 DP-3510\r\n| p/Panasonic DP-3500 smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Axigen ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Axigen smtpd/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^421 Unexpected log failure, please try later\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) DynFX ESMTP Server ([-\w_.]+) \(| p/DynFX smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ;; ESMTP connection timed out; no servers could be reached Sendmail ([-\w_.]+)/| p/Sendmail/ v/$1/ i/broken/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail/
match smtp m|^554 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP not accepting messages\r\n| p/Sendmail/ i/Not accepting mail/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:sendmail:sendmail/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) L-Soft HDMail SMTP Service Version: ([-\w_.()]+) ready| p/L-Soft HDMail smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Linux/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Synchronet SMTP Server ([\d.]+)-Win32 Ready\r\n| p/Synchronet smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ShareMailPro SMTP Server Ready \r\n| p/LavaSoftware ShareMailPro smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Service\(Mail2000 ESMTP Server V([-\w_.]+)\) ready| p/Mail2000 smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) 4D WebSTAR V Mail \(([-\w_.]+)\) Ready for action\r\n| p/4D WebSTAR smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP server \(Neon Mail Server System Advance ([-\w_.]+),| p/Neon Mail Server smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^553 Requested action not taken; No permission\.\r\n$| p/Mitel 3300 PBX smtpd/ i/Access denied/ d/PBX/
match smtp m|^421 [-\w_.]+ - Your name, '\[[-\w_.]+\]', is unknown to me\.\r\n| p/SCO smtpd/ i/Unknown host/ o/SCO UNIX/
match smtp m|^220 Service ready KM([\w._-]+) smtpd\r\n| p/Konica Minolta bizhub $1 printer smtpd/ d/printer/ cpe:/h:konicaminolta:bizhub_$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) cqgreylist - minimal smptd\r\n| p/cqgreylist minimal smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP AnNyungSMTP ([\w._-]+);| p/AnNyung smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 DP-1820E\r\n| p/Panasonic DP-1820E printer smtpd/ d/printer/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) -- Server ESMTP \(PMDF V([\d.]+)-| p/PMDF smtpd/ v/$2/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP SecurityGateway ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)| p/ALT-N SecurityGateway smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) VHCS2 [\w._-]+ (\w+) Managed ESMTP ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/Virtual Hosting Control System $3 $2/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP ispCP (.*) OMEGA Managed\r\n| p/Postfix smtpd/ i/ispCP OMEGA $2/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:postfix:postfix/a
# embyte
match smtp m|^220.*Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\. Version ([\d.]+)| p/Goodtech smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220.*SMTP Welcome to the IA eMailServer Corporate Edition Version: ([\d.]+ Build: [\d]+)| p/IA eMailServer Corporate/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220.*SMTP Welcome to the IA eMailServer Standard Edition Version: ([\d.]+ Build: [\d]+)| p/IA eMailServer Standard/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) bizsmtp ESMTP server ready\r\n| p/Bizanga bizsmtp smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP NetBox\(tm\)\r\n| p/NetBox smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) StrongMail SMTP Service Version: (\S+) ready| p/StrongMail smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^421 Service not available, closing transmission channel\r\n$| p/Oki 3200N laser printer smtpd/ i/service disabled/ d/printer/
match smtp m|^421 Service not available, closing transmission channel \r\n$| p/Konica Minolta bizhub smtpd/ i/service disabled/ d/printer/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP OpenSMTPD\r\n| p/OpenSMTPD/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Merak MAILSRV\r\n| p/Merak Mail Server smptd/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) ESMTP Citadel server ready\.\r\n| p/Citadel smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) Epiphany CME SMTP Server Version ([\d.]+) ready at [^\r\n]*\r\n| p/Epiphany Campaign Manager for Email (CME) smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w_.-]+) \(\w+\) Welcome to Nemesis ESMTP server\r\n| p/Nemesis smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 BEJY V([\w._-]+) SMTP ([\w._-]+) \(c\) \d+-\d+ by BebboSoft, Stefan \"Bebbo\" Franke, all rights reserved ready\r\n$| p/BEJY smtpd/ v/$2/ i/BEJY $1/
match smtp m|^220 Welcome NGOS SMTP Server version ([\w._-]+)\r\n$| p/NewsGator Enterprise Server smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) Kerio Connect ([\w._ -]+) ESMTP ready\r\n| p/Kerio Connect smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Service ready (KMBT[0-9A-F]+) smtpd\r\n| p/Konica Minolta printer smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 Service ready M052 smtpd\r\n| p/Konica Minolta C360 printer smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) running IBM VM SMTP Level (\d+) on | p/IBM VM smtpd/ v/Level $2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 DavMail SMTP ready at | p/DavMail smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 DavMail ([\w._-]+) SMTP ready at | p/DavMail smtpd/ v/$1/
match smtp m|^421 4\.3\.2 Service not available\r\n| p/Microsoft Exchange 2010 smtpd/ i/not available/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) InSciTek OIS Ready here ESMTP\r\n| p/Allworx 6x VoIP phone smtpd/ d/VoIP phone/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([-\w_.]+)\s+ESMTP IdeaSmtpServer ([^\s]+) ready\.\r\n| p/IdeaSmtpServer smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) M\+ Extreme Email Engine ESMTP ready ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Messaging Architects M+ Extreme Email Engine smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) Service ready by David\.fx \(([\w._-]+)\) ESMTP Server \(Tobit\.Software, Germany\)\r\n| p/Tobit David.fx smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP [\w._-]+\r\n| p/Symantec Enterprise Security manager smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^554 5\.7\.1 : Client host rejected: Access denied\r\n| p/Symantec Messaging Gateway smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+)\.\* ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: ([\w._-]+)-- ready at \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\r\n| p/MailEnable smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 localhost Dumbster SMTP service ready\r\n| p/Dumbster fake smtpd/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) -- Server ESMTP \(Oracle Communications Messaging Exchange Server ([\w._-]+) 64bit (\(built \w+ \d+ \d+\))\)\r\n| p/Oracle Communications Message Exchange imapd/ v/$2 $3/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 \[[\d.]+\] FTGate Server Ready \(#3\.01\)\r\n| p/Floosietek FTGate smtpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp m|^554 ([\w._-]+)\r\n$| p/Cisco IronPort C160 firewall smtpd/ o/AsyncOS/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 HOST: ([\w._-]+) Supportworks ESMTP Server ([\w._-]+) ready\r\n| p/Hornbill Supportworks smtpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
#(insert smtp)
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP/DeleGate/([\d.]+) ready at .*\r\n| p/DeleGate smtpd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-/.+\w]+) SMTP AnalogX Proxy (\d[-.\w]+) \(Release\) ready\r\n| p/AnalogX SMTP proxy/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP spamd IP-based SPAM blocker; .*\r\n| p/spamd smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 YahooPOPs! Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready\r\n| p/YahooPOPs! smtpd/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ESMTP smtprelay service ready\.\r\n| p/GeNUGate firewall smtp relay/ d/firewall/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Tumbleweed MMS SMTP Relay Service ready\r\n| p/Tumbleweed smtp proxy/ d/firewall/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) SMTP hotsmtpd v([\d.]+)\. ESMTP-HTTPMail Gateway based on hotwayd\.\r\n| p/hotsmtpd based on hotwayd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) Welcome SpamFilter for ISP SMTP Server v([\d.]+) - Unlicensed Evaluation Copy\r\n| p/SpamFilter for ISP smtpd/ v/$2/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 Welcome to the 1st SMTP Server\r\n| p/1st SMTP relay/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^421 proxyplus\.universe SMTP server\. Insecure access - terminating\.\r\n| p/Proxy+ smtp proxy/ i/Access denied/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 AVG ESMTP Proxy Server Beta - ([\d./]+) \[[\d.]+\]\r\n| p/GriSoft anti-virus smtp proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 AVG ESMTP Proxy Server ([\d./]+) \[[\d./]+\]\r\n| p/GriSoft anti-virus smtp proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^554 ([\d.]+) ([-\w_.]+) No mail service\r\n| p/Symantec SGS smtp proxy/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Scalix SMTP Relay ([\d.]+); .*\r\n| p/Scalix smtp relay/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 Traffic Inspector SMTP Gate \(SPAM protected\), ver\. ([\w._-]+), ready at.*\r\n| p/Smart-Soft spam filtering smtp-proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 mailwall SMTP Server \(Ikarus MailWall by David Grabenweger\) ready\r\n| p/Ikarus MailWall smtp-proxy/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP - eXpurgate ([\d.]+) \(| p/eXpurgate smtp proxy/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 CCProxy ([\d.]+) SMTP Service Ready\(Unregistered\)\r\n| p/CCProxy smtp proxy/ v/$1/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 CCProxy ([\d.]+) SMTP Service Ready\r\n| p/CCProxy smtp proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) F-Secure/fsigk_smtp/\d+/[-\w_.]+\r\n| p/F-Secure Internet Gateway SMTP proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^521 Host does not accept mail from you, closing transmission channel\.\.\.\r\n| p/F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper smtp proxy/
match smtp-proxy m|^NoSpamToday! SMTP Proxy Monitoring Service Ready\.\r\n| p/Byteplant NoSpamToday! smtp proxy/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP bitdefender| p/BitDefender anti-virus mail gateway/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP BitDefender Proxy version ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/BitDefender anti-virus mail gateway/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP BitDefender Proxy\r\n| p/BitDefender anti-virus mail gateway/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 Proxy\+ SMTP server at ([-\w_.]+)\. Authentication required\.\r\n| p/Proxy+ smtp proxy/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 [-\w_.]+ avast! SMTP proxy ready\.\r\n| p/Avast! anti-virus smtp proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 UserGate: SMTP service ready\r\n| p/UserGate smtp proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) WebShielde1000/SMTP Ready\.\r\n| p/McAfee WebShield e1000 smtp proxy/ v/$1/ d/security-misc/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) (SCM\d+)/SMTP Ready\.\r\n| p/McAfee $2 smtp proxy/ d/security-misc/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) Welcome to SpamFilterISP SMTP Server v([\w._-]+) - Unlicensed Evaluation Copy\r\n| p/SpamFilterISP smtp proxy/ v/$2/ i/evaluation copy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 arkoon Sendmail ready\. \r\n| p/Arkoon smtp proxy/
match smtp-proxy m|^554 You are not allowed to connect\.\r\n| p/Symantec Brightmail smtp proxy/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP Symantec Brightmail Gateway\r\n| p/Symantec Brightmail smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) \[ESMTP Server\] service ready;Bonjour; [^\r\n]*\r\n| p/Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security smtp proxy/ d/proxy server/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP server ready \(Alligate v([\w._-]+)\)(?: AUTH ONLY)?\r\n| p/Alligate smtp proxy/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 Alligate Greylisting Server ready\r\n| p/Alligate smtp proxy greylisting server/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+)\.ARK Sendmail ready\. \r\n| p/Arkoon smtp replay/ i/Sendmail/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^421 too many connections\r\n| p/Barracuda 300 spam filter/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([-\w_.]+) ESMTP Service ready\r\n| p/ESET NOD32 anti-virus smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) MAILFOUNDRY ESMTP\r\n| p/MailFoundry antispam smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) EWSA(\w+)/SMTP Ready\.\r\n| p/McAfee EWSA $2 smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^421 Cannot establish SSL with SMTP server ([][\w._:-]+), SSL_connect error 336031996\r\n| p/Zentynal SMTP filter/ i/SMTP server $1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 ([\w._-]+) AVKSMTP Server\r\n| p/GData AntiVirenKit MailGateway smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 (\S+) F-Secure Anti-Virus for Internet Mail ready| p/F-Secure AV SMTP Proxy/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220 (\S+) Welcome to SpamFilter for ISP SMTP Server v(\d\S+)| p/LogSat SMTP Proxy/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match smtp-proxy m|^220-TrendMicro IMSS SMTP proxy\r\n| p/Trend Micro SMTP Proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match smtp-proxy m|^220-([\w._-]+) ESMTP Welcome to smtpf #\d+ \(\w+\)\r\n220 Copyright 2006, 2011 by SnertSoft\. All rights reserved\.\r\n| p/SnertSoft Barricade MX smtp proxy/ h/$1/
match fw1-topology m|^[QY]\0\0\0$| p/Checkpoint FW1 Topology/ d/firewall/
softmatch smtp m|^220[\s-].*?E?SMTP[^\r]*\r\n|
softmatch smtp m|^572 Relay not authorized\r\n| i/Relay not authorized/
# This is likely Cisco specific, but making it generic just in case - Tom S.
softmatch smtp m|^550 (\d.\d.\d) ([^\r\n]+)| p/Unrecognized SMTP service/ i/$1 $2/
match smtp-stats m|^Statistics from .*\n M msgsfr bytes_from msgsto bytes_to msgsrej msgsdis Mailer\n| p/Multi Router Traffic Grapher smtp statistics/
match snapmirror m|^\x80\0\0\x24\0\0\0\x01\x4c\xb4\x21\xd2\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\0$| p/SnapMirror replication/ d/storage-misc/ o/Data ONTAP/
match snpp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) SNPP server \(HylaFAX \(tm\) Version ([-.\w]+)\) ready.\r\n| p/HylaFAX SNPP/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match snpp m|^220 QuickPage v(\d[-.\w]+) SNPP server ready at | p/QuickPage SNPP/ v/$1/
match snpp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) SNPP Sendpage ([-\w_.]+) | p/Sendpage SNPP/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match sobby m|^obby_welcome:\d+\nnet6_encryption:\d+\n| p/Sobby collaborative editing/
match socks-proxy m|^Unauthorized \.\.\.\r\nIP Address: [\d.]+\r\nMAC Address: \r\nServer Time: \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d\r\nAuth Result: Invalid user\.$| p/CCProxy socks proxy/ i/unauthorized/
softmatch socks-proxy m|^\x00\x5b......$| p/Socks4A/
match sonork m|^\0\x01\x88\0\0\0Sonork Server V([\w._ ()-]+) ready\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0SGI=\0\0\0\0\x07\x17\0\0\xe5\x04\0\0\x0b\0.\0\x06\0\0\0\x000\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\x02\0\x08.\xc0\xa8\(\?\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$|s p/Sonork instant messaging/ v/$1/
match sophos m|^IOR:[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}| p/Sophos Message Router/ i/Interroperable Object Reference Service/
match sourceviewerserver m|^OK SourceViewerService v1\.0\r\n| p/NetBeans Source Viewer Service/
# http://udk.openoffice.org/common/man/spec/urp.html
match urp m|^\0\0\0\x60\0\0\0\x01\xf8\x04\x96\0\0'com\.sun\.star\.bridge\.XProtocolProperties\x15UrpProtocolProperties\0\0\x14..\0\0................\0\0....$|s p/UNO Remote Protocol (URP)/
match sourceoffice m|^200\r\nProtocol-Version:(\d[\d.]+)\r\nMessage-ID:\d+\r\nDatabase .*\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\n\r\n(\w:\\.*ini)\r\n\r\n| p/Sourcegear SourceOffSite/ i/Protocol $1; INI file: $2/
match sourceoffice m|^250\r\nProtocol-Version:(\d[\d.]+)\r\nMessage-ID:\d+\r\nDatabase .*\r\nContent-Length:\d+\r\nKey Length:(\d+)\r\n\r\n.*(\w:\\.*ini)\r\n\r\n|s p/Sourcegear SourceOffSite/ i/Protocol $1; Key len: $2; INI file: $3/
match spmd m|^SPMD_ACK\0\0\x01\0\x01$| p/Softimage XSI SPMD license server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# F-Secure/WRQ
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) F-Secure SSH Windows NT Server\r?\n| p/F-Secure WinNT sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) dss F-SECURE SSH\r?\n| p/F-Secure sshd/ v/$2/ i/dss-only; protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) F-SECURE SSH.*\r?\n| p/F-Secure sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-ReflectionForSecureIT_([-\w_.]+) - Process Software MultiNet\r\n| p/WRQ Reflection for Secure IT sshd/ v/$2/ i/OpenVMS MultiNet; protocol $1/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-ReflectionForSecureIT_([-\w_.]+)\r?\n| p/WRQ Reflection for Secure IT sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-SSH Protocol Compatible Server SCS (\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n| p/SCS NetScreen sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-SSH Compatible Server\r?\n| p/SCS NetScreen sshd/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) SSH Secure Shell Tru64 UNIX\r?\n| p/SCS sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Tru64 UNIX/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+) SSH Secure Shell| p/SCS sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^sshd: SSH Secure Shell (\d[-.\w]+) on ([-.\w]+)\nSSH-(\d[\d.]+)-| p/SCS SSH Secure Shell/ v/$1/ i/on $2; protocol $3/
match ssh m|^sshd: SSH Secure Shell (\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\r\n\)]+)\) on ([-.\w]+)\nSSH-(\d[\d.]+)-| p/SCS sshd/ v/$1/ i/$2; on $3; protocol $4/
match ssh m|^sshd2\[\d+\]: .*\r\nSSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) SSH Secure Shell \(([^\r\n\)]+)\)\r?\n| p/SCS sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; $3/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d+\.\d+\.[-.\w]+)| p/SCS sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
# OpenSSH
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) Debian-(\S*maemo\S*)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 Debian $3/ i/Nokia Maemo tablet; protocol $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)[ -]{1,2}Debian[ -_]([^\r\n]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 Debian $3/ i/protocol $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_[\w.]+-FC-([\w.-]+)\.fc(\d+)\r\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 Fedora/ i/Fedora Core $3; protocol $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora_core/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-([\d]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/FreeBSD $3; protocol $1/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD localisations (\d+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/FreeBSD $3; protocol $1/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-portable-(?:[\w.,]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-portable-overwrite-base| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; overwrite base SSH/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD-openssh-gssapi-| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/gssapi; protocol $1/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) FreeBSD\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) miniBSD-([\d]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/MiniBSD $3; protocol $1/ o/MiniBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) NetBSD_Secure_Shell-([\w._-]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/NetBSD $3; protocol $1/ o/NetBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:netbsd:netbsd/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)_Mikrotik_v([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 mikrotik $3/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) in RemotelyAnywhere ([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/RemotelyAnywhere $3; protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)\+CAN-2004-0175\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2+CAN-2004-0175/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+) NCSA_GSSAPI_20040818 KRB5\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 NCSA_GSSAPI_20040818 KRB5/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-hpn\w+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+\+sftpfilecontrol-v[\d.]+-hpn\w+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-hpn) NCSA_GSSAPI_\d+ KRB5\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; kerberos support/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_3\.4\+p1\+gssapi\+OpenSSH_3\.7\.1buf_fix\+2006100301\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/3.4p1 with CMU Andrew patches/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:3.4p1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+\.RL)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2 Allied Telesis/ i/protocol $1/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-CERN\d+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+\.cern-hpn)| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-hpn)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+-pwexp\d+)\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/AIX/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)-chrootssh\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Nortel\r?\n| p/Nortel SSH/ i/protocol $1/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w_.-]+) DragonFly-\d+\r?\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/DragonFlyBSD/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w_.-]+) FIPS\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; Imperva SecureSphere firewall/ d/firewall/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w_.-]+) NCSA_GSSAPI_GPT_([-\w_.]+) GSI\n| p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; NCSA GSSAPI authentication patch $3/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
# Choose your destiny:
# 1) Match all OpenSSHs:
#match ssh m/^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH[_-]([\S ]+)/i p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
# 2) Don't match unknown SSHs (and generate fingerprints)
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH[_-]([\w.]+)\r?\n|i p/OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:$2/
# Are these randomly generated or what?
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Tc6l51-sD1m-m_\n| p/Fortinet FortiWifi 60C firewall sshd/ d/firewall/ cpe:/h:fortinet:fortiwifi:60c/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0--Oxv-\n| p/Fortinet FortiGate 50B firewall sshd/ d/firewall/ cpe:/h:fortinet:fortigate:50b/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-7Jcq2\n| p/Fortinet FortiGate 60B firewall sshd/ d/firewall/ cpe:/h:fortinet:fortigate:60b/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Fq6T1B\n| p/Fortinet FortiGate 310B firewall sshd/ d/firewall/ cpe:/h:fortinet:fortigate:310b/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-cA2G3\n| p/Fortinet FortiGate 620B firewall sshd/ d/firewall/ cpe:/h:fortinet:fortigate:620b/
# These are strange ones. These routers pretend to be OpenSSH, but don't do it that well (see the \r):
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-OpenSSH\r?\n| p/Linksys WRT45G modified dropbear sshd/ i/protocol 2.0/ d/router/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-OpenSSH_3\.6p1\r?\n| p|D-Link/Netgear DSL router modified dropbear sshd| i/protocol 2.0/ d/router/
match ssh m|^\0\0\0\$\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x1bNo host key is configured!\n\r!\"v| p/Foundry Networks switch sshd/ i/broken: No host key configured/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-SSF-(\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n| p/SSF French SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd_(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a free ssh\r\n\0\0| p/lshd secure shell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-lshd-(\d[-.\w]+) lsh - a GNU ssh\r\n\0\0| p/lshd secure shell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Sun_SSH_(\S+)| p/SunSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-meow roototkt by rebel| p/meow SSH ROOTKIT/ i/protocol $1/
# Akamai hosted systems tend to run this - found on www.microsoft.com
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]*)-(AKAMAI-I*)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]*)-(Server-V)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]*)-(Server-VI)\r?\n$| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]*)-(Server-VII)\r?\n| p/Akamai SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-Cisco-(\d[\d.]+)\r?\n$| p/Cisco SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-CiscoIOS_([\d.]+)XA\r?\n| p/Cisco SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1; Chinese IOS XA/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match ssh m|^\r\nDestination server does not have Ssh activated\.\r\nContact Cisco Systems, Inc to purchase a\r\nlicense key to activate Ssh\.\r\n| p/Cisco CSS SSH/ i/Unlicensed/
match ssh m|^SSH-(\d[\d.]+)-VShell_(\d[_\d.]+) VShell\r?\n$| p/VanDyke VShell sshd/ v/$SUBST(2,"_",".")/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-0\.0 \r?\n| p/VanDyke VShell sshd/ i/version info hidden; protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+) VShell\r?\n| p/VanDyke VShell/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+) \(beta\) VShell\r?\n| p/VanDyke VShell/ v/$2 beta/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) sshlib: WinSSHD (\d[-.\w]+)\r?\n| p/Bitvise WinSSHD/ v/$3/ i/sshlib $2; protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-(\d[-.\w]+) sshlib: WinSSHD\r?\n| p/Bitvise WinSSHD/ i/sshlib $2; protocol $1; server version hidden/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: sshlibSrSshServer ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/SrSshServer/ v/$3/ i/sshlib $2; protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: GlobalScape\r?\n| p/GlobalScape CuteFTP sshd/ i/sshlib $2; protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) sshlib: EdmzSshDaemon ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/EdmzSshDaemon/ v/$3/ i/sshlib $2; protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Bitvise WinSSHD/ v/$3/ i/FlowSsh $2; protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD ([\w._-]+): free only for personal non-commercial use\r\n| p/Bitvise WinSSHD/ v/$3/ i/FlowSsh $2; protocol $1; non-commercial use/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w._-]+) FlowSsh: WinSSHD: free only for personal non-commercial use\r\n| p/Bitvise WinSSHD/ i/FlowSsh $2; protocol $1; non-commercial use/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator
# Cisco VPN Concentrator 3005 - Cisco Systems, Inc./VPN 3000 Concentrator Version 4.0.1.B Jun 20 2003
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH\r?\n$| p/OpenSSH/ i/protocol $1/ d/terminal server/
match ssh m|^SSH-1\.5-X\r?\n| p/Cisco VPN Concentrator SSHd/ i/protocol 1.5/ d/terminal server/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-NetScreen\r?\n| p/NetScreen sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-1\.5-FucKiT RootKit by Cyrax\r?\n| p/FucKiT RootKit sshd/ i/**BACKDOOR** protocol 1.5/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-dropbear_([-\w.]+)\r?\n| p/Dropbear sshd/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match ssh m|^Access to service sshd from [-\w_.]+@[-\w_.]+ has been denied\.\r\n| p/libwrap'd OpenSSH/ i/Access denied/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-FortiSSH_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/FortiSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-cryptlib\r?\n| p/APC AOS cryptlib sshd/ i/protocol $1/ o/AOS/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+) Radware\r?\n$| p/Radware Linkproof SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/terminal server/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-1\.0 Radware SSH \r?\n| p/Radware sshd/ i/protocol 2.0/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Radware_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Radware sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-1\.5-By-ICE_4_All \( Hackers Not Allowed! \)\r?\n| p/ICE_4_All backdoor sshd/ i/**BACKDOOR** protocol 1.5/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-mpSSH_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/HP Integrated Lights-Out mpSSH/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Unknown\r?\n| p/Allot Netenforcer OpenSSH/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-FrSAR ([\d.]+) TRUEX COMPT 32/64\r?\n| p/FrSAR truex compt sshd/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-(\d{8,12})\r?\n| p/Netpilot config access/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-RomCliSecure_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Adtran Netvanta RomCliSecure sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-APSSH_([\w.]+)\r?\n| p/APSSHd/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Twisted\r?\n| p/Kojoney SSH honeypot/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w.]+)\r?\n.*aes256|s p/Kojoney SSH honeypot/ i/Pretending to be $2; protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Mocana SSH\r\n| p/Mocana embedded SSH/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-Mocana SSH \r?\n| p/Mocana embedded SSH/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-1\.99-InteropSecShell_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/InteropSystems SSH/ v/$1/ i/protocol 1.99/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-WeOnlyDo(?:-wodFTPD)? ([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/WeOnlyDo sshd/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-WeOnlyDo-([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/WeOnlyDo sshd/ v/$1/ i/protocol 2.0/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-PGP\r?\n| p/PHP Universal sshd/ i/protocol 2.0/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-libssh-([-\w.]+)\r?\n| p/libssh/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-HUAWEI-VRP([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Huawei VRP sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/ o/VRP/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-VRP-([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Huawei VRP sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/ o/VRP/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-lancom\r?\n| p/lancom sshd/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-xxxxxxx\r?\n| p|Fortinet VPN/firewall sshd| i/protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-AOS_SSH\r?\n| p/AOS sshd/ i/protocol $1/ o/AOS/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-RedlineNetworksSSH_([\d.]+) Derived_From_OpenSSH-([\d.])+\r?\n| p/RedLineNetworks sshd/ v/$2/ i/Derived from OpenSSH $3; protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-DLink Corp\. SSH server ver ([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/D-Link sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-FreSSH\.([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/FreSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Neteyes-C-Series_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Neteyes C Series load balancer sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/load balancer/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-IPSSH-([\d.]+)\r?\n| p|Cisco/3com IPSSHd| v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-DigiSSH_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/Digi CM sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-0 Tasman Networks Inc\.\r?\n| p/Tasman router sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-([\w.]+)rad\r?\n| p/Rad Java SFTPd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\d.]+) in DesktopAuthority ([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/DesktopAuthority OpenSSH/ v/$2/ i/DesktopAuthority $3; protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-NOS-SSH_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/3Com WX2200 or WX4400 NOS sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/WAP/
match ssh m|^SSH-1\.5-SSH\.0\.1\r?\n| p/Dell PowerConnect sshd/ i/protocol 1.5/ d/power-device/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Ingrian_SSH\r?\n| p/Ingrian SSH/ i/protocol $1/ d/security-misc/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-PSFTPd PE\. Secure FTP Server ready\r?\n| p/PSFTPd sshd/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-BlueArcSSH_([\d.]+)\r?\n| p/BlueArc sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/storage-misc/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Zyxel SSH server\r?\n| p/ZyXEL ZyWALL sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/security-misc/ o/ZyNOS/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-paramiko_([\w._-]+)\r?\n| p/Paramiko Python sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-USHA SSHv([\w._-]+)\r?\n| p/USHA SSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/power-device/
match ssh m|^SSH-2\.0-SSH_0\.2\r?\n$| p/3com WAP sshd/ v/0.2/ i/protocol 2.0/ d/WAP/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-CoreFTP-([\w._-]+)\r?\n| p/CoreFTP sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-RomSShell_([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/AllegroSoft RomSShell sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-IFT SSH server BUILD_VER\n| p/Sun StorEdge 3511 sshd/ i/protocol $1; IFT SSH/ d/storage-misc/
match ssh m|^Could not load hosy key\. Closing connection\.\.\.$| p/Cisco switch sshd/ i/misconfigured/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match ssh m|^Could not load host key\. Closing connection\.\.\.$| p/Cisco switch sshd/ i/misconfigured/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-WS_FTP-SSH_([\w._-]+)(?: FIPS)?\r\n| p/WS_FTP sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:ipswitch:ws_ftp:$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-http://www\.sshtools\.com J2SSH \[SERVER\]\r\n| p/SSHTools J2SSH/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-DraySSH_([\w._-]+)\n\n\rNo connection is available now\. Try again later!$| p/DrayTek Vigor 2820 ADSL router sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/broadband router/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Pragma FortressSSH ([\d.]+)\n| p/Pragma FortessSSH/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-SysaxSSH_([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Sysax Multi Server sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-1\.00\r\n$| p/Cisco IP Phone CP-7900G-series sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/VoIP phone/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Foxit-WAC-Server-([\d.]+ Build \d+)\n| p/Foxit WAC Server sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-ROSSSH\r\n| p/MikroTik RouterOS sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/router/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-3Com OS-([\w._-]+ Release \w+)\n| p/3Com switch sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/switch/ o/Comware/ cpe:/o:3com:comware/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-3Com OS-3Com OS V([\w._-]+)\n| p/3Com switch sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/switch/ o/Comware/ cpe:/o:3com:comware/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-XXXX\r\n| p/Cyberoam firewall sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-xxx\r\n| p/Cyberoam UTM firewall sshd/ i/protocol $1/ d/firewall/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-OpenSSH_([\w._-]+)-HipServ\n| p/Seagate GoFlex NAS device sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/ d/storage-misc/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-xlightftpd_release_([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Xlight FTP Server sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-Serv-U_([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Serv-U SSH Server/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
match ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-CerberusFTPServer_([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Cerberus FTP Server sshd/ v/$2/ i/protocol $1/
softmatch ssh m|^SSH-([\d.]+)-| i/protocol $1/
match soldat m|^Soldat Admin Connection Established\.\.\.\r\nAdmin connected\.\r\n| p/Soldat game admin server/
match soldat m|^Soldat Admin Connection Established\.\r\nPassword request timed out\.\r\n| p/Soldat game admin server/
match solproxy m|^The solproxy is used by [\d.]+\n\rThe client is closed!\n\r| p/Dell Serial Over LAN proxy/
match stockfish m|^unknown command \r\nunknown command \r\n| p/Stockfish chess engine/
match synchroedit m|^SynchroEdit ([\d.]+) running on ([\w._-]+)\n$| p/SynchroEdit request server/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match sysinfo m|^\* OK SSP MagniComp SysInfo Server ([\w._-]+)\n$| p/MagniComp SysInfo asset management/ v/$1/
match teamspeak m|^TS3\n\r$| p/TeamSpeak voice communication/ v/3/
match teamspeak m|^TS3\n\rWelcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery interface, type \"help\" for a list of commands and \"help \" for information on a specific command\.\n\r$| p/TeamSpeak voice communication/ v/3/
match teamviewer m|^\x17\x24\x0a\x20\x00....\x08\x13\x80\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x11\x80\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/TeamViewer/
match teamviewer m|^\x17\x24\x0a\x20\x00....\x88\x13\x80\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x11\x80\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/TeamViewer/ v/5/
match teamviewer m|^\x17\x24\x0a\x20\x00....\xe8\x42\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x10\x80\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/TeamViewer/
match teamviewer m|^\x17\x24\x0a\x20\x00....\x68\x42\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x11\x80\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/TeamViewer/
match topdesk m|^401 TOPdesk Authentication Required\r\n$| p/TOPdesk/
# BEEP/ANTP protocol uses RPY (reply) much like HTTP
# See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3080.txt
# and http://simp.mitre.org/drafts/antp.html
# for details
match beep m|^RPY \d \d \. \d \d+\r\nContent-Type: application/beep\+xml\r\n\r\n.*/beep/xgrid/controller/|s p/Apple Xgrid Controller/ d/specialized/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
softmatch beep m|^RPY \d \d \. \d \d+\r\nContent-Type: application/beep\+xml\r\n|
match kvm m|^\0\0\0\x0bSynergy\0\x01\0| p/Synergy KVM/
match kvm m|^\0\0\0\x0b\0| p/Raritan KVM/
match kvm m|^LFB 1\.0[56]$| p/IBM BladeCenter KVM/
match syncsort-nibbler m|^\x80\0\0\$\0\0\0\x01I\xae\xeb\xc1\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x04\0\0\0\"$| p/Syncsort Backup Express nibbler/
# Redhat Linux 7.1 - HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love this service :)
match systat m|^USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND\n| p/Linux systat/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match systat m|^ PID PGRP SID PRI STATE BLK SIZE COMMAND\n| p/QNX systat/ o/QNX/
match tcpwrapped m|^You are not welcome to use (\w+) from [\w._-]+\.\n$| p/BSD TCP Wrappers/ i/$1/
match tdm m|^\x01\0\0\0\x03$| p/Turbine Download Manager/
match teamtalk m|^welcome userid=\d+ servername=\"([^"]+)\" motd=\"\" forwarding=\d+ channels=\d+ operators=\d+ maxusers=\d+ protocol=\"([\d.]+)\"\r\n| p/Bearware TeamTalk/ i/Server Name $1; protocol $2/
# Cisco router running IOS 12.1.5-12.2.13a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f$| p/Cisco router/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
# Draytek Vigor 2600 aDSL router
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\rPassword: | p/Draytek Vigor ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
# IBM Infoprint 12 printer with JetDirect
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nPlease type \[Return\] two times, to initialize telnet configuration\r\nFor HELP type \"\?\"\r\n> | p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# HP JetDirect 300X print server
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPassword:$| p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# IBM High Performace Switch - Model 8275-416, Software version 1.1, Manufacturer IBM068
match telnet m|^\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[8;38H\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\(C\) Copyright IBM Corp\. 1999\x1b\[3;1HAll Rights Reserved\.| p/IBM switch telnetd/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[H\x1b\[2JYou have connected to a FirstClass System\. Please login\.\.\.\r\nUserID: | p/FirstClass messaging system telnetd/
# Cisco Catalyst management console
# 3Com 3Com SuperStack II Switch 3300
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01| i|Usually a Cisco/3com switch| d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nSun\(tm\) Advanced Lights Out Manager (\d[-.\w]+) \(v(\d+)\)\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager/ v/$1/ i/on Sun v$2; for remote system control/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \d+ Sun Microsystems, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\nUse is subject to license terms\.\r\n\r\n\r\nSun\(tm\) Advanced Lights Out Manager ([\d.]+) \(([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Sun Advanced Lights Out Manager telnetd/ v/$1/ d/remote management/ o/Solaris/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
# Epson Stylus Color 900N telnet
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01Connected to [-/.+\w]+!\r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Epson printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# This one may not technically be considered telnet protocol, but you seem to use it via telnet
match telnet m|^220 SL4NT viewer service ready\r\n250 Currently connected channels: | p/Netal SLANT viewer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff.*\r\rFrontDoor (\d[-.\w]+)/|s p/FrontDoor FIDONet Mailer telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nOK\r\n$| p/Motorola Vanguard router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfc\x06.*\nPrecidia Technologies\r\n([-.+\w]+) Remote Configuration\r\n\nPassword\? |s p/Precidia serial2ethernet gateway telnetd/ i/model $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r.*Welcome to the Xylan PizzaSwitch! Version (\d[-.\w]+)\n\rlogin : |s p/Xylan PizzaSwitch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
# Bay Networks Accelar 1100 (version switch
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\r\r\* Bay Networks,Inc\..*(Accelar [-.+\w]+).*Software Release (\d[-.\w]+) |s p/Bay Networks Accelar switch telnetd/ v/$2/ i/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\r\r\* Nortel Networks,Inc\..*\n\r\r\* Passport ([-.\w]+) .*\r\* Software Release (\d[-.\w]+) |s p/Nortel Networks Passport switch telnetd/ v/$2/ i/Passport $1/ d/switch/
# NCD Thinstar 300 running NCD Software 2.31 build 6
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01WinCE/WBT Command Shell Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\nSerial Number: (\w+) MAC Address: 0000(\w+)\r\nUUID: [-\w]+\r\nPassword: | p/NCD Thinster terminal command shell/ v/$1/ i/Serial# $2; MAC $3/ d/terminal/
# Netopia 4542 aDSL router telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[Hname:| p/Netopia ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \x08\x08\x08\x08 \*\*\* EPSON Network Scanner Server \((.*)\) \*\*\*\n\r\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08 \n\r| p/Epson Network Scanner Server/ i/$1/
# NetportExpress PRO/100 3 port print server
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nNetportExpress\(tm\) ([-/.+\w]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Intel NetportExpress print server telnetd/ i/Model $1/ d/print server/
# 3Com OfficeConnect 812 Router telnetd
match telnet m|^login: \xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01| p/3Com OfficeConnect router telnetd/ d/router/
# Nortel Networks Instant Internet 100
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\npassword: | p/Nortel Networks Instant Internet broadband router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
# Network Appliance ONTAP 6.3.3 telnet
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd#| p/Network Appliance Ontap telnetd/
# Netgear RP114 broadband router or ZyXel P2302R VoIP adapter
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword: | p/Netgear broadband router or ZyXel VoIP adapter telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b.*HP [-.\w]+ ProCurve Switch ([-.\w]+)\r\n\rFirmware revision ([-.\w]+)\r\n\r\r| p/HP ProCurve $1 Switch telnetd/ i/Firmware: $2/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$1/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[20;1H\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[20;11H\x1b\[21;1HSession Terminated, Connect again\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[21;1H\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[[34];23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HHP [-.\w]+ ProCurve Switch ([-.\w]+)\r\n\rFirmware revision ([-.\w]+)\r\n\r\r| p/HP ProCurve $1 Switch telnetd/ i/Firmware: $2/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b.*ProCurve [\w._-]+ Switch ([\w._-]+)\r\r\nSoftware revision ([\w._-]+)\r\r\n|s p/HP ProCurve $1 switch telnetd/ i/Firmware: $2/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r.*Procurve Wireless Access Point (\d+)\r\n|s p/HP ProCurve Access Point $1 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^Check Point FireWall-1 Client Authentication Server running on [-.\w]+\r\n\r\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x03User: | p/Check Point FireWall-1 Client Authenticaton Server/
# Enterasys XP-8600 running E9.0.5.0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd!| p/Enterasys XSR Security Router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUsername:| p/Enterasys C2H124-48 switch telnetd/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:enterasys:c2h124-48/
# Windows 2000 telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0$| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01GUI START\n| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service \r\n| p/Microsoft Windows 2000 telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0Microsoft \(R\) Windows (NT |)\(TM\) Version (\d[-.\w]+) \(Build (\d+)\)\r\nWelcome to Microsoft Telnet Service \r\nTelnet Server Build (\d[-.\w]+)\n\rlogin: = p/Microsoft Windows $1telnetd/ v/$4/ i/OS version $2 build $3/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Windows XP telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\0| p/Microsoft Windows XP telnetd/ o/Windows XP/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp/
match telnet m|^\r\nNo more connections are allowed to telnet server\. Please try again later\.\0| p/Microsoft Windows XP telnetd/ i/no more connections allowed/ o/Windows XP/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp/
