description = [[ Queries Microsoft SQL Server (ms-sql) for a list of databases, linked servers, and configuration settings. ]] author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} require 'shortport' require 'stdnse' require 'mssql' dependencies = {"ms-sql-brute", "ms-sql-empty-password"} --- -- @args mssql.username specifies the username to use to connect to -- the server. This option overrides any accounts found by -- the mssql-brute and mssql-empty-password scripts. -- -- @args mssql.password specifies the password to use to connect to -- the server. This option overrides any accounts found by -- the mssql-brute and mssql-empty-password scripts. -- -- @args mssql-config.showall if set shows all configuration options. -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 1433/tcp open ms-sql-s -- | ms-sql-config: -- | Databases -- | name db_size owner -- | ==== ======= ===== -- | nmap 2.74 MB MAC-MINI\david -- | Configuration -- | name value inuse description -- | ==== ===== ===== =========== -- | SQL Mail XPs 0 0 Enable or disable SQL Mail XPs -- | Database Mail XPs 0 0 Enable or disable Database Mail XPs -- | SMO and DMO XPs 1 1 Enable or disable SMO and DMO XPs -- | Ole Automation Procedures 0 0 Enable or disable Ole Automation Procedures -- | xp_cmdshell 0 0 Enable or disable command shell -- | Ad Hoc Distributed Queries 0 0 Enable or disable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries -- | Replication XPs 0 0 Enable or disable Replication XPs -- | Linked Servers -- | srvname srvproduct providername -- | ======= ========== ============ -- |_ MAC-MINI SQL Server SQLOLEDB -- Version 0.1 -- Created 04/02/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson portrule = shortport.port_or_service(1433, "ms-sql-s") action = function( host, port ) local status, helper, response local username = nmap.registry.args['mssql.username'] local password = nmap.registry.args['mssql.password'] or "" local result, result_part = {}, {} local conf_filter = ( nmap.registry.args['mssql-config.showall'] ) and "" or " WHERE configuration_id > 16384" local db_filter = ( nmap.registry.args['mssql-config.showall'] ) and "" or " WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','tempdb','msdb')" local queries = { [2]={ ["Configuration"] = [[ SELECT name, cast(value as varchar) value, cast(value_in_use as varchar) inuse, description FROM sys.configurations ]] .. conf_filter }, [3]={ ["Linked Servers"] = [[ SELECT srvname, srvproduct, providername FROM master..sysservers WHERE srvid > 0 ]] }, [1]={ ["Databases"] = [[ CREATE TABLE #nmap_dbs(name varchar(255), db_size varchar(255), owner varchar(255), dbid int, created datetime, status varchar(512), compatibility_level int ) INSERT INTO #nmap_dbs EXEC sp_helpdb SELECT name, db_size, owner FROM #nmap_dbs ]] .. db_filter .. [[ DROP DATABASE #nmap_dbs ]] } } if ( not(username) and nmap.registry.mssqlusers ) then -- do we have a sysadmin? if ( ) then username = "sa" password = else -- ok were stuck with some non sysadmin account, just get the first one for user, pass in pairs(nmap.registry.mssqlusers) do username = user password = pass break end end end -- If we don't have a valid username, simply fail silently if ( not(username) ) then return end helper = mssql.Helper:new() status, response = helper:Connect(host, port) if ( not(status) ) then return " \n\n" .. response end status, response = helper:Login( username, password, nil, host.ip ) if ( not(status) ) then return " \n\nERROR: " .. response end for _, v in ipairs( queries ) do for header, query in pairs(v) do status, result_part = helper:Query( query ) if ( not(status) ) then return " \n\nERROR: " .. result_part end result_part = mssql.Util.FormatOutputTable( result_part, true ) = header table.insert( result, result_part ) end end helper:Disconnect() return stdnse.format_output( true, result ) end