--- -- This library was written by Patrik Karlsson to facilitate -- communication with the Apple AFP Service. It is not feature complete and -- still missing several functions. -- -- The library currently supports -- * Authentication using the DHX UAM (CAST128) -- * File reading and writing -- * Listing sharepoints -- * Listing directory contents -- * Querying ACLs and mapping user identities (UIDs) -- -- The library was built based on the following reference: -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Conceptual/AFP/AFPSecurity/AFPSecurity.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000854-CH232-CHBBAGCB -- -- Most functions have been tested against both Mac OS X 10.6.2 and Netatalk 2.0.3 -- -- The library contains the following four classes -- * Response -- ** A class used as return value by functions in the Proto class. -- ** The response class acts as a wrapper and holds the response data and any error information. -- * Proto -- ** This class contains all the AFP specific functions and calls. -- ** The functions can be accessed directly but the preferred method is through the Helper class. -- ** The function names closely resemble those described in the Apple documentation. -- ** Some functions may lack some of the options outlined in Apple's documentation. -- * Helper -- ** The helper class wraps the Proto class using functions with a more descriptive name. -- ** Functions are task-oriented. For example, ReadFile and usually call several functions in the Proto class. -- ** The purpose of this class is to give developers easy access to some of the common AFP tasks. -- * Util -- ** The Util class contains a number of static functions mainly used to convert data. -- -- The following information will describe how to use the AFP Helper class to communicate with an AFP server. -- -- The short version: -- -- helper = afp.Helper:new() -- status, response = helper:OpenSession( host, port ) -- status, response = helper:Login() -- .. do some fancy AFP stuff .. -- status, response = helper:Logout() -- status, response = helper:CloseSession() -- -- -- Here's the longer version, with some explanatory text. To start using the Helper class, -- the script has to create it's own instance. We do this by issuing the following: -- -- helper = afp.Helper:new() -- -- -- Next a session to the AFP server must be established, this is done using the OpenSession method of the -- Helper class, like this: -- -- status, response = helper:OpenSession( host, port ) -- -- -- The next step needed to be performed is to authenticate to the server. We need to do this even for -- functions that are available publically. In order to authenticate as the public user simply -- authenticate using nil for both username and password. This can be achieved by calling the Login method -- without any parameters, like this: -- -- status, response = helper:Login() -- -- -- To authenticate to the server using the username 'admin' and password 'nimda' we do this instead: -- -- status, response = helper:Login('admin', 'nimda') -- -- -- At this stage we're authenticated and can call any of the AFP functions we're authorized to. -- For the purpose of this documentation, we will attempt to list the servers share points. -- We do this by issuing the following: -- -- status, shares = helper:ListShares() -- -- -- Once we're finnished, we need to logout and close the AFP session this is done by calling the -- following two methods of the Helper class: -- -- status, response = helper:Logout() -- status, response = helper:CloseSession() -- -- -- Consult the documentation of each function to learn more about their respective return values. -- --@author Patrik Karlsson --@copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Version 0.5 -- -- Created 01/03/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson -- Revised 01/20/2010 - v0.2 - updated all bitmaps to hex for better readability -- Revised 02/15/2010 - v0.3 - added a bunch of new functions and re-designed the code to be OO -- -- New functionality added as of v0.3 -- o File reading, writing -- o Authentication -- o Helper functions for most AFP functions -- o More robust error handling -- -- Revised 03/05/2010 - v0.4 - changed output table of Helper:Dir to include type and ID -- - added support for --without-openssl -- -- Revised 03/09/2010 - v0.5 - documentation, documenation and more documentation module(... or "afp",package.seeall) local HAVE_SSL = false if pcall(require,'openssl') then HAVE_SSL = true end -- Table of valid REQUESTs local REQUEST = { CloseSession = 0x01, OpenSession = 0x04, Command = 0x02, GetStatus = 0x03, Write = 0x06, } -- Table of headers flags to be set accordingly in requests and responses local FLAGS = { Request = 0, Response = 1 } -- Table of possible AFP_COMMANDs COMMAND = { FPCloseVol = 0x02, FPCloseFork = 0x04, FPCopyFile = 0x05, FPCreateDir = 0x06, FPCreateFile = 0x07, FPGetSrvrInfo = 0x0f, FPGetSrvParms = 0x10, FPLogin = 0x12, FPLoginCont = 0x13, FPLogout = 0x14, FPMapId = 0x15, FPMapName = 0x16, FPGetUserInfo = 0x25, FPOpenVol = 0x18, FPOpenFork = 0x1a, FPGetFileDirParams = 0x22, FPChangePassword = 0x24, FPReadExt = 0x3c, FPWriteExt = 0x3d, FPGetAuthMethods = 0x3e, FPLoginExt = 0x3f, FPEnumerateExt2 = 0x44, } USER_BITMAP = { UserId = 0x01, PrimaryGroupId = 0x2, UUID = 0x4 } VOL_BITMAP = { Attributes = 0x1, Signature = 0x2, CreationDate = 0x4, ModificationDate = 0x8, BackupDate = 0x10, ID = 0x20, BytesFree = 0x40, BytesTotal = 0x80, Name = 0x100, ExtendedBytesFree = 0x200, ExtendedBytesTotal = 0x400, BlockSize = 0x800 } FILE_BITMAP = { Attributes = 0x1, ParentDirId = 0x2, CreationDate = 0x4, ModificationDate = 0x8, BackupDate = 0x10, FinderInfo = 0x20, LongName = 0x40, ShortName = 0x80, NodeId = 0x100, DataForkSize = 0x200, ResourceForkSize = 0x400, ExtendedDataForkSize = 0x800, LaunchLimit = 0x1000, UTF8Name = 0x2000, ExtendedResourceForkSize = 0x4000, UnixPrivileges = 0x8000, ALL = 0xFFFF } DIR_BITMAP = { Attributes = 0x1, ParentDirId = 0x2, CreationDate = 0x4, ModificationDate = 0x8, BackupDate = 0x10, FinderInfo = 0x20, LongName = 0x40, ShortName = 0x80, NodeId = 0x100, OffspringCount = 0x200, OwnerId = 0x400, GroupId = 0x800, AccessRights = 0x1000, UTF8Name = 0x2000, UnixPrivileges = 0x8000, ALL = 0xBFFF, } PATH_TYPE = { ShortName = 1, LongName = 2, UTF8Name = 3, } ACCESS_MODE = { Read = 0x1, Write = 0x2, DenyRead = 0x10, DenyWrite = 0x20 } -- Access controls ACLS = { OwnerSearch = 0x1, OwnerRead = 0x2, OwnerWrite = 0x4, GroupSearch = 0x100, GroupRead = 0x200, GroupWrite = 0x400, EveryoneSearch = 0x10000, EveryoneRead = 0x20000, EveryoneWrite = 0x40000, UserSearch = 0x100000, UserRead = 0x200000, UserWrite = 0x400000, BlankAccess = 0x10000000, UserIsOwner = 0x80000000 } -- User authentication modules UAM = { NoUserAuth = "No User Authent", ClearText = "Cleartxt Passwrd", RandNum = "Randnum Exchange", TwoWayRandNum = "2-Way Randnum", DHCAST128 = "DHCAST128", DHX2 = "DHX2", Kerberos = "Client Krb v2", Reconnect = "Recon1", } ERROR = { SocketError = 1000, CustomError = 0xdeadbeef, FPNoErr = 0, FPAccessDenied = -5000, FPAuthContinue = -5001, FPBadUAM = -5002, FPBadVersNum = -5003, FPBitmapErr = - 5004, FPCantMove = - 5005, FPEOFErr = -5009, FPItemNotFound = -5012, FPLockErr = -5013, FPMiscErr = -5014, FPObjectExists = -5017, FPObjectNotFound = -5018, FPParamErr = -5019, FPUserNotAuth = -5023, FPCallNotSupported = -5024, } MAP_ID = { UserIDToName = 1, GroupIDToName = 2, UserIDToUTF8Name = 3, GroupIDToUTF8Name = 4, UserUUIDToUTF8Name = 5, GroupUUIDToUTF8Name = 6 } MAP_NAME = { NameToUserID = 1, NameToGroupID = 2, UTF8NameToUserID = 3, UTF8NameToGroupID = 4, UTF8NameToUserUUID = 5, UTF8NameToGroupUUID = 6 } SERVERFLAGS = { CopyFile = 0x01, ChangeablePasswords = 0x02, NoPasswordSaving = 0x04, ServerMessages = 0x08, ServerSignature = 0x10, TCPoverIP = 0x20, ServerNotifications = 0x40, Reconnect = 0x80, OpenDirectory = 0x100, UTF8ServerName = 0x200, UUIDs = 0x400, SuperClient = 0x8000 } local ERROR_MSG = { [ERROR.FPAccessDenied]="Access Denied", [ERROR.FPAuthContinue]="Authentication is not yet complete", [ERROR.FPBadUAM]="Specified UAM is unknown", [ERROR.FPBadVersNum]="Server does not support the specified AFP version", [ERROR.FPBitmapErr]="Attempt was made to get or set a parameter that cannot be obtained or set with this command, or a required bitmap is null", [ERROR.FPCantMove]="Attempt was made to move a directory into one of its descendent directories.", [ERROR.FPEOFErr]="No more matches or end of fork reached.", [ERROR.FPLockErr]="Some or all of the requested range is locked by another user; a lock range conflict exists.", [ERROR.FPMiscErr]="Non-AFP error occurred.", [ERROR.FPObjectNotFound]="Input parameters do not point to an existing directory, file, or volume.", [ERROR.FPParamErr]="Parameter error.", [ERROR.FPObjectExists] = "File or directory already exists.", [ERROR.FPUserNotAuth] = "UAM failed (the specified old password doesn't match); no user is logged in yet for the specified session; authentication failed; password is incorrect.", [ERROR.FPItemNotFound] = "Specified APPL mapping, comment, or icon was not found in the Desktop database; specified ID is unknown.", [ERROR.FPCallNotSupported] = "Server does not support this command.", } -- Check if all the bits in flag are set in bitmap. local function flag_is_set(bitmap, flag) return bit.band(bitmap, flag) == flag end -- Response class returned by all functions in Proto Response = { new = function(self,o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Sets the error code -- -- @param code number containing the error code setErrorCode = function( self, code ) self.error_code = code end, --- Gets the error code -- -- @return code number containing the error code getErrorCode = function( self ) return self.error_code end, --- Gets the error message -- -- @return msg string containing the error getErrorMessage = function(self) if self.error_msg then return self.error_msg else return ERROR_MSG[self.error_code] or ("Unknown error (%d) occured"):format(self.error_code) end end, --- Sets the error message -- -- @param msg string containing the error message setErrorMessage = function(self, msg) self.error_code = ERROR.CustomError self.error_msg = msg end, --- Sets the result -- -- @param result result to set setResult = function(self, result) self.result = result end, --- Get the result -- -- @return result getResult = function(self) return self.result end, --- Sets the packet setPacket = function( self, packet ) self.packet = packet end, getPacket = function( self ) return self.packet end, --- Gets the packet data getPacketData = function(self) return self.packet.data end, --- Gets the packet header getPacketHeader = function(self) return self.packet.header end, } --- Proto class containing all AFP specific code -- -- For more details consult: -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html Proto = { RequestId = 1, new = function(self,o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, setSocket = function(self, socket) self.socket = socket end, --- Creates an AFP packet -- -- @param command number should be one of the commands in the COMMAND table -- @param data_offset number holding the offset to the data -- @param data the actual data of the request create_fp_packet = function( self, command, data_offset, data ) local reserved = 0 local data = data or "" local data_len = data:len() local header = bin.pack("CC>SIII", FLAGS.Request, command, self.RequestId, data_offset, data_len, reserved) self.RequestId = self.RequestId + 1 return header .. data end, --- Parses the FP header (first 16-bytes of packet) -- -- @param packet string containing the raw packet -- @return table with header data containing flags, command, -- request_id, error_code, length and reserved fields parse_fp_header = function( self, packet ) local header = {} local pos pos, header.flags, header.command, header.request_id = bin.unpack( "CC>S", packet ) pos, header.error_code, header.length, header.reserved = bin.unpack( ">i>II", packet:sub(5) ) if header.error_code ~= 0 then header.error_msg = ERROR_MSG[header.error_code] or ("Unknown error: %d"):format(header.error_code) header.error_msg = "ERROR: " .. header.error_msg end header.raw = packet:sub(1,16) return header end, --- Reads a AFP packet of the socket -- -- @return Response object read_fp_packet = function( self ) local packet = {} local buf = "" local status, response status, buf = self.socket:receive_bytes(16) if ( not status ) then response = Response:new() response:setErrorCode(ERROR.SocketError) response:setErrorMessage(buf) return response end packet.header = self:parse_fp_header( buf ) while buf:len() < packet.header.length + packet.header.raw:len() do local tmp status, tmp = self.socket:receive_bytes( packet.header.length + 16 - buf:len() ) if not status then response = Response:new() response:setErrorCode(ERROR.SocketError) response:setErrorMessage(buf) return response end buf = buf .. tmp end packet.data = buf:len() > 16 and buf:sub( 17 ) or "" response = Response:new() response:setErrorCode(packet.header.error_code) response:setPacket(packet) return response end, --- Sends the raw packet over the socket -- -- @param packet containing the raw data -- @return Response object send_fp_packet = function( self, packet ) return self.socket:send(packet) end, --- Sends an DSIOpenSession request to the server and handles the response -- -- @return Response object dsi_open_session = function( self, host, port ) local data_offset = 0 local option = 0x01 -- Attention Quantum local option_len = 4 local quantum = 1024 local data, packet, status data = bin.pack( "CCI", option, option_len, quantum ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.OpenSession, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet() end, --- Sends an DSICloseSession request to the server and handles the response dsi_close_session = function( self ) local data_offset = 0 local option = 0x01 -- Attention Quantum local option_len = 4 local quantum = 1024 local data, packet, status data = "" packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.CloseSession, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) end, -- Sends an FPCopyFile request to the server -- -- @param src_vol number containing the ID of the src file volume -- @param srd_did number containing the directory id of the src file -- @param src_path string containingt the file path/name of the src file -- @param dst_vol number containing the ID of the dst file volume -- @param dst_did number containing the id of the dest. directory -- @param dst_path string containing the dest path (can be nil or "") -- @param new_name string containign the new name of the destination -- @return Response object fp_copy_file = function(self, src_vol, src_did, src_path, dst_vol, dst_did, dst_path, new_name ) local pad, data_offset = 0, 0 local unicode_names, unicode_hint = 0x03, 0x08000103 local data, packet, response -- make sure we have empty names rather than nil values local dst_path = dst_path or "" local src_path = src_path or "" local new_name = new_name or "" data = bin.pack(">CCSISI", COMMAND.FPCopyFile, pad, src_vol, src_did, dst_vol, dst_did ) data = data .. bin.pack(">CIP", unicode_names, unicode_hint, src_path ) data = data .. bin.pack(">CIP", unicode_names, unicode_hint, dst_path ) data = data .. bin.pack(">CIP", unicode_names, unicode_hint, new_name ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet() end, --- Sends an GetStatus DSI request (which is basically a FPGetSrvrInfo -- AFP request) to the server and handles the response -- -- @return status (true or false) -- @return table with server information (if status is true) or error string -- (if status is false) fp_get_server_info = function(self) local packet local data_offset = 0 local pad = 0 local response, result = {}, {} local offsets = {} local pos local _ local status local data = bin.pack("CC", COMMAND.FPGetSrvrInfo, 0) packet = self:create_fp_packet(REQUEST.GetStatus, data_offset, data) self:send_fp_packet(packet) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end packet = response.packet -- parse and store the offsets in the 'header' pos, offsets.machine_type, offsets.afp_version_count, offsets.uam_count, offsets.volume_icon_and_mask = bin.unpack(">SSSS", packet.data, pos) -- the flags are directly in the 'header' result.flags = {} pos, result.flags.raw = bin.unpack(">S", packet.data, pos) -- the short server name is stored directly in the 'header' as -- well pos, result.server_name = bin.unpack("p", packet.data, pos) -- Server offset should begin at an even boundary see link below -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003548-CH3-CHDIEGED if (pos + 1) % 2 ~= 0 then pos = pos + 1 end -- and some more offsets pos, offsets.server_signature, offsets.network_addresses_count, offsets.directory_names_count, offsets.utf8_server_name = bin.unpack(">SSSS", packet.data, pos) -- this sets up all the server flaqs in the response table as booleans result.flags.SuperClient = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.SuperClient) result.flags.UUIDs = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.UUIDs) result.flags.UTF8ServerName = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.UTF8ServerName) result.flags.OpenDirectory = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.OpenDirectory) result.flags.Reconnect = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.Reconnect) result.flags.ServerNotifications = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerNotifications) result.flags.TCPoverIP = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.TCPoverIP) result.flags.ServerSignature = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerSignature) result.flags.ServerMessages = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ServerMessages) result.flags.NoPasswordSaving = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.NoPasswordSaving) result.flags.ChangeablePasswords = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.ChangeablePasswords) result.flags.CopyFile = flag_is_set(result.flags.raw, SERVERFLAGS.CopyFile) -- store the machine type _, result.machine_type = bin.unpack("p", packet.data, offsets.machine_type + 1) -- this tells us the number of afp versions supported pos, result.afp_version_count = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, offsets.afp_version_count + 1) -- now we loop through them all, storing for the response result.afp_versions = {} for i = 1,result.afp_version_count do pos, _ = bin.unpack("p", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.afp_versions, _) end -- same idea as the afp versions here pos, result.uam_count = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, offsets.uam_count + 1) result.uams = {} for i = 1,result.uam_count do pos, _ = bin.unpack("p", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.uams, _) end -- volume_icon_and_mask would normally be parsed out here, -- however the apple docs say it is deprecated in Mac OS X, so -- we don't bother with it -- server signature is 16 bytes result.server_signature = string.sub(packet.data, offsets.server_signature + 1, offsets.server_signature + 16) -- this is the same idea as afp_version and uam above pos, result.network_addresses_count = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, offsets.network_addresses_count + 1) result.network_addresses = {} -- gets a little complicated in here, basically each entry has -- a length byte, a tag byte, and then the data. We parse -- differently based on the tag for i = 1, result.network_addresses_count do local length local tag pos, length = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, pos) pos, tag = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, pos) if tag == 0x00 then -- reserved, shouldn't ever come up, maybe this should -- return an error? maybe not, lets just ignore this elseif tag == 0x01 then -- four byte ip local octet = {} pos, octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4] = bin.unpack("CCCC", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4])) elseif tag == 0x02 then -- four byte ip and two byte port local octet = {} local port pos, octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4], port = bin.unpack(">CCCCS", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4], port)) elseif tag == 0x03 then -- ddp address (two byte network, one byte -- node, one byte socket) not tested, anyone -- use ddp anymore? local network local node local socket pos, network = bin.unpack(">S", packet.data, pos) pos, node = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, pos) pos, socket = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("ddp %d.%d:%d", network, node, socket)) elseif tag == 0x04 then -- dns name (string) local temp pos, temp = bin.unpack("z", packet.data:sub(1,pos+length-3), pos) table.insert(result.network_addresses, temp) elseif tag == 0x05 then -- four byte ip and two byte port, client -- should use ssh. not tested, should work as it -- is the same as tag 0x02 local octet = {} local port pos, octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4], port = bin.unpack(">CCCCS", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.network_addresses, string.format("ssh://%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", octet[1], octet[2], octet[3], octet[4], port)) elseif tag == 0x06 then -- 16 byte ipv6 -- not tested, but should work (next tag is -- tested) local octet = {} local j local addr for j = 1, 8 do pos, octet[j] = bin.unpack(">S", packet.data, pos) end for j = 1, 7 do addr = addr .. string.format("%04x:", octet[j]) end addr = addr .. string.format("%04x", octet[8]) table.insert(result.network_addresses, addr) elseif tag == 0x07 then -- 16 byte ipv6 and two byte port local octet = {} local port local j local addr for j = 1, 8 do pos, octet[j] = bin.unpack(">S", packet.data, pos) end pos, port = bin.unpack(">S", packet.data, pos) addr = "[" for j = 1, 7 do addr = addr .. string.format("%04x:", octet[j]) end addr = addr .. string.format("%04x]:%d", octet[8], port) table.insert(result.network_addresses, addr) end end -- same idea as the others here pos, result.directory_names_count = bin.unpack("C", packet.data, offsets.directory_names_count + 1) result.directory_names = {} for i = 1, result.directory_names_count do local dirname pos, dirname = bin.unpack("p", packet.data, pos) table.insert(result.directory_names, dirname) end -- only one utf8 server name. note this string has a two-byte length. _, result.utf8_server_name = bin.unpack(">P", packet.data, offsets.utf8_server_name + 1) response.result = result return response end, --- Sends an FPGetUserInfo AFP request to the server and handles the response -- -- @return response object with the following result user_bitmap and -- uid fields fp_get_user_info = function( self ) local packet, pos, status, response local data_offset = 0 local flags = 1 -- Default User local uid = 0 local bitmap = afp.USER_BITMAP.UserId local result = {} local data = bin.pack( "CCI>S", COMMAND.FPGetUserInfo, flags, uid, bitmap ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end pos, response.result.user_bitmap, response.result.uid = bin.unpack(">S>I", packet.data) return response end, --- Sends an FPGetSrvrParms AFP request to the server and handles the response -- -- @return response object with the following result server_time, -- vol_count, volumes fields fp_get_srvr_parms = function(self) local packet, status, data local data_offset = 0 local response = {} local pos = 0 local parms = {} data = bin.pack("CC", COMMAND.FPGetSrvParms, 0) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end data = response:getPacketData() pos, parms.server_time, parms.vol_count = bin.unpack("IC", data) -- we should now be at the leading zero preceeding the first volume name -- next is the length of the volume name, move pos there pos = pos + 1 parms.volumes = {} for i=1, parms.vol_count do local _, vol_len = bin.unpack("C", data:sub(pos)) local volume_name = data:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1 + vol_len) pos = pos + vol_len + 2 table.insert(parms.volumes, string.format("%s", volume_name) ) end response:setResult(parms) return response end, --- Sends an FPLogin request to the server and handles the response -- -- This function currently only supports the 3.1 through 3.3 protocol versions -- It currently supports the following authentication methods: -- o No User Authent -- o DHCAST128 -- -- The DHCAST128 UAM should work against most servers even though it's -- superceeded by the DHX2 UAM. -- -- @param afp_version string (AFP3.3|AFP3.2|AFP3.1) -- @param uam string containing authentication information -- @return Response object fp_login = function( self, afp_version, uam, username, password, options ) local packet, status, data local data_offset = 0 local status, response if not HAVE_SSL then return false, "OpenSSL not available, aborting ..." end -- currently we only support AFP3.3 if afp_version == nil or ( afp_version ~= "AFP3.3" and afp_version ~= "AFP3.2" and afp_version ~= "AFP3.1" ) then return false, "Incorrect AFP version" end if ( uam == "No User Authent" ) then data = bin.pack( "CCACA", COMMAND.FPLogin, afp_version:len(), afp_version, uam:len(), uam ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) elseif( uam == "DHCAST128" ) then local dhx_s2civ, dhx_c2civ = 'CJalbert', 'LWallace' local p, g, Ra, Ma, Mb, K, nonce local EncData, PlainText, K_bin, auth_response local _, Id local username = username or "" local password = password or "" if ( bit.mod(username:len(), 2) == 0 ) then username = username .. string.char(0) end p = openssl.bignum_hex2bn("BA2873DFB06057D43F2024744CEEE75B") g = openssl.bignum_dec2bn("7") Ra = openssl.bignum_hex2bn("86F6D3C0B0D63E4B11F113A2F9F19E3BBBF803F28D30087A1450536BE979FD42") Ma = openssl.bignum_mod_exp(g, Ra, p) data = bin.pack( "CpppA", COMMAND.FPLogin, afp_version, uam, username, openssl.bignum_bn2bin(Ma) ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPAuthContinue ) then return response end if ( response.packet.header.length ~= 50 ) then response:setErrorMessage("LoginContinue packet contained invalid data") return response end _, Id, Mb, EncData = bin.unpack(">SH16A32", response.packet.data ) Mb = openssl.bignum_hex2bn( Mb ) K = openssl.bignum_mod_exp (Mb, Ra, p) K_bin = openssl.bignum_bn2bin(K) nonce = openssl.decrypt("cast5-cbc", K_bin, dhx_s2civ, EncData, false ):sub(1,16) nonce = openssl.bignum_add( openssl.bignum_bin2bn(nonce), openssl.bignum_dec2bn("1") ) PlainText = openssl.bignum_bn2bin(nonce) .. Util.ZeroPad(password, 64) auth_response = openssl.encrypt( "cast5-cbc", K_bin, dhx_c2civ, PlainText, true) data = bin.pack( "CC>SA", COMMAND.FPLoginCont, 0, Id, auth_response ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if ( response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr ) then return response end return response end response:setErrorMessage("Unsupported uam: " .. uam or "nil") return response end, -- Terminates sessions and frees server resources established by FPLoginand FPLoginExt. -- -- @return response object fp_logout = function( self ) local packet, data, response local data_offset, pad = 0, 0 data = bin.pack("CC", COMMAND.FPLogout, pad) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) end, --- Sends an FPOpenVol request to the server and handles the response -- -- @param bitmap number bitmask of volume information to request -- @param volume_name string containing the volume name to query -- @return response object with the following result bitmap and -- volume_id fields fp_open_vol = function( self, bitmap, volume_name ) local packet, status, pos, data local data_offset, pad = 0, 0 local response, volume = {}, {} data = bin.pack("CC>SCA", COMMAND.FPOpenVol, pad, bitmap, volume_name:len(), volume_name ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end pos, volume.bitmap, volume.volume_id = bin.unpack(">S>S", response.packet.data) response:setResult(volume) return response end, --- Sends an FPGetFileDirParms request to the server and handles the response -- -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query -- @param dir_bitmap number bitmask of directory information to query -- @param path string containing the name of the directory to query -- @return response object with the following result file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, -- file_type and (dir or file tables) depending on whether -- did is a file or directory fp_get_file_dir_parms = function( self, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, path ) local packet, status, data local data_offset = 0 local pad = 0 local response, parms = {}, {} local pos if ( did == nil ) then response = Response:new() response:setErrorMessage("No Directory Id supplied") return response end if ( volume_id == nil ) then response = Response:new() response:setErrorMessage("No Volume Id supplied") return response end data = bin.pack("CC>S>I>S>SCCAC", COMMAND.FPGetFileDirParams, pad, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, path.type, path.len, path.name, 0) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end pos, parms.file_bitmap, parms.dir_bitmap, parms.file_type, pad = bin.unpack( ">S>SCC", response.packet.data ) -- file or dir? if ( parms.file_type == 0x80 ) then pos, parms.dir = Util.decode_dir_bitmap( parms.dir_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos ) else -- file pos, parms.file = Util.decode_file_bitmap( parms.file_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos ) end response:setResult(parms) return response end, --- Sends an FPEnumerateExt2 request to the server and handles the response -- -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query -- @param dir_bitmap number bitmask of directory information to query -- @param req_count number -- @param start_index number -- @param reply_size number -- @param path string containing the name of the directory to query -- @return response object with the following result set to a table of tables containing -- file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, req_count fields fp_enumerate_ext2 = function( self, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, req_count, start_index, reply_size, path ) local packet, pos, _, status local data_offset = 0 local pad = 0 local response,records = {}, {} local data = bin.pack( "CC>S>I>S>S", COMMAND.FPEnumerateExt2, pad, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap ) data = data .. bin.pack( ">S>I>ICCA", req_count, start_index, reply_size, path.type, path.len, path.name ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end pos, file_bitmap, dir_bitmap, req_count = bin.unpack(">S>S>S", response.packet.data) records = {} for i=1, req_count do local record = {} local len, _, ftype pos, len, ftype, _ = bin.unpack(">SCC", response.packet.data, pos) if ( ftype == 0x80 ) then _, record = Util.decode_dir_bitmap( dir_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos ) else -- file _, record = Util.decode_file_bitmap( file_bitmap, response.packet.data, pos ) end if bit.mod( len, 2 ) ~= 0 then len = len + 1 end pos = pos + ( len - 4 ) record.type = ftype table.insert(records, record) end response:setResult(records) return response end, --- Sends an FPOpenFork request to the server and handles the response -- -- @param flag number -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to query -- @param did number containing the id of the directory to query -- @param file_bitmap number bitmask of file information to query -- @param access_mode number containing bitmask of options from ACCESS_MODE -- @param path string containing the name of the directory to query -- @return response object with the following result contents file_bitmap and fork_id fp_open_fork = function( self, flag, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, access_mode, path ) local packet, _ local data_offset = 0 local pad = 0 local response, fork = {}, {} print("volume_id" .. volume_id) local data = bin.pack( "CC>S>I>S>S", COMMAND.FPOpenFork, flag, volume_id, did, file_bitmap, access_mode ) if path.type == PATH_TYPE.LongName then data = data .. bin.pack( "CCA", path.type, path.len, path.name ) end if path.type == PATH_TYPE.UTF8Name then local unicode_hint = 0x08000103 data = data .. bin.pack( "C>I>SA", path.type, unicode_hint, path.len, path.name ) end packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet() if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end _, fork.file_bitmap, fork.fork_id = bin.unpack(">S>S", response.packet.data) response:setResult(fork) return response end, --- FPCloseFork -- -- @param fork number containing the fork to close -- @return response object fp_close_fork = function( self, fork ) local packet local data_offset = 0 local pad = 0 local response = {} local data = bin.pack( "CC>S", COMMAND.FPCloseFork, pad, fork ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) end, --- FPCreateDir -- -- @param vol_id number containing the volume id -- @param dir_id number containing the directory id -- @param path string containing the name of the directory -- @return response object fp_create_dir = function( self, vol_id, dir_id, path ) local packet local data_offset, pad = 0, 0 local response = {} local data = bin.pack( "CC>S>ICp", COMMAND.FPCreateDir, pad, vol_id, dir_id, path.type, path.name ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) end, --- Sends an FPCloseVol request to the server and handles the response -- -- @param volume_id number containing the id of the volume to close -- @return response object fp_close_vol = function( self, volume_id ) local packet local data_offset, pad = 0, 0 local response = {} local data = bin.pack( "CC>S", COMMAND.FPCloseVol, pad, volume_id ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) end, --- FPReadExt -- -- @param fork number containing the open fork -- @param offset number containing the offset from where writing should start. Negative value indicates offset from the end of the fork -- @param count number containing the number of bytes to be written -- @return response object fp_read_ext = function( self, fork, offset, count ) local pad = 0 local packet, response local data_offset = 0 local block_size = 1024 local data = bin.pack( "CC>S>L>L", COMMAND.FPReadExt, pad, fork, offset, count ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if ( response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPEOFErr and response.packet.header.length > 0 ) then response:setErrorCode( ERROR.FPNoErr ) end response:setResult( response.packet.data ) return response end, --- FPWriteExt -- -- @param flag number indicates whether Offset is relative to the beginning or end of the fork. -- @param fork number containing the open fork -- @param offset number containing the offset from where writing should start. Negative value indicates offset from the end of the fork -- @param count number containing the number of bytes to be written -- @param fdata string containing the data to be written -- @return response object fp_write_ext = function( self, flag, fork, offset, count, fdata ) local packet local data_offset = 20 local data if count > fdata:len() then local err = Response:new() err:setErrorMessage("fp_write_ext: Count is greater than the amount of data") return err end if count < 0 then local err = Response:new() err:setErrorMessage("fp_write_ext: Count must exceed zero") return err end data = bin.pack( "CC>S>L>LA", COMMAND.FPWriteExt, flag, fork, offset, count, fdata ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Write, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet( ) end, --- FPCreateFile -- -- @param flag number where 0 indicates a soft create and 1 indicates a hard create. -- @param vol_id number containing the volume id -- @param did number containing the ancestor directory id -- @param path string containing the path, including the volume, path and file name -- @return response object fp_create_file = function(self, flag, vol_id, did, path ) local packet local data_offset = 0 local data = bin.pack( "CC>S>ICCA" , COMMAND.FPCreateFile, flag, vol_id, did, path.type, path.len, path.name ) packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) return self:read_fp_packet() end, --- FPMapId -- -- @param subfunc number containing the subfunction to call -- @param id number containing th id to translate -- @return response object with the id in the result field fp_map_id = function( self, subfunc, id ) local packet, response local data_offset = 0 local data = bin.pack( "CC", COMMAND.FPMapId, subfunc ) local _, len if ( subfunc == MAP_ID.UserUUIDToUTF8Name or subfunc == MAP_ID.GroupUUIDToUTF8Name ) then data = data .. bin.pack(">L", id) else data = data .. bin.pack(">I", id) end packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end -- Netatalk returns the name with 1-byte length prefix, -- Mac OS has a 2-byte (UTF-8) length prefix local _, len = bin.unpack("C", response.packet.data) -- if length is zero assume 2-byte length (UTF-8 name) if len == 0 then response:setResult( select(2, bin.unpack(">P", response.packet.data )) ) else response:setResult( select(2, bin.unpack("p", response.packet.data )) ) end return response end, --- FPMapName -- -- @param subfunc number containing the subfunction to call -- @param name string containing name to map -- @return response object with the mapped name in the result field fp_map_name = function( self, subfunc, name ) local packet local data_offset = 0 local data = bin.pack( "CC>SA", COMMAND.FPMapName, subfunc, name:len(), name ) local response packet = self:create_fp_packet( REQUEST.Command, data_offset, data ) self:send_fp_packet( packet ) response = self:read_fp_packet( ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return response end response:setResult( select(2, bin.unpack(">I", response.packet.data))) return response end, } --- The helper class wraps the protocol class and their functions. It contains -- high-level functions with descriptive names, facilitating the use and -- minimizing the need to fully understand the AFP low-level protocol details. Helper = { --- Creates a new helper object new = function(self,o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Connects to the remote server and establishes a new AFP session -- -- @param host table as recieved by the action function of the script -- @param port table as recieved by the action function of the script -- @return status boolean -- @return string containing error message (if status is false) OpenSession = function( self, host, port ) local status, response self.socket = nmap.new_socket() self.socket:set_timeout( 5000 ) status = self.socket:connect(host, port) if not status then return false, "Socket connection failed" end self.proto = afp.Proto:new( { socket=self.socket} ) response = self.proto:dsi_open_session(self.socket) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then self.socket:close() return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true end, --- Closes the AFP session and then the socket -- -- @return status boolean -- @return string containing error message (if status is false) CloseSession = function( self ) local status, packet = self.proto:dsi_close_session( ) self.socket:close() return status, packet end, --- Terminates the connection, withou closing the AFP session -- -- @return status (always true) -- @return string (always "") Terminate = function( self ) self.socket:close() return true,"" end, --- Logs in to an AFP service -- -- @param username string containing the username -- @param password string containing the user password -- @param options table containing additional options uam Login = function( self, username, password, options ) local uam = ( options and options.UAM ) and options.UAM or "DHCAST128" local response if ( username and uam == "DHCAST128" ) then response = self.proto:fp_login( "AFP3.1", "DHCAST128", username, password ) elseif( username ) then return false, ("Unsupported UAM: %s"):format(uam) else response = self.proto:fp_login( "AFP3.1", "No User Authent" ) end if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, "Success" end, --- Logs out from the AFP service Logout = function(self) return self.proto:fp_logout() end, --- Walks the directory tree specified by str_path and returns the node information -- -- @param str_path string containing the directory -- @return status boolean true on success, otherwise false -- @return item table containing node information DirectoryId and DirectoryName WalkDirTree = function( self, str_path ) local status, response, path local elements = stdnse.strsplit( "/", str_path ) local f_bm = afp.FILE_BITMAP.NodeId + afp.FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId + afp.FILE_BITMAP.LongName local d_bm = afp.DIR_BITMAP.NodeId + afp.DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId + afp.DIR_BITMAP.LongName local item = { DirectoryId = 2 } response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( afp.VOL_BITMAP.ID, elements[1] ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end item.VolumeId = response.result.volume_id item.DirectoryName = str_path for i=2, #elements do path = { ['type']=afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=elements[i], len=elements[i]:len() } response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( item.VolumeId, item.DirectoryId, f_bm, d_bm, path ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end item.DirectoryId = response.result.dir.NodeId item.DirectoryName = response.result.dir.LongName end return true, item end, --- Reads a file on the AFP server -- -- @param str_path string containing the AFP sharepoint, path and filename eg. HR/Documents/File.doc -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return content string containing the file contents ReadFile = function( self, str_path ) local status, response, fork, content, vol_name local offset, count, did = 0, 1024, 2 local status, path, vol_id local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path ) status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir ) if ( not status ) then return false, response end vol_id = response.VolumeId did = response.DirectoryId path = { ['type']=afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file, len=p.file:len() } response = self.proto:fp_open_fork(0, vol_id, did, 0, afp.ACCESS_MODE.Read, path ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end fork = response.result.fork_id content = "" while true do response = self.proto:fp_read_ext( fork, offset, count ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then break end content = content .. response.result offset = offset + count end response = self.proto:fp_close_fork( fork ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, content end, --- Writes a file to the AFP server -- -- @param str_path string containing the AFP sharepoint, path and filename eg. HR/Documents/File.doc -- @param fdata string containing the data to write to the file -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return error string containing error message if status is false WriteFile = function( self, str_path, fdata ) local status, response, fork, content local offset, count = 1, 1024 local status, vol_id, did, path local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path ) status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir ) vol_id = response.VolumeId did = response.DirectoryId if ( not status ) then return false, response end path = { ['type']=afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file, len=p.file:len() } status, response = self.proto:fp_create_file( 0, vol_id, did, path ) if not status then if ( response.header.error_code ~= ERROR.FPObjectExists ) then return false, response.header.error_msg end end response = self.proto:fp_open_fork( 0, vol_id, did, 0, afp.ACCESS_MODE.Write, path ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end fork = response.result.fork_id response = self.proto:fp_write_ext( 0, fork, 0, fdata:len(), fdata ) return true, nil end, --- Maps a user id (uid) to a user name -- -- @param uid number containing the uid to resolve -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return username string on success -- error string on failure UIDToName = function( self, uid ) local response = self.proto:fp_map_id( MAP_ID.UserIDToName, uid ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, response.result end, --- Maps a group id (gid) to group name -- -- @param gid number containing the gid to lookup -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return groupname string on success -- error string on failure GIDToName = function( self, gid ) local response = self.proto:fp_map_id( MAP_ID.GroupIDToName, gid ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, response.result end, --- Maps a username to a UID -- -- @param name string containing the username to map to an UID -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return UID number on success -- error string on failure NameToUID = function( self, name ) local response = self.proto:fp_map_name( MAP_NAME.NameToUserID, name ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, response.result end, --- List the contents of a directory -- -- @param str_path string containing the sharepoint and directory names -- @param options table options containing zero or more of the options -- max_depth and dironly -- @param depth number containing the current depth (used when called recursively) -- @param parent table containing information about the parent object (used when called recursively) -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return dir table containing a table for each directory item with the following type, -- name and id Dir = function( self, str_path, options, depth, parent ) local status, result local depth = depth or 1 local options = options or { max_depth = 1 } local response, records local f_bm = afp.FILE_BITMAP.NodeId + afp.FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId + afp.FILE_BITMAP.LongName local d_bm = afp.DIR_BITMAP.NodeId + afp.DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId + afp.DIR_BITMAP.LongName local path = { ['type']=afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName, name="", len=0 } local TYPE_DIR = 0x80 if ( parent == nil ) then status, response = self:WalkDirTree( str_path ) if ( not status ) then return false, response end parent = {} parent.vol_id = response.VolumeId parent.did = response.DirectoryId parent.dir_name = response.DirectoryName or "" parent.out_tbl = {} end if ( options and options.max_depth and options.max_depth > 0 and options.max_depth < depth ) then return false, "Max Depth Reached" end response = self.proto:fp_enumerate_ext2( parent.vol_id, parent.did, f_bm, d_bm, 1000, 1, 52800, path) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end records = response.result or {} local dir_item = {} for _, record in ipairs( records ) do if ( options and options.dironly ) then if ( record.type == TYPE_DIR ) then table.insert( dir_item, { ['type'] = record.type, ['name'] = record.LongName, ['id'] = record.NodeId } ) end else table.insert( dir_item, { ['type'] = record.type, ['name'] = record.LongName, ['id'] = record.NodeId } ) end if ( record.type == TYPE_DIR ) then self:Dir("", options, depth + 1, { vol_id = parent.vol_id, did=record.NodeId, dir_name=record.LongName, out_tbl=dir_item} ) end end table.insert( parent.out_tbl, dir_item ) return true, parent.out_tbl end, --- Displays a directory tree -- -- @param str_path string containing the sharepoint and the directory -- @param options table options containing zero or more of the options -- max_depth and dironly -- @return dirtree table containing the directories DirTree = function( self, str_path, options ) local options = options or {} options.dironly = true return self:Dir( str_path, options ) end, --- List the AFP sharepoints -- -- @return volumes table containing the sharepoints ListShares = function( self ) local response response = self.proto:fp_get_srvr_parms( ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, response.result.volumes end, --- Determine the sharepoint permissions -- -- @param vol_name string containing the name of the volume -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return acls table containing the volume acls as returned by acls_to_long_string GetSharePermissions = function( self, vol_name ) local status, response, vol_id, acls response = self.proto:fp_open_vol( afp.VOL_BITMAP.ID, vol_name ) if response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPNoErr then local vol_id local path = {} vol_id = response.result.volume_id path.type = afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName path.name = "" path.len = path.name:len() response = self.proto:fp_get_file_dir_parms( vol_id, 2, FILE_BITMAP.ALL, DIR_BITMAP.ALL, path ) if response:getErrorCode() == ERROR.FPNoErr then if ( response.result.dir and response.result.dir.AccessRights ) then acls = Util.acls_to_long_string(response.result.dir.AccessRights) acls.name = nil end end self.proto:fp_close_vol( vol_id ) end return true, acls end, --- Creates a new directory on the AFP sharepoint -- -- @param str_path containing the sharepoint and the directory -- @return status boolean true on success, false on failure -- @return dirId number containing the new directory id CreateDir = function( self, str_path ) local status, response, vol_id, did local p = Util.SplitPath( str_path ) local path = { ['type']=afp.PATH_TYPE.LongName, name=p.file, len=p.file:len() } status, response = self:WalkDirTree( p.dir ) if not status then return false, response end response = self.proto:fp_create_dir( response.VolumeId, response.DirectoryId, path ) if response:getErrorCode() ~= ERROR.FPNoErr then return false, response:getErrorMessage() end return true, response end, } --- Util class, containing some static functions used by Helper and Proto Util = { --- Pads a string with zeroes -- -- @param str string containing the string to be padded -- @param len number containing the length of the new string -- @return str string containing the new string ZeroPad = function( str, len ) if len < str:len() then return end for i=1, len - str:len() do str = str .. string.char(0) end return str end, --- Splits a path into two pieces, directory and file -- -- @param str_path string containing the path to split -- @return dir table containing dir and file SplitPath = function( str_path ) local elements = stdnse.strsplit("/", str_path) local dir, file = "", "" if #elements < 2 then return nil end file = elements[#elements] table.remove( elements, #elements ) dir = stdnse.strjoin( "/", elements ) return { ['dir']=dir, ['file']=file } end, --- Converts a group bitmask of Search, Read and Write to table -- -- @param acls number containing bitmasked acls -- @return table of ACLs acl_group_to_long_string = function(acls) local acl_table = {} if bit.band( acls, afp.ACLS.OwnerSearch ) == afp.ACLS.OwnerSearch then table.insert( acl_table, "Search") end if bit.band( acls, afp.ACLS.OwnerRead ) == afp.ACLS.OwnerRead then table.insert( acl_table, "Read") end if bit.band( acls, afp.ACLS.OwnerWrite ) == afp.ACLS.OwnerWrite then table.insert( acl_table, "Write") end return acl_table end, --- Converts a numeric acl to string -- -- @param acls number containig acls as recieved from fp_get_file_dir_parms -- @return table of long ACLs acls_to_long_string = function( acls ) local owner = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( bit.band( acls, 255 ) ) local group = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( bit.band( bit.rshift(acls, 8), 255 ) ) local everyone = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( bit.band( bit.rshift(acls, 16), 255 ) ) local user = Util.acl_group_to_long_string( bit.band( bit.rshift(acls, 24), 255 ) ) local blank = bit.band( acls, afp.ACLS.BlankAccess ) == afp.ACLS.BlankAccess and "Blank" or nil local isowner = bit.band( acls, afp.ACLS.UserIsOwner ) == afp.ACLS.UserIsOwner and "IsOwner" or nil local options = {} if blank then table.insert(options, "Blank") end if isowner then table.insert(options, "IsOwner") end local acls_tbl = {} table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Owner: %s", stdnse.strjoin(",", owner) ) ) table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Group: %s", stdnse.strjoin(",", group) ) ) table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Everyone: %s", stdnse.strjoin(",", everyone) ) ) table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "User: %s", stdnse.strjoin(",", user) ) ) if #options > 0 then table.insert( acls_tbl, string.format( "Options: %s", stdnse.strjoin(",", options ) ) ) end return acls_tbl end, --- Decodes a file bitmap -- -- @param bitmap number containing the bitmap -- @param data string containing the data to be decoded -- @param pos number containing the offset into data -- @return pos number containing the new offset after decoding -- @return file table containing the decoded values decode_file_bitmap = function( bitmap, data, pos ) local file = {} if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.Attributes ) == FILE_BITMAP.Attributes ) then pos, file.Attributes = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) == FILE_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) then pos, file.ParentDirId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.CreationDate ) then pos, file.CreationDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) then pos, file.ModificationDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.BackupDate ) == FILE_BITMAP.BackupDate ) then pos, file.BackupDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) == FILE_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) then pos, file.FinderInfo = bin.unpack("A32", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.LongName ) == FILE_BITMAP.LongName ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) p, file.LongName = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ShortName ) == FILE_BITMAP.ShortName ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) p, file.ShortName = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.NodeId ) == FILE_BITMAP.NodeId ) then pos, file.NodeId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.DataForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.DataForkSize ) then pos, file.DataForkSize = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ResourceForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ResourceForkSize ) then pos, file.ResourceForkSize = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedDataForkSize ) then pos, file.ExtendedDataForkSize = bin.unpack(">L", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.LaunchLimit ) == FILE_BITMAP.LaunchLimit ) then -- should not be set as it's deprecated according to: -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/kFPLaunchLimitBit end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) == FILE_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) p, file.UTF8Name = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedResourceForkSize ) == FILE_BITMAP.ExtendedResourceForkSize ) then pos, file.ExtendedResourceForkSize = bin.unpack(">L", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) == FILE_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) then local unixprivs = {} pos, unixprivs.uid, unixprivs.gid, unixprivs.permissions, unixprivs.ua_permissions = bin.unpack(">I>I>I>I", data, pos ) file.UnixPrivileges = unixprivs end return pos, file end, --- Decodes a directory bitmap -- -- @param bitmap number containing the bitmap -- @param data string containing the data to be decoded -- @param pos number containing the offset into data -- @return pos number containing the new offset after decoding -- @return dir table containing the decoded values decode_dir_bitmap = function( bitmap, data, pos ) local dir = {} if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.Attributes ) == DIR_BITMAP.Attributes ) then pos, dir.Attributes = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) == DIR_BITMAP.ParentDirId ) then pos, dir.ParentDirId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.CreationDate ) then pos, dir.CreationDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.ModificationDate ) then pos, dir.ModificationDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.BackupDate ) == DIR_BITMAP.BackupDate ) then pos, dir.BackupDate = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) == DIR_BITMAP.FinderInfo ) then pos, dir.FinderInfo = bin.unpack("A32", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.LongName ) == DIR_BITMAP.LongName ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) -- TODO: This really needs to be adressed someway -- Barely, never, ever happens, which makes it difficult to pin down -- http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Networking/Reference/ -- AFP_Reference/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003548-CH3-CHDBEHBG [URL is wrapped] local justkidding = select(2, bin.unpack(">I", data, pos + 4)) if ( justkidding ~= 0 ) then offset = 5 end p, dir.LongName = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.ShortName ) == DIR_BITMAP.ShortName ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) p, dir.ShortName = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.NodeId ) == DIR_BITMAP.NodeId ) then pos, dir.NodeId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.OffspringCount ) == DIR_BITMAP.OffspringCount ) then pos, dir.OffspringCount = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.OwnerId ) == DIR_BITMAP.OwnerId ) then pos, dir.OwnerId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.GroupId ) == DIR_BITMAP.GroupId ) then pos, dir.GroupId = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.AccessRights ) == DIR_BITMAP.AccessRights ) then pos, dir.AccessRights = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos ) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) == DIR_BITMAP.UTF8Name ) then local offset, p, name pos, offset = bin.unpack(">S", data, pos) p, dir.UTF8Name = bin.unpack("p", data, offset + pos - 1) end if ( bit.band( bitmap, DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) == DIR_BITMAP.UnixPrivileges ) then local unixprivs = {} pos, unixprivs.uid, unixprivs.gid, unixprivs.permissions, unixprivs.ua_permissions = bin.unpack(">I>I>I>I", data, pos ) dir.UnixPrivileges = unixprivs end return pos, dir end, }