# IRIX 6.5.18f telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd\$| p/IRIX telnetd/ v/6.X/ o/IRIX/
# OS 400 V4R4M0
# OS/400 V5R1M0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\x18$| p|IBM OS/400 telnetd| o|OS/400|
# JetDirect Model: J4169A Firmware: L.21.11
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x07HP JetDirect\r\nPassword is not set\r\n| p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ i/No password/ d/printer/
# HP Jetdirect telnet with password protection
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x07HP JetDirect\r\n\r\nEnter username: | p/HP JetDirect printer telnetd/ d/printer/
# HP MPE/iX 5.5 on HP 3000 telnet service
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd!| p|HP MPE/iX telnetd|
# Brother 1870N Printer
match telnet m|^\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03| p|Brother/HP printer telnetd| d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nIQinVision IQeye3 Version ([vV].*)\n\r\nType HELP| p/IQinVision IQeye3 telnetd/ v/version $1/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe%\xff\xfd\x18$| p/AIX telnetd/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match telnet m|^\r\nEfficient ([-.\w ]+) Router \(([-.\d/]+)\) v(\d[-.\w]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Login: | p/Efficient router telnetd/ v/$3/ i/Model $1 - $2/ d/router/
# http://mldonkey.berlios.de/
# mldonkey-2.5-3 telnet port
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\n\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\n Welcome to MLdonkey \n| p/MLDonkey multi-network P2P admin port/
match telnet m|^\r\nRaptor Firewall Secure Gateway\.\r\n| p/Symantec Raptor firewall secure gateway telnetd/
match telnet m|^\r\nSynchronet BBS for Win32 Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Synchronet BBS/ v/$1/ i/on Win32/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nlogin: $| p/Orinoco WAP telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b.*Nortel Networks.*BayStack ([-.\w]+).*Versions: ([: \w.]+)|s p/Nortel Networks telnetd/ i/Baystack $1; Versions: $2/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b.*BayStack ([-\w_.]+) .*HW:(\w+) FW:V([\d.]+) SW:V([\d.]+)\x1b|s p/BayStack switch $1 telnetd/ v/HW:$2 FW:$3 SW:$4/ d/switch/
# ASCII art banner that says "BAYSTACK"
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[58259456;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \* \*\x1b\[2;1H| p/BayStack switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n.*Bay Networks (Bay[-.: \w]+)\n\r|s p/Bay Networks telnetd/ i/$1/
match telnet m|^Check Point FireWall-1 authenticated Telnet server running on| p/Check Point Firewall-1 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\r\nSpeedStream ([^(\r\n]+) \(.*\) v(\S+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd| p/SpeedStream $1/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\rType \"\?\" at the command prompt for a list of commands\.\n\r.*Command-> |s p/SpeedStream 5660 router telnetd/ d/router/
# Alcatel SpeedTouch 510 ADSL router - Admin Interface, version
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Username : | p|Alcatel/Thomson SpeedTouch DSL router admin interface| d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\r\nRaptor Firewall Secure Gateway\.\r\n\r\nAccess denied\.\r\n| p/Symantec Raptor Firewall Secure Gateway telnetd/ i/Access Denied/
match telnet m|^\*\*\*\*\*\*\* System Image Boot \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\r\n\rVina Technologies (.*) \((\d[-.\w]+ build \d+)\)\n\r| p/Vina Technologies $1 telnetd/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;00H\r\0Gigalink ([-+ \w]+)| p/Gigalink telnetd/ i/on $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb.*D-Link.*Telnet Console.*Model\s+: ([-+\w]+)|s p/D-Link telnetd/ i/on $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[9;20HCopyright\(C\) 1995-99 D-Link Systems Inc\.\x1b\[13;30HUser Name\x1b\[14;30HPassword\x1b\[23;10HMAC Address:\x1b\[8;29H([-.\w]+) Console Program\x1b\[13;41H| p/D-Link switch telnetd/ i/D-Link $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Ambit Cable Router\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Ambit Cable Router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPlease type \"?\" for HELP, or \"/\" for current settings\r\n> $| p/HP JetDirect telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\n\rVina Technologies (.*) \((\d[-.\w]+ build \d+)\)| p/Vina Technologies $1 telnetd/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\rD\r \n\r (DES-.*) Command Line Interface\n\r\n| p/D-Link $1 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n<< Command Line Interface V ([\w._-]+) >>\r\n\r\nUser: | p/D-Link DVG-series VoIP gateway telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[21;1H\x1b\[0m\*+\x1b\[22;1H\x1b\[0mMessage Area:\x1b\[24;1H\x1b\[7mCTRL\+R = Refresh +\x1b\[9;16H\x1b\[0mDES-3624 Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch Console Management\x1b| p/D-Link DES-3624 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfc\x1f\n\r\n\rUser Access Verification\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\rShell version (\d\S+).*Maipu Communication Technology Co\.| p/Maipu Router/ i/shell v$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b.*Intel Corporation, ([-+. \w()]+)|s p/Intel telnetd/ i/on $1/
match telnet m|^\r\nFlowPoint/(.*) Ready\r\n.*\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb| p/Flowpoint telnet/ i/on $1/
match telnet m|^Welcome to Tenor Multipath Switch Telnet Server.*Type: (\S+)|s p/Tenor telnetd/ v/$1/ i/on Multipath Switch/
match telnet m|^Welcome to Tenor Multipath Switch Alarm Server\r\nSerial #: ([\w._-]+) \x7c Name: ([\w._-]+) \x7c Type: ([\w._-]+) \x7c UTC: ([+-]\d\d:\d\d)\r\nConnected from IpAddr/Port# [\d.]+/\d+ to Port# \d+\r\n\r\nAlarm> Password: | p/Quintum Tenor $3 VoIP gateway alarm telnetd/ i/serial number: $1; time zone: $4/ h/$2/ cpe:/h:quintum:tenor_$3/
match telnet m|^Welcome to Tenor Multipath Switch Call Event Server\r\nSerial #: ([\w._-]+) \x7c Name: ([\w._-]+) \x7c Type: ([\w._-]+) \x7c UTC: ([+-]\d\d:\d\d)\r\nConnected from IpAddr/Port# [\d.]+/\d+ to Port# \d+\r\n\r\nEVSR> Password: | p/Quintum Tenor $3 VoIP gateway call event telnetd/ i/serial number: $1; time zone: $4/ h/$2/ cpe:/h:quintum:tenor_$3/
match telnet m|^Tenor Multipath Switch CDR Server\r\nConnected from IpAddr/Port# [\d.]+/\d+ to Port# \d+\r\nPassword: | p/Quintum Tenor A800 VoIP gateway CDR telnetd/ cpe:/h:quintum:tenor_a800/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aCisco\x20Systems.*Console/Telnet Access of the ([-. \w]+) for Configuration Purposes|s p/Cisco $1 telnetd/
# Cisco 350 Series Wireless AP 11.05
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08 \x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08| p/Cisco WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
# Cisco 678 DSL router
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\nPassword:\xff\xfb\x01$| p/Cisco DSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
# Cisco 3640, 12406/PRP
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Cisco router telnetd/ d/router/
# Cisco 2900 Catalyst switch, IOS 12.0(5)XU
# Cisco 3600 router running IOS 12.X
# Cisco 2600 IOS 12.0
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f.*User Access Verification\r\n\r\n(?:Username|Password): $=s p/Cisco IOS telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
# Cisco Pix 501 PIX IOS 6.3(1) telnet
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword: |s p/Cisco telnetd/ i/IOS 6.X/ d/firewall/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\r\nUser Access Verification\r\r\n\r\r\nUsername:| p/Cisco PIX 500 series telnetd/ d/firewall/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
# Cisco Catalyst 6509 - WS-C6509 Software, Version NmpSW: 5.5(1)
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems Console\r\n| p/Cisco Catalyst switch telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nPassword required, but none set\r\n| p/Cisco router telnetd/ i/password required but not set/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Access not permitted\. Closing connection\.\.\.\n$|s p/Cisco catalyst switch telnetd/ i/access denied/ d/switch/
# The match below matches Cisco microswitch devices and also Edge-core ES3526XA
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18$| p/Cisco or Edge-core switch telnetd/ d/switch/
# OpenBSD 2.3
# FreeBSD 5.1
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd%$| p/BSD-derived telnetd/
# Solaris 9
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p/Sun Solaris telnetd/ o/Solaris/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
# Redhat Linux 7.3 telnet
match telnet m|\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'$| p/Linux telnetd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rUser Name : $| p/APC network management card telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\n\rUser Name : | p/APC telnetd/ i|Power/UPS device| d/power-device/
# G-Net BB0060 ADSL Modem
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\r.*GlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release ([-.\w]+)\n\r|s p/GlobespanVirata telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
# HP-UX B.11.00 A
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\$$| p/HP-UX telnetd/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
# Cayman-DSL Model 3220-H, DMT-ADSL (Alcatel) OS version 6.3.0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\n\rlogin: $| p/Cayman-DSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
# Blue Coat Port 80 Security Appliance Model: Blue Coat SG400 Software Version: SGOS 2.1.6044 Software Release id: 19480 Service Pack 4
# Maybe I should call this SGOS telnetd instead
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nUsername: $| p/Blue Coat telnetd/ o/SGOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01@ Userid: | p/Shiva LanRover telnetd/
# Netscreen ScreenOS 4.0.1r1.0 telnetd on a netscreen 5XT running firmware 4.0.1r1.0
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01(?:\xff\xfe\x01)?(?:\xff.\x03)?[\w ]*Remote Management Console\r\n(?:\r\n)?login: $| p/Netscreen ScreenOS telnetd/ d/firewall/
# Note that openwall telnetd is derived from OpenBSD telnetd
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p|Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd| o/Linux/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPlease type \"\?\" for HELP, or \"/\" for current settings\r\n> $| p/HP Jet Direct printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nAXIS (\S+) TELNET| p/AXIS Webcam/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nTelebit\'s NetBlazer Version (\S+)\r\n| p/Telebit NetBlazer/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03.*?FORE\x20Systems,\x20FORE\x20ES-2810.*?Version (\d[\d\.-]+)| p/FORE Systems ES-2810/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*ForeRunner ES-3810.*Enter Username: | p/FORE Systems ES-3810/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nCopyright \(C\) 1999 by Extreme Networks\r\r\n| p/Extreme Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03.*?ES-1000\x20Fast\x20Ethernet\x20Switch\x20Console| p/Marconi ES-1000/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01login:\x20$| p/telnet/ i/generic/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to ([-\w_]+) Debug Terminal - \d*\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/HP StorageWorks SSL1016 tape autoloader telnetd/ i/Name: $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to Print Server\r\n\r\nPS>| p/Generic print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : USB Print Server\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/TRENDnet TE4100-PS1U telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC: $3; Uptime $4/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to TRENDnet Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : *([\w._-]+) *\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : *([\w._-]+) *\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : *([\w._-]+) *\0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : *([0-9A-F ]+) *\r\nUptime : *([^\r\n]*)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password: | p/TRENDnet $2 print server telnetd/ v/$3/ i/MAC: $4; Uptime $5/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\r\nServer Model : Pocket Size Print Server\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password:| p/Lexmark W810 telnetd/ v/$2/ i/Name $1; MAC $3; Uptime $4/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([-\w_.]+)\0*\r\nServer Model : 3Port Print Server\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nF/W Version : ([-\w_.]+) \0*\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password: | p/3Port print server telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $3; Uptime $4/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;28HCONEXANT SYSTEMS, INC\.\x1b\[02;19H ACCESS RUNNER ADSL CONSOLE PORT\x1b\[24;01H>>>\x1b\[24;01HLOGON PASSWORD>\x1b\[02;53H3\.\d+\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H\x1b\[24;17H| p/Conexant Access Runner adsl router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nWelcome on (.*)\r\n\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Cisco Router 2621 telnetd/ i/Banner: $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x18\nTelnet Service on the PrintServer\n\n\rPassword: | p|Hawking/TRENDnet Print Server telnetd| d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([\d.]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $1/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd \xff\xfd!\x07\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([-\w_.]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $1/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS Alpha OS, Version V([\d+.]+)| p/OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $1/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[5;27HVertical Horizon Stack Manager\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[10;26HEnterasys Networks, Incorporated| p/Enterasys Vertical Horizon Manager/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\($| p|IBM OS/390 or SNA telnetd|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server v([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n([-\w_. ]+) login\r\nuser name: | p/RemotelyAnywhere telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Name $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18([^\r\n]+)\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server ([\d.]+)\r\n.*\r\n\r\n([-\w_. ]+) login\r\nuser name: |s p/RemotelyAnywhere telnetd/ v/$2/ i/$1; Name $3/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\r\nVxWorks login: \xff\xfb\x01$| p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\nSelect Access Level\r\n===================\r\n1 - Read-Only\r\n2 - Installer\r\n3 - Administrator\r\n13008 >>> | p/BreezeCOM telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nExterior router [-\w_.]+\r\nType: Cisco 2651\r\nModule: E3/T3 interface\r\n\r\n| p/Cisco 2651 router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n[-\w_.]+>%| p/Cisco router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA, MicroLink Cable\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+ \d\d:\d\d .*\r\n\| SN\. \d+\r\n\| Copyright \(c\) ELSA AG, Aachen \(Germany\)\r\n\r\ncm2, Connection No\.: \d+ \(LAN\) \(read-only connection\)\r\n\r\nPassword:= p/ELSA Microlink Cable modem/ v/$1/ i/read-only connection/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\npassword: $| p/Cisco LocalDirector telnetd/ d/load balancer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\xfb\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[2JYou have connected to a FirstClass System\. Please login\.\.\.\r\nUserID: | p/FirstClass telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nWelcome to GoodTech Telnet Server for Windows 95/98 \(V([\d.]+)\) \(Evaluation Copy\)\n\r\n\(C\) Copyright \d+-\d+ GoodTech Systems, Inc\.\n\r\n\nLogin username: | p/GoodTech telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^Please wait \.\.\. Connecting \.\.\.| p/Java Object Oriented Telnet Talker/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Ver\. ([\d.]+)\n\rEvaluation copy, \d+ users enabled\. Expiration date is \d+/\d+/\d+\.\n\r\n\rPlease wait\.\.\.\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP Version ([\d.]+)\n\rYour evaluation copy of this product expired, disconnecting\.\.\.| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Expired trial/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Ver\. ([\d.]+)\n\rRegistered copy, \d+ users enabled\.\n\r\n\rPlease wait\.\.\.\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Registered version/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista Ver\. ([-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000 Version ([\w._-]+)\n\rRegistered copy| p/Georgia SoftWorks telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Registered version/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to X330WAN-2DS1\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya X330WAN-2DS1 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;28HCONEXANT SYSTEMS, INC\.\x1b\[02;14HATU-R ACCESS RUNNER ADSL TERMINAL\x1b\[24;01HENTER CHOICE-->| p/Conexant ATU-R ADSL router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| LANCOM L-54g Wireless\r\n\|= p/LANCOM L-54g Wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\r\nHP JetDirect\r\n\r\nPassword: | p/HP JetDirect telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems, Inc\. Console\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/Cisco Catalyst switch telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\r\n\r\nCisco Systems, Inc\. Console\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Cisco Catalyst switch telnetd/ d/switch/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nComOS - Livingston PortMaster\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Livingston Portmaster telnetd/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to DSLink 200 U/E\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release VIK-([\w.]+)\n\r| p/DSLink 200 adsl modem telnetd/ v/Software version $1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0This copy of the Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services is registered as licensed to:\r\n\t(.*)\r\n\r\nAccount Name: | p/Ataman TCP Remote Logon Service telnetd/ i/Registered to $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18Windows NT Workstation ([\d.]+) \(build \d+\) Service Pack (\d+)\r\nRemotelyAnywhere Telnet Server ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/RemotelyAnywhere telnetd/ v/$3/ i/WinNT $1 SP$2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, Access to Telnet is Denied\.\r\n$| p/Motorola VT1000v VOIP Adapter telnetd/ i/Access denied/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-(\d+)[-\d]*\]> Please enter password: | p/Orinoco AP-$1 telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\xfd\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\rFabric OS \(tm\) Release v([\w.]+)\n\r\n\r| p/Brocade SilkWorm switch telnetd/ i/Fabric OS $1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03Nortel Networks CVX Access Switch\r\nlogin: | p/Nortel CVS Access switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \x08\x08\x08\x08 \*\*\* EPSON Network Print Server \(([^)]+)\) \*\*\*\n\r\n\r\x08\x08\x08\x08 \n\rPassword: | p/EPSON Network print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix MSS100 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_2> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\n\r\n\nUsername> | p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\0\r\n\x07# \0| p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01OPTIBASE MGW5100 COMMAND LINE INTERFACE\r\n| p/Optibase MGW5100 TV streaming device telnetd/ d/media device/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match telnet m|^\r\n\0Videolan Server Administration System\0\r\n\r\n\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"Login: \0| p/VideoLAN Server telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA LANCOM DSL/I-10 Office\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+\r\n\| SN\. (\d+)\r\n= p/Elsa DSL I-10 router telnetd/ v/$1/ i/SN $2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^PC Telnetd ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/PC Telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\r\n>>> DECT@NET D&T Agent <<<\r\n\r\nlocal> | p/Philips DECT D&T Agent telnetd/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[0m\x1b\[0m\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m \+-+\+\r\n \| NuSight GEMS Console +Version v([\d.]+) \|\r\n \| Copyright \(c\) 1998-2001, NPI +\|\r\n= p/NPI Keystone switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^rsconfig: port rose not active\n\xff\xfd\"\r\nLinuxNode v([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/LinuxNode telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\"\r\nLinuxNode v([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/LinuxNode telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w.]+) \(.*\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n.*root@OpenWrt:/# |s p/Busybox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/open; OpenWrt/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/MacSense HomePod Wireless MP3 Player/ d/media device/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Netgear DG834G/ d/router/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n/bin # | p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Syabas Popcorn Hour media player telnetd/ d/media device/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/ cpe:/h:syabas:popcorn_hour/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\nroot@H:/# $| p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Accton VM1188T VoIP phone/ d/VoIP phone/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \([^)]+\) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\nermittle die aktuelle TTY\r\ntty is \"/dev/pts/0\"\r\nConsole Ausgaben auf dieses Terminal umgelenkt\r\n# | p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/AVM FRITZ!Box 7150 WAP/ d/WAP/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
# Fairly common so relying on release date:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(2006\.02\.15-21:18\+0000\) Built-in shell \(msh\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n# | p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/DiskEdge storage telnet config/ d/storage-misc/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nRouter>| p/Cisco 806 router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Cisco 2514 router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfc\"\x1b\[2J\x1b\[3;0H\x1b\[0mLogin Menu \x1b\[m\x1b\[4;0H\x1b\[0m_+\x1b\[m\x1b\[1;0H\x1b\[0mMCT-2114 Version ([\d.]+) \x1b\[m\x1b\[20;10H\x1b\[0m| p/MCT-2114 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nAmiNET\d+ login: | p/Amino AmiNET set-top box telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nMSDOS [\d.]+ Windows [\d.]+ \([\d.]+\) \(ttyp\d\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Windows for Workgroups telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\x07HP (\w+) Ethernet SNMP Module\r\n ROM B\.([\d.]+)\r\n EEPROM A\.([\d.]+)\r\n HW B\.([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/HP AdvanceStack $1 Ethernet hub SNMP Module telnetd/ i/ROM $2; EEPROM $3; HW $4/ d/hub/
match telnet m|^USR5450 Telnet server v([\d.]+)\n\r\nPassword : | p/USR5450 access point telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[1}\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HLogin Name: | p/HP Integrated Lights-Out remote configuration telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[m\x1b\[16;35H\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[16;35H\x1b\[1;1HLogin Screen\x1b\[8;5HCopyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ Enterasys Networks, Inc\. All rights reserved\x1b.*RoamAbout R2\x1b|s p/Enterasys RoamAbout WAP router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Welcome to the OfficeConnect\(TM\) LAN modem Telnet Server\n\rConnected From IpAddr/Port# \w+/\d+ To Port# \d+\n\r\nLANmodem> Password: | p/3Com OfficeConnect LAN modem telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : [^\0]+\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nModel +: DP-([\d.]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nFirmware Version : ([\d.]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUp Time : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/D-Link DP-$1 router telnetd/ i/Firmware $2; MAC $3; Uptime $4/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\d\d-\w+-\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d %MSCM-I-NEWTERM: New TELNET connection from (?:[\d.]+)\r\r\nPassword:| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01User Name:| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\r Copyright \(C\) \d+ Multi-Tech Systems, Inc\.,\n\r Multi-Tech Systems, Inc\.,\n\r 2205 Woodale Drive, Mounds View,\n\r Minnesota 55112, USA\.\n\r\n\r MultiVOIP Version ([\d.]+)\n\r| p/Multicom voip telnetd/ i/MultiVOIP $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\r\n\r\r\n\r Welcome to the WRT54G Shell Box\r\n\r\r\n\rFirmware version: Wifi-box\.net ([\d.]+)\.wfb \d\d/\d\d/\d\d\r\n| p/Linksys WRT54G with wifi-box.net firmware telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver 0([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\n\r\0\nlogin: | p/OkiLAN 8100e print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\n\nLantronix ETS16 Version V([\d.]+)/\d+\(\d+\)\n\r\0\nType HELP at the 'BRTR-ETS16>' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\0\nUsername> | p/Lantronix ETS16 terminal server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03TELNET session now in ESTABLISHED state\r\n\r\n(.*) login: | p/Allied Telesyn Rapier switch telnetd/ i/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\nTELNET session now in ESTABLISHED state\r\n\r\n([\w._-]+) login: | p/Allied Telesis x900-series switch telnetd/ d/switch/ h/$1/ cpe:/h:alliedtelesyn:x900/
match telnet m%^\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+=+\+\r\n\| +\[ ConnectUPS Web/SNMP Card Configuration Utility \] \|\r\n\+=+\+\r\n\r\nEnter Password: % p|ConnectUPS Web/SNMP Card telnetd| d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\r\nWelcome to slush\. \(Version ([\d.]+)\)\r\n\r\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([-\w_. ]+) login: | p/slush telnetd/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/TiniOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\rWebRamp 410i login: $| p/WebRamp 410i ISDN router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Please Wait\.\.\.Connection Accepted \(TelSrv ([\d.]+)\)\r\n\r\nUsername : | p/TelSrc telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nINTERMEC 540\+/542\+ TELNET Print Server V([\d.]+) .*\r\n\r\nINTERMEC 540\+/542\+ network login: | p|Intermec 540+/542+ print server telnetd| v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HConnecting\.\.\.\.\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HAdtran - TSU 120e\r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Adtran TSO 120e telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nWelcome to GoodTech Systems Telnet Server for Windows \S+ \(Evaluation Copy\)\n\r\n\(C\) Copyright \d+-\d+ GoodTech Systems, Inc\.\n\r\n\nLogin username: | p/GoodTech Systems telnetd/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfd\x1fBytefusion Telnet ([\d.]+), Copyright \d+-\d+ Bytefusion Ltd\.\n\rUnregistered Evaluation\. See www\.bytefusion\.com/telnet\.html\r\n\n\rWIN3 Login: | p/Bytefusion telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^Windows Telnet Server Version ([\d.]+)\r\nCopyright\(C\) Jordan Stojanovski \d+\r\n------------------------------------\r\nUser name: | p/Jordan Stojanovski Windows telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0This is an unregistered copy of the Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services\.\r\nThe Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services has a \d+ day evaluation period\.\r\nThis copy was installed \d+ days ago\.\r\n\r\nAccount Name: | p/Ataman telnetd/ i/Evaluation copy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1f\x1b\[37m +\x1b\[2;1f +\x1b\[3;1f +\x1b\[4;1f -+ +\x1b\[5;1f\| KpyM Telnet Server v([\d.]+) +\|= p/KpyM telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\x1b\[2J\x1b\(0\x1b\[01;00Hlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk\x1b| p/3Com Linkswitch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nD-link Corp\. Access Point login: | p/D-Link DWL access point telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[2;66H\x1b\[1m\x1b\[21;1H\x1b\[0m-+\x1b\[22;2H\x1b\[0mFunction:\x1b\[23;2H\x1b\[0mMessage:\x1b\[24;2H\x1b\[7mCTRL\+R = Refresh +\x1b\[8;12H\x1b\[0mIBM BladeCenter 4-Port Gb Ethernet Switch Module Console| p/IBM BladeCenter 4-Port Gb switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18 \x1bc\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HTelnet\r\n\x1b\[3;1H CF8720 Olicom Fast Ethernet L3 Switch| p/Olicom CrossFire 8720 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m =+\r\n AT-8326GB Management System Version ([\d.]+) \r\n Remote - Telnet\r\n| p/Allied Telesyn 8326GB switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n Welcome to Quidway A8010 Expert Multiservice Access Switch\r\n| p/Huawei Quidway A8010 remote access telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m-.*Enter case-sensitive username\. No username is assigned by default\.|s p/Intel 460T Standalone switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\r\nEfficient 5851 SDSL \[ATM\] Router \(5851-\d+\) v([-\d.]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Login: | p/Efficient 5851 DSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\[TS\]\r\n$| p/Teamspeak VoIP Information telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\*+\n\r\r\* Copyright \(c\) \d+ Nortel Networks, Inc\. \*\n\r\r\* All Rights Reserved +\*\n\r\r\* Passport 8010 +\*\n\r\r\* Software Release ([\d.]+) | p/Nortel Passport 8010 router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Rapture Runtime Environment v([\d.]+) -- \(c\) \d+ -- Iron Realms Entertainment\r\n| p/Rapture-based MUD telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^NPC Telnet permit one connection\.\r\n But One connection\(\) already keep alive\.\r\nGood Bye !! \r\n| p/Samsung printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\r.*\* MWR Ver ([\d.]+) \*.*SMAUG|s p/SMAUG MUD server/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b<\r\n \x1b\[7m +\x1b\[0m +\r\n +\x1b\[7m +Welcome to Management Blade ([\d.]+) | p/BX600 Blade Chassis Manager telnetd/ v/$1/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nWelcome to the SoundBridge Shell version ([\d.]+) Release\r\nType '\?' for help or 'help ' for help on \.\r\n\r\nSoundBridge> | p/Roku SoundBridge telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to NetLinx v([\d.]+) Copyright AMX Corp\. \d+-\d+\r\n>| p/AMX NetLinx telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[Dell TM 1170 AP 2\]> Please enter password: | p/Dell TrueMobile 1170 wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSiemens \d+ T1E1 \[COMBO\] Router \(([-\d]+)\) v([\d.]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Username: | p/Siemens $1 T1E1 router/ v/$2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\r\n\rWelcome to the SIA2410R\n\r| p/Net to Net SIA2410R DSL router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Welcome to the DataStage Telnet Server\.\r\0\r\nEnter user name: | p/Ascentia DataStage telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[4;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HCopyright \(C\) 1991-1994 Hewlett-Packard Co\. All Rights Reserved\.| p/HP switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nReload scheduled for .* \(in .*\)\r\nRouter>| p/Cisco 1601R router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03Telnet access disabled\. Enable in switch CLI\r\n| p/Aruba Networks AP 61 telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05PointRed Technologies, Inc\. PartNo: (?:[-\d]+), Version: ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\nlogin:| p/PointRed Technologies telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\n\r +Copyright \(C\) \d+ MultiTech Software Systems Inc\.,\n\r.*MultiVoIP Version ([\d.]+)\n\r|s p/MultiTech MultiVoIP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _\r\n / _ \|\| \|\| \|\(_\) ___ __\| \| \| _ \\ __ _ \| \|_ __ _\r\n= p/Allied Data CopperJet router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05\r\nCLI access not allowed until the SCC is active\.\r\n\r\n| p/Checkpoint firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01 IP PHONE 2 V([\d.]+) | p/NG VoIP Phone 2 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\n\r\n\r Huawei HONET UA5000 Universal Access Unit\.\n\r Copyright\(C\) 1998-2005 by Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\.\n\r\r\n>>User name:| p/Huawei HONET UA5000 Universal Access Unit telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n-> 115260:51\.665 \(nEcho\): Log: \[NON_FATAL\] Num:\[0\], Mod:\[tcpEchoBytes\], EOF\r\n$| p/Xerox Phaser 4400DX printer/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03SHARP (AR-\w+) Ver ([\w._+-]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright\([cC]\) [\d -]+,? silex technology, Inc\.\r\0\nlogin: $| p/Sharp $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03SHARP (MX-\w+) Ver ([\w._+-]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright\(C\) [\d -]+ SHARP CORPORATION\r\0\nCopyright\(C\) [\d -]+ silex technology, Inc\.\r\0\nlogin: | p/Sharp $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Sharp (AR-\w+) Ver ([\w._+-]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright\(C\) [\d -]+ SHARP CORPORATION\r\0\nCopyright\(C\) [\d -]+ Japan Computer Industry Inc\.\r\0\nlogin: | p/Sharp $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01AMBIT VoIP TRIO, ([\w._/]+), MAC:([0-9A-F]{12}),VOIP FLG=1\n\r\n\rInternational numbers routed to VoIP\.\n\r\n\rLogin: | p/Softbank Trio 1 WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ i/MAC: $2/ d/WAP/
# A bit general:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n?\r\n\r?VxWorks login: | p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nVxWorks login: | p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
# Oracle StorageTek 2540-M2 telnet server
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nVxWorks login: | p/VxWorks telnetd/ o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n([-\w_.]+) wireless login: $| p/Conceptronic C54APT wireless router telnetd/ i/Name $1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\rPassword: $| p|ZyXEL Prestige/Efficient Speedstream adsl router telnetd| d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01password: $| p/D-Link ADSL router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\n\xff\xfb\x01Enter password: $| p/SunSwitch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\rLogin: $| p/Cisco 3000 series VPN Concentrator telnetd/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\w+ login: | p/PXES Linux Thin Client telnetd/ d/terminal/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\n\rlogin: | p/Cayman Gatorbox router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03(?:\r\n)?User: | p/Aruba switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\(\w+\) \r\nUser: | p/Aruba switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^login: \xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03| p|USRobotics/Sagem router telnetd| d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0login: | p/Sagem router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Password: | p/Telindus router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^220 FTP server \(ver 1\.0\) ready\.\r\n$| i/Mitel 3300 PBX controller ftpd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on dslmodem login: | p/Actiontec DSL router/ d/router/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18| p/BladeCenter or TANDBERG Codec telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nlogin: | p/D-Link DSL router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n([-\w_.]+) login: | p|NASLite-SMB/Sveasoft Alchemy firmware telnetd| h/$1/
match telnet m|^\r\nAnother telnet session is in progress\.\r\n$| p/HP JetDirect telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\r\nSystem unavailable\. Please try later\.\r\n$| p/Cisco CSS telnetd/ d/load balancer/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0$| p/Netgear FVS318 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n(FVS\w+) login: | p/Netgear $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Login Name: | p/HP Remote Lights-Out Edition II telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\"\r\n\*$| p/Network Systems Group router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nlogin:| p/Cisco 1721 router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n Disconnecting\.\.\.\r\n\n$| p/HP LaserJet printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[7mTelnet configuration RELEASE ([\d.]+)\x1b| p/Pirelli Age UB router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^Telnet server disabled\r\n$| p/F5 BIG-IP load balancer telnetd/ i/telnet disabled/ d/load balancer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n login: | p/Linksys WRT54G telnetd/ i/Sveasoft firmware/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([\w._-]+) login: | p/Busybox telnetd/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n([\w._-]+) login: | p/Busybox telnetd/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([\w._-]+) login: | p/Busybox telnetd/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\(none\) login: | p/BusyBox telnetd/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Copyright \(C\) \d+ by Compaq Computer Corp\. \r\n\rlogin: | p/Compaq 5450 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\rTHIS IS A MUD BASED ON\.\.\.\.\.\n\r\n\r ROM Version (.*)\n| p/ROM-based MUD/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\r\n.*Based\(loosely\) on CircleMUD ([\d.]+)|s p/CircleMUD-based MUD telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\r\n.*Based on CircleMUD ([\w._-]+),\r\n|s p/CircleMUD telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\nSelect Access Level\r\n===================\r\n1 - Read-Only\r\n2 - Installer\r\n3 - Administrator\r\n| p/BreezeACCESS wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[1m\x1b\[15;22HAT-(\w+), version ([\d.]+)\x1b| p/Allied Telesyn $1 switch telnetd/ v/$2/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[0J\x1b\[1;28HAT-([-\w_.]+) Login Menu\x1b\[5;18HAT-[-\w_.]+ Local Management System Version ([\d.]+) \x1b| p/Allied Telesyn $1 switch telnetd/ v/$2/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;40H\x1b\(B\x1b\(0\x1b\[2;28H\x1b\(BCSX([-\w_.]+) Local Management\x1b\[0m\x1b\(0\x1b\[5;24H\x1b\(BCABLETRON Systems, Incorporated\x1b| p/Cabletron CSX$1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05SpeedStream Telnet Server\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Efficient Networks Speedstream router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| LANCOM ([\w._+-]+) ADSL/ISDN\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) /= p|Lancom $1 DSL/ISDN router telnetd| v/$2/ d/router/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| LANCOM ([\w._+-]+)\r\n\| Ver\. ([\w._-]+ / \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d)\r\n\| SN\. (\d+)\r\n\| Copyright \(c\) LANCOM Systems\r\n\r\nLC\w+, Connection No\.: \d+ \(WAN\)\r\n\r\nUsername: = p/Lancom $1 VPN router telnetd/ v/$2/ i/serial number: $3/ d/router/ cpe:/h:lancom:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rno data rcvd for version string\n\rrecv version id unsuccessful\n\rSSH Session task 0x\w+: Version Exchange Failed\n\r| p/Cisco Aironet 1200 router telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01Foxconn VoIP TRIO 3C| p/Foxconn VoIP TRIO 3C telnetd/
match telnet m|^Sorry telnet connections not permitted\.\n$| p/Aruba router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, this system is engaged\.\r\n$| p/DirecWay satellite router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on \(none\) login: | p/BusyBox telnetd/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBusyBox on ([-\w_.]+) login: | p/BusyBox telnetd/ h/$1/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nBusyBox v([-\w_.]+) \(| p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) Built-in shell \(ash\)\r\n| p/Busybox telnetd/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\(none\) login: | p/utelnetd/ i/FetchTV DVR/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\(B\x1b\)0\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x1b\[m\x0f\x1b\[10;32H\x0e \x1b\[11;32H lq\x0f\x1b\[1mLogin\x0e\x1b\[mqqqqqqqqk\x1b\[12;32H x\x1b\[13C x\x1b\[13;32H mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj\x1b\[12;34H| p/Adtran Atlass 500 T1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1fHummingbird Ltd\., Windows NT, Telnetd \((\w+) Version ([\d.]+)\)\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Hummingbird windows telnetd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Hummingbird Communications Ltd\., Windows NT, Telnetd Version ([\d.]+) \(([-\w_.]+)\)\r\n\r\n login: | p/Hummingbird windows telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Login Name: | p/Foundry Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPlease Enter Password: | p/Foundry Networks telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03BR-telnet@FI_Core>| p/Foundry FastIron 1500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\[2JPlease enter your user name and password!! \r\n\r\nLogin:| p/Hawking Technology print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nD-Link Access Point login: | p/D-Link Access Point telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03.*\r\n([-\w_.]+) login: |s p/utelnetd/ o/Unix/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Select access level \(read, write, administer\): | p/3Com SuperStack II Switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Login failed\.\r\n| p/Busybox telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\(none\) login: | p/Busybox telnetd/ v/1.0/
match telnet m|^\r\nEfficient 5851 SDSL \[CM\] Router \((5851-\d+)\) v([\d.]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Login: | p/Efficient Networks $1 SDSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix LPS1 Version V(\d[\w/-_+.]+)\((\d+)\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_3> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\nUsername> | p/Lantronix LPS1 telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Released $2/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n(TA \w+)\r\n\n\n\ruser: | p/Adtran $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\nPON 262194 PAAMCO (TA \w+) Gen3\r\n\n\n\ruser: | p/Adtran $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\r\nUser Name:$| p/Dell PowerConnect switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b.*BayStack ([-\w_.]+) Main Menu\x1b|s p/BayStack $1 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ([-\w_.]+)\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rD-Link Corp\., Inc\. Software Release ([-\w_.)(/]+)\n\rCopyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ by D-Link Corp\., Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin: | p/D-Link router telnetd/ v/$2/ i/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03# | p/AML M7100 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nUsing telnet exposes your password\. Using ssh is a safer choice\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Blue Coat telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPIX passwd: | p/Cisco PIX firewall telnetd/
match telnet m|^TELNET server version ([\d.]+) ready at \r\n\r\r\npassword: \xff\xfc\x01| p/ASCOM ColtSoho router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n#-+\r\n# Tasman Networks Inc\. Telnet Login\r\n#| p/Tasman Networks router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\rHi! I am your Net Tamagotchi! I love you!!| p/Net Tamagotchi telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\t Welcome to P330\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya P330 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\t\tWelcome to P333R\r\n\t\tSW version ([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya P333R switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05\xff\xfd\x1fSpeedStream Telnet Server\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/SpeedStream router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel (\d[\w.]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\r([-\w_.]+) login: | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ i/Kernel $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm7000 Helenite \d+ \(based on [-\w_.]+\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ i/Kernel $1; Helenite firmware/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r[ *\r\n]*Welcome on your dreambox! - Kernel (\d[\w.]+) | p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ i/Kernel $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\x1b\[34;1m \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \r\n\x1b\[34;1m| p/SAP J2EE engine telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01 \x1b\[H\x1b\[J\x1b\[3;1HCB-1000 S/N: (\d+)\x1b\[3;56HSymbol Technologies, Inc\.\x1b\[4;1HVersion ([-\w_.]+)\x1b\[4;44HEthernet HW address ([\w:]+)\x1b\[21;1H| p/Symbol CB-1000 bridge telnetd/ v/$2/ i/SN $1; MAC $3/ d/bridge/
