/*************************************************************************** * nmap_dns.cc -- Handles parallel reverse DNS resolution for target IPs * * * ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************ * * * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2011 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is * * also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC. This program is free * * software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the * * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; Version 2 with the clarifications and exceptions described * * below. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute * * this software under certain conditions. If you wish to embed Nmap * * technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses * * (contact sales@insecure.com). Dozens of software vendors already * * license Nmap technology such as host discovery, port scanning, OS * * detection, and version detection. * * * * Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet * * it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid * * misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a * * "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the * * following: * * o Integrates source code from Nmap * * o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as * * nmap-os-db or nmap-service-probes. * * o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or * * execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are * * not derivative works.) * * o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable * * installer, such as those produced by InstallShield. * * o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above * * * * The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived * * works of Nmap. This list is not exclusive, but is meant to clarify our * * interpretation of derived works with some common examples. Our * * interpretation applies only to Nmap--we don't speak for other people's * * GPL works. * * * * If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using * * Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help. As mentioned above, * * we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary * * applications and appliances. These contracts have been sold to dozens * * of software vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well * * as providing for priority support and updates as well as helping to * * fund the continued development of Nmap technology. Please email * * sales@insecure.com for further information. * * * * As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants * * permission to link the code of this program with any version of the * * OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that * * listed in the included docs/licenses/OpenSSL.txt file, and distribute * * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all * * respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, * * but you are not obligated to do so. * * * * If you received these files with a written license agreement or * * contract stating terms other than the terms above, then that * * alternative license agreement takes precedence over these comments. * * * * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a * * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. * * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes (none * * have been found so far). * * * * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs, * * and add new features. You are highly encouraged to send your changes * * to nmap-dev@insecure.org for possible incorporation into the main * * distribution. By sending these changes to Fyodor or one of the * * Insecure.Org development mailing lists, it is assumed that you are * * offering the Nmap Project (Insecure.Com LLC) the unlimited, * * non-exclusive right to reuse, modify, and relicense the code. Nmap * * will always be available Open Source, but this is important because the * * inability to relicense code has caused devastating problems for other * * Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM). We also occasionally * * relicense the code to third parties as discussed above. If you wish to * * specify special license conditions of your contributions, just say so * * when you send them. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License v2.0 for more details at * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html , or in the COPYING file * * included with Nmap. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // mass_rdns - Parallel Asynchronous Reverse DNS Resolution // // One of Nmap's features is to perform reverse DNS queries // on large number of IP addresses. Nmap supports 2 different // methods of accomplishing this: // // System Resolver (specified using --system-dns): // Performs sequential getnameinfo() calls on all the IPs. // As reliable as your system resolver, almost guaranteed // to be portable, but intolerably slow for scans of hundreds // or more because the result from each query needs to be // received before the next one can be sent. // // Mass/Async DNS (default): // Attempts to resolve host names in parallel using a set // of DNS servers. DNS servers are found here: // // --dns-servers (all platforms - overrides everything else) // // /etc/resolv.conf (only on unix) // // These registry keys: (only on