match telnet m|^StoneGate firewall \([\d.]+\) \n\rSG login: | p/StoneGate firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\n\r\x1b\[2;1H\n\r\x1b\[3;1H\n\r\x1b\[4;1H\n\r\x1b\[5;1H\n\r\x1b\[6;1H\n\r\x1b\[7;1H\n\r\x1b\[8;1H\n\r\x1b\[9;1H\n\r\x1b\[10;1H\n\r\x1b\[11;1H\n\r\x1b\[12;1H\n\r\x1b\[13;1H\n\r\x1b\[14;1H\n\r\x1b\[15;1H\n\r\x1b\[16;1HEnter Ctrl-Y to begin\.\x1b\[18;3H\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\x1b\[19;3H\*\*\* Ethernet Switch 460-24T-PWR | p/Nortel 460-24T-PWR switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \n\r\x1b\[2;1H\n\r\x1b\[3;1H\n\r\x1b\[4;1H\n\r\x1b\[5;1H\n\r\x1b\[6;1H\n\r\x1b\[7;1H\n\r\x1b\[8;1H\n\r\x1b\[9;1H\n\r\x1b\[10;1H\n\r\x1b\[11;1H\n\r\x1b\[12;1H\n\r\x1b\[13;1H\n\r\x1b\[14;1H\n\r\x1b\[15;1H\n\r\x1b\[16;1HEnter Ctrl-Y to begin\.\x1b\[18;3H\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\x1b\[19;3H\*\*\* BayStack 420 | p/BayStack 420 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[4;1H ### ### ########### ########## ############# ########### ###\x1b\[5;1H #### ### ############# ############ ############# ########### ###\x1b\[6;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[7;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[8;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[9;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[10;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[11;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[12;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[13;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[14;1H\x1b\[15;1H\x1b\[16;1HEnter Ctrl-Y to begin\.\x1b\[18;3H\*{38}| p/Nortel 4548 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[\?25l\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[4;1H ### ### ########### ########## ############# ########### ###\x1b\[5;1H #### ### ############# ############ ############# ########### ###\x1b\[6;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[7;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[8;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[9;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[10;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[11;1H[ #]{70}\x1b\[12;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[13;1H[ #]{78}\x1b\[14;1H\x1b\[15;1H\x1b\[16;1HEnter Ctrl-Y to begin\.\x1b\[18;3H\*{35}| p/Nortel 5510 switch telnetd/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:nortel:5510/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*| p/BayStack 470 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[56184256;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*| p/BayStack 5510 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^200 Hamster Remote Control, Hamster[ -]Playground Vr\. ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Hamster-Playground telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^200 Hamster Remote Control, Hamster[ -]Playground Vr\. [\w._-]+ \(Build ([\w._-]+)\)\r\n| p/Hamster Playground telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x1b\[1;12H----------------------------------------------------------\x1b\[2;11H\|\x1b\[16CCisco VG248 \(= p/Cisco VG248 telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b<\r\nRemote Access Controller/Modular Chassis \(DRAC/MC\)\r\nCopyright \(C\) 2000-200[4457] Dell Inc\.| p|Dell DRAC/MC telnetd| d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03IB-21E Ver ([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2001-2003 KYOCERA CORPORATION\r\0\n| p/Kyocera IB-21E telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w_.+-]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+) \0.\0+\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\nPlease Enter Password: |s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ i/FW version $3; MAC $4; Uptime $5/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w_.+-]+)\0|s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w_.+-]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+) *\0.\0+\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\n|s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ i/FW version $3; MAC $4; Up $5/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w._+-]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+) *\0.\0+\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)|s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ v/$3/ i/name $1; MAC $4/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Print Server \*\r\n\*.*\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w._+-]+)\0|s p/D-Link $2 print server telnetd/ d/print server/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to D-Link Wireless Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0+\r\nServer Model : ([\w._+-]+)\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+)\0.\0+\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)|s p/D-Link $2 wireless print server telnetd/ i/FW $3; MAC $4/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfc\0\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\n\n\rLocal User Access Verification: \n\n\rLogin: | p/Allied Telesyn switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\x1b\[H\x1b\[JWelcome at ActiveFax Server\.\r\n\r\n| p/ActiveFax telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nLogin: $| p/ActionTec DSL router/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01PCS-(\w+) Telnet2? Server\r\nlogin: | p/Sony PCS-$1 telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03RemoteX Telnet Server V([\d.]+)\n\r\n\rc:\\>| p/RemoteX telnetd/ v/$1/ d/game console/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 ADSL Router\r\nLogin name: | p/BT Voyager ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ZXDSL 831\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rZTE Corporation, Software Release VIK-([-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/ZyXEL ZXDSL 831 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =======================\r\n Welcome to ZXDSL 831II\r\n =======================\r\nLogin:| p/ZXDSL 831II ADSL modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 ===========================\r\n Welcome to ZXDSL (831CII)\r\n ===========================\r\n\r\nZTE Inc\., Software Release ZXDSL 831CIIV([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\nLogin name: | p/ZXDSL $1 ADSL modem telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =============================================\r\n Welcome to ZXDSL (831II) : chipset BCM6332\r\n =============================================\r\n\r\nZTE Inc\., Software Release ZXDSL 831IIV([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\nRelease Date: ([\w/]+)\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/ZXDSL $1 ADSL modem telnetd/ v/$2 $3/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\r\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\n\r\* HiPath (\d+) Telnet \*\n\r| p/Siemens HiPath $1 telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m%^\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+=+\+\r\n\| +\[ MGE UPS SYSTEMS SNMP/Web agent Configuration menu \]% p/MGE UPS telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03root@HD:/# | p/utelnetd/ i/**NO PASSWORD**/ o/Unix/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nDell Laser Printer ([\w+]+) Ethernet internal network device| p/Dell $1 printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*{60}\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nDell (\w+) Laser Printer Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of [0-9A-F]{12} ([0-9A-F]{12}) \(MSB, Canonical\)\.\r\n| p/Dell $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC $2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\*{60}\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nDell Laser Printer Printer Dell (\w+) MFP Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of ([0-9A-F:]{17}) \(MSB, Canonical\)\.\r\nIt's an ethernet card\.\r\nNetwork Firmware Version is V([\w._-]+)\(\w+ MFP\) ([\d-]+)\.\r\nSystem Up Time is ([^\r\n.]+)\.\r\n\r\n| p/Dell $1 printer telnetd/ v/$3 $4/ i/MAC $2; uptime $5/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\n\r\nWelcome to the PDP-10 simulator\r\n\n| p/PDP-10 simulator telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\(Enable\) Password\? | p/Enterasys gated config telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM200\) for arca\r\n\rKernel ([-\w_.]+) on an arca \r\n\rZEM200 login: | p/ZEM200 biometric device config telnetd/ i/Linux $1/ d/specialized/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\r\nCGX3224 Switch Manager Console\. Version: CGX([\d.]+) Bld (\d+),.*\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/COMPEX CGX3224 switch telnetd/ i/CGX $1.$2/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;00H\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0[ \t]+\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0\r\0VersaXpress HPNA Routing Concentrator\r\n| p/Versatek VersaXpress HPNA Routing Concentrator telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nSportster Pro ([\d.]+) Image Sagem D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) | p/Sagem D-BOX2 Sportster Pro telnetd/ v/$1/ i/linux kernel $2/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n.*Sagem D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) |s p/Sagem D-BOX2 telnetd/ i/linux kernel $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\r\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\n\r\0Serial Number (\d+) MAC address ([\w:]+)\r\n\r\0Software Version V([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\0\r\n\r\n\r\0Press Enter to go into Setup Mode \r\n\r\0| p/Lantronix Universal Device Server telnetd/ v/$3.$4/ i/Serial $1; MAC $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nSerial Number (\d+) MAC address ([\w:]+)\n\r\0Software version 0*([\d.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\0\n\r\0\nPress Enter to go into Setup Mode \r\0\n| p/Lantronix Universal Device Server telnetd/ v/$3.$4/ i/Serial $1; MAC $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Fritz!Box web password: | p/AVM FRITZ!Box 7170 telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nFritz!Box web password: | p/AVM FRITZ!Box telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nDD-WRT v([-\w_+. ]+) Date:| p/DD-WRT telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nDD-WRT v([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/DD-WRT telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03DD-WRT (v\d+)[^\r\n]*\r\nRelease: ([^\r\n]+)\r\n\xff\r\ngateway login: | p/DD-WRT telnetd/ v/$2/ i/DD-WRT $1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03DD-WRT (v[^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/DD-WRT telnetd/ i/DD-WRT $1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd'\xff\xfd\$$| p/Siemens HiPath PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to Network Camera telnet daemon\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/Vivotek 3102 Camera telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nU\.S\. Robotics\r\nTotal Control \(tm\) NETServer 8/16\r\n\r\nlogin: | p|USRobotics TotalControl NetServer 8/16 telnetd|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*\*\* ADTRAN TSU ESP \*\*\*\r\n\r\n ENTER PASSWORD -> \xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03| p/Adtran TSU-ESP telnetd/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\rError: \r\n\rTelnet has NOT been enabled on your target VTrak 15100 system\r\n| p/VTrak 15100 telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix (SCS\d+) Version V([\d/().]+)\n\r\nType HELP| p/Lantronix $1 Secure Console Server telnetd/ v/$2/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nPassword :| p/Cisco 7940 VoIP Phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\(none\) login: | p/Tandberg MPS 800 telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01Welcome to ([-\w\s.]+)\r\nTANDBERG Codec Release ([\w.]+)| p/Tandberg MXP Video Conference appliance telnetd/ v/Tandberg codec: $2/ i/Site: $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright \(c\) 1998-2006 Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\. All rights reserved \*\r\n\*| p/Huawei Quidway s8500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 1998-2007 Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\. All rights reserved\. | p/Huawei AR28-09 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 1998-2006 Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n| p/Huawei Quidway S5624P-PWR telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nEnter password: | p/Alteon Networks ACEDirector switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to P([-\w_.+]+) \n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rZyXEL Inc\., Software Release ([\w.()]+)\n\r| p/ZyXEL Prestige $1 ADSL modem telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X2301 version V\.([-\w_+. ()]+) IPSec from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),| p/Bintec X2301 ADSL modem telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Name $2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\(([-\w_.]+)\) Enter password: | p/Ascend DSLPipe ADSL modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r *\**\n\r *Welcome to Viking II\. \n\r *\**\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release VIK-([-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/GlobespanVirata Viking II telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[J\x1b\[22;0H>\x1b\[1K\x1b\[999D\r\0login: | p/Asante IntraCore 35160 telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r\rTelnet session\n\r\r\n\r\r\r\nCarrier Access - Adit 600\n\r\n\r[\d: /]+\n\r\n\r Login: | p/Carrier Access Adit 600 telnetd/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1fATOS Telnet Server\r\n\r\nCTRL\+d to exit\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Init Command Line Interface\.\. \n\rBoot Version: [\d.]+\n\rBoot Date: [\d :/]+\n\rATOS Version: ([\d.]+) \([^)]+\)\n\rATOS Date: [\d :/]+\n\rHardware: \w+\n\rProduct Code : \d+\n\rSerial Number : (\d+)\n\rStarVoice version: ([\d.]+)\n\rStarVoice model: (\w+)\n\rLes version: [\d.]+\n\r\n\rUser name :| p/Aethra StarVoice $4 telnetd/ v/$3/ i/ATOS $1; Serial $2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1fATOS Telnet Server\r\n\r\nCTRL\+d to exit\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03Init Command Line Interface\.\. \r\nBoot Version: [\d.]+\r\nBoot Date: [\d :/]+\r\nATOS Version: ([\d.]+) \([^)]+\)\r\nATOS Date: [\d :/]+\r\nHardware: \w+\r\nProduct Code : \d+\r\nSerial Number : (\d+)\r\nLAN0 MAC Address : ([A-F0-9:]+)\r\nADSL Modem SW version: [\w._-]+ *\r\nADSL Modem API version: \d+\r\nADSL Driver version: [\w._-]+\r\n([\w._-]+) release: ([\w._-]+)+\r\nHW encryption not supported\r\nVinetic fw version : [\w._-]+\r\n\r\nUser name :| p/Aethra StarVoice $4 telnetd/ v/$5/ i/ATOS $1; Serial $2; MAC $3/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01VPAD01 V([\d.]+) settings\r\nPassword:| p/E-tech VPAD01 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n(NE[-\d]+) NetEngine IAD ([\d.]+) \r\nSerial num : Ethernet Address : ([-\w]+)\r\r\n\r\nPress any key to continue\.\.\.| p/Verilink NetEngine IAD $1 telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $3/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[01;24HHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES,CO\.,LTD\.\x1b\[02;19H ACCESS RUNNER ADSL CONSOLE PORT\x1b| p/Huawei Access Runner ADSL telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\r\t=+\n\r\t +Samsung SWL-6100AP Configuration\n\r\t| p/Samsung SWL-6100AP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\r\nEfficient 5871 IDSL Router \(5871-601 / 5871-001 HW\) v([-\d.]+) Ready\r\n| p/Efficient Networks 5871 IDSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to [-\w_.]+\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rD-Link (?:Corp|Inc)\., Software Release R([-\w_.]+)[\r\n(]= p/D-Link ADSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2004 - 2006 3Com Corporation\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\0Username: \n\r\0Password: \n\r\0\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2004 - 2006 3Com Corporation\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/3Com WX4400 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01Connected\x1b\[K\r\n\x1b\[1;1HAironet (BR\w+) V([\d.]+) +\x1b| p/Aironet $1 telnetd/ v/$2/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\d.]+ \(\d+\)) XPTEXE\r\0| p/Lantronix XPort telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version ([\w._-]+ \(\d+\)) XPTEXE\r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter to go into Setup Mode \n\r\0| p/Napco NetLink NL-MOD alarm system telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $1/ d/security-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03USR ADSL Gateway\r\nLogin: | p/USRobotics ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nService Processor login: | p/HP-UX GSP processor telnetd/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n.*User Access Verification\r\n\r\nUsername: |s p/Cisco telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^CCProxy Telnet>CCProxy Telnet Service Ready\.\r\nCCProxy Telnet>| p/CCProxy telnet configuration/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ADSL2\+ Wireless Router (\w+) \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w.]+)\r\nLogin name: | p/BT ADSL2+ $1 wireless router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Symbol Access Point User/Admin password: | p/Symbol WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd \xff\xfd!\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfc\"Username Access Verification\r\n\r\nLogin :| p/Zelax router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Broadband Cable Device Telnet Daemon\n\r\n\rEnter user:| p|SMC8013WG cable modem/WAP telnetd| d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\x1bmbedded Telnet Server \r\n\r\nWARNING: Access allowed by authorized users only\.\r\n\r\n| p/WebStar DPX 2203 cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to Telnet Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[05;28HDimension Switch (ES-\w+)\x1b\[07;22H| p/ZyXEL $2 dimension switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to Telnet Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[05;28H(SM\w+) Managed Switch\x1b\[07;22H\x7fTallahasseeAdmin-Block\x1b\[15;30Husername:\x1b\[17;30Hpassword:\x1b\[15;39H| p/Milan MIL-$2 switch telnetd/ v/$1/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:milan:mil-$2/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nPassword required, but none set\r\n| p/Cisco catalyst switch telnetd/ i/no password set/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to your TiVo\r\n\r\n=\[tivo:root\]-# | p/TiVo telnetd/ i/OPEN/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AMBIT Cable Modem\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Ambit cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[4;1H ### ### ########### ########## #############| p/Nortel Baystack 470-48t switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01AN-30 Ver\. ([\d.]+) \(c\) Copyright 2000-2002 Redline Communications Inc\.\r\n\r\nUsername:\0| p/Redline Communications AN-30 wireless bridge telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nNortel Networks Layer2-3 GbE Switch Module\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/Nortel Gbe switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^refused in\.telnetd from [-\w_.]+ logged\n| p/tcpwrapped telnetd/ i/refused/
match telnet m|^\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r.*Broadband Satellite HN7000S VSAT|s p/Hughes HN7000S Satellite Modem telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* Telnet Console \*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._ -]+)\0\r\nServer Model : APSUSB1\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+) \0\0\0\0\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)\r\nUptime : ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/AirLink USB print server telnetd/ v/$2/ i/name $1; MAC $3; uptime $4/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to SMC DSL MODEM\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rSMC Network Inc\., Software Release ([^\r\n]+)\n\r| p/SMC DSL modem telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x1fError2 negotiated with client 18 and get 1 char is a a d\..*VOIP CPE firmware +VG112-D51\(S\) +V([\d.]+)|s p/VG112-D51 VoIP CPE telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to Viking \n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rGlobespanVirata Inc\., Software Release ([\w/.]+)\n\r| p/Viking router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to OSE Shell OSE([\d.]+)\.\r\n\$ | p/Interpeak AB embedded security device telnetd/ i/OSE $1/ d/security-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[1;32m \.-------------\.| p/stchat telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[2;28H\x1b\[m\x1b\[1mNetopia (\w+) v([\d.]+)\x1b| p/Netgear Netopia $1 router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\((FSM\w+)\) \r\nUser:| p/Netgear $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Access DENIED\.\r\n| p/OpenWrt telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\r\nCP2E Control Console\r\nConnected to Host: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Creston CP2E control telnetd/ d/specialized/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([\w-]+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) [\d-]+ KYOCERA CORPORATION\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) [\d-]+ KYOCERA MITA CORPORATION\r\0\nlogin:| p/Kyocera $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03([\w-]+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright\(C\)[\d-]+ KYOCERA MITA Corporation\r\0\nCopyright\(C\)[\d-]+ Revised Edition KYOCERA MITA Corporation\r\0\nAll Rights Reserved\.\r\0\nlogin: | p/Kyocera $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03(NS-\w+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2001-2002 KYOCERA MITA CORPORATION\r\0\nlogin: | p/Okidata $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Imagistics (\w+) Ver ([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\n\r\0\nlogin: | p/Imagistics $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m=\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| Siemens I-Gate LAN 2\r\n\| Ver\. ([\d.]+) / [\d.]+\r\n\| SN\. (\w+)\r\n\|= p/Siemens I-Gate LAN 2 telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Serial $2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[4;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[5;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[6;.*Business Policy Switch 2000| p/Nortel Business Policy Switch 2000 telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nHP ProLiant BL p-Class C-GbE2 Interconnect Switch B\r\n| p/HP ProLiant BL p-Class C-GbE2 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\x11\x11\x11\*\*[-\w_.]+\r\r\[CONNECT TCP/IP/[\d.]+/TELNET\]\r\nT-Mail v\.([^ ]+) \(C\) 1992-99 by Andy Elkin\r\n\*\*| p/T-Mail Fidonet BBS telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^BeanShell ([-\w_.]+) - by Pat Niemeyer \(pat@pat\.net\)\nbsh % | p/BeanShell java scripting telnet console/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\(Aruba800\) \r\nUser: | p/Aruba800 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[4;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[5;1H\x1b\[2K\x1b\[6;1H\x1b.*BayStack 420 |s p/Nortel BayStack 420 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nUser Access Login\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/Adtran Netvanta 3200 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA LANCOM 1000 Office\r\n\| Ver\. ([-\w_.]+) / [\d.]+\r\n\| SN\. ([\w.]+)\r\n\| Copyright \(c\) ELSA AG, Aachen\r\n\r\n([-\w_.]+), Verbindung= p/ELSA Lancom 1000 ISDN router telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Serial $2/ h/$3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03SHARP (MX-\w+) Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.| p/Sharp $1 printer telnetd/ v/$2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nUser Access Login\r\n\r\nUsername:| p/Procurve Secure Router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, unable to access input device\.\r\n$| p/Netgear WG102 WAP telnetd/ i/disabled/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome to ([-\w_.]+) *\n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rZoom Software Release Zoom (X5 GS Ver [-\w_.]+)\n\r| p/Zoom ADSL modem telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03IB-21E Ver ([\d.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2001 KYOCERA CORPORATION\r\0\nlogin:| p/Kyocera IB-21E printer telnetd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nOpenDreambox ([-\w_.]+) (dm\w+)\r\n| p/Dreambox $2 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to (DCS-\w+) telnet daemon\r\n\r\nPassword:| p/D-Link $1 webcam telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nVoIP Phone V([-\w_.]+) settings\r\nPassword:| p/Soyo G668 VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAIRAYA login: $| p/Airaya WAP config telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01Welcome to VCSCDCS2\r\r\nTANDBERG Codec Release L([\d.]+)\r\r\n| p/Tandberg T150 Personal VoIP phone telnetd/ i/Tandberg codec $1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m=^\d+\|Connected to foobar2000 Control Server v([\d.]+)= p/foobar2000 remote control telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff.\x01\0?\xff\xfd.*Welcome to ViewStation.*Password:|s p/Polycom ViewStation Video Conferencing telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^AD6680 Gateway Software\r\n[-\w_]+ \(MAC ([\w:]+)\)\r\n| p/Netcomm V300 VoIP adapter telnetd/ i/MAC $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r([\d.]+)\r\n\rLinux ([-\w_.]+) on a armv4tl \([\d:]+\)\r\n\r([-\w_.]+) login:| p/AXIS webcam telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Linux $2/ d/webcam/ o/Linux/ h/$3/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nHP ProLiant BL p-Class C-GbE2 Interconnect Switch A\.\r\n| p/HP ProLiant switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Netgear DM111 ADSL2\+ Modem \r\nSoftware Version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\nLogin name:| p/Netgear DM111 broadband router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPrecise/RTCS v([\d.]+) Telnet server\r\n\r\0\r\nService Port Manager Active\r\0\r\n Ends Session\r\0\r\n| p/Liebert OpenComms remote management telnetd/ v/$1/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\*+\r\n\* Welcome to Print Server \*\r\n\* +Telnet Console +\*\r\n\*+\r\n\r\nServer Name : ([\w._-]+)\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\nServer Model : 2U1P Print Server\0+\r\nF/W Version : ([\w._-]+).*\r\nMAC Address : ([\w ]+)| p/Xterasys 2U1P print server telnetd/ v/$2/ i/name $1; MAC $3/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nScarlet One\r\nFirmware version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\nScarlet\r\n\r\nPlease login:| p/Scarlet One telnetd/ i/Firmware $1/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd\x18\r\ntelnet session telnet\d+ on /dev/ptyb\d+\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Extreme Networks switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n-> \*\*\* EPSON Network Print Server \(([^)]+)\) \*| p/Epson $1 print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\r\n.*KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - fully functional unregistered version\.\r\n|s p/KpyM telnetd/ i/Unregistered/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nMMC Technology Telnet\r\nMW-3000AP \w+\( Combo ([-\w_.]+) \)\r\n\r\n| p/MMC MW-3000AP telnetd/ i/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\"D-Link Access Point - AVC\" login: | p/D-Link DWL-2100AP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r.*\n\r\n\rSoftware Release R([-\w_.]+)\([^)]+\)\n\rCopyright \(c\) 2001-2003 by D-Link, Inc\.\n\r\n\rlogin: |s p/D-Link D-500G telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\nGO Networks MBW System - WLP\r\nSW Version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nUser Name:| p/GO Networks MBW telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n +Welcome to Media Gateway Processor\r\n +FW version ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nLogin:| p/Avaya Call Manager telnetd/ i/Firmware $1/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe!\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfe\x03IRRd version ([-\w_.]+) \[\w+\]\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification| p/Merit Internet Routing Registry telnet config/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to the WhatRoute TELNET Server\.\r\n| p/WhatRoute telnetd/ o/Mac OS/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCNU-550pro login: | p/C-motech CNU-550pro telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03picotux login: | p/Picotux telnetd/ d/specialized/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\r\nCadant C3 CMTS\r\n| p/Cadant C3 Cable Modem Termination Server telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\r\n\(c\) Copyright 2005, Extron Electronics, IPL T S2, V([\d.]+),| p/Extron IPL T S2 telnetd/ v/$1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n.*HM410dp ADSL2\+ Router\r\n\r\nLogin:|s p/Ericsson HM410dp ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Dynalink ADSL2\+ Router RTA1320NZ .*\r\nSoftware Version: ([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/Dynalink RTA1320NZ ADSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03NS-30G Ver ([-\w_.]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(c\) \d+ KYOCERA| p/Kyocera NS-30G printer telnetd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to MediaMVP!\r\n| p/Hauppauge MediaMVP telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to X4100 version V\.([-\w_.]+) Rev\. (\d+) \(Patch (\d+)\) from [\d/]+ [\d:]+\r\nsystemname is ([-\w_.]+),| p/Sun X4100 telnetd/ v/$1.$2.$3/ d/terminal server/ h/$4/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03login: $| p/Axis 2100 Network Camera telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nZyXEL Corporation Embedded Telnet Server \(c\) 2000-2003\r\n| p/ZyXEL Prestige cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nHGW EC506 login: | p/Huawei EC506 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\n\*\*\* Lantronix Universal Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nSerial Number (\d+) MAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w._-]+) | p/Lantronix UDS10 ethernet-serial telnetd/ v/$3/ i/serial $1; MAC $2/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\*\*\* Lantronix UDS1100 Device Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w._-]+) \((\d+)\) \r\0\nPassword :| p/Lantronix UDS1100 ethernet-serial telnetd/ v/$2 $3/ i/MAC $1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\r\nMinix (.*)\r\n\r\n([\w._-]+) login:| p/Minix telnetd/ v/$1/ o/Minix/ h/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03(BCM\w+) ADSL Router\r\n| p/Broadcom $1 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03(BCM\w+) ADSL Router version ([\w._-]+ \([\w._-]+\))\r\nLogin: | p/Broadcom $1 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03DSL Router\. Welcome!\r\nLogin: | p/Broadcom BCM96345 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n(BCM\w+) Broadband Router\r\n| p/Broadcom $1 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2006 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\.| p/3Com Superstack switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/Nortel Alteon switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +Welcome \n\r +\*+\n\r\n\rSoftware Release ([\w._]+)\n\rCopyright \(c\) 2001-2004\n\r\n\rlogin: | p/Siemens C2-010-I ADSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Dynalink Wireless ADSL2\+ Router (\w+) \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nLogin name: | p/Dynalink $1 WAP telnetd/ v/$2/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nProduct type: Avaya (\w+) Media Gateway Release ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Avaya $1 media gateway telnetd/ v/$2/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfd\x1fWelcome to MLDonkey ([\w._-]+)\n\x1b\[36mWelcome on mldonkey command-line\x1b| p/MLDonkey telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\n\r +\*+\n\r +\* POSTEF ADSL Modem/Router ([\w._-]+) | p/POSTEF $1 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Belkin Network USB Hub Ver ([\w._-]+) TELNET server\.| p/Belkin network USB hub telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* The Gemini Project \*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w._-]+) | p/Dreambox media device telnetd/ i/Linux $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* +The Gemini Project (v[\w. ]+) +\*\r\n\r\* +XD mod, date: (?:[\d.]+) +\*\r\n\r\* +!!! WITHOUT BOMB !!! +\*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w._-]+) | p/Dreambox media device telnetd/ i/Linux $2; Gemini $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm500 Garnet \d+ \(based on ([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w._-]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\rdreambox login: | p/Dreambox 500 media device telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $2; PLi image Garnet, based on $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi dm500 Jade \d+ \(based on ([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\rwelcome on your dreambox! - Kernel ([\w._-]+) \([\d:]+\)\.\r\n\rdm500 login: | p/Dreambox 500 media device telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $2; PLi image Jade, based on $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPLi\xae jade dm7020si\r\n\r\r\n\rdm7020si login: | p/Dreambox 7020si media device telnetd/ i/PLi image jade/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* All rights reserved \(1997-2004\) \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent,| p/Huawei Quidway Eudemon firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 1998-2008 Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent,| p/Huawei Quidway S8505 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2008 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent,| p/3Com 4500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* All rights reserved \(1997-2006\) \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent, +\*\r\n| p/3Com 4500 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*+\r\n\* Copyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ Hangzhou H3C Tech\. Co\., Ltd\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent,| p/H3C switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^Welcome to the DataStage Telnet Server\.\r\0\r\nEnter user name: | p/WebSphere DataStage telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03-?>?\r\nHi, my name is : ([^\r\n]+)\r\nHere is what I know about myself:\r\nModel: VSX ([\w._-]+)\r\nSerial Number: (\w+)\r\nSoftware Version: Release ([\w._-]+) -| p/VSX $2 telnetd/ v/$4/ i/name $1; serial $3/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\r\nSorry, this system is engaged by a rlogin session\.\r\nHost IP address: ([\d.]+)\.\nLogin name: ([\w._-]+)\.\n| p/3Com LANplex switch telnetd/ i/in use by $2 from $1/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01.*\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nUsername: |s p/Cisco ASA firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^Connected\r\nUse log command to LOGON\r\n$| p/IBM 2218 Link Level Converter telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream ([\w-]+) Command Shell\r\nPassword: | p/Grandstream $1 VoIP phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream ([\w-]+) V([\w.]+) Command Shell| p/Grandstream $1 VoIP router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream ([\w._-]+) Command Shell Copyright [\d-]+\r\nPassword: | p/Grandstream $1 VoIP phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^Welcome to LDK-300 system\. Press enter\.\r\nYour address is| p/LG Aria LDK-300 PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\d+-NENET AB Ethernet Com Card V([\w._-]+) Built .*\r\nDebugOutput: \d+ DebugLevel: \d+\r\nHit 0-4 to change debug level, S for socket status\r\n| p/NENET AB ethernet telnet config/ v/$1/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ADSL Router\r\nLogin (?:user|name): = p/ADSL router telnet config/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AH4021\r\nLogin: | p/AliceBox AH4021 telnet config/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM300\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w._-]+) ([\w._-]+) on an MIPS\r\n| p/ZKSoftware ZEM300 embedded Linux telnetd/ i/Kernel $1; MIPS/ o/Linux/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0SNTP Version ([\d.]+) Server ([\w._-]+)\n\r\0\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V[\d.]+ \(\d+\) ([\w._-]+)\r\0\nPassword :| p/Larus 54580 NTP clock telnetd/ v/$2/ i/NTP $1; MAC $3/ h/$4/
match telnet m|^uShare \(([\w._-]+)\) \(Built .*\)\nFor a list of registered commands type \"help\"\n\n> | p/GeeXboX uShare telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^SMPlayer ([\w._-]+)\r\nType help for a list of commands\r\n| p/SMPlayer telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^S: FTGate [\w._-]+ \[Build ([\w._-]+) .*\]\n\r| p/Floosietek FTgate telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^Slirp command-line ready \(type \"help\" for help\)\.\r\nSlirp> | p|Slirp PPP/SLIP-on-terminal emulator telnetd|
match telnet m|^Slirp v([\w._-]+)(?: \(BETA\))?(?: FULL_BOLT)?\n\nCopyright \(c\) 1995,1996 Danny Gasparovski and others\.\n| p|Slirp PPP/SLIP-on-terminal emulator telnetd| v/$1/
match telnet m|^Sorry, already connected\.\r\n$| p|Slirp PPP/SLIP-on-terminal emulator telnetd| i/connection in progress/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCopperJet ([\w._-]+) RouterPlus .*\r\nFirmware version: ([\w._ -]+)\r\nAllied Data Technologies\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Allied Data CopperJet $1 telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ASUS500ROUTER login: | p/ASUS WL-500g WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\n\rMordor MUD\n\r Mordor v([\w._-]+)\n\rProgrammed by:\n\r Brooke Paul, Paul Telford & John P\. Freeman\n\r| p/Mordor MUD telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03.*Firmware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\n\rBuilt: .*\r\n\rOA Bay Number: \d+ \r\n\rOA Role: .*\r\n\r([\w._-]+) login:|s p/HP BladeSystem Onboard Administrator telnetd/ i/FW $1/ d/remote management/ h/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Windows CE Telnet service on MP370\r\n\r\nPocket CMD v ([\w._-]+)\r\n\\> \n\r\n\\> \\>| p/MP370 PDA Pocket CMD telnetd/ v/$1/ d/PDA/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n3Com Access Point 7760 login: | p/3Com 7760 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 login: | p/Netgear DG834GT telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\r\nSiemens 5940 T1E1 \[COMBO\] Router \(5940-001\) v([\w._-]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Username: | p/Siemens 5940 T1E1 router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\r\n\*+\r\n\* +Network Services Processor \*\r\n\* Version ([\w._-]+) \*\r\n\* ESI \(Estech Systems, Inc\.\)| p/Estech Systems Inc Network Services Processor telnetd/ v/$1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03PRICOM 3100 Ver ([\w._-]+) TELNET server\.\r\0\nCopyright \(C\) 2002-2004 silex technology, Inc\.\r\0\nlogin:| p/PRICOM 3100 print server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\r\n\r\r\nWelcome to Aerohive Wireless Product\r\r\n\r\r\nlogin: | p/Aerohive WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nLexmark International Telnet\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Lexmark C500 printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Siemens ADSL SL-2141 IS \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Siemens ADSL SL-2141 IS telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01Alcatel-Lucent: A7510\r\nA7510_(R\d+) .*\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Alcatel-Lucent A7510 Media Gateway telnetd/ v/$1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfd\x17\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd \xff\xfd#\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) VAX Operating System, Version V([\w._-]+) \r\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/MultiNet OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $1; VAX/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n>>> System ([\w._-]+) - OpenVMS Alpha V([\w._-]+) <<<\r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $2; Alpha/ o/OpenVMS/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n Welcome to OpenVMS \(TM\) Alpha Operating System, Version V([\w._-]+) \r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS telnetd/ i/OpenVMS $1; Alpha/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nGbE2c Ethernet Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem\.\r\n\r\nCopyright\(C\)2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L\.P\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p/HP GbE2c Ethernet Blade Switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nGbE2c L2/L3 Ethernet Blade Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem\.\r\n\r\nCopyright\(C\)2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L\.P\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter tacacs username: | p/HP GbE2c Ethernet Blade Switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to \r\n\r\r\n\r ###### .*Have a good time !! ;-\)\r\n\rCyberVia login:|s p/Cybervia media center telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* The Gemini Project \*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rOpenDreambox ([\w._-]+) (\w+)\r\n| p/Dreambox $1 telnetd/ i/OpenDreambox $2/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\*+\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\* The Gemini Project \*\r\n\r\* +\*\r\n\r\*+\r\n\r\r\n\rOpenDreambox ([\w._-]+) (\w+)\r\n| p/Dreambox $1 telnetd/ i/OpenDreambox $2/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[7m\x1b\[f\x1b\[9B\x1b\[9B\x1b\[5B ArrowKey Or AZ:Move Cursor, Enter:Select, ESC:Escape, L:Line Draw, X:Redraw \x1b\[0m\x1b<\x1b>\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\(B\x1b\)0\x0f\x1b\[7m\x1b\[f +Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller| p/Areca RAID-Controller telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[21;1H\x1b\[0m\*+\x1b\[22;1H\x1b\[0mMessage Area:\x1b\[24;1H\x1b\[7mCTRL\+R = Refresh +\x1b\[9;16H\x1b\[0mSSR22i Stackable Fast Ethernet Switch Console Management| p/Amer.com SSR22i switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03U\.S\. Robotics ADSL 4-Port Router\r\nLogin: | p/USRobotics ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Siemens ADSL SL2-141-I HSN2 \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nLogin name: | p/Siemens ADSL SL2-141-I HSN2 ADSL telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0\*\*\* Mitsubishi ProjectorView Server \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address (\w+)\n\r\0Software version V([\w._-]+) \((\d+)\) MELCO\r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter for Setup Mode \n\r\0| p/Mitsubishi Electric XD1000 ProjectorView telnetd/ v/$2 $3/ i/MAC $1/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ROTAL Wireless ADSL2\+ Router RTA1025W \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nLogin name: | p/ROTAL RTA1025W WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n.*\r\n KAMIKAZE \(bleeding edge, (r\d+)\)|s p/BusyBox telnetd/ i/no password; OpenWrt Kamikaze $1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n ------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\n.*\r\n KAMIKAZE \(([^)]*)\)|s p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/no password; OpenWrt Kamikaze $2/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n ------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\n.*\r\n KAMIKAZE \(([^)]*)\)|s p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/no password; OpenWrt Kamikaze $2/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n === IMPORTANT ============================\r\n Use 'passwd' to set your login password\r\n this will disable telnet and enable SSH\r\n ------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\nBusyBox v(.*) built-in shell \(ash\)\r\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands\.\r\n\r\n ___ ___ ___ \r\n\( _`\\ _ /'___\)'___\) Bifferboard mini-distribution v([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/BusyBox telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Bifferboard $2/ o/Linux/ cpe:/a:busybox:telnetd:$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =======================\r\n DSL-500B \r\n =======================\r\nLogin:| p/D-Link DSL-500B telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\n\r\nAG 5000\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Nomadix AG 5000 telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(ZEM500\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w._-]+) \w+ on an MIPS\r\n\rZEM500 login: | p/ZKSoftware ZEM500 fingerprint reader telnetd/ i/Linux $1; MIPS/ d/security-misc/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01Connected\r\n\n\rAironet BR500E V([\w._-]+) Main Menu| p/Cisco Aironet BR500E telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03login: | p/D-Link 524, DIR-300, or WBR-1310 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TrioLink \(ADSL IAD\)\r\nLogin: | p/Nortel-LG VoIP IAD telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^Linux ([\w._-]+) \[INSTALL: [\d-]+\]\nLASTPATCH: [\d:-]+\n| p/Netkit-telnetd/ i/Linux $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x1b\[0;37;40m\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1HLogin Name: | p/HP Remote Insight Lights-Out telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Xcelerator IP \r\nLogin: | p/Vertical Xcelerator IP telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^Console is locked by another telnet/SSH application!\n| p/Arris tm602g cable modem telnetd/ i/console in use/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^odec=\d+ u=\d+, p=\d+, i=\d+, max entries = \d+ \r\n\d+: IMGREQUEST: request_stats, image buffers available = \d+ \r\n\d+: MAIN: (\d+) images\(J=\d+, P=\d+, I=\d+\) stored on disk in last minute| p/Dedicated Micros Digital Sprite 2 DVR debug telnetd/ i/$1 images saved in last minute/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\r\nSiemens 5940 T1E1 \[COMBO\] Router \([\w._-]+\) v([\w._-]+) Ready\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01Username: | p/Siemens 5940 T1E1 router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to Dinion-IP-NWC [\d.]+ from [\d.]+\r\n| p/Dinion IP NWC webcam telnetd/ d/webcam/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Agilent PNA Network Analyzer at ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\nSCPI> | p/Agilent PNA Network Analyzer SCPI telnetd/ d/specialized/ h/$1/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n#\r\n\| ELSA LANCOM DSL/([\w._-]+) Office\r\n\| Ver\. ([\w._-]+) / ([\w._-]+)\r\n\| SN\. (\w+)\r\n\| Copyright \(c\) ELSA AG, Aachen\r\n\r\n= p|ELSA Lancom DSL/$1 Office router telnetd| v/$2 $3/ i/Serial $4/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\n\rCMI SEC\n\rProgram: +\d+\n\rMajor\.Minor\.Rel: ([\w._-]+)\n\rMAC Address: ([\w:]+)\n\r\n\rPress to go into setup mode\.| p/ADP IP Timeclock telnetd/ v/$1/ i/MAC $2/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\0\r\nser2net port \d+ device (/dev/[-\w_]+) \[\d+ \w+\] \(Debian GNU/Linux\)\r\n|s p/ser2net telnetd/ i/Debian; serial port $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match telnet m|^Port's device already in use\n\r$| p/ser2net telnetd/ i/device in use/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\n\rTerminal shell v1\.0\n\r\rCopyright \xa9\d+ Netopia, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\n\r\rNetopia Model ([\w-]+) Wireless DSL Ethernet Switch\n\rRunning Netopia SOC OS version ([\d.]+ \(build \w+\))\n| p/Netopia $1 wireless ADSL router telnetd/ i/SOC OS $2/ d/WAP/ o/SOC OS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x01\n\rTerminal shell v1\.0\n\r\rCopyright \xa92008 Motorola, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\n\r\rNetopia Model ([\d-]+)(?: AnnexA)? High-Power Wireless DSL Ethernet Managed Switch\n\rRunning Netopia SOC OS version ([\w.-]+ \(build \w+\))\n| p/Netopia $1 wireless ADSL router telnetd/ i/SOC OS $2/ d/WAP/ o/SOC OS/
# The esses spell "DSLink 260E".
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03ssss ssss sss s ss sss sss sss sssss \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s ss s ss ssss s sss s ssss s s sss \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s sss s s s s s s \r\n s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s \r\nssss ssss ssssss sss sss sssss ss sssss sss sss sssss\r\nLogin: $| p/Optimcom DSLink 260E ADSL router telnetd/
match telnet m|^\r\nPRO2 Control Console\r\n| p/Crestron PRO2 automation system telnetd/
match telnet m|^\r\nMC2E Control Console\r\n| p/Crestron MC2E automation system telnetd/
match telnet m|^(?:\x1b\[23;1H\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[23;11H\x1b\[24;1HSession Terminated, Connect again\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;1H)?\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[3;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HProCurve (J\w+) Switch (\d+)\r\n\rFirmware revision [^\r\n]+\r\n| p/HP ProCurve Switch $2/ i/JetDirect $1/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nCache for Windows NT \(Intel\) 5\.0\.18 \(Build 6103\) [^\r\n]*\r\nNode \w+ Port: ([\w._-]+)/(\d+)\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/InterSystems Cache ftpd/ i/port $2/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\.\r\n\r\nWelcome to the SX-2000 \(vxTarget\)\r\n\r\nlogin: \0| p/Mitel SX-2000 PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\w{12}\r\nETHMAC ([0-9a-f:]+)\r\nWIFIMAC ([0-9a-f:]+)\r\n>| p/Roku media player telnetd/ i/Ethernet MAC: $1, wi-fi MAC: $2/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWireless AP Manager Console [^\r\n]+\r\n please enter your password: | p/Ovislink AirLive WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05Login:| p/VBrick 4300 video encoder telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nYou are connected to configuration tool\r\nEnter the password: | i/Alvarion BreezeMAX WiMAX WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m%\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\+============================================================================\+\r\n\| \[ interSeptor Configuration Utility Main Menu \] \|\r\n\+============================================================================\+\r\n\r\nEnter Password: % p/Jacarta interSeptor environmental monitor telnetd/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\nThis is packet-o-matic built-([\d-]+)\nCopyright Guy Martin 2006-20\d\d\n\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfe\"pom> | p/packet-o-matic telnetd/ i/built $1/
# The ASCII art is a huge Conexant logo.
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n ,vvvdP9P\?\?\?\^ ,,,\r\n vvd###P\^`\^ vvvvv v\r\n vv#####\?\^ \?\?\?\?####vv,\r\n vv####\?\? ,vvvdP\?\?\?\^ ,,, \?\?##\^\r\n v#####\? ,vvd##P\?\^ #\?#v#vvv\r\n v#####\? v###P\^ ,vvv, '\?#\?,\r\n ######\? ####\?\^ ,vd#P\?\^ `\?\?\?##\r\n #####\? v#### ,d##P\^ ''\r\n ###### v#### \]###L _ _ _ ___\r\n #####\? v#### \]##L / / \\ \|\\ \| \|_ \\/ /\\ \|\\ \| \|\r\n ###### #### \]###L \\_ \\_/ \| \\\| \|_ /\\ /--\\ \| \\\| \|\r\n= p/Zoom X6 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05\r\n\*\*\* Welcome to VTM \*\*\*\r\n\r\n\r\n\rLogin : | i/Stratus ftServer VTM telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\r\nCEN-IDOC Control Console\r\n\r\nCEN-IDOC>| p/Crestron CEN-IDOC music player connection telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01jBASE Telnetd Server Version ([\d.]+) \n\r\r\nAccount Name: | p/jBASE telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\0\r\0\n\r\0\n(?:\r\0\n)?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\0\nModel name : NPort ([\w._-]+)\r\0\nMAC address : ([0-9A-F:]+)\r\0\nSerial No\. : (\d+)\r\0\nFirmware version : ([^\r]+)\r\0\nSystem uptime : ([^\r]+)\r\0\n| p/Moxa NPort $1 serial-to-IP converter telnetd/ v/$4/ i/MAC $2; serial number $3; uptime $5/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to Ring v([\d.]+) Copyright \(C\) AMX Corp\. 2002-2003\r\n| p/AMX NXD-CV5 Modero touch panel telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TESTING MODEL ADSL Router\r\nLogin: | p/D-Link DSL-2542B ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\[([^]]*)\]\[([^]]*)\]\[([^]]*)\]\r\n| p/Neuf Box telnetd/ v/$2/ i/hardware $1; firmware $3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\x1b<\x1b>\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2J\x1b\(B\x1b\)0\x0f\x1b\[7m\x1b\[f Areca Technology Corporation RAID Controller | p/Areca 1280 RAID controller telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^Secure Defrag Service v([\d.]+)\r\n \[\]\r\nlocal time: ([^\r\n]*)\r\n| p/Secure Defrag Service telnetd/ v/$1/ i/local time $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Huawei (SmartAX \w+)\r\nLogin: | p/Huawei $1 ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\*{76}\r\n\r\n +Minolta Network Configuration Utility\r\n +Minolta\r\n +Version ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/Minolta PagePro 20 printer telnetd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x03$| p/Tandem Himalaya K2000 telnetd/ o/GuardianOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 ZebraNet PrintServer Configuration Utility\r\n\r\n Type your password\. Press Enter when finished\.\r\n\r\n Password: | p/Zebra print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\s+ZebraNet Internal Wired PS Configuration Utility\r\n\r\n Type your password\. Press Enter when finished\.\r\n\r\n Password: | p/Zebra print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rWelcome to TrueTime Network Interface\n\r\rUser name: | p/TrueTime GPS clock telnetd/
match telnet m|^MythFrontend Network Control\r\nType 'help' for usage information\r\n---------------------------------\r\n# | p/mythfrontend MythTV control/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\(Cisco Controller\) \r\nUser: | p/Cisco 4402 WLAN controller telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[0m\r\nWelcome to (IC-\d+)!\r\n\r\n\x1b7\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[501;501H\x1b\[6n\x1b8\x1b\[\?25h\r\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1mIC-\d+ # \x1b\[0m\x1b\[J\r\x1b\[10C| p/ICOM $1 amateur radio telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\x0c\x1b\[2JEnter Password: | p/InterTel IPRC VoIP management card telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r.*\xaf\xaf\xaf\xaf\xaf\r\n\r Kernel ([\w._-]+) \(00:17:54\)\r\n\rdreambox login: |s p/Dreambox DVB telnetd/ i/Linux $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel:$1/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\r\r\n\rWelcome to DreamBox\.\r\n\rRunning under Kernel ([\w._-]+) \.\r\n\rBased on (Gemini [\w._-]+ GUI)\.\r\n\rKernel and utilities compiled by SatDream\.\r\n\r\r\n\r\r\n\rhttp://www\.satderam\.ru , info@satdream\.ru , dreambox@satdream\.ru\r\n| p/Dreambox SatDream DVB telnetd/ i/Linux $1; based on $2/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel:$1/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nRSC version ([\d.]+) \(([\w._-]+)\)\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Sun Remote System Control telnetd/ v/$1/ d/remote management/ h/$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\n\r\n\r\nWelcome to (R\w+) version (.*) from [\d /:]+\r\nsystemname is ([\w@_.-]+), location ([^\r\n]*)\r\n\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Funkwerk bintec $1 router/ v/$2/ i/location: $4/ h/$3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03FAST(\w+) ADSL Router \(Software Version:([\w._-]+)\)\r\nLogin: | p/Sagem F@st $1 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\r\n D A T A C O M\r\r\n +(DM\w+) - Minimux Router\r\r\n| p/Datacom $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\r\n D A T A C O M\r\r\n +(DM\w+) - G\.SHDSL 2 Wire Modem Router\r\r\n| p/Datacom $1 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\r\nBNT Layer 2/3 Copper Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter\.\r\n\r\n\r\nEnter password: | p|Nortel Layer 2/3 Gigabit Ethernet switch for IBM BladeCenter| d/switch/
# The ascii art spells "newcs".
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\"\r\n##### #### ## ## #### #####\r\n## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ##\r\n## ## ###### ####### ## #####\r\n## ## ## ####### ## ## ##\r\n## ## ##### ## ## #### ######\r\n A Butter Team Creation\r\n\r\nPassword :| p/NewCS card sharing system telnetd/
match telnet m|^sysrqd password: | p/sysrqd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n(DGFV\w+) login: | p/Netgear $1 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n(FVX\w+) login: | p/Netgear $1 firewall/ d/firewall/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[00H\+----------------------------------------------------------------------\+\r\0\r\n.*\| Motorola (PTP \d+) Lite Console Application +\|\r\0\r\n.*\| Software Version: ([\w._-]+) +\|\r\0\r\n\| Hardware Version: ([\w._-]+) +\|\r\0\r\n=s p/Motorola $1 WAP telnetd/ v/$2/ i/hardware version $3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Actiontec DSL Gateway\r\nLogin: | p/Actiontec GT704-WGB WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05TiMOS-([\w._-]+) cpm/hops ALCATEL SR (\w+)| p/Alcatel $2 SR router telnetd/ d/router/ o/TiMOS $1/ cpe:/o:alcatel-lucent:timos:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfd\0QEMU ([\w._-]+) monitor - type 'help' for more information\r\n\(qemu\) | p/QEMU monitor telnetd/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\n\*\*\* TemPageR (\w+) Settings \*\*\*\r\0\nMAC address ([0-9A-F]{12})\n\r\0Software version V([^\r]*)\r\0\nPassword :| p/Avtech TemPageR $1 temperature monitor telnetd/ v/$3/ i/MAC $2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfc\0\r\0\n(SC\w+) Telnet session\r\0\n\r\0\nUsername: \xff\xf6| p/Beck IPC@CHIP $1 embedded telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\r\n\r\nObeh\xf6riga \xe4ga ej tilltr\xe4de\r\n\r\n\xf6vertr\xe4delse beivras\.\r\n\r\n\rUsername: | p/OpenVMS 8.3 telnetd/ i/Swedish/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match telnet m|^\n\rTA-005-FXO1-122M : CLI\n\rLogin : $| p/Open EasyChat210 VoIP phone telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfc\0\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f$| p/HP StorageWorks tape autoloader telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to (OpenPhone \w+) IP\r\n\rVersion ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\r\n\rlast reset cause: software reset \(memory controller also reset\)\r\n\r\r\n\r([\w._-]+) login: | p/Aastra $1 telnetd/ v/$2/ d/VoIP phone/ h/$3/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*{80}\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2007 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent, \*\r\n\* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed\.| p/3Com 5500G-EI switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*{80}\r\n\* Copyright\(c\) 2004-2009 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent, \*\r\n\* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed\.| p/3Com 5500-EI switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*{78}\r\n\* Copyright \(c\) 2004-2010 3Com Corp\. and its licensors\. All rights reserved\. \*\r\n\* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties\. \*\r\n\* Without the prior written permission of 3Com Corporation and its licensors,\*\r\n| p/3Com 4500G switch telnetd/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:3com:4500g/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\*{57}\r\n\* All rights reserved \(1997-2005\) \*\r\n\* Without the owner's prior written consent, \*\r\n\*no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed\.\*\r\n| p/3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 4500 or Huawei Quidway AR28-09 WAP telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\r\t={51}\n\r\t Samsung ([\w()-]+) Configuration\n\r\t={51}\n\r\n\r\tTo configure the Access Point, the password is required\.\n\r\tEnter password:| p/Samsung $1 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^220 SB06D2F0 FTP server \(INTERFACE version ([\w._-]+)\) ready\.\n| p/Kyocera Mita KM-1530 printer telnetd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 Ver\. ([\w._-]+)\n\rEvaluation copy, \d+ users enabled\. Expiration date is ([\d/]+)\.\n\r\n\rUser \d+ of \d+\n\r\n\rlogin:| p/Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server/ v/$1/ i/expiration date $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05Username:| p/OneAccess ONE100A router telnetd/ d/router/ o/OneOS/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\0\nMAC address ([0-9A-F]{12})\n\r\0Software version V([\w_.\(\) -]+) \r\0\n\n\r\0Press Enter for Setup Mode \n\r\0| p/Enistic zone controller telnetd/ v/$2/ i/MAC $1/
# The ASCII art is a big "BS" seal.
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\+{79}\r\n\r\+{33}#############\+{33}\r\n\r\+{28}###### ######\+{28}\r\n\r| p/BitSwitcher firmware/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03login as: | p/D-Link DVA-G3170i telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03BR-telnet@(FES\w+) Router>| p/Foundry $1 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\x18Login: | p/Force10 S50N switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\n\r\0\*\*\* Siemens (\w+) \*\*\*\n\r\0\r\0\nSerial Number (\d+) MAC address ([0-9A-F]{12})\n\r\0Software version ([^\r]+)\r\0\nPassword :| p/Siemens $1 remote management telnetd/ v/$4/ i/serial $2; MAC $3/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\"\xff\xfb\x05PTLDOR69SH3HT4000HG6 Hatteras (\w+)\r\nLogin: | p/Hatteras $1 PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 =======================\r\n ([\w._-]+) +\r\n =======================\r\nLogin: | p/D-Link $1 ADSL router/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2005 - 2008 Enterasys, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/Enterasys RBT-8200 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nCopperJet ([\w._-]+) Router VoATM\r\nFirmware version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nAllied Data Technologies\r\n\r\nPlease login: | p/Allied Data CopperJet $1 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\r={74}\n\rTransition Networks Telnet Server\n\rSystem name: SMKG-PKGEAST-([\w._-]+)\n\rPress CTRL-D to disconnect\.\n\rEnter password: | p/Raritan $1 KVM switch telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\nCTRING login: | p/MicroDigital MDR-4600 DVR telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\n\r Welcome to QUIDWAY ([\w._-]+) Access Server\n\r Copyright \(c\) \d+-\d+ HUAWEI TECH CO\. LTD\.\n\r\n\rUser Name:| p/Huawei Quidway $1 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n \*{73}\r\n This is a private system\. \r\n Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user\. \r\n Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and can\r\n result in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law\.\r\n \*{73}\r\n\r\nMP login: | p/HP Integrated Lights-Out Advanced telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[5B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[6B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[2C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[7B \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[2B Verify Password \x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[4B \x0e\x1b\[f\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[9C\x1b\[8C\x1b\[9B\x1b\[1Blqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk\x1b| p/DNF Storage F16fz NAS device telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!Username: | p/McData switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^Sorry, new remote sessions are disallowed by current switch configuration\.| p/Dell PowerConnect 6248 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[H\x1b\[J\r\nWireless Router Manager Console , Version : ([\w._-]+)\r\nPlease enter your password : | p/Ovislink WLA-9000AP WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x1f| p/HP Tandem NonStop telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H\x0fUser Access Verification \r\n\r\nWaiting on TACACS\+ server\.\.\.\r\n\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Adtran NetVanta 6355 VoIP gateway telnetd/ i/TACACS enabled/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\*{60}\r\n\* WARNING ALERT: AUTHORIZED USERS ONLY! +\*\r\n\* +\*\r\n\* All activities conducted on this system may be monitored \*\r\n\* and recorded\. If you are not an authorized user, log off \*\r\n\* immediately\. Illegal entry, misuse, and / or criminal \*\r\n\* activity will be documented and prosecuted to the full \*\r\n\* extend of the law\. +\*\r\n\*{60}\r\n\r\n\r\nPress to accept and continue the login process\.\.\.\.\r\n| p/Foundry NetIron XMR 4000 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x05| p/Netgear FSM700S switch/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[1mwb-adtran-\w+ ADTRAN (TDU-\w+)\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2;1HConnecting\.\.\.\.| p/Adtran $1 PBX telnetd/ d/PBX/
# Probably more general than this --Ed.
match telnet m|^\r\n%connection closed by remote host!\0| p/HP H3C SR8808 SecBlade firewall module telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^Sorry, telnet is not allowed on this port!$| p/Cisco 4400 wireless LAN controller telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\ncli ([\w._-]+)\r\nUser Name: | p/ZyXEL G-570S WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nBUFFALO INC\. LinkStation series HS-DHGL\(JINMU\)\r\n\rFENCHURCH login: | p/Buffalo LinkStation HS-DHCL series NAS device/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\nFelix Remote Shell Console:\r\n============================\r\n\r\n-> | p/Apache Felix remote console/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nBackup Server Telnet Session\r\n\r\nUser:| p/NovaNET-WEB backup server telnetd/
match telnet m|^Start Telnet Server:\r\n| p/ATmega32 Telnet-to-RS232/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\"\[game001\] remote control session\.\r\nPassword:\0$| p/Rappelz game admin telnetd/
match telnet m|^\r\nVOLKTEK Corporation\r\nSystem version: ([\w._-]+) \((built at .*?)\)\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Volktek router telnetd/ v/$1/ i/$2/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[3;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HProCurve J\w+ Switch ([\w-]+)\r\n\rSoftware revision ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/HP ProCurve $1 switch telnetd/ v/$2/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$1/
match telnet m|^This is version ([\w._-]+) of the API\nSMS is enabled and HOMEAUTOMATION is enabled for you\n>> | p/Dovado 4GR WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[1;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[2;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[3;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[4;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[5;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[6;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[7;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[8;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[9;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[10;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[11;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[12;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[13;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[14;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[15;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[16;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[17;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[18;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[19;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[20;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[21;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[22;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[0;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[1;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[2;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[3;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[4;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[5;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[6;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[7;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[8;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[9;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[10;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[11;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[12;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[13;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[14;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[15;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[16;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[17;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[18;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[19;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[20;0H\x1b\[K\x1b\[3;27H \x1b\[3;27HLogin Screen\x1b\[4;27H \x1b\[4;27H============\x1b\[7;24H \x1b\[7;24HUser Name:\x1b\[9;24H \x1b\[9;24HPassword:\x1b\[7m\x1b\[7;36H \x1b\[7;36H \x1b\[7;36H\x1b\[7;36H| p/Cisco SRW2016 or SRW2024 router telnetd/ d/router/ cpe:/h:cisco:srw2016/ cpe:/h:cisco:srw2024/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPassword: | p/Cyberoam UTM firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Login: | p/D-Link DSL-2640B ADSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/h:dlink:dsl-2640b/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\r\nUserName:| p/D-Link DGS-3100 switch telnetd/ d/switch/ cpe:/h:dlink:dgs-3100/
match telnet m|^\x0c\r\nusername: \r\npassword: \r\nUsername and password are invalid\. Try again\.\. \r\n\r\nusername: | p/Mango DSP AVS Raven-M video server telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\r\nICTNET>| p/PostX IP Receiver telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03 Willkommen am THOMSON ([\w._ -]+)\r\n Plattform:CANT-P Firmware:([\w._-]+) Seriennummer:([\w._-]+)\r\n Bitte identifizieren Sie sich mit Ihrem Benutzernamen und Kennwort\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\nUsername : | p/Thomson $1 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ i/Serial number: $3/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/h:thomson:$1/
match telnet m|^\r\r\r\n\r\nLocal Time: (\w+, \d+/\d+/\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) Mac Address ([A-F0-9:]+)\n\rITW WeatherGoose II Version ([\w._ ()-]+)\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03Login:| p/ITW WeatherGoose II environmental monitor telnetd/ v/$3/ i/MAC address: $2; local time $1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nUsername: | p/Avocent KVM switch telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?3l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2J\x1b\[1;18H\x1b\[1mOlicom CrossFire Token-Ring Switch Manager\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;80H| p/Olicom 8601 CrossFire token-ring switch manager telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01login : | p/Alcatel OmniSwitch 8600 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x18-------------------------------\r\n-----Welcome to ATP Cli------\r\n-------------------------------\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Huawei HG655b DSL router telnetd/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/h:huawei:hg655b/
match telnet m|^Welcome to ([\w._-]+)\.\r\r\nUnauthorized access is punishable by law\.\r\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\((GSM[\w._-]+)\) \r\nUser:| p/Netgear $2 switch telnetd/ d/switch/ h/$1/ cpe:/h:netgear:$2/
match telnet m|^ \x1b\[2JAccess Point Console\r\n--------------------\r\nVersion ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n\r\x07Password: \xff\xfb\x01| p/Blitzz BWA601 WAP telnetd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:blitzz:bwa601:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01SB5100MoD by ToM - Embedded Telnet Server\r\n\r\n| p/SB5100MoD telnetd/ i/Motorola SB5100 WAP/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:motorola:sb5100/
match telnet m=^\r\nTelnet connection from [\d.]+:\d+ refused\.\r\n\r\n(?:Knock it off; I'm not lettin' you in\.\.\.|You again\? Don't make me call the cops\.\.\.|Your IP address has been logged and reported to your ISP\.)\r\n\r\n\nBye bye\.\.\.\r\n= p/SB5100MoD telnetd/ i/Motorola SB5100 WAP/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:motorola:sb5100/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nWelcome to Trango Broadband Wireless (\w+)-AP \w+\r\nPassword: | p/Trango $1 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:trango:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Innbox Home Gateway\r\nLogin: | p/Innbox Home Gateway firewall telnetd/ d/firewall/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\[ M113 \] B-02\.54 VIP113 V-([\w._-]+) VB\r\nDate/time: \d+\.\d+\.\d+/\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+\r\nSNumber: (M113-\d+)\r\n\r\nVB login: | p/2N VoiceBlue Lite GSM gateway telnetd/ v/$1/ i/Serial number: $2/ cpe:/h:2n:voiceblue_lite/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nCopyright \(c\) 2002 - 2011 Trapeze Networks, Inc\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\0Username: | p/Trapeze WX2200 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\r\n\nLantronix MSS1 Version STI3\.5/5\(981103\)\n\r\nType HELP at the 'Local_2> ' prompt for assistance\.\n\r\nLogin password> | p/Lantronix MSS1 Micro Serial Server serial-to-Ethernet bridge telnetd/ d/bridge/
# The stars spell "BAYSTACK".
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[32897132;1H\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \* \*\x1b\[2;1H \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*\x1b\[3;1H| p/Nortel BayStack 470-24T switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[0m\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[2K \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \* \* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \* \*\x1b\[2;1H\x1b\[2K \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*\x1b\[3;1H\x1b\[2K| p/Nortel BayStack 470-48T switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\0\xff\xfd\x03\0\r\n\r\nHi, my name is :\s*([\w._-]+) NBTX\r\n\r\nSerial Number:\s*(\w+)\r\nBrand:\s*Polycom\r\nSoftware Version:\s*Release ([\w._ -]+)\r\nModel:\s*VS\r\nNetwork Interface:\s*ISDN_UNKNOWN\r\nMP Enabled:\s*No\r\nIP Address:\s*[\d.]+\r\nGMT:\s*\w+ \w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d+\r\nTime In Last Call:\s*\d+:\d+:\d+\r\nTotal Time In Calls:\s*\d+:\d+:\d+\r\nTotal Calls:\s*\d+\r\nSwitch Type:\s*NI-1\r\nCountry Code:\s*(\d+)\r\nArea Code:\s*(\d+)\r\n| p/Polycom ViewStation video conferencing telnetd/ v/$3/ i/Serial number: $2; country code: $4; area code $5/ h/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03| p/Pirelli NetGate VOIP v2 broadband router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nusername: | p/IBM BladeCenter Advanced Management Module telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\rEXFO (BV[\w._-]+)\r\n\r\r\n\rWARNING: This system is for use by authorized users only!\r\n\r\r\n\rPassword: | p/Exfo $1 Ethernet test device telnetd/ d/specialized/ cpe:/h:exfo:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x18\n\rWelcome Visiting Huawei Home Gateway\n\rCopyright by Huawei Technologies Co\., Ltd\.\n\rLogin:| p/Huawei STC router telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n \r\nModel name : easyRAID ([\w._+-]+)\r\nFirmware version : ([\w._-]+)\r\nBootcode version : ([\w._-]+)\r\nSerial number : (\w+)\r\nCPU type: [^\r]*\r\nInstalled memory : ([^\r]+)\r\nController type: [^\r]*\r\nDisk slot number: [^\r]*\r\nDisk state : [^\r]*\r\n \r\n=== Welcome to CLI ([\w._-]+) ===\r\nPlease input password: | p/easyRAID $1 telnetd/ v/$6/ i/firmware $2; bootcode $3; serial $4; memory $5/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Linux \(([\w._-]+)\) for MIPS\r\n\rKernel ([\w._-]+) Treckle on an MIPS\r\n\r[\w._-]+ login: | p/ZKSoftware $1 access control device/ i/Linux $2; MIPS/ d/security-misc/ o/Linux/ cpe:/h:zksoftware:$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel:$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\"\[Fallen Heroes Console\] remote control session\.\r\nPassword:\0| p/Rappelz game server admin telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03BCM96338 xDSL Router\r\nLogin: | p/Innacom W3400 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:innacom:w3400/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[1;31m \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \* \r\n \* \)\)\\ \) \)\\ \) \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m ` \r\n ` \) /\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\)/\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\)/\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \)\\\)\)\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \r\n \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m \)\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\)\)\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\)\) /\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\)\x7c\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\)\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\)\\ \r\n \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\)\x7c_\)\)_ \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\)\) \x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\)\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m\x1b\[1;33m\(\x1b\[1;31m_\) \r\n\x1b\[0;32m \x7c_ _\x7c\x7c \\/ __\x7c\x7c \\/ \x7c \r\n \x7c \x7c \x7c \x7c\) \\__ \\\x7c \x7c\\/\x7c \x7c \r\n \x7c_\x7c \x7c___/\x7c___/\x7c_\x7c \x7c_\x7c \r\n Terraria Dedicated Server Mod\r\n\r\n\x1b\[1;37mTerraria v([\w._-]+) dedicated server remote console, running TDSM (#[\w._-]+)\.\x1b\[0m\r\n\x1b\[1;37mYou have 20 seconds to log in\.\x1b\[0m\r\n\x1b\[1;36mLogin:\x1b\[0m \xff\xf9| p/Terraria Dedicated Server Mod telnetd/ v/$2/ i/for Terraria $1/
match telnet m|^\r\rThis is a FirstClass system, from Open Text Corporation\.\r\r\rFirstClass is an e-mail and conferencing system with a graphical user interface\.\r\r\rThe Command Line Interface is not available on | p/OpenText FirstClass webmail command-line interface/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Siemens ADSL (SL[\w._-]+) IS \r\nSoftware Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nLogin name: | p/Siemens $1 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$2/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/h:siemens:$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd'\x1b\[2J\x1b\[HMinecraft RemoteShell V([\w._-]+)\r\nEnter username: | p/Minecraft RemoteShell/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^Eltin\r\n Ethernut Nut/OS witamy\.\r\nkey=[0-9A-F]+\r\n$| p/Ethernut demo telnetd/ i/Polish/ o|Nut/OS| cpe:|o:ethernut:nut/os::::pl|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01SOYO_SIP V([\w._-]+) settings\r\nPassword:| p/Soyo SIP VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03U\.S\. Robotics Wireless MAXg ADSL Gateway\r\nLogin: | p/USRobotics Wireless MAXg ADSL router telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^Halt! Who goes there\?\n\w+\n| p/Polycom VoIP phone debug telnetd/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Schneider Automation, Inc\. - Modbus Bridge \((\w+ CEV \w+ \w+)\)\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0Serial Number ([\w._-]+) Software Version V([\w._-]+ \(\d+\))\r\0\r\n\r\0\r\nPress Enter to go into Setup Mode, wait to close\r\n\r\0| p/Schneider Automation $1 Modbus-to-Ethernet bridge telnetd/ v/$3/ i/serial number: $2/ d/bridge/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\nnameDRAC login: | p/Dell iDRAC6 telnetd/
match telnet m|^Horizon Control Remote Connection\r\nCopyright 2006-2009 Horizon Control Inc\. All Rights Reserved\r\n local commands: echo, noecho, prompt, noprompt, help, exit\r\n at the start of a line will re-run the previous command\r\nHC>| p/Philips Strand Light Palette telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x1fWELCOME\r\n NO UNAUTHORIZED LOGIN\r\n Private property\r\nlogin: | p/Patton SmartNode 4638 VoIP adapter telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/ o/SmartWare/ cpe:/h:patton:sn4638/ cpe:/o:patton:smartware/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01([\w._-]+) Ver\. ([\w._-]+) \(c\) Copyright \d+-\d+ Redline Communications Inc\.\r\n\r\nUsername:\0| p/Redline $1 WAP telnetd/ v/$2/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:redline:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\[NB6-SER-r0\]\[NB6-MAIN-R([\w._-]+)\]\[NB6-ADSL-\w+\]\r\nnb6 login: | p/Neuf Box 6 ADSL router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^OMNIA\r\nd!6F'''=&%%3-%&0\)! % , \.L\*\*\*\$ e&\"\n\rd!6B'&'\?&%%3-\$&0\)| p/Telos Omnia-6EX audio processor telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nWelcome to the Biamp Telnet server\r\n| p/Biamp AudioFLEX audio system telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\*\*\* IPCOM \*\*\*\r\nlogin: | p/HP ProLiant ML110 Interactive Lights Out telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Alice Modem WLAN ([\w._-]+)\r\nAlice Software Version: ([\w._-]+)\r\nLogin: | p/Alice $1 WLAN WAP telnetd/ v/$2/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03XMR-2: Console access 2047\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/Brocade MLXe router telnetd/ d/router/ o/IronWare/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n Product : (iMG\w+)\r\n Hw Revision : S\r\n Sw Version : ([^\r]+)\r\n Build : iMG\w+\r\n MAC : ([0-9a-f:]+)\r\n Copyright \(c\) \d+ by Allied Telesis Holdings K\.K\.\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Allied Telesis AT-$1 router/ v/$2/ i/MAC: $3/ d/router/ cpe:/h:alliedtelesyn:at-$1/
match telnet m|^100 HELLO [0-9A-F]{8} - KSHELL V([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Koukaam NETIO-230A power controller telnetd/ v/$1/ d/power-device/ cpe:/h:koukaam:netio-230a/
match telnet m|^100 HELLO [0-9A-F]{8}\r\n$| p/Koukaam NETIO-230A power controller telnetd/ d/power-device/ cpe:/h:koukaam:netio-230a/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Grandstream GXV(\w+) \( Boot:([\w._-]+) Loader:([\w._-]+) App:([\w._-]+) HW: ([\w._-]+) \) Command Shell\r\nPassword: | p/Grandstream GXV-$1 VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$4/ i/boot version: $2; loader version: $3; hardware version: $5/
match telnet m|^Local Time \w+, \d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d Mac Address ([0-9A-F:]+)\n\rITW Mini/([\w._-]+) II Version ([\w._-]+)\n\rlogin:| p/ITW MiniGoose XP II environmental monitor telnetd/ i/MAC: $1/ o|Mini/$2 II $3|
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\r\n\r\n\*{59}\r\n\*\s*DVTel (DVT-\w+) - ([\w._-]+)\s*\*\r\n\*{59}\r\nMain Menu\r\n| p/DVTel $1 security camera telnetd/ v/$2/ d/webcam/ cpe:/h:dvtel:$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Comau (\w+) Telnet \(Version:([\w._ -]+)\) (\d\d-\d\d-\d\d) ready\.\r\n\nUser: | p/Comau $1 robot control unit telnetd/ v/$2 $3/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nLogin:| p/Green Packet DX230 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:green_packet:dx230/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x05\xff\xfd\x05Welcome to InterNiche Telnet Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/InterNiche telnetd/ v/$1/ o|uC/OS-III|
match telnet m|^\r\r\n This service will offer one user to use it\. \r\r\n The Current User is \[IP:([\d.]+)\]\r\r\n| p/E-Tech PSU101 print server telnetd/ i/in use by $1/ d/print server/ cpe:/h:e-tech:psu101/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nsh-3\.00# | p/Syabas Popcorn Hour media player telnetd/ d/media device/ cpe:/h:syabas:popcorn_hour/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nWelcome to Vyatta\r\n\rvyatta login: | p/Vyatta router telnetd/ d/router/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/
# vlc -I telnet --telnet-password test
match telnet m|^VLC media player ([\w._-]+) ([^\n]+)\nPassword: \xff\xfb\x01| p/VLC media player telnetd/ v/$1 $2/ cpe:/a:videolan:vlc:$1/
match telnet m|^\*+ ISKRAEMECO \*+\r\n\*+ P2cc Consereth Communicator \*+\r\nLogin: | p/Iskraemeco P2CC smart electrical meter readout telnetd/ d/power-misc/ cpe:/h:iskraemeco:p2cc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03TP-LINK Wireless ADSL2\+ Router\r\nLogin: | p/TP-LINK TD-W8920G WAP http config/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:tp-link:td-w8920g/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nNetDVRDVS:| p/UTT Hiper 2610 router telnetd/ d/router/ cpe:/h:utt:hiper_2610/
#(insert telnet)
match telnet-proxy m|^nodnsquery/[\d.]+ is not authorized to use the telnet proxy\r\n| p/Gauntlet telnet proxy/
match telnet-proxy m|^Eingabe Servername\[:Port\] : | p/JanaServer telnet proxy/ i/German/
match telnet-proxy m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Telnet Gateway ready=enter computer name to connect to\.\\x0d\\x0a\\xd\\xahost\[:port\]: \r\n| p/602LAN Suite telnet proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet-proxy m|^\r\n\r\nEnter computer name to connect to\.\r\ne\.g\. \"NetCom\.com\"| p/WinProxy telnet proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet-proxy m|^\xff\xfc\x01\xff\xfd\"ixProxy V([\d.]+), Copyright \(C\) \d+ Ixia Communications\r\nEnter target port ip address as login name \(example: 10\.0\.1\.1\)\r\nlogin:| p/Ixia ixProxy telnet proxy/ v/$1/
match telnet-proxy m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Blue Coat Shell proxy\r\nShell-proxy>| p/Blue Coat Shell proxy/ o/SGOS/
match telnet-proxy m|^Welcome to kingate ([\w._-]+)-win32 telnet proxy\.\r\nPlease enter host and port\r\nexample: abc\.com 23\r\nkingate >| p/kingate telnet proxy/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match terraria m|^0\0\0\0\x02Client sent invalid network message \(168626705\)| p/Terraria Dedicated Server Mod/ i/Terraria game server/
# tinc 1.0.2-2 on Linux
match tinc m|^0 \w+ 17\n| p/tinc vpn daemon/
# This will match systems with clocks set between the
# following 2 dates:
# 0xCA000000 = Thu May 24 14:13:52 2007
# 0xD7FFFFFF = Sat Nov 1 18:57:35 2014
# Calculate this with the Python program:
# python -c 'import datetime; print datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0xca000000 - 2208988800).ctime()'
# Also needs updating (search for TIME):
# UDP Help
match time m|^[\xca-\xd7]...$|s i/32 bits/
match time m|^[\xca-\xd7]....\0\0\0$|s i/64 bits/
# Need more examples... -Doug
match timeedit m|^\0\0\0H\0\0\0\x02\x0fTimeEdit131\.| p/Evolvera TimeEdit/ v/1.3.1/
# Tiny Personal Firewall 2.0
match tinyfw m|^\x0f\0\n\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xc0\x0ef7\xbb\x9bS\xfc\x86\xe4\x7f\x18\xb8\x97\x06 | p/Tiny Personal Firewall/ v/2.0/
# http://www.tmail.spb.ru/index-19.htm
match tmail m|^\*\*\x18B0800000000022d\r\n\x11\x11\x11\*\*EMSI_REQA77E\r\r\[CONNECT TCP/IP/[\d.]+/IFC\]\r\nT-Mail v([\w.]+)/TCP/IP/Noncommercial \(C\) 1992-99 by Andy Elkin\r\n\*\*EMSI_REQA77E\rSorry\.\. Mail only node\.\r\n| p/T-Mail/ v/$1/
match trackerlink m=^\d+\|\d+\|TrackerLINK Ver\. ([\d.]+)= p/TrackerLINK/ v/$1/
match transferimg m|^0202 Camera Server Ready CS-73D9C2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Lab\. de Inform\xe1tica\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/D-Link DCS-900 webcam transfer image service/ d/webcam/ cpe:/h:dlink:dcs-900/
match trendnet-webcam m|^0301&<\x16\0\x84\xc7\x02\xe0\xe1\xb1\x008\x13\x1e\x0b\x80<\x16\0\xc7\t\x8f\x05\xc0\xf0X\0\x1c\xc2c\x01p\x1e\x0b\x80\xe3c\x01p\xdcX\0\x1c7\x8f\x05\xc0q\x0b\x80\xe3F\xc7\x02\xe0\xb8,\0\x8e\x1b\xb1\x008n\x05\xc0q\xa3\x008n\xb4\x02\xe0\xb8\xd1\x01p\xdch\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/TRENDnet TV-IP100 webcam display/ d/webcam/
# Kerio Personal Firewall 4.02 on Windows 2000, 4.0.11 on W2K SP4+ too (port 44xxx)
match keriopfservice m|^\x12\0\x03\0\x04\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Kerio PF 4 Service/ i/maybe 4.0.2-11/
# Kerio PF 4.0.11 unregistered - GUI process (Port 1027-1200,44xxx? RPC?) on MS W2K SP4+
match keriopfgui m|^\x12\0\r\0\x03\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x9a\x20\xd0Z\x1e\x1b\xa3\*\xf2\xdd\xe2\(\xc3sp&\xda\xe4Yp\xdbET\xf9\x8cc\xc24\*Y\xbe\xb3\xba\xd6%\xf5\xb668\xad\xab>@D<\x01\xdd>\)\xdb\x18\xf55\xd1\xba\x96\x1c\x17\x17\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0\x01| p/Kerio PF 4 GUI/ i/maybe 4.0.11/
# Kerio Personal Firewall 2.1.4 on Windows
# Tiny Personal Firewall 2.0
# Kerio Personal Firewall, Firewall engine version 2.1.5 Driver version 3.0.0 on WinXP
match tinyfw m|^\x0f\0\n\0\x01\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Kerio Personal Firewall/ v/2.1.X/ i/or Tiny Personal Firewall/
match trackmania-gbx m|^\x0b\0\0\0GBXRemote 2$| p/TrackMania game GBX remote/
match venti m|^venti-02-libventi\n| p/Plan 9 venti storage system/
match visitview m|^Greetings: The VISITview Server \$Revision: ([\w._-]+) \$ welcomes you!\n$| p/VISITview/ v/$1/
# VMware has a buch of different auth settings so this gets messy
match vmware-auth m|^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+).*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n|s p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/
match vmware-auth m=^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+), ServerDaemonProtocol:(SOAP|IPC), MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC= p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC, $2/
match ssl/vmware-auth m|^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL Required\r\n| p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/
match ssl/vmware-auth m|^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL [rR]equired, MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC(?: ,)? \r\n| p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC/
match ssl/vmware-auth m=^220 VMware Authentication Daemon Version (\d[-.\w]+): SSL Required, ServerDaemonProtocol:(SOAP|IPC), MKSDisplayProtocol:VNC= p/VMware Authentication Daemon/ v/$1/ i/Uses VNC, $2/
match vmware-aam m|^\0\0..\x01\0\0\0\x03\x03\x01\x03@\xe4\x01\x02\0..\0\xfe\xff\xff\xff\0\0d\0\0..\0\xfe\xff\xff\xff\0\0d\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x14\0\0\0\x8fd\0\0...\t\0\0\0\0.\0\0\0.\0\0\0..\0\0.\0\0\0\x6b\x1f\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x8fc\0\0...\t\0\0\0\0\.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/VMware Automated Availability Manager/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n$| p/VNC/ i/protocol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x1aToo many security failures$| p/VNC/ i/protocol 3.$1; Locked out/
match vnc m|^RFB 003.130\n$| p/VNC/ i/unofficial protocol 3.130/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.88[89]\n$| p/Apple remote desktop vnc/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match vnc m|^RFB 000\.000\n$| p/Ultr@VNC Repeater/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0jServer license key is missing, invalid or has expired\.\nVisit http://www\.realvnc\.com to purchase a licence\.| p/RealVNC/ i/Unlicensed; protocol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0nVNC Server license key is missing, invalid or has expired\.\nVisit http://www\.realvnc\.com to purchase a license\.| p/RealVNC/ i/Unlicensed; protocol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 004\.000\n| p/RealVNC Personal/ i/protocol 4.0/
match vnc m|^RFB 004\.001\n| p/RealVNC Enterprise/ i/protocol 4.1/
match vnc m|^RFB 003\.00(\d)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0:Unable to open license file: No such file or directory \(2\)| p/RealVNC Enterprise Edition/ i/protcol 3.$1/
match vnc m|^RFB 103\.006\n| p/Microsoft Virtual Server remote control/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match vnc m|^ISD 001\.000\n$| p/iTALC/
match vnc m|^.{27}\x16\x20\xe4\xb0\x95\x63\x29\x78\xdb\x6e\x35\x92$|s p/Ultr@VNC/
match vnc m|^RFB 240\.6\n\0\x02$| p/BRemote VNC/
softmatch vnc m|RFB \d\d(\d)\.\d\d\d\n| i/protocol $1/
# http://www.eterlogic.com/Products.VSPE.html
match vspe m|^\nADA38072\r\nAD_80099\r\nABA39071\r\nAB_07096\r\nACA40064\r\nAC_00090\r\nADA41066\r\nAD_81100\r\nABA42065\r\nAB_08097\r\nACA43067\r\nACA44068\r\nAC_01091\r\nADA45070\r\nAD_81100\r\nADA45070\r\nADA45070\r\nADA45070\r\nABA46069\r\nAB_09098\r\n| p/Eterlogic Virtual Serial Posts Emulator/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver +(\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver \. (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vtun m|^VTUN server ver \(.*\) (\d[-.\w /]+)\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Vtun Virtual Tunnel/ v/$1/
match vhcs m|^250 OK moleSoftware VHCS2 Server Welcomes You !\r\n| p/moleSoftware virtual hosting control system/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match weather m|^TrueWeather\r\n\r\n>| p/TrueWeather Desktop Weather Authority server/
# http://www.3w.net/lan/faq.html
match websense-eim m|^\x96\xfeS\xab$| p/Websense EIM/
match websm m|^\+ read portFile\n\+ head -1\n\+ find /var/websm/| p/AIX wsmserver/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match websm m|^\+ read portFile\n\+ find /var/websm/data/wservers/| p/AIX wsmserver/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match websm m|^\+ find /var/websm/data/wservers/ -type f -print -name \[0-9\]\*\[0-9\]\n\+ 2> /dev/null\n\+ head -1\n\+ read portFile\n\+| p/AIX wsmserver/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match weprint m|^\0\0\x26\xa1\0\0\x26\x99hello12[0-9a-f]+\(c\) 2008, EuroSmartz Ltd\. Only for use with EuroSmartz approved software\.wep/([\w._-]+)\d+([\w._-]+)| p/WePrint printer sharing server/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match winshell m=^Microsoft Windows( (?:2000|XP|NT 4\.0)|) \[Version ([\d.]+)\]\r\n\(C\) Copyright 1985-20\d\d Microsoft Corp\.\r\n\r\n= p/Microsoft Windows$1 $2 cmd.exe/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match winshell m|^Microsoft Windows \[Version ([\d.]+)\]\r\nCopyright \(c\) 20\d\d Microsoft Corporation\. All rights reserved\.\r\n\r\n| p/Microsoft Windows $1 cmd.exe/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# CcXstream Media Server 1.0.15 on Linux - Uses XBMSP (X-Box Media Streaming Protocol)
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 CcXstream Media Server (\d[-.\w]+)\n| p/CcXstream Media Server/ v/$1/
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 Media File XStream Server \n| p/Media File XStream/
match xbmsp m|^XBMSP-1\.0 1\.0 xbmsd ([\w._-]+)\n| p/xbmspd/ v/$1/
match xinetd m=^(?:[-\w_.]+ (?:tcp|udp) \d{1,5}\n)+= p/xinetd service display/ o/Unix/
# XFCE Desktop Version 3.99.4 From Gentoo 1.4 Ebuild on Linux 2.4.6
match xfce-session m|^\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\0$|s p/XFCE Session Manager/
match xmail-ctrl m|^\+\d+ <[\d.]+@[\d.]+> XMail ([\d.]+) \(Linux/Ix86\) CTRL Server; .*\r\n| p/XMail CTRL Server/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match xmail-ctrl m|^\+\d+ <[\d.]+@[\d.]+> XMail ([\d.]+) CTRL Server; .*\r\n| p/XMail CTRL Server/ v/$1/
match xmbmon m|^TEMP0 +: +[\d.]+\nTEMP1 +: +[\d.]+\nTEMP2 +: +[\d.]+\nFAN0 +: +[\d.]+\nFAN1 +: +[\d.]+\nFAN2 +: +[\d.]+\n| p/Mother Board Monitor/
# Right now once a softmatch triggers, only match lines with the same
# service name will match. Like with the HTTP softmatch, this is somewhat
# restrictive. If softmatch is ever updated to behave differently
# go ahead and uncomment these (Brandon)
#softmatch xml m|^<\?xml version=\"([^\"]+)\" encoding=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*(?<=\?)>| i/XML version $1; encoding: $2/
#softmatch xml m|^<\?xml version=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*(?<=\?)>| i/XML version $1/
match xine-remote m|^([-\w_.]+) xine-ui ([\d.]+) remote server\. Nice to meet you\.\n| p/Xine-UI remote control/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match yiff m|^\0\0\0\n\0\x03\0\0\0\0$| p/YIFF network sound server/
match zebra m|^\r\nHello, this is zebra \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 1996-20| p/GNU Zebra routing software/ v/$1/
match zebra m|^\r\nHello, this is zebra \(version (\d[-.\w]+)\)\.\r\nCopyright 200\d| p/GNU Zebra routing software/ v/$1/
match zebra m|^Vty password is not set\.\r\n$| p/Quagga routing software/
match zebra m|^\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\n\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfd\x1fPassword: | p/GNU Zebra routing software/
match zenworks m|^([^<]+)\0?| p/ZENworks Patch Management/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pcp m|^\0\0\0\x14\0\0p\0\0\0..\0\0\0\0\x02\x01\0\0|s p/SGI Performance Co-Pilot/
match pcp m|^\0\0\0\x14\0\0p\0\0\0..\xff\xff\xfc\x11\x02\x000a|s p/SGI Performance Co-Pilot/
match smtp m|^220 SPAM, we hates it.\r\n| p/Barracuda Spam firewall/
# 13720/tcp
match bprd m|^\0\0\0.EXIT[ _]STATUS \d+$|s p/Veritas Netbackup/
match bprd m|^request daemon can't accept sessions\nanother instance may already be running\.\nAddress already in use\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/
match bprd m|^bp[-\w]+: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc\+\+-libc6\.2-2\.so\.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/broken/
# 13782/tcp
match bprd m|^gethostbyaddr: [\w ]+\n$| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/refused/
match bprd m|^bpjava-msvc: error while loading shared libraries: libpam\.so\.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n| p/Veritas Netbackup/ i/broken/
# PostCast SMTP server 2.6.0 ( http://www.postcastserver.com/ )
match smtp m|^220 PostCast SMTP server.*\r\n$| p/PostCast SMTP server/
match omapi m|^\0\0\0d\0\0\0\x18$| p/ISC (BIND|DHCPD) OMAPI/
match openvpn m|^\0\x0e@........\0\0\0\0\0\0\x0e@|s p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn m|^\0\x0e@........\0\0\0\0\0|s p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn m|^\0\*@.*\0\0\0\0\0|s p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn m|^\0<\xaa\xc5\r\^\xf7\x1b\xd1\xe1a/\xe8\x17P\x9dOb\xbb\x93\x87\xe0\xf3v\x81K\xa4!\xe6\xc7\x01\x977u5A\xd1M\x1b;\xc7\xcb\x87\xb5\x87\xf3~\xc8w\xef\xd3\x87eA\0\^\xbf\xc5\x93i\xf6\x87$| p/OpenVPN/
match openvpn-management m|^>INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version ([\d.]+) -- type 'help' for more info\r\n>| p/OpenVPN Management Interface/ v/$1/
match osiris m|^\x80[=+:]\x01\x03\x01\0.\0\0\0\x10\0|s p/osiris host IDS agent/
match osiris m|^\x16\x03\x01\0.\x01\0\0|s p/osiris host IDS agent/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nAllow: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, PLAY, PAUSE, TEARDOWN\r\n\r\n$| p/Geovision webcam rtspd/ d/webcam/
match svnserve m|^\( success \( \d \d \( (?:ANONYMOUS )?\) \( | p/Subversion/ cpe:/a:apache:subversion/
match sumatra-ds m|^v7\x87\x12\0\0\0\x01........$|s p/Sumatra DS Server/
match trinitycore m|^Wrong IP!$| p/TrinityCore game server remote admin/
# http://epos.ure.cas.cz/
match ttscp m|^TTSCP spoken here\r\nprotocol: 0\r\nextensions:\r\nserver: Epos\r\nrelease: ([\w._-]+)\r\nhandle: [\w-]+\r\n$| p/Epos text-to-speech control protocol/ v/$1/
match icecream m|^[\x14-\x1f]\0\0\0$| p/icecreamd/
#commenting out - not APC, likely java-rmi - TomS - 2010.09.26
#match apc-agent m|^\xac\xed\0\x05$| p/APC PowerChute agent/ d/power-device/
match afs3-fileserver m|^load1:[\d.]+###load2:[\d.]+###load3:[\d.]+###MemTotal:(\d+) kB###MemFree:(\d+) kB| p/AFS fileserver/ i|$2/$1 kB free|
match unitrends-backup m|^\xa5A\0\x01\0\0\0,\0\0\0\x02\0\0\0L\0\0\0\x08Connect\0\0\0\0x\0\0\0\x0857222\0\0\0$| p/Unitrends backup daemon/
match vtp m|^220 Welcome to Video Disk Recorder \(VTP\)\r\n| p/VTP control for VDR/ d/media device/
match warcraft m|^\x00\x06\xec\x01....$|s p/World of Warcraft world server/
match warcraft m|^\x00\x2a\xec\x01....|s p/World of Warcraft world server/
match warcraft m|^\x00\x27\x00\x34.....................................$|s p/World of Warcraft world server/
match wingate-control m|^.\x01.[\x02\x03]\x01\d+\0$|s p/WinGate Administration/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Wingate redir: Probably not general enough
match wingate m|^\0\n\0\0\x02\0\0\0\x01\0$| p/WinGate transparent redirection/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match mail-admin m|^OK0100 eXtremail V([\d.]+) release (\d+) REMote management \.\.\.\r\n| p/eXtremail remote management/ v/$1 release $2/
match ppp m|^SuSE Meta pppd \(smpppd\), Version ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/SuSE Meta pppd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# \xc0\x21 -> LCP
match ppp m|^\x7e\xff\x7d\x23\xc0\x21}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6}'}\"}\(}\"\xc7}#~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\xf4\xd1\xa2\xf6\x7d\x27\x7d\x22\x7d\x28\x7d\x22\xc7\x7d\x23\x7e| p/pppd/
match ppp m|^\x7e\xff\x7d\x23\xc0\x21}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\x81\xf4\xdb\xc0}'}\"}\(}\"\xc4\x80~~\xff}#\xc0!}!}!} }4}\"}&} } } } }%}&\x81\xf4\xdb\xc0}'}\"}\(}\"\xc4\x80\x7e| p/pppd/
match pppctl m|^PPP on ([-\w_.]+)> | p/pppctld/ h/$1/
match qds m|^-=QDS Task Refactoring Dev v([\w._-]+) Debug Tracing LiveView=-\r\nType quit or \^X to close connection\.\r\n\r\n$| p/QlikView Distribution Service/ v/$1/
match honeypot m|^503 Service Unavailable\r\n\r\n\0$| p/Network Flight Recorder BackOfficer Friendly honeypot/
match honeypot m|^\r\nlogin: \0$| p/Network Flight Recorder BackOfficer Friendly telnet honeypot/
match honeypot m|^\r\n[-\w_.]+ [\d.]+ - Unauthorized access \x07prohibited under penalty of law\.\r\n\r\nlogin: \xff\xfc\x01| p/Whiz Kid Technomagic Imaginary telnet honeypot/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match honeypot m|^Microsoft Windows XP \[Version [\d.]+\]\n\(C\) Copyright 1985-\d+ Microsoft Corp\.\n\nC:\\>| p/honeyd cmdexe.pl/
match dlswpn m|(?<=.)IOS\x20\(tm\)\x20([-\d\w.]+).{20,30}\x20Version\x20([-\d\w.()]+),\x20|s p/Cisco $1 Router/ i/IOS $2/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match tunnelvision m|^HELLO Welcome to Tunnel Vision \(([\d.]+)\)\n| p/Tunnel Vision VPN info/ v/$1/
match domain m|^\x80\xf0\x80\x12\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\x20CKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\0\0!\0\x01| p/Microsoft DNS/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match amx-icsp m=^\x02\0\]\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\x01\x0f\xff\x81\0\x97\0\0\0.\0\x04\0\0\0\x01\x01\+\d+x\d+\0\0\x01\|v([\d.]+)\0NI Master\0AMX Corp\.\0\x06\x0c\xc0\xa8\"D\x05'\0`\x9f....\x02\0U\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\x01\x0f\xff\x82\0\x97\0\0\0.\0\x04\x01\0\0\x01\x01\+N/A \x01zv([\d.]+)\0vxWorks Image\0AMX Corp\.\0\0\0.\x02\0O\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\x01\x0f\xff\x83\0\x97\0\0\0.\0\x04\x02\0\0\x01\x01\+N/A \x01{v([\d.]+)\0BootROM\0AMX Corp\.\0\0\0.\x02\0\^\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\x01\0.\0\0\0\x01\x0f\xff\x84\0\x97\0\0\0.\0\x04\x03\0\0\x01\x01\x000000000000000000\x01\x0ev([\d.]+)\0AXLink I/F uController \0AMX Corp\.\0\x03\0.$= p/AMX ICSP/ v/$1/ i|VxWorks image $2; boot ROM $3; AXLink I/F uController $4| o/VxWorks/ cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks/a
match uc4 m|^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\dUC4:global001NAT {24}\x04H(.+)\x20| p/UC4 Executor/ i/name: $1/
match uc4 m|^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\dUC4:global001NAT {24}| p/UC4 Executor/
match wyse-devmgr m|^Invalid Command Sent:GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\n\r\n$| p/Wyse Device Manager/
# Not sure about these. It's port 9200 on some printers. On Intermec printers
# at least, port 9200 is some kind of XML printing service. The first byte
# appears to be a total length.
match xml-print m|^.\0\0\0\0(IBM Infoprint \w+)\0$|s p/$1 printer XML printing/ d/printer/
match xml-print m|^.\x2f\0\0\0(Lexmark \w+)\0|s p/$1 printer XML printing/ d/printer/
# http://www.brainz.co.kr/product/infra_05.php
match zenius-sms m|^Zenius SMS Agent V([\w. ]+) \(zagent-\w+-sparc\) 1400\r\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0| p/Brainz Zenius Server Management System Agent/ v/$1/ i/SPARC/
match zeo m|^\0\0\0\x04Z(\d)0(\d)$| p/Zope Enterprise Objects service/ i/ZODB $1.$2/
match zeo m|^\0\0\0\x04Z(\d)([1-9]\d)$| p/Zope Enterprise Objects service/ i/ZODB $1.$2/
##############################NEXT PROBE##############################
Probe TCP GenericLines q|\r\n\r\n|
rarity 1
ports 21,23,35,43,79,98,110,113,119,199,214,264,449,505,510,540,587,616,628,666,731,771,782,1000,1010,1040-1043,1080,1212,1220,1248,1302,1400,1432,1467,1501,1505,1666,1687-1688,2010,2024,2600,3000,3005,3128,3310,3333,3940,4155,5000,5400,5432,5555,5570,6112,6667-6670,7144,7145,7200,7780,8000,8138,9000-9003,9801,11371,11965,13720,15000-15002,18086,19150,26214,26470,31416,30444,34012,56667
# Library as in books: http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/library/home/resources/protocols/
match 3m-sip m|^Invalid request string: Request string is: \"\r\"$| p/Standard Interchange Prototol 2.0/ i/Integrated Library System authentication; Civica Spydus 7/
match abc m|^Feedback\nError=You need unique ID to command ABC!| p/ABC Torrent http interface/
match achat m|^ERROR\r\n$| p/AChat chat system/
match airdroid m|^#connected,all connect count: 1{\"event\":\"device_status\",\"data\":{\"wifi_name\":\"([^\"]+)\",\"wifi_signal\":\d+,\"battery\":\d+,\"batterycharging\":\w+,\"gsm_signal\":\d+,\"sms_unread\":\d+,\"sdcard\":\d+,\"updateinfo\":null}}| p/AirDroid status port/ i/Android; wi-fi name: $1/ d/phone/ cpe:/o:google:android/
match antivir m|^\0\0\x80\0$| p/drweb anti-virus/
match as-servermap m|^-\0\0\0\0$| p|IBM OS/400 as-servermapd| o|OS/400|
match access-remote-pc m|^\x99\xf3\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff$| p/Access Remote PC/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match as-sts m|^\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x08$| p/IBM Service Tool Server AS-STS/
match authpoint m|^\[AUTHPOINT RESPONSE\]\r\nreturn_code=AUTHPOINT ERROR\r\nreturn_code_text=Error response parsed by base message object: Invalid or missing register #\r\nresponse=\r\nidentifier=\r\napproval_code=\r\n$| p/Authpoint payment processing/
match avk m|^Unknown command\r\n$| p/G Data AVK anti-virus/
match backdoor m|^Can't fork pty, bye!\n$| p/PsychoPhobia backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match biff m|^Message received\n$| p/NotifyMail biffd/
match biff m|^Use of uninitialized value in transliteration \(tr///\) at /var/jchkmail/user-filter| p/Joe's j-chkmail biffd/
match bitdefender-ctrl m|^\(null\) 500 Internal Error\n\(null\) 500 Internal Error\n$| p/Bitdefender Remote Admin Console/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match bittorrent-tracker m|^This is not a rootkit or other backdoor, it's a BitTorrent\r\nclient\. Really\.| p/Transmission bittorrent tracker/
# bnetd (PvPGN BnetD Mod version 1.5.0) on Debian GNU/Linux (sid)
match bnetd m|^BOT or Telnet Connection from \[[\d.]+\]\r\n\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\nSorry, there is no guest account\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/PvPGN BnetD Mod/ v/1.5.0/
match bnetd m|^Connection from \[[\d.]+\]\r\n\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\nSorry, there is no guest account\.\r\n\r\nUsername: | p/bnetd/
# bnetd server 0.4.25 on Linux
match bnetd m|^Username: $| p/bnetd open source Blizzard Battlenet server/
match bnetd m|^\r\nEnter your account name and password\.\r\n\r\nUsername:| p/bnetd open source Blizzard Battlenet server/
match boinc m|^\n\x03$| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^unrecognized op\n\x03$| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^\nunrecognized op\n\n\x03| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^\nunrecognized op: \r\n\r\n\n\x03| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/
match boinc m|^\n(\d+)\nunrecognized op\n\n| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1/
match boinc m|^\n(\d+)\n\n\n| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1/
match boinc m|^\n(\d+)\n(\d+)\n(\d+)| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ v/$1.$2.$3/
match boinc m|^\n\n\n\x03| p/Boinc GUI RPC port/ i/Unauthorized/
match bzr m|^error\x01Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request '\\r'\n$| p/Bazaar VCS bzr serve/
match caldav m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\nServer: DavMail Gateway ([\w._-]+)\r\nDAV: 1, calendar-access, calendar-schedule, calendarserver-private-events, addressbook\r\n.*Content-Length: 32\r\n\r\njava\.util\.NoSuchElementException$|s p/DavMail CalDAV http gateway/ v/$1/ d/proxy server/
match cisco-lm m|^<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>RESPONSE4923$| p/Cisco CallManager license manager/ v/6/
# Cisco PIX 501 running PIX IOS 6.3(1)
match ciscopsdm m|^\xc0\0\x01\0....\0\0\0\x03|s p/Cisco PIX Secure Database Manager/ d/firewall/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match cisco7200sim m|^200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n200-At least a module and a command must be specified\r\n| p/Cisco 7200 Simulator/
match citrix-licensing m|^WW\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Citrix Licensing Server/
match computone-intelliserver m|^\nWelcome to the Computone IntelliServer `([\w._-]+)'\nRunning cnx kernel release ([\w._, -]+)\n\npt-ses day time owner command\n| p/Computone IntelliServer serial port terminal server/ v/$2/ d/bridge/ o/cnx/ h/$1/
match crossmatchverifier m|^Idle\r\n$| p/Cross Match Technologies Verifier fingerprint capture control port/
match clam m|^UNKNOWN COMMAND\n$| p/Clam AV/
match cmae m|^_err=refused%20by%20workers\r\n$| p/Cloudmark cmae_server antispam/
match conserver m|^ok\r\nunknown command\r\nunknown command\r\n$| p/conserver serial console daemon/ d/specialized/
match crestron-control m|^INVALID_COMMAND\r| p/TiVo DVR Crestron control server/ d/media device/
match cso m|^598:\(null\):Command not recognized\.\n| p/Columbia University QIL Gateway/ i/Qi to LDAP/
match csync m|^Expecting SSL \(optional\) and CONFIG as first commands\.\n| p/csync2/
match datamaxdb m|^X01\r\nX01\r\n$| p/MailMax DataMaxDB/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match desktop-central m|^Invalid FT GWADDR / START protocol\n$| p/ManageEngine Desktop Central DesktopCentralServer/ d/remote management/
match desktop-central m|^Invalid GWADDR / START protocol\n$| p/ManageEngine Desktop Central DesktopCentralServer/ d/remote management/
match digi-usb m|^\xff\x14Port is out of range\0\xff\x14Port is out of range\0\xff\x14Port is out of range\0\xff\x14Port is out of range\0\xff\x14Port is out of range\0| p/Digi USB-over-TCP bridge/ d/specialized/
match drb m|^\0\0\0\x03\x04\x08F\0\0\x03\xd5\x04\x08o:\x16DRb::DRbConnError\x07:\x07bt\[\x19\"/(/usr/lib/ruby/([\w._-]+)/drb)/drb\.rb:573| p/Ruby DRb RMI/ i/Ruby $2; path $1/
# HP Digital Sender Service (dss)
match hpdss m|^(?:53 client not logged in\.\r\n)+$| p/HP Digital Sender client/
match dusk m|^\x03Not a valid name\. This may because you left it blank or used invalid symbols\. Please try again\.\n| p/Dusk Java-based game/
match ecopy m|^e\0C\0o\0p\0y\0V\x004\x000\0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \x006\x007\0 \x004\x000\x002\0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \x000\0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \x000\0F\0a\0i\0l\0e\0d\0 \0t\0o\0 \0r\0e\0t\0r\0i\0e\0v\0e\0 \0a\0 \0f\0u\0l\0l\0 \0e\0C\0o\0p\0y\0 \0T\0c\0p\0H\0e\0a\0d\0e\0r\0:\0 \0o\0n\0l\0y\0 \0\[\x004\0\]\0 \0b\0y\0t\0e\0s\0 \0r\0e\0c\0e\0i\0v\0e\0d\0!\0$| p/eCopy Agent/
match elm-agent m|^ELM Manager Agent ([\w._-]+)\r\nCopyright \xa9 \d+-\d+ TNT Software, Inc\.\r\n| p/TNT ELM log agent/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match elm-manager m|^ELM Enterprise Manager ([\w._-]+)\r\nCopyright \xa9 \d+-\d+ TNT Software, Inc\.\r\n| p/TNT ELM log manager/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
# I think this type of eggdrop banner is only used when customized or such.
match eggdrop m|^\r\nNickname\.\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/
match eggdrop m|\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/
match eggdrop m|^\r\nSurnom\.\r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\n$| p/Eggdrop irc bot console/ i/French/
match etrayz-setup m|^\r\n\r\n\0\0\0\0\x26\x84\0\x04\0\0\0\0$| p/eTRAYz NAS device setup port/ d/storage-misc/
match finger m|^Gathering system data\.\.\.\nUsername Real name Idletime TTY Remote console location\n| p/Cfingerd/
match finger m|^Punix version ([\d./()]+) - Current Time \(since boot\) \d+:\d\d:\d\d\r\nName pid stat pc cpusec stack pr/sy idle tty\r\n| p/Lantronix ETS16 fingerd/ i/Punix $1/ d/terminal server/ o/Punix/
match finger m|^Finger online user list request denied\.\r\n| p/SLMail fingerd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match finger m|^Username Real name Idletime TTY Remote console location\n| p/Configurable Finger-Query Daemon/ o/Unix/
match finger m|^Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone\r\n| p/Debian fingerd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match finger m|^\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Dell Laser Printer ([-\w+.]+)\r\nPrint Job Status: (.*)\r\n| p/Dell $1 laser printer fingerd/ i/Status: $2/ d/printer/
match finger m|^\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Dell ([-\w+.]+) Laser Printer\r\nPrint Job Status: (.*)\r\n| p/Dell $1 laser printer fingerd/ i/Status: $2/ d/printer/
match finger m|^This is finger server\r\n\r\nPlease use username@domain format\.\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail fingerd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match finger m|^This is ([-\w_.]+) finger server\.\r\n\r\nPlease use username@domain format\.\r\n| p/ArGoSoft Mail fingerd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match finger m|^\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: Lexmark ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Lexmark $1 printer fingerd/ d/printer/
match finger m|^finger: /var/adm/lastlog open error\nNo one logged on\r\n| p/Solaris 10 fingerd/ i/Nobody logged in/ o/Solaris/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
match finger m|^finger: /var/adm/lastlog open error\nLogin Name| p/Solaris 10 fingerd/ i/Somebody logged in/ o/Solaris/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
match finger m|^\r\nUSB port \d+\r\nPrinter Type: Photo AIO Printer (\w+)\r\nPrint Job Status: ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Dell Photo AIO $1 printer fingerd/ i/Status $2/ d/printer/
match finger m|^\nDebian GNU/Linux Copyright \(c\) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest\n\n Your site has been rejected for some reason\.\n\n This may be caused by a missing RFC 1413 identd on your site\.\n\n| i/Debian Cfingerd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match finger m|^Debian GNU/Linux Copyright \(C\) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest\n.*You haven't specified a user\.\n\n A general listing is not provided to the public\.|s p/Debian Cfingerd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match finger m|^\r\nPrinter Type: Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter\r\n| p/Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter fingerd/ d/printer/
match finger m|^MSS485 Version V([\w._/-]+)\(([\w._-]+)\) - Time Since Boot:| p/Lantronix MSS485 serial to ethernet bridge fingerd/ v/$1 $2/ d/bridge/
match finger m|^Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone\n| p/xfingerd/
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to Stupid-FTPd server\.\r\n422 Too busy to play with you\.\r\n| p/stupid-ftpd/
match mon m|^520 invalid command\n$| p/Perl service monitoring daemon/
match mysql m|^\x10\0\0\x01\xff\x13\x04Bad handshake$| p/MySQL/ cpe:/a:mysql:mysql/
match netbackup m|^\xea\xdd\xbe\xef\0\0\0\x05\0\0\x000\0\0\x000\0\0..\0\0\0\x08\0a\0f\0f\0s\0p\0r\0n\0g\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$|s p/Veritas Netbackup Professional/
match nimp m|^V([\d.]+)\r\nERROR 0\r\n$| p/Linux NetworX Network ICE Management Protocol/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# Alcatel Speedtouch ADSL Router
match ftp m|^220 Inactivity timer = \d+ seconds\. Use 'site idle ' to change\.\r\n221 Goodbye \(badly formated command seen\)\. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes\.\r\n221 Goodbye \(badly formated command seen\)\. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes\.\r\n$| p/Alcatel Speedtouch ADSL router ftpd/ d/broadband router/
# bftpd 1.0.22 on Linux 2.4
match ftp m|^220 \r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n$| p/bftpd/
# Multitech MultiVoip 410 VoIP gateway
match ftp m|^220 Service ready\r\n500 Unsupported command\r\n$| p/Multitech MultiVoip 410 VoIP gateway ftpd/ d/VoIP adapter/
# NetportExpress PRO/100 3 port print server
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n530 access denied\.\r\n| p/Intel NetportExpress print server ftpd/ d/print server/
# D-Link Print Server internal FTP daemon (Firmware version 1.38) - D-Link Print Server DP-101
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n501 Command not supported\.\r\n$| p/D-Link Printer Server ftpd/ d/print server/
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n$| p/Solaris ftpd/ o/Solaris/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
match ftp m|^220 ([-.\w]+) FTP Server ready \.\.\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n530 \r : User not logged in\. Please login with USER and PASS first\.\r\n$| p/Bulletproof ftp server/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# BulletProof FTP 2.21 on Windows 2000 Server
match ftp m|^220 ftp\r\n$| p/Bulletproof ftp server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n200 NOOP command successful\.\r\n| p/Tektronix Phaser ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 \"Welcome to Bot FTP service\.\"\r\n331 Please specify the password\.\r\n230 Login successful\. Have fun\.\r\n| p/Unknown trojan ftpd/
match ftp m|^220 OK\n226 OK\n| p/Sasser worm minimal ftpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# USR8022 or AirLive WT-2000R WAPs
match ftp m|^220 FTPd ([\d.]+)\r\n500 Bad command\r\n| p/Generic WAP ftpd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/
match ftp m|^220 Telindus FTP server ready\.\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n502 Command not implemented\.\r\n| p/Telindus ftpd/ d/router/
match ftp m|^220 Server ready\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n| p/Welltech Wellgate VoIP adapter ftpd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match ftp m|^220 muddleftpd \(([\d.]+)\) server ready\. Enter Username\.\r\n500 Only one command at a time\.\r\n| p/Muddleftpd/ v/$1/
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n500 Only one command at a time\.\r\n| p/Muddleftpd/
match ftp m|^220 OK\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\.\r\n| p/NcFTPd/ i/Banner masking/
match ftp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n502 '': command not understood\.\r\n502 '': command not understood\.\r\n| p/lukemftpd/ o/Mac OS X/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match ftp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) FTP server ready\.\r\n500 '': command not understood\.\r\n500 '': command not understood\.\r\n| p/OpenBSD ftpd/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n500 \?\r\n500 \?\r\n| p/Kiss DP-558 PVR ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 ICS FTP Server ready\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n500 '\r': command not understood\.\r\n| p/berretz.de mini-ftpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ftp m|^220 Welcome to pyftpd\. Happy downloading\.\r\n500 I'm gonna ignore this command\.\.\. maybe later\.\.\.\r\n| p/pyftpd/
match ftp m|^220 Ready\r\n502 Not implemented\r\n$| p/Global Cache GC-100 ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n$| p|TRENDnet/Hawking webcam ftpd| d/webcam/
match ftp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) server ready\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n502 command not implemented\.\r\n| p/Konica Minolta bizhub printer smtpd/ d/printer/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220 Ftp firmware update utility\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n| p/D-Link or USRobotics ADSL router firmware update ftpd/ d/broadband router/
match ftp m|^220 Adtec .* FTP server, ready \r\n530 Login failed, check Username/Password\.\r\n| p/Adtec broadcast video ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 FTP Server Ready\r\n530 Authentication required\.\r\n530 Authentication required\.\r\n| p/HP LaserJet P4014 printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^230 FTP Server Ready\r\n530 Authentication required\.\r\n530 Authentication required\.\r\n| p/HP FTP Print Server/ v/3.0/ i/HP LaserJet 4250 printer/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n530 USER and PASS required\r\n530 USER and PASS required\r\n| p/VBrick 4300 video encoder ftpd/ d/media device/
match ftp m|^220 FTP server ready\.\r\n510 command not supported\.\r\n| p/Panasonic DP-1820E printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^220 ftp server ready\.\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n500 Unknown command: \"\"\r\n| p/Linksys WRT54Gv5 WAP ftpd/ d/WAP/
match ftp m|^220 Connection established\.\r\n502 command not recognized\.\r\n502 command not recognized\.\r\n| p/Canon imageRUNNER C2880 printer ftpd/ d/printer/
match ftp m|^550 Access is denied\.\r\n550 Access is denied\.\r\n220 ProFTPD ([\w._-]+) Server \(([\w._-]+)\)| p/ProFTPD/ v/$1/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:proftpd:proftpd:$1/a
match ftp m|^220 UnleashX FTP ready\.\r\n503 Login with USER first\.\r\n| p/UnleashX Xbox shell ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220 BBPS3FTP ready\r\n500 command not recognized\r\n| p/Blackbox PlayStation 3 ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^220 IronPort WSA ready\.\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized\.\r\n| p/IronPort WSA firewall ftpd/ d/firewall/
match ftp m|^220 \r\n500-'\r\n500 ': command not understood\.\r\n500-'\r\n500 ': command not understood\.\r\n| p/Microsoft FTP Service/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ftp m|^220 ps2ftpd ready\.\r\n500 Not understood\.\r\n| p/ps2ftpd/ d/game console/
match ftp m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfc\"\r\n\r\n\n\rauthentication failed!\n\rpassword: | p/Effekta MH 6000 UPS telnetd/ d/power-device/
match ftp m|^\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword: \r\nbad password\r\n| p|Campbell Scientific NL-100/105 Ethernet-to-serial bridge telnetd| d/bridge/
match ftp m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nUsername: \r\nPassword: \r\nAccess Denied\r\n| p/InterSystems CTELNETD/
match ftp m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfe'\xff\xfc'\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfa\x18\x01\xff\xf0\0\r\nWelcome to ([\w._-]+), please identify yourself\r\n\r\nuser:\r\r\npass:\*ReactOS Operating System \[Version ([\w._-]+)\]\r\n\(C\) Copyright [\d-]+ ReactOS Team\.\r\n\r\nC:\\ReactOS\\System32>| p/ReactOS telnetd/ v/$2/ i/no authentication/ h/$1/
match ftp m|^220-Authenticate for FTP Access\. \r\n220 \r\n500-Syntax error -- unknown command\r\n500 \r\n500-Syntax error -- unknown command\r\n500 \r\n| p/Microsoft TMG firewall ftpd/ d/firewall/
match ftp m|^220 ZBR-79071 Version V([\w._-]+) ready\.\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized or malformed\r\n500 Syntax error, command unrecognized or malformed\r\n| p/Zebra GX430T printer ftpd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
# vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) 1.0.0 on linux with custom ftpd_banner
# We'll have to see if this match is unique enough ... no, it is not enough...
# Turning match line into softmatch because it can match much more than just
# vsftpd and WU-FTPD... (Brandon)
# Adding this back as a hard match or we'll never stop getting vsftpd
# submissions. (David)
# See version 2.0.8 note under TCP Help probe.
match ftp m|^220 .*\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n530 Please login with USER and PASS\.\r\n| p/vsftpd (before 2.0.8) or WU-FTPD/ cpe:/a:vsftpd:vsftpd/
match flashconnect m|^FlashCONNECT ([\d.]+) invalid message\.\n$| p/Raining Data FlashCONNECT/ v/$1/
match fw1-topology m|^Q\0\0\0$| p/Checkpoint FW-1 Topology download/ d/firewall/
match geovision-control m|^..\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff$|s p/Geovision webcam control/ d/webcam/
match geovision-audio m|^\$\0\0\0\xd4\x17\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\x05\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Geovision webcam audio/ d/webcam/
# GKrellM System Monitor 2.1.15 on Linux
softmatch gkrellm m|^\nBad connect string!| p/GKrellM System Monitor/
match control-gc-ports m|^unknowncommand 14\r$| p/Global Cache GC-100 config/ d/media device/
# UTF-16 decoded:
# Version mismatch, driver version is \"0\" but server version is \"8\"...org\.h2\.jdbc\.JdbcSQLException: Version mismatch, driver version is \"0\" but server version is \"8\" \[90047-151\]\n\tat org\.h2\.message\.DbException\.getJdbcSQLException\(DbException\.java:327\)\n\tat org\.h2\.message\.DbException\.get\(DbException\.java:167\)\n\tat org\.h2\.server\.TcpServerThread\.run\(TcpServerThread\.java:75\)\n\tat java\.lang\.Thread\.run\(Thread\.java:662\)\n
match h2-pg m|^\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x05\x009\x000\x000\x004\x007\0\0\0A\0V\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0m\0i\0s\0m\0a\0t\0c\0h\0,\0 \0d\0r\0i\0v\0e\0r\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0i\0s\0 \0\"\x000\0\"\0 \0b\0u\0t\0 \0s\0e\0r\0v\0e\0r\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0i\0s\0 \0\"\x008\0\"\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\x01_\xbf\0\0\x01W\0o\0r\0g\0\.\0h\x002\0\.\0j\0d\0b\0c\0\.\0J\0d\0b\0c\0S\0Q\0L\0E\0x\0c\0e\0p\0t\0i\0o\0n\0:\0 \0V\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0m\0i\0s\0m\0a\0t\0c\0h\0,\0 \0d\0r\0i\0v\0e\0r\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0i\0s\0 \0\"\x000\0\"\0 \0b\0u\0t\0 \0s\0e\0r\0v\0e\0r\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0 \0i\0s\0 \0\"\x008\0\"\0 \0\[\x009\x000\x000\x004\x007\0-\x001\x005\x001\0\]\0\n\0\t\0a\0t\0 \0o\0r\0g\0\.\0h\x002\0\.\0m\0e\0s\0s\0a\0g\0e\0\.\0D\0b\0E\0x\0c\0e\0p\0t\0i\0o\0n\0\.\0g\0e\0t\0J\0d\0b\0c\0S\0Q\0L\0E\0x\0c\0e\0p\0t\0i\0o\0n\0\(\0D\0b\0E\0x\0c\0e\0p\0t\0i\0o\0n\0\.\0j\0a\0v\0a\0:\x003\x002\x007\0| p/H2 database PostgreSQL daemon/
match halfd m|^{type INIT} {up \d+} {auth \d+} {name {([^}]+)}} {ip [\d.]+} {max \d+} {port (\d+)}\r\n| p/halfd Half-Life admin/ i/Name $1; HL port $2/
match hasp-lm m|^\xf2\xfa\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Aladdin NetHASP license manager/
match hpssd m|^msg=messageerror\nresult-code=5\n| p/HP Services and Status Daemon/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# Ubicom embedded ( http://www.ubicom.com/home.htm )
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nServer: Ubicom/(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/Ubicom httpd/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:ubicom:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nExpires: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 12:00:01 GMT\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nServer: Ubicom/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nBad RequestHTTP/1\.1 500 Server Error\r\n\r\nConnection: close\r\n$| p/Ubicom httpd/ v/$1/ i/CradlePoint MBR1000 WAP http config/ d/WAP/ cpe:/a:ubicom:httpd:$1/
match http m|^\n\n\nGoodTech Systems Telnet Server Administration Login\n| p/GoodTech Systems telnet server http config/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 50\r\n\r\n
400 Bad Request
$| p/VMware Server http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset:UTF-8\r\n\r\n.*SQLite Book|s p/SQLite Book database frontend/
# Some web servers don't give a 'Server: ' line for the Get request, but do for this probe.
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 .*\r\nServer: Microsoft-IIS/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:iis/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# Icecast version: 1.9+2.0alphasn
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authentication Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Icecast2 Server\"\r\n\r\nYou need to authenticate\r\n| p/Icecast streaming media server/
# Network Flight Recorder v3.2 on Solaris 8 (sparc)
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad request\r\n\r\n$| p/Network Flight Recorder IDS/
# Cisco 350 Series 802.11 AP - THIS MATCH LINE MIGHT BE TOO GENERAL -Doug
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd/(\d[-.\w ]+)\r\n| p/thttpd/ v/$1/ d/WAP/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd:$1/
# OpenPGP Public Key Server 0.9.6
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: pks_www/([-\w+.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request\r\n| p/OpenPGP Public Key Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"osiris\"\r\n| p/osiris host IDS web interface/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nCache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n
Not Implemented
Whatever the heck you just requested, I can't generate\.| p/darkstat network analyzer httpd/ o/Unix/
match http m|^\xff\xf0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request\r\n
400 Bad Request
| p/HP JetDirect printer embedded httpd/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*This is a WebSEAL error message template file\.|s p/Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL httpd/
# Keep this above the more general thttpd match lines below
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd\r\n.*\n\tError.*Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy|s p/thttpd/ i/Linksys NSLU2 http config/ d/storage-misc/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*
400 Bad Request
\n Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n|s p/thttpd/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: unknown HTTP server\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n.*
400 Bad Request
\nYour request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n|s p/thttpd/ i/IDIS surveillance DVR/ d/media device/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: thttpd/([\w.]+) \w+\r\n| p/thttpd/ v/$1/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd:$1/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Content-Type: text/html\r\n.*
400 Bad Request
\nYour request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n|s p/thttpd/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\nAccept-Ranges: bytes\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request\n
400 Bad Request
\n\nYour request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy\.\n\n$| p/thttpd/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: UnrealEngine UWeb Web Server Build (\d+)\r\n|s p/Unreal Tournament http admin/ v/Build $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nAllow: GET, HEAD\r\n\r\n405 Method Not Allowed\r\n\r\n| p|D-Link printer/webcam http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: WDaemon/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/World Client WDaemon httpd/ v/$1/ i/Alt-N MDaemon webmail/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\nAccept: text/html\nConnection: close\n\n\n\n
\nPunkBuster Server WebTool for ([-\w_.]+)| p/PunkBuster http config/ i/Game: $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: MpSconServer/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/ZebraNet print server httpd/ i/MpSconServer $1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*var l1=\"([^"]+)\"\n.*document\.write\(\"D-Link DI-\"\+l1\)|s p/D-Link DI-$1 router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 bad http request\r\ndate: .*\r\nserver: SAP Web Application Server\r\n| p/SAP Web Application Server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nWindow-target: _top\r\n| p/Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: QTSS ([\d.]+) Admin Server/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/QTSS Admin Server httpd/ v/$2/ i/QTSS $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request 2\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request 2
\r\n$| p/WatchGuard Firebox http config/ d/firewall/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n400 Bad Request400 Bad Request$| p/Generic router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy \(ASSP\) Configuration\"\nContent-type: text/html\n\n
\n\n| p/ASSP Anti-Spam Proxy http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: HttpServer/([\d.]+)\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nError:\n
Server Error: 400 Bad Request
URL parsing error
| p/Cisco ONS MSPP httpd/ i/HttpServer $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 no query\r\n\r\n$| p/pkspxy/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 msg=Bad%20Request&rc=%00%00%03%1b\r\n| p/TimesTen httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\n
HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request
| p/XOSoft WanSync http config/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/\*\.\* 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Type:text/plain\r\nContent-Length:61\r\n\r\nThe received request is either NULL or invalid/wrong format\r\n| p/Kaba application server httpd/
# This lame service responds in many wierd ways - luckily always to GenericLines
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n<\?xml version='1\.0' encoding='UTF-8' \?>NONEThe action you attempted is forbidden by your client| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\nContent-Type: text/xml\n\nGETSTATUSThe action you attempted is forbidden by your client| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\nCONNECTION NOT AUTHORIZED\n\n\n| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/ i/unauthorized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n\nConnection refused\.\nInvalid IP Address\n| p/Veritas backup exec continuous protection httpd/ i/unauthorized/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Fastream IQ Web/FTP Server\r\n\r\n| p/Fastream IQ reverse http proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 -1 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n| p/Panasonic webcam http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Authorization Required\nServer: JBidWatcher/([\d.]+) \(Java\)\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"JBidWatcher\"\n| p/JBidWatcher httpd/ v/$1/ i/Java/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 R\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nNot Implemented| p|D-Link router/Airlink NAS http config|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Internal server error\r\nContent-Length: 7\r\n\r\nBummah\.| p/Sendmail Mailstream Manager http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: IngrianManagementConsole\r\n| p/Ingrian Management Console httpd/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*400 Bad Request\n\n
400 Bad Request
\nCan't parse request\.\n\n\n|s p/m0n0wall http portal/ d/firewall/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: \r\nDate: .*400 Bad Request\n\n
400 Bad Request
\nCan't parse request\.\n\n\n|s p/Netgear WNDR3300 WAP http config/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:netgear:wndr3300/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request protocol\r\nServer: httpd\r\n.*400 Bad Request protocol\n
400 Bad Request protocol
\nCan't parse request\.\n\n$|s p/Cisco WRV210 WAP http config/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:cisco:wrv210/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: AEWS/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*400 Bad Request\n\n
400 Bad Request
\nCan't parse request\.\n|s p/AEWS/ v/$1/ i/Avocent Mergepoint KVM switch/
match http m|^\(null\) 302 Found\r\nServer: \r\nDate: .*\r\nLocation: /index\.cgi\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=%s\r\nCache-Control: max-age=0\r\n| p|Intel/Acer/FlaconStor storage device http config| d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 Server Error\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\n505 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error: Invalid request
Internal Error\.\n\n| p/Google Desktop Search for Linux Beta httpd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match http m|^400 Malformed request lineRogatkin's JWS based on Acme\.Serve Version ([-\w_.]+), .Revision: ([-\w_.]+)|s p/TJWS httpd/ v/$2/ i/Based on Acme.Server $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\nTraceback \(most recent call last\):\n File \"/usr/share/deluge/plugins/WebUi/gtk_cherrypy_wsgiserver\.py\"| p/Deluge bittorrent http interface/ i/CherryPy httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Invalid Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 31\r\n\r\nInvalid Request\n$| p/opentracker BitTorrent tracker/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: HP Web Jetadmin (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/HP Web Jetadmin print server http config/ v/$1/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 \r\n.*java\.io\.IOException: Cannot handle non-GET, non-POST, non-HEAD request\n\tat org\.globus\.wsrf\.container\.ServiceThread\.parseHeaders\(ServiceThread\.java:855\)|s p/Globus Web Service httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 511 Not Implemented\r\n\r\n$| p|SMC Barricade/Netgear http config| d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*document\.write\(document\.nxp\.skin\.getProductName\(\)\);\n document\.write\('Security Console :: Error'\);\n|s p/Rapid7 NeXpose http config/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\n.*\n \n |s p/Rapid7 NeXpose http config/ d/security-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: peerguardnf/([\w._-]+) \(Unix\)\r\nX-Powered-By: You need to wind it\r\n| p/Phoenix Labs PeerGuardian httpd/ v/$1/ o/Unix/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n.*
Error parsing HTTP header
\njava\.net\.ProtocolException: Cannot handle non-GET, non-POST, non-HEAD request\n\tat org\.globus\.wsrf\.container\.ServiceThread\.parseHeaders\(ServiceThread\.java:1103\)\n|s p/Globus Toolkit Java Container httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nHTTP 404 File not foundThe requested file was not found| p/Websense Block Message httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: cPanel\r\nConnection: close\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"cPanel WebDisk\"\r\n\r\n| p/cPanel httpd/ i/unauthorized/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: micro_httpd\r\n| p/micro_http/ cpe:/a:acme:micro_httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: SNARE\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SNARE\"\r\n\r\n.*Snare Server Remote Control facility|s p/InterSect Alliance SNARE http config/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: 0\r\ncharset: UTF8\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*MONyog|s p/MONyog MySQL http admin/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: ATL Server - CounterSpyAgentSoapService\r\n.*\r\n \r\n \r\n SOAP:Client\r\n Invalid Request\r\n Not a recognized HTTP Verb &Empty URL &Not a recognized HTTP Version \(only 1\.1 is supported\) &\r\n \r\n \r\n|s p/Sunbelt Software CounterSpy Agent antimalware SOAP over HTTP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Internal error\r\nContent-Length: 49\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nMethod not allowed \(must be POST HTTP/1\.0 or 1\.1\)$| p/SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nServer: Dorgem/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Dorgem webcam server http/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad request version \(crypto mismatch\?\)\r\nServer: ShadowBot/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/ShadowBot/ v/$1/ i/HP Opsware/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: \r\n.*\n 400 Bad Request\n \n
400 Bad Request
\nCan't parse request\.\n \n \n \n \n$|s p/Linksys SVR4000 router/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Extent/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n\nError\n\n\n
400 Bad Request
\n\n$| p/Alepo Extent/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"esecsrva\"\r\n\r\n\0{829,}| p/IBM Director wmicimserver httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"esecsrva\"\r\n\r\n$| p/IBM Director wmicimserver httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ANLYX2\"\r\n\r\n\0*$| p/IBM Director wmicimserver httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Document Follows\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 106\r\n\r\n501 Method Not Implemented\r\n
501 Method Not Implemented
\r\n$| p/HP StorageWorks AG118A tape autoloader http config/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^UNKNOWN 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: mini_httpd/([\w._ -]+)\r\n| p/mini_httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n$| p/JBoss service httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Server: PeopleSoft PSRENSRV/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*PeopleSoft PSRENSRV/[\w._-]+ on http://([\w._-]+):\d+|s p/PeopleSoft Remote Event Notification Server httpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match http m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: HT5XX ht\r\n|s p/Grandstream HT502 VoIP router http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Server: sw-cp-server/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*400 - Bad Request|s p/sw-cp-server httpd/ v/$1/ i/Parallels Plesk WebAdmin version/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d [\w ]+\r\nServer: GRISOFT-AVG TCP Server/(\d[-.\w]+) .*\r\n| p/Grisoft AVG TCP Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Netflix Application.*Generated by version ([\w._-]+) |s p/Netflix Application httpd/ v/$1/ o/iOS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: SonicWALL (SSL-VPN [\w._-]+) Web Server\.\r\n.*POST to non-script is not supported\.\n|s p/Boa httpd/ i/SonicWALL $1 http proxy/ d/proxy server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: application/ogg\r\nicy-br:(\d+)\r\nicy-description:VirtualDJ Direct Broadcast\r\nicy-genre:\r\nicy-name:VirtualDJ\r\nicy-pub:0\r\nicy-url:http://www\.virtualdj\.com/\r\nServer: VirtualDJ\r\n\r\n| p/VirtualDJ streaming audio/ i/Bitrate $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: icecast/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p|Shoutcast/Icecast streaming audio| v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-length: 0\r\n\r\nIBM Tivoli Identity Manager - ADK Version ([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n| p/IBM Tivoli Identity Manager httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nmongodb ([\w._-]+):\d+ .*
db version v([\w._-]+), pdfile version ([\w._-]+)\ngit hash: ([0-9a-f]{40})\nsys info: Linux [\w._-]+ ([\w._-]+) .* BOOST_LIB_VERSION=([\d_]+)\n\ndbwritelocked: 0 \(initial\)\nuptime: ([^\n]+)\n|s p/MongoDB http console/ v/$2/ i/git version $4; pdfile $3; Boost $SUBST(6,"_","."); uptime $7/ o/Linux $5/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel:$5/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nServer: sfcHttpd\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nHTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: sfcHttpd\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n| p/sfcHttpd/ i/SuperMicro IPMI Small Footprint CIM Broker/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nServer: sfcHttpd\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\nHTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: sfcHttpd\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n| p/sfcHttpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Server: CleanMail Service ([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/CleanMail antispam http admin/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: lighttpd/([\w._-]+).*<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"\?>\n\n\n \n \d\d\d - [\w ]+|s p/lighttpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nAllow: GET,HEAD\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Genetic Lifeform and Distributed Open Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/Hentai@Home httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^\(null\) 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: nexg_httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache,no-store\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=10, max=30\r\n\r\n| p/nexg_httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\ntv2-auth-digest: [\w=]+\r\n\r\n$| p/T-Home Entertain set-top box httpd/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*Server: doubleTwist Sync \(Android\)\r\n|s p/doubleTwist httpd/ i/Android phone/ d/phone/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:google:android/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Unimplemented\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 17\r\n\r\n501 Unimplemented$| p/NetApp DFM httpd/
# Date is wrongly localized, e.g. "ven, 10 dic 2010 16:11:46 GMT".
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Length: 134\r\n\r\n\n400 Bad Request\n\n
Method Not Implemented
\nInvalid method in request
\n\n$| p/Transmission BitTorrent management httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: UBServer ([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n$| p/UBServer/ v/$1/ i/NBS smart card printer/
match http m|^SAS/IntrNet Application Server Release ([\w._-]+) \((build \d+)\)\n\n$| p|SAS/IntrNet| v/$1 $2/
match http-proxy m%^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=(?:utf-8|us-ascii)\r\n\r\n
Invalid requestThis message was created by WinRoute Proxy% p/WinRoute http proxy/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\n.*\t\t
Invalid request:
Bad request format\.\n
Please, check URL\.
\t\tGenerated by Oops\.\t\t\t\t$|s p/Oops! http proxy/ d/proxy server/
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 503 Internal error\r\nServer: awarrenhttp/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n Internal Error
An internal server error occurred while processing your request\. Please contact administrator\.\n
Reason: Could not relay request
$| p/awarrenhttp http proxy/ v/$1/ i/Cyberoam CR200 proxy server/ d/proxy server/
match hp-problemdiagnostics m|^<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>\n\n\t\n\t\t([\w._-]+)\n\t\t[\d.]+\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tNo destination specified\n\t\t\n\t\n\n\n$| p/HP Problem Diagnostics/ h/$1/
# slident 0.0.19
match ident m|^0, 0: ERROR: UNKNOWN-ERROR\n$| p/slident/
# mlidentd 1.1 on Linux
match ident m|^0,0:ERROR:UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$| p/mlidentd/
# This identd might be BSD derived:
match ident m|^2 , 0 : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$|
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$|
# FreeBSD 4.8-RC inetd internal identd
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n$| p/FreeBSD identd/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
# pidentd-3.1a19-157
match ident m|^ : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR\r\n$| p/pidentd/
match ident m|^0, 0 : ERROR : X-INVALID-REQUEST\r\n$| p/Minidentd or fakeidentd/
# http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/ident2.html
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n0 , 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n$| p/Ident2/
# midentd 2.3.1 on Linux
match ident m|^0, 0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n| p/midentd/
#midentd 2.1 on Linux 2.4.21
match ident m|^0,0 : ERROR : INVALID-PORT\r\n| p/midentd/
# authd 1.4.3 on Linux
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR :INVALID-PORT\r\n| p/authd/
match ident m|^: USERID : UNIX : CacheFlow Server\r\n| p/CacheFlow identd/ o/CacheOS/
match ident m|^:USERID:OTHER:\d+-ident-is-a-completely-pointless-protocol-that-offers-no-security-or-traceability-at-all-so-take-this-and-log-it!\r\n| p/Fake identd/
match ident m|^ : USERID : UNIX : ([-\w_]+)$| p/Klient identd/ i/IRC Nick $1/
match ident m|^\r\n: ERROR : HIDDEN-USER\r\n$| p/Borderware Firewall identd/ d/firewall/
match ident m|^ : USERID : UNIX : [a-z]{4,8}\r\n$| o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ident m|^1 , 1 : USERID : OTHER : chuck-the-bsd-deamon\r\n$| p/widentd/
match ident m|^, : USERID : UNIX : [^\r\n]+\r\n$| p/FTPRush FTP client identd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match ident m|^0 , 0 : ERROR : FORMAT-ERROR\r\n$| p/GTA GB-Ware firewall identd/ d/firewall/
match ident m|^, : USERID : UNIX : ([-\w_]+)\r\n, : USERID : UNIX : (?:[-\w_]+)\r\n$| p/Snak IRC client identd/ i/username: $1/
match imap m|^\* OK IMAP4 1\.0 server ready\r\n\* BAD Argument\r\n| p/Cisco VPN Concentrator 3000-series imapd/ d/terminal server/
match imond m|^ERR password required\r\nERR password required\r\n| p/imond fli4l router config/ d/router/
match imond m|^ERR administrator password required\r\nERR administrator password required\r\n$| p/imond fli4l router config/ d/router/
match imond m|^ERR\r\nERR\r\n$| p/imond fli4l router config/ d/router/
# Broken inetd configuration
# <27>Dec 19 17:37:37 inetd\[28433\]: execv /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-msvc: No such file or directory
match inetd m|^<\d+>[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ inetd\[\d+\]: execv (/[-.\\/\w]+): (\w[\s\w.,-]+)$| p/inetd/ i/failed to exec $1: $2/
match ipmi-rmcp m|^\0\0\0\x02\t\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/SuperMicro IPMI RMCP/
# Diverse IRC bot
match ircbot m|^ \r\nSorry, that nickname format is invalid\.\r\r\n$| p/Diverse IRC bot/
match irc m|^:([-\w_.]+) 421 \r\n\r\n :\r\n\r\n unimplemented protocol request\r\n:[-\w_.]+ 421 \r\n\r\n :\r\n\r\n unimplemented protocol request\r\n| p/Crackalaka ircd/ h/$1/
match irc-proxy m|^\+OK \r\n-ERR XXX authorization first\r\n$| p/muh irc proxy/
match irr m|^% No search key specified\n\n| p/Merit Internet Routing Registry/
match istat m|^<\?xml version=\"1\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>$| p/istatd server for iStat iPhone app/
match kerberos-sec m%^\x00\x00\x00.~.0.\xa0\x03\x02\x01\x05\xa1\x03\x02\x01\x1e\xa4\x11\x18\x0f(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)Z\xa5[\x03-\x05]\x02(?:\x03...|\x02..|\x01.)\xa6\x03\x02\x01=\xa9.\x1b.([\w._-]+)\xaa%s p/MIT Kerberos/ i/server time: $1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6Z/ h/$7/ cpe:/a:mit:kerberos:5/
match laserfiche m|^HLO 0 0 \. 0 71\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\nLRNP/1\.1\r\n\r\nlistener\r\nEND\r\nERR 0 1 \. 71 80\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\n451 0 Invalid message \(-2001\)\r\nEND\r\nMSG 0 2 \. 151 58\r\nContent-type: application/vnd\.laserfiche\.lrnp\r\n\r\nCLOSE 0\r\nEND\r\n$| p/Laserfiche document service/
match lastfm m|^ERROR: Command doesn't seem to be followed by a space followed by arguments\n$| p/Last.fm client/
match lexlm m|^.\x08\0\0|s p/Lexmark language monitor/
# Part of Linux net-snmp-5.0.6-17
match linuxconf m|^500 access denied: Check networking/linuxconf network access\r\n$| p/Linuxconf/ i/Access denied/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# Linuxconf 1.26r4
match linuxconf m|^500 access denied: Check config/networking/misc/linuxconf network access\r\n
\r\nBy default,| p/Linuxconf/ i/Access denied/
match lirc m|^BEGIN\n\r\nERROR\nDATA\n1\nbad send packet\nEND\nBEGIN\n\r\nERROR\nDATA\n1\nbad send packet\nEND\n| p/LIRC infrared receiver daemon/
match loglogic m|^\x02\x02$| p/LogLogic protocol/ d/security-misc/
match memcache m|^ERROR\r\nERROR\r\n$| p/memcached/
match netbios-ssn m|^\x82\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Nepenthes honeypot netbios-ssn/
# Netsaint Status Daemon 2.15
match netsaint m|^Unknown command\n$| p/Netsaint Status Daemon/
match netsaint m|^ERROR No function requested from client\.| p/Nagios Statd Server/
match netsaint m|^ERROR: Unknown request number\.| p/NC_Net nagios server/
# NSClient - http://nsclient.ready2run.nl/
match nsclient m|^ERROR:Wrong password$| p/Netsaint Windows Client/
match nsclient m|^ERROR: Invalid password\.\nERROR: Invalid password\.\n$| p/NSClient++/
match omniback m|^HP OpenView OmniBack II ([-.\w]+): INET, | p/HP OpenView OmniBack/ v/$1/
match oracle-db-rmi m|^\0\0\xfa\xda\0\x02$| p/Oracle Database Lite RMI/
match paromed m|^PCS-[\w._-]+,V([\w._-]+),OK\nERROR:102: ENERROR:102: EN| p/Paromed milling machine/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
# torque, Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager (PBS)
# http://supercluster.org/torque
# maui, http://supercluster.org/maui
match pbs-maui m|^\+2\+15\+15056\+\d+\+\d+| p|PBS/Maui Roll| i/Rocks Cluster/ d/specialized/
match pmcd m|^\0\0\0\x14\0\0\x70\0\0\0\x03\x48\xff\xff\xfc\x11\x02\0..$|s p/SGI performance metrics collector daemon/ o/Irix/ cpe:/o:sgi:irix:6.5/
match peercast m|^OK2\r\nicy-caps:\d+\r\n\r\nOK\r\n$| p/Peercast/
match pgbouncer m|^E\0\0\0&SERROR\0C08P01\0Mbad packet header\0\0| p/PgFoundry PgBouncer PostgreSQL connection pooler/
# Mercury/32 3.32 PH Server module on Windows XP
match ph-addressbook m|^598::Command not recognized\.\r\n598::Command not recognized\.\r\n$| p|Mercury/32 PH addressbook server| o/Windows/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ([-.+\w]+) v(\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/ipop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 \[([-.+\w]+)\] (\d[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n| p/ipop3d/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# iopd 2003debian0.0304182231-1
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 \[([-.\w]+)\] v(200[-.\w]+) server ready\r\n-ERR Null command\r\n-ERR Null command\r\n| p/ipopd/ v/$2/ h/$1/
# Solid POP3d 0.15
match pop3 m|^\+OK Solid POP3 server ready\r\n-ERR unknown command\r\n-ERR unknown command\r\n$| p/Solid POP3d/
# OS 400 V4R4M0
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready\r\n-ERR invalid command\r\n$| p/IBM OS 400 pop3d/ o|OS/400|
# mailgate v3.5.177 on Win2K
match pop3 m|^\+OK pop server ready\r\n$| p/MailGate pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 server ready <[-\w]+>\r\n-ERR Invalid command\r\n$| p/SmarterMail pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n| p/hMailServer pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK XXX Private Mail server\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n| p/hMailServer pop3d/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+)\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n-ERR Invalid command in current state\.\r\n| p/hMailServer pop3d/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match pop3 m|^\+OK ([\w._-]+) Welcome\r\n-ERR Invalid command \(\) \(\) p1=\(\)\r\n-ERR Invalid command \(\) \(\) p1=\(\)\r\n| p/SurgeMail pop3d/ h/$1/
match pop3 m|^-ERR Invalid command\.\r\n-ERR Invalid command\.\r\n| p/cPanel Courier pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK POP3 ready\r\n-ERR invalid command\r\n| p/Zimbra Collabration Suite pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK DavMail POP ready at [^\r\n]*\r\n-ERR unknown command\r\n-ERR unknown command\r\n| p/DavMail pop3d/
match pop3 m|^\+OK [^\r\n]*\r\n-ERR Unknown command\.\r\n-ERR Unknown command\.\r\n| p/Dovecot pop3d/ cpe:/a:dovecot:dovecot/
# Perdition
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3 Ready ([-\w_.]+) \w+\r\n-ERR Null command, mate\r\n| p/Perdition pop3 proxy/ h/$1/
match pop3-proxy m|^\+OK POP3Proxy ready\r\n-ERR Unknown command\r\n-ERR Unknown command\r\n| p/Astaro firewall pop3 proxy/ d/firewall/
# Postgres 7.1.3
match postgresql m|^EInvalid packet length\0$| p/PostgreSQL DB/ cpe:/a:postgresql:postgresql/
# postgresql-7.2.3-5.73; linux 2.4.20-18.7 redhat 7.3
match postgresql m|^EFATAL 1: invalid length of startup packet\n\0| p/PostgreSQL DB/ cpe:/a:postgresql:postgresql/
match postgresql m|^EFATAL: ung\xfcltige L\xe4nge des Startpakets\n\0| p/PostgreSQL DB/ i/German/ cpe:/a:postgresql:postgresql::::de/
# Port 6509.
match printer m|^\xff$| p/Panasonic mfpscdl.exe service/
match priv-print m|^\xc0\0\x12Data field missing$| p/AXIS 560 print server/ d/print server/
# Postfix qmqpd on Linux 2.4
match qmqp m|^58:Dnetstring format error while receiving QMQP packet header,$| p/Postfix qmqpd/ i/Quick Mail Queueing Protocol/
match realport m|^\xff\x17Access to unopened port.$|s p/Digi EtherLite 16 or 32 RealPort/ d/terminal server/
# Ximian Red Carpet Daemon 1.4.4 on RedHat Linux 9.0
match redcarpet m|^Status: 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n| p/Ximian Red Carpet Daemon/
match rsa-authmgr m|^-ERR Invalid command: \r\n-ERR Invalid command: \r\n| p/RSA Authentication Manager node manager/
match rtsp m|^RTSP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: AirTunes/([\w._-]+)\r\nAudio-Jack-Status: connected; type=analog\r\n\r\n| p/RogueAmoeba Airfoil rtspd/ v/$1/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match s2-emerge m|^resolutions=\"4CIF\",\"2CIF\",\"CIF\",\"QCIF\"&mpeg_enabled=\"TRUE\"&jpeg_enabled=\"TRUE\"&alarms=\d+&relays=\d+&audio_in\[\]=0x3,0x0&audio_out=\[\]0x3,0x0\0{375,}| p/S2 eMerge Door Access Controller/
match samsung-twain m|^\xa8\x08C\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Samsung TWAIN/ i/SCX-4x28 series printer/ d/printer/
match sdcomm m|^ERR 27$| p/RSA SecureID Ace Server/
match seagull-lm m|^\xf1\xf8\xf2\xf6\xf3\xf3\xf0\xf0\xf3\xf8\xf7\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xe2\xf6\xf5\xf6\xf9\xc5\xf9\xc3\0\xf0\xf0\xf3\xf1\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0\xf0$| p/BlueZone Seagull license manager/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match shell m|^bash: line 1: \r: command not found\nbash: line 2: \r: command not found\n| p/Bash shell/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP ready\r\n500 5\.5\.1 Command unrecognized\r\n500 5\.5\.1 Command unrecognized\r\n| p/Kerio MailServer smtpd/ h/$1/
match smtp m|^220 ([\w._-]+) ESMTP I2PNet Mailservice\r\n500 5\.5\.2 Error: bad syntax\r\n500 5\.5\.2 Error: bad syntax\r\n| p/I2P smtpd/ h/$1/
# Hopefully obsoleted by the SOCKS probes -Doug
#match socks m|^\0\[\r\n...\0$| p/Socks4/
#match socks m|^\x05\x01\0.\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Socks5/
match solfe m|^\x02\0\x01\xfb\xff\xfb\xff\xff\xff\xff\xffNOSUP| p/HP PNM Solid FlowEngine/
match softros-im m|^none\r\n$| p/Softros LAN Messenger instant messaging/
match spamassassin m|^SPAMD/1\.0 76 Bad header line: \r\n| p/SpamAssassin spamd/
match stargazer m|^ERHD$| p/Stargazer Billing System/
# Giving some problems:
#match stickynote m|^\x01\0\0\0$| p/StickyNote windows freeware/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match sstp m|^SSTP/([\d.]+) 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n\0$| p/Sakura Script Transfer Protocol/ i/Protocol $1/
match smux m|^A\x01\x02$| p/Linux SNMP multiplexer/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match sphereicall m|^\x01\0\0\0z\0\0\x003,DBServer,\d+,Restarts,\d+,\d+,UpTime,\d+,\d+,MediaServer| p/Sphericall DBServer MediaServer VoIP/
match telemecanique m|^220 Service ready on ([\w._-]+) system Version:([\w._:-]+) Subsystem:([\w._:-]+)\r\n500 Unsupported command\r\n| p/Telemecanique Magelis XBTGT 7340 industrial control/ v/$2/ i/Subsystem $3; Name $1/ d/specialized/
# This could go into the null probe, but the problem is that it is a prefix
# of what other routers (at least HP JetDirect printer telentd) send.
# And at least the JD sends the string below first, before it send the
# rest in other packets. So it is best to capture this one here in
# GenericLines.
# Removed because of too many conflicts!
#match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01$| p/Nokia M1112 router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nUser:\r\n\r\nUser:\r\n\r\nUser:| p/Dell PowerConnect M6220-series switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\r\nUsername:\r\r\nError: Username must be non-NULL\r\r\nUsername:\r\r\nError: Username must be non-NULL\r\r\nUsername:| p/Enterasys 1H582-25 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r \r\nlogin: \r\n| p/Embedded Data Systems HA7Net Ethernet adapter telnetd/ d/bridge/
match telnet m|^RGC011001002\r\nAST000200000000000000001111110110000\r\nR\r\nR\r\nR\r\nR\r\n| p/Pioneer VSX-2020 video receiver telnetd/ d/media device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd!\r\n\r\n\d+:\d+:\d+ \d+ \w+ \d+\r\nEnter your user id: \x07| p/TigerLogic D3 Database telnetd/
match telnet m|^\n\rTA-004-PSTN-122M : CLI\n\rLogin : Login Incorrect\n\r\n\rLogin : Login Incorrect\n\r\n\rLogin : | p/Minitar MVA11A VoIP gateway telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/ cpe:/h:minitar:mva11a/
match telnet m|^NAK COMMAND\r\n| p/Pollin AVR-NET-IO Ethernet module telnetd/
match tor-control m|^514 Authentication required\.\r\n$| p/Tor control port/ i/Authentication required/
# Solaris 9
match uucp m|^login: Please enter user name: Password: $| p/Solaris uucpd/ o/Solaris/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
# SunOS 4
match uucp m|^login: Password: Login incorrect\.$| p/SunOS uucpd/ o/SunOS/
match uucp m|^login: login: login: $| p/NetBSD uucpd/ o/NetBSD/ cpe:/o:netbsd:netbsd/
match uucp m|^login: uucpd: \d+-\d+ The user is not known\.\n| p/AIX uucpd/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match ups m|^32\r $| p/Cyber Power PowerPanelPlus UPS Server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match whois m|^Process query: ''\nQuery recognized as IP(?:v4)?\.\nQuerying ([\w\d_.-]+):(\d+) with whois\.\n\n| p/gwhois/ i/Uses $1:$2/
match whois m|^Process query: ''\nQuery recognized as IP\.\n| p/gwhois/
match whois m|^%rwhois V-[\w:.-]+ ([-\w_.]+) \(by Network Solutions, Inc\. V-([\d.]+)\)\n| p/rwhois/ v/$2/ h/$1/
match whois m|^Query may not be an empty string\n| p/Public Interest Registry whois server/
match whois m|^WHOIS LIMIT EXCEEDED - SEE WWW\.PIR\.ORG/WHOIS FOR DETAILS\n| p/Public Interest Registry whois server/
match whois m=^ -{62}\n \| UNINET WHOIS Server {40}\|\n \| Created by i-DNS\.net\t\t\t\t\t \|\n.* INFO: This domain name has not been registered\.\n=s p/Uninet whois/
match irr m|^% No entries found for the selected source\(s\)\.\n$| p/Merit Internet Routing Registry whoisd/
match wincomm m|^128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n128 System Incompatible Windows Communicator client or server version\r\n| p/Windows Communicator/
match zebedee m|^\x02\x01$| p/Zebedee encrypted tunnel/
match bmc-perform-service m|^SDPACK$| p/BMC Perform Service Daemon/
# Grisoft AVG antivirus server (distributing virus database updates)
match nntp m|^200 Coruscant BBS News \(Synchronet NNTP Service v(\d[-.\w ]+)\)\r\n| p/Synchronet NNTP Service/ v/$1/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rSSH service name not present in rcvd msg\n\rSSH Session task 0x\w+: Version Exchange Failed\n\r\n\r\n\rSSH service name not present in rcvd msg\n\r| p/Cisco 350 Series AP telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03User : \r\n\r?SpeedTouch \(([-\w]+)\)\r\n\r?Password : Invalid Password\r\n\r?Closing connection\r\n| p/Alcatel SpeedTouch DSL router/ i/MAC $1/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAccount Name: \r\nPassword: \r\nThis copy of the Ataman Telnetd Server is registered as licensed to:\r\n\t(.+)\r\n\r\nLogin failed: unknown user name, password or privilege incorrect\.\r\n| p/Ataman telnetd/ i/Registerd to $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^Password:\xff\xfb\x01\n\rTry again, you polio:\n\n\rTry again, you polio:\n| p/VLC Player telnetd/
match telnet m=^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\r\n +-+\r\n +\| Cyclades-PR4000: CyROS V_([\d.]+) \(.*\) \|\r\n= p/Cyclades PR4000 router telnetd/ v/$1/ d/router/
# Billion 741GE or D-Link DSL2-300G
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nYou must supply a username\r\n\r\nLogin: | p/Billion or D-Link ADSL router telnetd/ d/router/
# Not sure if this is really a telnet service but many people reported it running on port23:
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01$| p/SMC SMC2870W Wireless Ethernet Bridge/ d/bridge/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nThis is a FirstClass system, from Open Text Corporation\.\r\n\r\n\r\nFirstClass is an e-mail and conferencing system with a graphical user interface\.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Command Line Interface is not available on this sy| p/FirstClass telnetd/ i/CLI disabled/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nPassword:\r\nLogged in as guest\r\n| p/Linkstar Comsat router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Login: \r\nLogin: \r\nLogin: | p/Lingo VoIP config telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\nuser: \r\npassword: \r\n\r\nuser: | p/KIRK Wireless Server 600 telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\r-> \n\r-> \n\r-> | p/Coresma Phazer Docsis USB cable modem telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^bad password\r\n$| p/Cybersitter CLI/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\"\xff\xfb\x01SSE version ([\d.]+)\r\nCopyright [\d, ]+ by Motorola\r\nUsername:| p/Motorola Canopy telnetd/ i/SSE $1/ d/telecom-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-[-\w]+\]> Please enter password: \r\nIncorrect Password\r\n\r\n\[ORiNOCO-AP-[-\w]+\]> Please enter password: \r\n| p/ORiNOCO wireless router telnetd/ d/router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Password\? \r\n500 Configuration error\. Disconnecting!\n| p/Tru64 UNIX gated/ o/Tru64 UNIX/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\n\r\nlogin: \r\n\r\n\r\r\npassword: $| p/Welltech Wellgate VoIP adapter telnetd/ d/VoIP adapter/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x1f\xff\xfd\x18Avocent CPS-810 S/W Version ([\d.]+)\r\nUsername: \r\nPassword: \r\nInvalid Login\r\nUsername: | p/Avocent CPS-810 serial port server telnetd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nGestetner Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rPassword:| p/Gestetner DSm622 maintenance telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nNRG Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rPassword:| p/NRG maintenance telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nNRG Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:| p/NRG maintenance telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nRICOH Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\r| p/Ricoh maintenance telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nRICOH Maintenance Shell\. ([\w:]+)\n\rUser access verification\.\n\rPassword:| p/Ricoh maintenance telnetd/ i/MAC $1/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nSAVIN Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\r| p/SAVIN printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nTOSHIBA Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:| p/Toshiba print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\r\nPress return:\*\*\*\*\r\nEnter Password:| p/IPSentry telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x03\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n\r\0\n- NetQue AppleTalk/NetWare/TCP/LAT Printer Server| p/EMULEX NetQue print server telnetd/ d/print server/
match telnet m|^\r\n\r\nUser Access Verification\r\n\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\nPassword: \r\n% Bad passwords\r\n| p/Cisco telnetd/ d/router/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\"\xff\xfe\0\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfd\x1f\r\n\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/freeSSHd telnetd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[7l\x1b\[\?1l\x1b\[0m\x1b\[2JUsername: \x1b\[7l\x1b| p/CyberSwitching Dualcom power device rabbit 2000 embedded telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nRead /disclaimer\.txt and have fun with yadi on your Nokia D-BOX2 - Kernel ([-\w_.]+) \(| p/Nokia D-BOX2 telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\nPhilips D-BOX2 - Kernel ([\w._-]+) \(| p/Philips D-BOX2 telnetd/ i/Linux kernel $1/ d/media device/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\n\rLogin: \n\r\n\r\n\rLogin: \n\rLogin: | p/Nortel Extranet Contivity Secure IP Services telnetd/ d/security-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x1f\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\r\n\r\n\rlogin: \r\n\r\nLogin incorrect\r\n\r\nlogin: | p/Cisco Intrusion Prevention System telnetd/ d/security-misc/ o/IOS/ cpe:/o:cisco:ios/a
match telnet m|^ 105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n 105 Access denied\.\r\n| p/ShroudBNC telnet config/
match telnet m|^User Name: \r\r\nPassword: \r\r\nRemote MAC address: | p/Airaya WAP diagnostics telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nAP11G login: \r\n\r\nPassword: | p/OfficeConnect AP11G WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03Welcome to the Windows CE Telnet service on ([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\nlogin: \n\r\nPassword:| p/Windows CE telnetd/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\x1b\[2J\x1b\[H \n\r\0\x1b\[H\x1b\[JPASSaPORT CS-(\d+) SW V([-\w_.]+) , HW V([-\w_.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/RADLINX PASSaPORT CS terminal server telnetd/ i/$1 ports; SW $2; HW $3/ d/terminal server/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nlogin: \r\npassword: \r\nLogin incorrect!\r\n$| p/Netgear GS108T switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark (\w+) Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of (\w+) (\w+) | p/Lexmark $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC $2; MAC2 $3/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark (\w+) Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of (\w+) (\w+) | p/Lexmark $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC $2; MAC2 $3/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\*+\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nLexmark Optra LaserPrinter internal network device, \r\nwith a hardware address of (\w+) (\w+)\r\n| p/Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter telnetd/ i/MAC $1; MAC2 $2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\x03\*{60}\r\n\r\nThis session allows you to set the TCPIP parameters for your\r\nIBM Infoprint (\d+) Ethernet internal network device, with a hardware\r\naddress of((?: [0-9A-F]{12})+) \(MSB, Canonical\)\.\r\nIt's an ethernet card\.\r\n\r\n\*{60}\r\n\r\n| p/IBM Infoprint $1 printer/ i/MAC addresses:$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x1fError2 negotiated with client \d+ and get 1 char is a a d\. \n\r\n\r\*+\n\r\*\* +\*\*\n\r\*\* IP Phone firmware +V([\w._-]+) | p/Thomson VoIP phone telnetd/ v/$1/ d/VoIP phone/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nLogin: \r\r\nPassword: \r\r\n\r\r\nLogin failed\r\r\n\r\r\nLogin: | p/Siemens SANTIS WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^Password: \xff\xfb\x01\r\nWrong password\.\r\nPassword: \r\nWrong password\.\r\nPassword: | p/VLC media player telnetd/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfd WxGoos-(\d+) v([\w._-]+) | p/WxGoos-$1 Climate Monitor telnetd/ v/$2/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\0\xff\xfd\x03\xff\xfb\0\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\x03\x04\r\nPassword: \r\n\n\rComtrol DeviceMaster RTS ModelID: (\d+) \n\r\rNS-Link ([\w._-]+) \n\rBuilt: .*\n\rIP Addr: [\d.]+ Mask: [\d.]+ Gateway: [\d.]+ \n\rMAC Addr: ([\w ]+) \n\r\n\r\r\n\rdm> \r\nInvalid Command\r\n\rdm>| p/Comtrol DeviceMaster RTS ethernet to serial telnetd/ i/Model $1; NS-Link $2; MAC $3/ d/specialized/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd\x18\r\0\r\nPassword: \r\nPassword incorrect\r\n| p/Sun StorEdge 3511 telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfd\x01\xff\xfd!\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03AH4222\r\nLogin: \r\n\r\nPassword: | p/Club-Internet telnetd/ d/broadband router/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfe\x01\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfc\"\xff\xfd\x1flogin: \r\nlogin: \r\nlogin: | p/GigaVUE-420 switch telnetd/ d/switch/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x03\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfe\x01-> \n\r-> \n\r-> | p/ser2net telnetd/
match telnet m|^\x1b\[24;1HUsername: \x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;1H\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\x1b\[24;1H\r\n\r\x1b\[\?25h\x1b\[24;11H\xff\xfd\x18\xff\xfb\x01\x1b\[2J\x1b\[\?7l\x1b\[3;23r\x1b\[\?6l\x1b\[1;1H\x1b\[\?25l\x1b\[1;1HProCurve (\w+) Switch (\w+)\r\n\rSoftware revision ([\w.]+)\r\n| p/HP ProCurve Switch $2 telnetd/ v/$3/ i/JetDirect $1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$2/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nConfiguration Login: \r\n\r\n\r\nConfiguration Login: \r\nConfiguration Login: $| p/HP E1200 storage telnetd/ d/storage-misc/
match telnet m|^\r\nEnter Password: \r\nInvalid Password\.\r\nEnter Password: \r\nInvalid Password\.\r\nEnter Password: | p/WPI Network Power Switch (remote reboot) telnetd/ d/remote management/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\nWelcome to IFBD-HE05/06 TELNET Utility\.\r\nCopyright\(C\) 2005 Star Micronics co\., Ltd\.\r\n\r\n<< Connected Device >>\r\n Device Model: (\w+) \(STR_T-001\)\r\n NIC Product : IFBD-HE05/06\r\n MAC Address : ([0-9A-F:]+)\r\n\r\n\r \r\nlogin: \r\n| p/Star Micronics $1 printer telnetd/ i/MAC address: $2/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01Username: \n\rPassword: \n\rUsername: | p/3Com 8760 WAP telnetd/ d/WAP/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\nLANIER Maintenance Shell\. \n\rUser access verification\.\n\rlogin:| p/Ricoh Aficio printer telnetd/ d/printer/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\r\nUser Name : \r\nUser Name : \r\nUser Name : | p/APC AP9630 network management telnetd/ d/power-device/
match telnet m|^\xff\xfb\x01\xff\xfb\x03\r\n\r\nWelcome to VIP-X ([\w._-]+) from [\w._-]+\r\nTLS invalid record length\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\ninvalid username\r\n\r\nTLS version 0300 not supported\r\nenter username -> | p/Bosch VIP X1 video encoder telnetd/ d/webcam/ h/$1/
match transbase m|^\0\0\+\x04\0\0\0@TransBase Multiplexer error report:\nIllegal request| p/Transbase Database/
# MiniUPnP
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: Tomato UPnP/([\w.]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$2/ i/Tomato firmware; UPnP $1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: (RT-\w+) UPnP/([\w.]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$3/ i/Asus $1 WAP; UPnP $2/ d/WAP/
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: DrayTek/Vigor([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w.]+) miniupnpd/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$3/ i/DrayTek Vigor $1 router; UPnP $2/ d/router/
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: OpenWRT/kamikaze UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$2/ i/OpenWrt Kamikaze; UPnP $1/ d/WAP/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: Netgear/[\w._-]+ UPnP/([\w._-]+) miniupnpd/([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$2/ i/Netgear DG834G or WNDR3300 WAP; UPnP $1/ d/WAP/ cpe:/h:netgear:dg834g/ cpe:/h:netgear:wndr3300/
# MiniDLNA
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\n\r\n
501 Not Implemented
Not Implemented
The HTTP Method is not implemented by this server\.\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: Debian/([\w._/-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/ v/$4/ i/Debian $1; DLNADOC $2; UPnP $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:debian:debian_linux/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: Fedora/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/ v/$4/ i/Fedora $1; DLNADOC $2; UPnP $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: RAIDiator/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/ v/$4/ i/RAIDiator $1; DLNADOC $2; UPnP $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n501 Not Implemented
Not Implemented
The HTTP Method is not implemented by this server\.\r\n$| p/MiniUPnP/
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: Linux Mips ([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w.]+) MiniUPnPd/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$3/ i/Linux $1 (MIPS); UPnP $2/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^ 501 Not Implemented\r\n.*Server: SmoothWall Express/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w.]+) miniupnpd/([\w.]+)\r\n|s p/MiniUPnP/ v/$3/ i/SmoothWall Express $1; UPnP $2/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDATE: .*\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: UPnP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\nEXT:\r\n\r\n$| p/UPnP/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: *Linux/([-\w_.]+), UPnP/([-\w_.]+), TwonkyVision UPnP SDK/([-\w_.]+)\r\n|s p/TwonkyMedia UPnP/ i/Linux $1; UPnP $2; SDK $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request\r\nServer: Reciva UPnP/([\w._-]+) Radio/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-length: 0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n$| p/dnt IPdio radio UPnP/ v/$2/ i/UPnP $1; DLNADOC $3/ d/media device/
match upnp m|^HTTP/0\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: ([\w._-]+) \d+/Service Pack (\d+), UPnP/([\d.]+), TVersity Media Server\r\n| p/TVersity Media Server UPnP/ v/$1 SP $2/ i/UPnP $3/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/0\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: ([\w._-]+) 2/, UPnP/([\w._-]+), TVersity Media Server\r\n|s p/TVersity Media Server UPnP/ v/$1/ i/UPnP $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDATE: .*\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: LINUX/([\d.]+) UPnP/([\d.]+) BRCM400/([\d.]+)\r\n| p|Belkin/Linksys wireless router UPnP| i/Linux $1; UPnP $2; BRCM400 $3/ d/router/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Symbian/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: 151\r\n\r\n\n\n400 Bad Request\n\n
Bad Request
\n\n$| p/Nokia N85 media share/ i/SymbianOS $1; UPnP $2/ d/phone/ o/SymbianOS/
match uptime-agent m|^ERR\n$| p/up.time server monitor/
match unreal-media m|^\xb1\x36\x00\x00\x19\x00\x00\x00\x30\x05\xff\x8f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x88\xff.\x03.\xef.\x00$|s p/Unreal Media Server/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match remoting m|^\.NET\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x03\x01\0\x03\0\x01\x01..\0\0Server encountered an internal error\. To get more info turn on customErrors in the server's config file\.\x05\0\0\0\0| p/MS .NET Remoting services/
match remoting m|^\.NET\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x03\x01\0\x03\0\x01\x01..\0\0Le serveur a rencontr\xc3\xa9 une erreur interne\. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, activez customErrors dans le fichier de configuration du serveur\.\x05\0\0\0\0| p/MS .NET Remoting services/ i/French/
match remoting m|^\.NET\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x03\x01\0\x03\0\x01\x01..\0\0System\.Runtime\.Remoting\.RemotingException: Tcp channel protocol violation: expecting preamble\.\r\n|s p/MS .NET Remoting services/
match remoting m|^\.NET\x01\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x02\0\x03\x01\0\x03\0\x01\x01..\0\0System\.Runtime\.Remoting\.RemotingException: Violation de protocole de canal tcp\xc2\xa0: pr\xc3\xa9ambule attendu\.\r\n|s p/MS .NET Remoting services/ i/French/
match signiant m|^dds_pc: _ms=([\w._-]+)\xfe_si=Process controller\xfe_mid=9010\xfe_sev=0\xfe_dt=\d+/\d+/\d+\xfe_tm=\d+:\d+:\d+\xfe_pkg=\xfe\n\n| p/Signiant Media Exchange/ h/$1/
match spy-net m=^tentarnovamente\|\r\ntentarnovamente\|\r\n= p/Spy-Net or CyberGate backdoor/ i/**BACKDOOR**/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: Ubuntu/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/ v/$4/ i/Ubuntu $1; DLNADOC $2; UPnP $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:canonical:ubuntu_linux/
match upnp m|^HTTP/1\.1 501 Not Implemented\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 149\r\nServer: Linux/([\w._-]+) DLNADOC/([\w._-]+) UPnP/([\w._-]+) MiniDLNA/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/MiniDLNA/ v/$4/ i/Linux $1; DLNADOC $2; UPnP $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel:$1/
match vnc m|^0\x82\x01\n\x02\x82\x01\x01\0| p/Ultr@VNC/ v/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match bitkeeper m|^ERROR-Try help\nERROR-Try help\n$| p/Bitkeeper/
match webcache m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\r\nExpires: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\nBad formed request or url\n| p/webcache/
# Novell ZENworks for Desktops Imaging Proxy 4.01.03
# Not sure if this is netware specific (linux too?) -Doug
match zenimaging m|^\xff\xff\xfb&$| p/Novell ZENworks Imaging Proxy/
match ajp12 m|^Status: 400 Bad Request\r\nServlet-Error: Malformed data sent to JServ\r\n\r\n$| p/Apache Jserv/
match nuttcp m|^KO\nnuttcp-t: v([\d.]+): error scanning parameters\nmay be using older client version than server\n\r\nKO\n| p/nuttcp network throughput tester/ v/$1/
match backdoor m|^sh-2\.05b\$ | p/r0nin rootkit backdoor/
match websense-eim m|^\0\x0c\r\n\0\x01\0\x01\0\0\0\0$| p/Websense EIM/
match wesnoth m|^\0\0\0.\0\0\0\x1f\x02version\0\x04([\d.]+)\0\0\x02mustlogin\0\x05\x01\0|s p/Battle For Wesnoth game server/ v/$1/
match wesnoth m|^\0\0\0.\0\0\0.\x1f\x8b\x08\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\x8b\.K-\*\xce\xcc\xcf\x8b\xe5\x8a\xd6\x873\x01 \xbc\x17\x06\x15\0\0\0| p/Battle For Wesnoth game server/
match workrave m|^\0\x26\x02\0\0\x06\0.[\d.]+:\d+\0\x01\0\x11\0\x04\0\x01\0\x03\0\xaa\x02\0\0\x06\0.[\d.]+:\d+\0\x01\0\x10\0\x88\0\x03\0\x0bmicro_pause\0\x20\x4c\xa4\x86\x8e\0\0\0\xb4\0\0\0\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0L\xa4\x86\x8d\0\0\0\xb4\0\0\0\x0arest_break\0|s p/Workrave/
match wtam m|^WTAM/1\.0 401 Unrecognized Command\n\n$| p/Webtrends WTAM/
match wub-command m|^Command Shell\r\n\r\n% \r\n% | p/Wub httpd command console/
match xboxdebug m|^201- connected\r\n407- unknown command\r\n$| p/Microsoft XBox Debugging Kit/ d/game console/
match xns m|^HELLO XBOX!$| p/Relax XBOX file server/ d/game console/
match zabbix m|^ZBXD\x01\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED| p/Zabbix Monitoring System/
match zmodem m|^\*\*\x18B0100000023be50\r\x8a\x11$| p/ZMODEM/
# Know the device, but not the service.
# Port 2000.
# match unknown m|^\x20$| p/Samsung CLX-3175FW printer/ d/printer/
##############################NEXT PROBE##############################
Probe TCP GetRequest q|GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n|
rarity 1
ports 1,70,79,80-85,88,113,139,143,280,497,505,514,515,540,554,591,620,631,783,888,898,900,901,993,995,1026,1080,1042,1214,1220,1234,1311,1314,1344,1503,1610,1611,1830,1900,2001,2002,2030,2064,2160,2306,2396,2525,2715,2869,3000,3002,3052,3128,3280,3372,3531,3689,3872,4000,4444,4567,4660,4711,5000,5427,5060,5222,5269,5280,5432,5800-5803,5900,6103,6346,6544,6600,6699,6969,7002,7007,7070,7100,7402,7776,8000-8010,8080-8085,8088,8118,8181,8443,8880-8888,9000,9001,9030,9050,9080,9090,9999,10000,10001,10005,11371,13013,13666,13722,14534,15000,17988,18264,31337,40193,50000,55555
sslports 443,4443
match adobe-crossdomain m|^<\?xml version=\"1\.0\"\?>\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n| p/Adobe cross-domain policy/ i/Snom 870 VoIP phone; domain: $1; ports: $2/ d/VoIP phone/ cpe:/h:snom:870/
match ajp13 m|^AB\0\x13\x04\x01\x90\0\x0bBad Request\0\0\0AB\0\x02\x05\x01$| p/Apache Jserv/
match athinfod m|^athinfod: invalid query\.\n$| p/Athena athinfod/
match amqp m|^AMQP\0\0\t\x01$| p/Advanced Message Queue Protocol/
# Kerio PF 4.0.11 unregistered - Service process (Port 44xxx?) on MS W2K SP4+
match keriopfservice m|^(HTTP/1\.0) 200 OK\r\nServer: Kerio Personal Firewall\r\n| p/Kerio PF 4 Service/ i/$1/
match backupexec-remote m|^\xf6\xff\xff\xff\x10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$| p/Veritas BackupExec Remote Agent/
match backdoor m|^:[-\w_.]+ 451 GET :\r\n| p/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match backdoor m|^\n\nDirectory /\n\n\n\n
Directory listing of /
| p/No-auth shell/ i/**BACKDOOR**/ o/Unix/
match bentley-projectwise m|^ACKNOSEC$| p/Bentley Systems ProjectWise/
match bittorrent m|^Nice try\.\.\.\r\n$| p/Transmission Bittorrent client/
match bluecoat-logd m|^\x03\0\0\x01$| p/Blue Coat Reporter log server/
match brio m|^com\.sqribe\.null\0java\.lang\.String\0com\.sqribe\.transformer\.TransformerException\0java\.lang\.String\0TRCP version mismatch: Current version: (\d+) Client version: unknown\0$| p/Brio 8 business intelligence tool/ v/$1/
match caldav m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: negotiate \r\nWWW-Authenticate: digest nonce=\"\d+\", realm=\"/Search\", algorithm=\"md5\"\r\n.*Server: Twisted/([\w._-]+) TwistedWeb/([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/TwistedWeb httpd/ v/$2/ i/Apple iCal Server; Twisted $1/
match csta m|^\r\n\r\nCSTA-Mono Server Home Page \r\n| p/Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise/ d/PBX/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Length: 24\r\n\r\nCommand not implemented\.$| p/Amarok music player DAAP/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nDate: .*\r\nDAAP-Server: iTunes/(\d[-.\w]+) \((.*)\)\r\n| p/Apple iTunes DAAP/ v/$1/ o/$2/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden\r\nDate: .*\r\nDAAP-Server: iTunes/(\d[-.\w]+) \((.*)\)\r\nContent-Type: application/x-dmap-tagged\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n$| p/Apple iTunes DAAP/ v/$1/ o/$2/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: mt-daapd/([-\w.]+)\r\n|s p/mt-daapd DAAP/ v/$1/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nDate: .*\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n$| p/mt-daapd DAAP/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDAAP-Server: daap-sharp\r\nContent-Type: application/x-dmap-tagged\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\ninvalid session id| p/DAAPsharp DAAP/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.0 400 Bad Request\nServer: Hughes Technologies Embedded Server \(persistent patch\)\r\n| p/daapd/ i/Hughes embedded/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"forked-daapd web interface\"\r\nContent-Length: 92\r\nServer: forked-daapd/([\w._-]+)\r\n\r\n401 UnauthorizedAuthorization required\r\n$| p/forked-daapd/ v/$1/
match daap m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"forked-daapd web interface\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\n401 UnauthorizedAuthorization required$| p/forked-daapd/
match dnet-keyproxy m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: http://www\.distributed\.net/\r\n\r\n$| p/Distributed.Net HTTP Keyproxy/
match drda m|^\0\x79\xd0\x02\xff\xff\0\x73\x12\x4c\0\x06\x11\x49\0\x08\0\x4e\x11S\0\xd3| p/IBM DRDA/
match drda m|^\0\x1b\xd0\x02\0\x01\0\x15\x12\x4c\0\x06\x11\x49\0\x08\0\x06\0\x0c\0\0\0\x05\x11\x4a\x03$| p/Apache Derby DRDA/
match econtagt m|^=\0\0\0$| p/Compuware ServerVantage EcoNTAgt/
match emco-remote-screenshot m|^\x06!\x01\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\0\x10JFIF| p/EMCO Remote Screenshot/
# Digital UNIX 5.6
match finger m|^Login name: / \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n\r\nLogin name: HTTP/1\.0 \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n$| p/Digital UNIX fingerd/ o/Digital UNIX/
# Internet Rex v2.67 Beta 1a
match finger m|^No such user No such user N\n$| p/Internet Rex finger server/
# IQinVision IQeye3 security camera
match finger m|^\n Nodename:\s+(\w+)\r\n| p/IQinVision fingerd/ i/Camera/ d/webcam/ h/$1/
# FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE /usr/libexec/fingerd/
match finger m|^finger: /: no such user\r?\nfinger: GET: no such user\r?\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\r?\n$| p/FreeBSD fingerd/ o/FreeBSD/ cpe:/o:freebsd:freebsd/a
# Bay Networks Micro Annex Comm. Server R10.0
match finger m|^No such activity\.\r\n$| p/Bay Networks Micro Annex terminal server fingerd/ d/terminal server/
# Mercury/32 3.32 Finger Server module on Windows XP
match finger m|^GET / HTTP/1\.0 is not known at this site\.\r\n$| p|Mercury/32 fingerd| o/Windows/
# ffingerd 1.28
match finger m|^That user does not want to be fingered\.\n$| p/ffingerd/
# Finger 0.17 from debian linux (which is from Linux netkit I believe)
# OpenBSD 2.3
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user\.\nfinger: /: no such user\.\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\.\n$| p|BSD/Linux fingerd|
# Linux port of in.fingerd from OpenBSD network tools - started with -w to show welcome banner
match finger m|^\r\nWelcome to Linux version (\d[-.\w]+) at ([-.\w]+) !\r\n\n.*\n\r\nfinger: GET: no such user\.|s p/OpenBSD fingerd/ i/ported to Linux; $2 users logged in; Linux version $1/ o/Linux/ h/$2/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# Redhat Linux from finger-server-0.17-9 RPM
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user.\r\nfinger: /: no such user.\r\nfinger: HTTP/1.0: no such user.\r\n$| p/Linux fingerd/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# NetBSD 1.6ZA (berkeley fingerd 8.1 sibling)
match finger m|^finger: GET: no such user\nfinger: /: no such user\nfinger: HTTP/1\.0: no such user\n$| p/NetBSD fingerd/
# Solaris 9
match finger m|^Login Name TTY Idle When Where\r\nGET \?\?\?\r\n/ \?\?\?\r\nHTTP/1\.0 \?\?\?\r\n$| p/Sun Solaris fingerd/ o/Solaris/ cpe:/o:sun:sunos/a
# mlfingerd 1.1
match finger m|^Information for user 'GET\+20\+2F\+20HTTP\+2F1\.0':\r\nUnknown user\.\r\n$| p/mlfingerd/
# SGI IRIX 6.5.18f finger
match finger m|^Login name: GET \t\t\tIn real life: \?\?\?\r\n$| p/SGI IRIX or NeXTSTEP fingerd/
# Windows fingerd
match finger m|^No such user\n$| p/Windows fingerd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match finger m|^MSS100 Version V([\d/.]+)\(\d+\) - Time Since Boot: \d+:\d\d:\d\d\r\nName pid stat pc cpusec stack pr/sy idle tty\r\n| p/Lantronix MSS100 serial interface fingerd/ v/$1/ d/specialized/
match finger m|^finger: GET / HTTP/1\.0: no such user\n| p/efingerd/ o/Unix/
match finger m|^ +-;;=\n +\.;M####\+\n| p/mIRC with ircN script fingerd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match finger m|^User not found\r\n| p/XMail fingerd/
match finger m|^EMail : [-\w_.]+@([-\w_.]+)\r\n Real Name : \?\?\r\n Home Page : \?\?\r\n| p/XMail fingerd/ h/$1/
match finger m|^\r\nIntegrated port\r\nPrinter Type: IBM Infoprint (.*)\r\n| p/IBM Inforprint $1 fingerd/ d/print server/
match finger m|^Login name: HTTP/1\.0 In real life: \?\?\?\r\n| p/OpenVMS fingerd/ o/OpenVMS/ cpe:/o:hp:openvms/a
match finger m|^No information available\r\n$| p/Post.Office fingerd/
match finger m|^finger: sorry, no such user\.\n$| p/xfingerd/
match git m|^0077ERR \n Your Git client has made an invalid request:\n GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\n\r\n\n Visit http://support\.github\.com for help$| p/Git/ i/GitHub/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 404 Not Found\r\nServer: gtk-gnutella/(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\)\r\n]+)\)\r\n| p/gtk-gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/$2/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.[01] 403 Browse Host Disabled\r\nServer: gtk-gnutella/(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\)\r\n]+)\)\r\n| p/gtk-gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/$2; browse host disabled/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: gtk-gnutella/(\d[-\w.]+) \([-\d]+; GTK2; Linux i686\)\r\n.*sharing (\d+) files ([\d.]+ \w+) total\r\n|s p/gtk-gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/Sharing $2 files, $3/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
# LimeWire 3.5.8 on Suse Linux 8.1
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 406 Not Acceptable\r\n(?:\r\n)?$| p/LimeWire Gnutella P2P client/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.0 406 Not Acceptable\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: LimeWire/([\w._-]+)\r\n| p/LimeWire Gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.0 200\r\nServer: Mutella\r\n| p/Mutella Gnutella P2P client/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nServer: giFT-Gnutella/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/GiFT P2P client gnutella module/ v/$1/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*Server: Shareaza (\d\S+)|s p/Shareaza/ v/$1/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*Server: BearShare ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/BearShare Gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*Server: BearShare ([\d.]+) \(([^)]+)\)\r\n|s p/BearShare Gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/$2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Web: Disabled\r\nServer: BearShare Pro ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n| p/BearShare Pro Gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/Web disabled/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 503 Web: Disabled\r\nServer: BearShare Lite ([\d.]+)\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n| p/BearShare Lite Gnutella P2P client/ v/$1/ i/Web disabled/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: GhostWhiteCrab/([\d.]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n| p/GhostWhiteCrab gnutella cache/ v/$1/
match gnutella m|^HTTP/1\.0 501 Not Implemented\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Frosty/([\w._-]+)\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n| p/Frostwire P2P/ i/Frosty $1/
match gopher m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: GopherWEB/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Internet Gopher Server/ i/Gopher+ protocol; GopherWeb $1/
match gopher m|^0'/GET / HTTP/1\.0' doesn't exist!\t\terror\.host\t1\r\n\.\r\n$| p/Bucktooth gopherd/
match gopher m|^3 --6 Bad Request\. \r\n\.\r\n$| p/Windows gopherd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gopher m|^3 --6 Ung\xfcltige Anforderung\. \r\n\.\r\n$| p/Windows gopherd/ i/German/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match gopher m|^3'/GET / HTTP/1\.0' does not exist \(no handler found\)\t\terror\.host\t1\r\n| p/pygopherd/
# GoFish is also a Gopher-to-HTTP gateway.
match gopher m|^HTTP/1\.0 500 Server Error\r\nServer: Server: GoFish/([\d.]+) \(Linux\)\r\n|s p/GoFish gopherd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match gopher m|^3Sorry, but the requested token 'GET / HTTP/1\.0\r\n' could not be found\.\tErr\t([\w._-]+)\t\d+\r\n\.\r\n\r\n| p/Geomyidae/ h/$1/
match gopher m|^iUnable to locate requested resource\.\t\t([\w._-]+)\t\d+\r\n\.\r\n| p/Gopher Cannon/ o/Windows/ h/$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/
match gopher-proxy m|^3That item is not currently available\.\r\n$| p/Symantec gopher proxy/
# GoverLan Remote Admin/Control (Tom Sellers)
match goverlan m|^\0\0\0\0/\x20HT| p/Goverlan Remote Administration/
match gpsd m|^GPSD,G=\?,E=\?,T=\?,T=\?,T=\?,P=\?\r\n| p/gpsd/
match gpsd-ng m|^{\"class\":\"VERSION\",\"release\":\"([\w._-]+)\",\"rev\":\"([\w._:-]+)\",\"proto_major\":\d+,\"proto_minor\":\d+}\r\n$| p/GPSD-NG/ v/$1 rev $2/
match groupwise m|^\xbc\xef\x16\0\xb5\xfe\x14\0\0\0\0 \xb5x3\x06a\x05\0\0\x16\0\xbc\xef\x1a\0\xb5\xfe\x18\0\0\0\0 d\xcf2\n\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x1a\0\xbc\xef\x14\0\xb5\xfe\x0e\0\x02\0\x02!\x03\x16\x7f\$r\xe7\x14\0$| p/Novell GroupWise/
# Responds with a binary protocol for other probes (GenericLines and RPCCheck).
match hillstone-vpn m|^HTTP/1\.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nLocation: /login\.html\r\nContent-Length: 157\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n301 Moved Permanently\n
Moved Permanently
\nMoved to: /login\.html\n\n\n$| p/Hillstone SSL VPN/
match hp-logic-analyzer m|^\r\n\r0\.1/PTTH / TEG.\r\n$| p/HP 1662C logic analyzer/ d/specialized/
# Needs to go before the Apache match lines -Doug
match http-proxy m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Apache\r\n.*X-orenosp-filt:|s p/Orenosp reverse http proxy/
# Needs to go before BaseHTTP match lines.
match ovs-agent m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: BaseHTTP/([\d.]+) Python/([\w.]+)\r\n.*Python: OVSAgentServer Document|s p/Oracle OVSAgentServer/ v/22/ i/BaseHTTP $1; Python SimpleXMLRPCServer; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: BaseHTTP/([\w._+-]+) Python/([\w._+-]+)\r\n.*Supybot Web server index|s p/BaseHTTP/ v/$1/ i/Supybot IRC bot HTTP stats; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Script output follows\r\nServer: BaseHTTP/([\w._-]+) Python/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*Mercurial repositories index|s p/BaseHTTP/ v/$1/ i/Mercurial hg serve; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 Script output follows\r\nServer: BaseHTTP/([\w._-]+) Python/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*: Mercurial repositories index|s p/BaseHTTP/ v/$1/ i/Mercurial hg serve; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: BaseHTTP/([\d.]+) Python/([\w.]+)\r\n.*This server exports the following methods through the XML-RPC protocol.|s p/BaseHTTP/ v/$1/ i/Python SimpleXMLRPCServer; Python $2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\n(?:.*\r\n)?Server: MochiWeb/(\d[-.\w]+) \([-.'\w\s]+\)\r\n| p/MochiWeb Erlang HTTP library/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\n(?:.*\r\n)?Server: MochiWeb/(\d[-.\w]+) WebMachine/([.\d]*) \(.*\)\r\n| p/MochiWeb Erlang HTTP library/ v/$1/ i|WebMachine/$2|
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: Apache/([\d.]+)\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nDate: .*\r\n.*\r\nvar my_upnp = 1;\r\n// backup log and config\r\nvar PM = \"7004ABR\";|s p/SMC Broadband router 7004ABR http config/ i/Identifies as Apache $1/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Login to the Router Web Configurator\"\r\n\r\n\n \n 401 Unauthorized\n \n\n\n
| p/Draytek Vigor ADSL router webadmin/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: webfs/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/WebFS httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n.*PhaserLink| p/Tektronix Phaser printer webadmin/ i/Ebedded Spyglass MicroServer $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: 3Com/v(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n.*WWW-Authenticate:Basic realm=\"device\"\r\n|s p/3Com switch webadmin/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\nDate: .*\nServer: Acme\.Serve/v(\d[-.\w ]+)\nConnection: close\nExpires: .*\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"PowerChute network shutdown\"\n|s p/APC Powerchute UPS web management/ i/Embedded Acme.Serv $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\nDate: .*\nServer: Acme\.Serve/v(\d[-.\w ]+) of \w+\nConnection: close\nExpires: .*\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"PowerChute Network Shutdown\"\n|s p/APC Powerchute UPS web management/ i/Embedded Acme.Serv $1/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Found\r\nLocation: /index\.htm\r\n\r\n| p/Alcatel Speedtouch ADSL router webadmin/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 404 Not Found\r\nServer: pks_www/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/OpenPGP public key server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Apache/0\.6\.5\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"System Setup\"\r\n| p/BenQ AWL wireless router webadmin/ d/broadband router/
# Orinoco bg-2000 Access Point
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\w_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"gateway\"\r\n| p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/Orinoco WAP http config/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
# ORiNOCO AP-600
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\w_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Access-Product\"\r\n| p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/Orinoco WAP http config/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\nConnection: close\nContent-type: image/gif\nPragma: no-cache\nContent-Length: 22528\n\nMZ| p/bobax.worm.c httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
# HP Printers
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n \n\n | p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP LaserJet http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nExpires: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n\nMoved| p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP LaserJet http config/ d/printer/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 301 Resource Moved\r\nCONTENT-LENGTH: 0\r\n.*\r\nSERVER: HP-ChaiSOE/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/HP-ChaiSOE/ v/$1/ i/HP LaserJet http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 301 Resource Moved\r\nCONTENT-LENGTH: 0\r\nEXPIRES: .*\r\nLocation: /hp/device/this\.LCDispatcher\r\nCACHE-CONTROL: no-cache\r\nSERVER: HP-ChaiSOE/([\d.]+)\r\n-ONNECTION: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n| p/HP-ChaiSOE/ v/$1/ i/HP LaserJet http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n \n\n | p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP LaserJet http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n-ransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nExpires: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n\n\nMoved| p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Color LaserJet 3500 http config/ d/printer/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nAccept-Ranges: none\r\nLocation: https://([\d.]+)/\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 90\r\n\r\n| p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Officejet Pro L7680 http config/ d/printer/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*\n\n\n HP Color LaserJet 2840 /|s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Color LaserJet 2840 http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*HP Officejet Pro (\w+)(?: A\w+)?\n|s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Officejet Pro $2 http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*HP Officejet (\w+) series|s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Officejet $2 http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m%^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html; ?charset=UTF-8\r\nExpires: .*HP (Color |)LaserJet ([\w._ -]+) %si p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP $2LaserJet $3 printer http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*HP LaserJet (\w+) |s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP LaserJet $2 printer http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: \$ProjectRevision: ([\w._-]+) \$\r\n.*HP LaserJet (\w+)  |s p/HP LaserJet $2 printer http config/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*HP Photosmart ([\w._+-]+) series|s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/HP Photosmart $2 series printer http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: HP HTTP Server; HP Photosmart ([\w._+-]+) series - \w+; Serial Number: (\w+);| p/HP Photosmart $1 series printer http config/ i/Serial $2/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\nServer: HP HTTP Server; HP Officejet ([\w._ +-]+) - \w+; Serial Number: (\w+);| p/HP Officejet $1 printer http config/ i/Serial $2/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\nServer: HP HTTP Server; HP Deskjet ([\w._ +-]+) \w+ series - \w+; Serial Number: (\w+);| p/HP Deskjet $1 series printer http config/ i/Serial $2/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported\r\nServer: HP HTTP Server; HP Photosmart ([\w._ +-]+) series - \w+; Serial Number: (\w+);| p/HP Photosmart $1 series printer http config/ i/Serial $2/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: \$ProjectRevision: ([\w._-]+) \$\r\n.*HP LaserJet (\w+)|s p/HP LaserJet $2 printer http config/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: \$ProjectRevision: ([\w._-]+) \$\r\n.*HP Color LaserJet (\w+)|s p/HP Color LaserJet $2 http config/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: \$ProjectRevision: ([\w._-]+) \$\r\n.*HP LaserJet (\w+)(?: MFP) [\d.]+|s p/HP LaserJet $2 printer http config/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: \$ProjectRevision: ([\w._-]+) \$\r\n.*HP LaserJet Professional (\w+) [\d.]+|s p/HP LaserJet Professional $2 printer http config/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n.*\r\n[0-9A-F]+\r\nHP LaserJet Professional (\w+)\r\n|s p/HP LaserJet Professional $1 printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nServer: stats\.mod/(\d[-.\w]+)\n| p/Eggdrop stats.mod web statistics module/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: PPR-httpd/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/PPR print spooling daemon ppradmin/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: RAC_ONE_HTTP (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Dell Embedded Remote Access card httpd/ v/$1/ d/terminal server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEpsonNet WebAssist Rev\.(\d[-.\w]+)| p/EpsonNet WebAssist printer configuration/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\nLexmark ([-/.+\w]+)| p/Lexmark printer webadmin/ i/Lexmark $1/ d/printer/
# GenericLines has Server: thttpd.
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nExpires: Sun, 27 Feb 1972 08:00:00 GMT\r\n.*Lexmark ([\w._/ +-]+)|s p/thttpd/ i/Lexmark $1 printer http config/ d/printer/ cpe:/a:acme:thttpd/ cpe:/h:lexmark:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nServer: III (\d[-.\w]+)\n| p/Innovative Interfaces Innopac httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"CISCO_WEB\"\r\n| p/Cisco DSL router webadmin/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n.*Server: Allegro-Software-RomPager/([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n\n\nCisco Systems, Inc\..*Cisco IP Phone ([-\w_]+)|s p/Cisco IP Phone $2/ i/Allegro RomPager $1/ d/VoIP phone/ cpe:/a:allegro:rompager:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nRAKeepAliveHeader: \.+\r\n| p/RemotelyAnywhere remote PC management httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: RemotelyAnywhere/([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/RemotelyAnywhere remote PC management httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Ipswitch-IMail/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Ipswitch IMail web service/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IMail_Monitor/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Ipswitch IMail Monitor web service/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Ipswitch Web Calendaring /(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Ipswitch IMail Web Calendar/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nSet-Cookie:WhatsUp={[-\w]+}; path=/\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Ipswitch ([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Ipswitch WhatsUp httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\nAuthentication Form
\n|s p/Check Point Firewall-1 Client Authentication httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n
\nFW-1 at ([-\w_.]+): Failed to connect to the WWW server\.\r\n| p/Check Point Firewall-1 httpd/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"FW-1\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\nError\n\n
Error 401
\n\nFW-1 at ([-\w_.]+):| p/Check Point Firewall-1 httpd/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Check Point SVN foundation| p/Check Point SVN foundation httpd/ d/firewall/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) (.*)\r\n| p/HP-UX httpd/ v/$1/ i/Apache derived; $2/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: HP-UX_Apache-based_Web_Server\r\n| p/HP-UX httpd/ i/Apache derived/ o/HP-UX/ cpe:/o:hp:hp-ux/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 302 Moved\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nLocation: /1[012]\d{8}/l\r\n\r\n
Document| p/Novell NetMail ModWeb webmail/
match http m=^GIF89a\xa8\0-\0\xf7\0\0\x03\x03\x03\x83\x83\x83\xc4\xc4\xc4\xfe\x02\x02\xc9\x85c\x85|\xb5\xe2\xe2\xe2\xca\xa2\x8e\xd4RRCCC\xdeb\"\xa5\xa5\xa5\xe7\xc5= p/Tweak XP web advertisement blocker/
# Management interface for Xerox Phaser printers.
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nExpires: .*\r\nLast-Modified: .*\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nServer: Allegro-Software-RomPager/(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n\r\n\n\n|s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP ProCurve Switch 2626 http config/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_2626/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\n.*\n +([\w._-]+)\n +- HP (\w+) ProCurve Switch ([\w-]+)\n |s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP ProCurve Switch $3 $4 http config/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\n.*\n ([\w._-]+) - \n ProCurve Switch ([\w._+/-]+) \((J\w+)\)\n |s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP ProCurve Switch $3 http config; $4/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\n.*\n ([\w._-]+) - \n ProCurve ([\w._+/-]+) Switch \((J\w+)\)\n |s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP ProCurve Switch $3 http config; $4/ h/$2/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$3/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: eHTTP v(\d[\w._-]+)\r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"HP ([-.\w]+)\"\r\n\r\n|s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP $2 http config/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\n.*WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ProCurve (J\w+)\"\r\n\r\n|s p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP ProCurve Switch $2 http config/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:procurve_switch_$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 115\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nSet-Cookie: sessionId =[\w=]+;postId=\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n$| p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP 5406zl switch http config/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:5406zl/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: eHTTP v([\w._-]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 115\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nSet-Cookie: sessionId =[\w=]+;postId=; path=/;\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n$| p/eHTTP/ v/$1/ i/HP 5406zl switch http config/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:ehttp:ehttp:$1/ cpe:/h:hp:5406zl/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: Sun-ONE-Application-Server/([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/Sun ONE Application Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: SunONE WebServer ([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/Sun ONE Web Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*Server: Sun-ONE-Web-Server/([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/Sun ONE Web Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\n.*Server: Sun ONE Web Server ([\w._-]+)\r\n|s p/Sun ONE Web Server/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) +(?:Apache/)?(\d[-.\w]+) \(([^\r\n]+)\)\r\n|i p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache $2; $3/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) +(?:Apache/)?(\d[-.\w]+)\r\n|i p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache $2/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_SERVER/(\d[-.\w]+) +Apache/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Unix\) DAV/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache $2; DAV $3/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_SERVER/(\d[-.\w]+) +Apache/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Unix\) PHP/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache $2; PHP $3/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_SERVER/(\d[-.\w]+) +Apache/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Unix\) mod_jk\r\n| p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache $2; using mod_jk/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) (Apache/.*)\r\n| p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from $2/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) (Apache/.*) \(Win32\)\r\n|s p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from $2/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Win32\)\r\n|s p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server/(\d[-.\w]+) \(Unix\)\r\n|s p/IBM HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/Derived from Apache/ o/Unix/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: IBM_HTTP_Server\r\n| p/IBM HTTP Server/ i/Derived from Apache/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*Server: IBM_HTTP_Server\r\n|s p/IBM HTTP Server/ i/Derived from Apache/ cpe:/a:ibm:http_server/
# Embedded HTTP Server: http://xaxxon.slackworks.com/ehs/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Embedded HTTP Server ([\w_.]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"(USR\d+)\"\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n| p/Embedded HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/USRobotics $2 wireless router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Embedded HTTP Server *([\w._-]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"DI-(\w+) *\"\r\n| p/Embedded HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/D-Link DI-$2 http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Embedded HTTP Server v([\w._-]+)\r\n.*401 Unauthorized\n
401 Unauthorized
\n$| p/Embedded HTTP Server/ v/$1/ i/D-Link DWL-9000+ WAP http config; name $2/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Embedded HTTP Server ([\w._-]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"AP0F1D85\"\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized\n
$| p/TwistedWeb/ v/$2/ i/Twisted $1; Mac OS X teamsserver/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 404 Not Found\r\n.*Server: Twisted/([\w._-]+) TwistedWeb/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*\n\n\n|s p/TwistedWeb/ v/$2/ i/Twisted $1; Mac OS X teamsserver/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01].*\r\nServer: Twisted/([\.\d]+) TwistedWeb/([\.\d]+)|s p/TwistedWeb/ v/$2/ i/Twisted $1/ o/Mac OS X/ cpe:/o:apple:mac_os_x/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html.*\r\n\r\nMikroTik RouterOS Managing Webpage\n|s p/MikroTik router config httpd/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html.*\r\n\r\nRouterOS router configuration page|s p/MikroTik router config httpd/ d/router/ o/RouterOS/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*Server: Azureus ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/Azureus Bittorrent tracker httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 BAD\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Azureus - Swing Web Interface\"\r\n\r\nAccess Denied\r\n| p/Azureus Bittorrent webui plugin/ i/Access denied/
match http m|^HTTP/0\.9 200 Document follows\r\nConnection: close\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n.* \r\n \r\n Thomson Cable Modem Diagnostics\r\n|s p/Thomson Cable Modem Web Diagnostics/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: micro_httpd\r\n.*Thomson Cable Modem Diagnostics\r\n|s p/Thomson Cable Modem Web Diagnostics/ i/micro_httpd/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/a:acme:micro_httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Redirect\r\nServer: GoAhead-Webs\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nLocation: https://(iDRAC-\w+)(?::443)?(?:/Applications/dellUI/login\.htm)?\r\n\r\n| p/GoAhead-Webs/ i/Dell iDRAC http config/ d/remote management/ h/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 302 Redirect\r\nServer: GoAhead-Webs\r\nDate: .*\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n| p/GoAhead-Webs embedded httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: FortiWeb-([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Fortinet FortiWifi 60 http config/ i/FortiWeb $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Serverdoc Remote\"\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\r\n| p/Serverdoc remote httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\nBNBT Tracker Info\n|s p/BNBT Bittorrent Tracker/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: AnomicHTTPD \(www\.anomic\.de\)\r\n| p/AnomicHTTPD/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n.*\n\n\nPOPFile |s p/POPFile web control interface/ i/Lang: $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n| p/Axis 5400 print server web config/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nAllow: GET, HEAD\r\nServer: Spyglass_MicroServer/([\w.]+)\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\n Software de administración de impresora PhaserLink \n\n| p/Tektronix Phaser printer web config/ i/Spyglass embedded httpd $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Microsoft-WinCE/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/ChipPC Extreme httpd/ i/WinCE $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: DManager\r\nMIME-version: 1\.0\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"surgemail| p/Surgemail webmail/ i/DNews based/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: DManager\r\n| p/DNews Web Based Manager/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: IDS-Server/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/IDS-Server httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: text/HTML\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nServer: Indy/([\d.]+)\r\nSet-Cookie: .*\r\n\r\n.*TeamSpeak|s p/Indy httpd/ v/$1/ i/TeamSpeak 1.X admin httpd/ cpe:/a:indy:httpd:$1/ cpe:/a:indy:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nContent-Type: text/HTML\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nServer: Indy/([\d.]+)\r\nSet-Cookie: .*TeamSpeak 2 - Server-Administration|s p/Indy httpd/ v/$1/ i/TeamSpeak 2.X admin httpd/ cpe:/a:indy:httpd:$1/ cpe:/a:indy:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nServer: Indy/([\d.]+)\r\n\r\n| p/Indy httpd/ v/$1/ i/TiVo Home Media Option httpd/ cpe:/a:indy:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\nDate: .*\nServer: FrontPage-PWS32/([\d.]+)\n| p/FrontPage Personal Webserver/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: WindWeb/([\d.]+)\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Home Gateway\"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPirelli Smart Gate\r\n\r\n| p/WindWeb/ v/$1/ i/Pirelli Smartgate Ethernet DSL router web config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: TSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\n|s p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ i/TCM httpd $1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\nContent-type: text/html\n\n\n\nServer Administration\n\n\n\n.*Storage Management Server for AIX|s p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$2/ i/ADSM httpd $1/ o/AIX/ cpe:/o:ibm:aix/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\nServer Administration
Not Supported
ANR4747W The web administrative interface is no longer supported\. Begin using the Integrated Solutions Console instead\.
| p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$1/ i/discontinued/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*Server: ADSM_HTTP/([\d.]+)\r?\n.*\nServer Administration\n.*.*\nAdministrator Login\n.*Storage Management Server for Windows|s p/Tivoli Storage Manager http interface/ v/$2/ i/ADSM httpd $1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: EPSON-HTTP/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Epson printer httpd/ v/$1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n\nADSL ROUTER Control Panel\n\n| p/Dynalink RTA DSL router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: ENI-Web/R([\d_.]+)\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nExpires: .*\r\nLast-Modified: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\nSpeedStream (\d+) Management Interface\n\n\n| p/SpeedStream $2 router http config/ i/ENI-Web httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: ENI-Web/R([\d_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"standard@\d+\"\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized\r\n| p/SpeedStream router http config/ i/ENI-Web httpd $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( The server denies the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. Contact the server administrator\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized \( The server requires authorization to fulfill the request\. Access to the Web server is denied\. Contact the server administrator\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( No data record is available\. For more information about this event, see ISA Server Help\. \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request \( The data is invalid\. \)\r\nVia:| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 403 Forbidden \( The ISA Server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. \)| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( The server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator \(URL\)\. Contact the server administrator\. \)| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 500 \( Connection refused \)\r\n| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( El servidor requiere autorizaci\xf3n para satisfacer la petici\xf3n\. Acceso al servidor Web denegado\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server::::sp/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( La p\xe1gina debe visualizarse en un canal seguro \(es decir, en un nivel de sockets seguro\)\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server::::sp/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .* \( El servidor deniega la direcci\xf3n URL \(Uniform Resource Locator\) especificada\. P\xf3ngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor\. \)| p/Microsoft ISA httpd/ i/Spanish/ o/Windows/ cpe:/a:microsoft:isa_server::::sp/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nSMC Barricade Wireless Broadband Router| p/SMC Barricade WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n.*SMC Barricade Broadband Router|s p/SMC Barricade router http config/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Monkey/([\d.]+) \(Linux\)\r\n|s p/Monkey httpd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Monkey Server\r\n| p/Monkey httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\nDate: .*\nPragma: no-cache\n Server: wr_httpd/([\d.]+)\n| p/wr_httpd embedded httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authorization Required\r\nContent-length: 0\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Cayman-2E\"\r\n\r\n| p/Cayman 2E router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Authorization Required\r\nContent-length: 0\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Cayman-DSL\"\r\n\r\n| p/Cayman DSL router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\n\r\n
Bad Request \(Invalid .*\)
$| p/Microsoft IIS httpd/ cpe:/a:microsoft:iis/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nMIME-version: 1\.0\nContent-type: text/html\n\n\n XTide Tide Prediction Server | p/xtide Tide prediction httpd/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_.]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"User\"\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized\r\n| p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/Nortel Bay router http config/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n.*DTA310 Web Configuration Pages|s p/DTA310 VoIP router http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\nContent-length: \d+\n\n.*Enter PrintSir utilities<|s p/Edimax Printserver httpd/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: FSPMS/([\d.]+) \(Win32\)|s p/F-Secure Policy Manager Server httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"SpeedTouch \(([-\w]+)\)\"\r\n\r\n| p/SpeedTouch DSL router http config/ i/MAC $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: RapidLogic/([\d.]+)\r\nMIME-version: [\d.]+\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\n|s p/Brocade Silkworm Fibreswitch http config/ i/RapidLogic httpd $1/ d/switch/ cpe:/a:rapidlogic:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Netscape-Commerce/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Netscape-Commerce httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=\"DSLink 200 U/E\"\r\n| p/DSLink 200 DSL router http config/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: TUX/([\d.]+) \(Linux\)\r\n| p/TUX httpd/ v/$1/ o/Linux/ cpe:/o:linux:kernel/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: .*\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\n\n \n \n \n Remote UI <Top Page> : ; [\d ]+\n| p/Canon LBP-2000 printer httpd/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: 2Wire-Gateway/([-\w_.]+)\r\n| p/2Wire HomePortal router http config/ i/Firmware $1/ d/router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: 2wire Gateway ([\d.]+)\r\n|s p/2Wire HomePortal http config/ v/$1/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: 2wire Gateway\r\n|s p/2Wire HomePortal touer http config/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\n.*2Wire HomePortal|s p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/2Wire HomePortal router http config/ d/router/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nPragma:no-cache\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n\n\nAXIS ([\d/+]+); IP address: [\d.]+\n| p/AXIS $1 print server http config/ d/print server/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d.*Lantronix Web Manager ([\d.]+) : Home|s p/Lantronix Web Manager/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"DI-(\w+)\"\r\n\r\n| p/D-Link DI-$1 http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.[01] \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=\"D-Link ([-\w_.]+) Router\"\r\n| p/D-Link $1 router http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Agranat-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"administration\"\r\n\r\n401 Unauthorized\r\n| p/Agranat-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/Efficient Networks router http config/ d/router/ cpe:/a:agranat:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\n\n| p|Fortinet VPN/firewall http config| d/firewall/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok\r\nServer: httpd\r\nDate: .*\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: 0\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n\n\n| p/Siemens Gigaset SE505 WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Gigaset ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Siemens Gigaset $1 WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: Siemens Gigaset C450 IP\r\n| p/Siemens Gigaset C450 IP VoIP phone http config/ d/VoIP phone/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nServer: Siemens Gigaset ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Siemens Gigaset $1 WAP http config/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"dbox\"\r\n\r\nAccess denied\.\r\n| p/Dbox2 Neutrino httpd/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: nhttpd/([\w._-]+) \(yhttpd_core/([\w._-]+)\)\r\n.*dbox yWeb|s p/dbox yWeb httpd/ i/nhttpd $1 based on yhttpd_core $2/ d/media device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\n\nExpPowerControl|s p/Expert Power Control NET http config/ d/power-device/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: aidex/([\d.]+) \(Win32\)\r\n| p/aidex httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: httpd\r\n.*\r\n\r\nMotorola HomeNet Product WE800G\r\n|s p/Motorola HomeNet WE800G http config/ d/bridge/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: httpd\r\n.*\r\n\r\nMotorola HomeNet Product WR850G\r\n|s p/Motorola HomeNet WR850G http config/ d/broadband router/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nServer: KS_HTTP/([\d.]+)\r\nLast-Modified: .*\r\n \r\n|s p/Canon Pixma IP4000R printer http config/ i/KS_HTTP $1/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 Ok Welcome to VOC\r\nServer: Voodoo chat daemon ver perl ([^\r\n]+)\r\n| p/Voodoo chat daemon httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: AP HTTP Server\r\nSet-Cookie: LogIn=0\r\n.*\n Die soeben durchgeführte Systemüberprüfung hat ergeben, \" \+\n \"dass ihr Bildschirm nicht die minimal erforderliche Aufl\xf6sung hat\.|s p/T-Com Speedport W 501V WAP http config/ i/German/ d/WAP/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: David-WebBox/([\w.]+) \((\d+)\)\r\n| p/David WebBox httpd/ v/$1.$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: RapidLogic/([\d.]+)\r\nMIME-version: 1\.0\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWireSpeed Dual Connect\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| p/Westell C90 ADSL router http config/ v/RapidLogic httpd $1/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/a:rapidlogic:httpd:$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nMIME-Version: 1\.0\r\nDate: .*\r\nServer: PeopleSoft RENSRV/v([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Peoplesoft REN Server httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Virata-EmWeb/R([\d_]+)\r\nContent-Length: \d+\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nExpires: .*\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\nActiontec\n|s p/Virata-EmWeb/ v/$SUBST(1,"_",".")/ i/Actiontec R1524SU http config/ d/broadband router/ cpe:/a:virata:emweb:$SUBST(1,"_",".")/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: HFS ([^\r\n]+)\r\n|s p/HttpFileServer httpd/ v/$1/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Ultraseek/([\d.]+)\r\n| p/Ultraseek httpd/ v/$1/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nCache-control: no-cache\r\nContent-length: \d+\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLANB Remote Upgrade Authentication\r\n.*VoIP Card Remote Upgrade|s p/LG Electronics VoIP board http config/ d/VoIP adapter/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\n.*Server: CherryPy/([\w._-]+)\r\n.*Hi, this is ehcp-python background proses, under development now\.\.\.|s p/CherryPy httpd/ v/$1/ i/Easy Hosting Control Panel/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 200 OK\r\nServer: IVC Enterprise Video Server\r\n| p/IVC Enterprise Video Server http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Network Camera\"\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: Network Camera\r\n\r\n\n\nProtected Object\n
Protected Object
This object is protected\.
\n| p/Vivotek 3102 Camera http config/ d/webcam/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*
Cheyenne/([\d.]+) Server at ([-\w_.]+) Port \d+\n|s p/Cheyenne httpd/ v/$1/ h/$2/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d\r\n.*\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLantronix WEB-Manager\r\n|s p/Lantronix Universal Device Server http config/
match http m|^Stratasys Modeler Queue & Job Status| p/Stratasys Modeler Queue printer http config/ d/printer/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: GoAhead-Webs\r\nDate: .*\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ATAboy2-| p/InfiniSAN ATAboy2 http config/ i/GoAhead embedded httpd/ d/storage-misc/
match http m|^HTTP/1\.0 \d\d\d .*\r\nServer: Micro-Web\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n