windows) // // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\NameServer // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DhcpNameServer // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\*\NameServer // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\*\DhcpNameServer // // // Also, most systems maintain a file "/etc/hosts" that contains // IP to hostname mappings. We also try to consult these files. Here // is where we look for the files: // // Unix: /etc/hosts // // Windows: // for 95/98/Me: WINDOWS_DIR\hosts // for NT/2000/XP Pro: WINDOWS_DIR\system32\drivers\etc\hosts // for XP Home: WINDOWS_DIR\system32\drivers\etc\hosts // --see http://accs-net.com/hosts/how_to_use_hosts.html // // // Created by Doug Hoyte // doug at hcsw.org // http://www.hcsw.org /* * DNS Caching and ageing added by Eddie Bell ejlbell@gmail.com 2007 */ // TODO: // // * Tune performance parameters // // * Figure out best way to estimate completion time // and display it in a ScanProgressMeter #ifdef WIN32 #include "nmap_winconfig.h" #endif #include "nmap.h" #include "NmapOps.h" #include "nmap_dns.h" #include "nsock.h" #include "utils.h" #include "nmap_tty.h" #include "timing.h" #include "Target.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern NmapOps o; //------------------- Performance Parameters --------------------- // Algorithm: // // A batch of num_targets hosts is passed to nmap_mass_rdns(): // void nmap_mass_rdns(Target **targets, int num_targets) // // mass_dns sends out CAPACITY_MIN of these hosts to the DNS // servers detected, alternating in sequence. // When a request is fulfilled (either a resolved domain, NXDomain, // or confirmed ServFail) CAPACITY_UP_STEP is added to the current // capacity of the server the request was found by. // When a request times out and retries on the same server, // the server's capacity is scaled by CAPACITY_MINOR_DOWN_STEP. // When a request times out and moves to the next server in // sequence, the server's capacity is scaled by CAPACITY_MAJOR_DOWN_STEP. // mass_dns tries to maintain the current number of "outstanding // queries" on each server to that of its current capacity. The // packet is dropped if it cycles through all specified DNS // servers. // Since multiple DNS servers can be specified, different sequences // of timers are maintained. These are the various retransmission // intervals for each server before we move on to the next DNS server: // In milliseconds // Each row MUST be terminated with -1 static int read_timeouts[][4] = { { 4000, 4000, 5000, -1 }, // 1 server { 2500, 4000, -1, -1 }, // 2 servers { 2500, 3000, -1, -1 }, // 3+ servers }; #define CAPACITY_MIN 10 #define CAPACITY_MAX 200 #define CAPACITY_UP_STEP 2 #define CAPACITY_MINOR_DOWN_SCALE 0.9 #define CAPACITY_MAJOR_DOWN_SCALE 0.7 // Each request will try to resolve on at most this many servers: #define SERVERS_TO_TRY 3 //------------------- Other Parameters --------------------- // How often to display a short debugging summary if debugging is // specified. Lower numbers means it's displayed more often. #define SUMMARY_DELAY 50 // Minimum debugging level to display packet trace #define TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL 4 // The amount of time we wait for nsock_write() to complete before // retransmission. This should almost never happen. (in milliseconds) #define WRITE_TIMEOUT 100 // Size of hash table used to hold the hosts from /etc/hosts #define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 256 // Hash macro for etchosts #define IP_HASH(x) (ntohl(x)%HASH_TABLE_SIZE) //------------------- Internal Structures --------------------- typedef struct dns_server_s dns_server; typedef struct request_s request; typedef struct host_elem_s host_elem; struct dns_server_s { char *hostname; sockaddr_storage addr; size_t addr_len; nsock_iod nsd; int connected; int reqs_on_wire; int capacity; int write_busy; std::list to_process; std::list in_process; }; struct request_s { Target *targ; struct timeval timeout; int tries; int servers_tried; dns_server *first_server; dns_server *curr_server; u16 id; }; struct host_elem_s { char *name; u32 addr; u8 cache_hits; }; //------------------- Globals --------------------- static std::list servs; static std::list new_reqs; static std::list cname_reqs; static int total_reqs; static nsock_pool dnspool=NULL; /* The DNS cache, not just for entries from /etc/hosts. */ static std::list etchosts[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; static int stat_actual, stat_ok, stat_nx, stat_sf, stat_trans, stat_dropped, stat_cname; static struct timeval starttv; static int read_timeout_index; static u16 id_counter; static int firstrun=1; static ScanProgressMeter *SPM; //------------------- Prototypes and macros --------------------- static void put_dns_packet_on_wire(request *req); static char *lookup_etchosts(u32 ip); static void addto_etchosts(u32 ip, const char *hname); #define ACTION_FINISHED 0 #define ACTION_CNAME_LIST 1 #define ACTION_TIMEOUT 2 //------------------- Misc code --------------------- static void output_summary() { int tp = stat_ok + stat_nx + stat_dropped; struct timeval now; memcpy(&now, nsock_gettimeofday(), sizeof(struct timeval)); if (o.debugging && (tp%SUMMARY_DELAY == 0)) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: %.2fs %d/%d [#: %lu, OK: %d, NX: %d, DR: %d, SF: %d, TR: %d]\n", TIMEVAL_MSEC_SUBTRACT(now, starttv) / 1000.0, tp, stat_actual, (unsigned long) servs.size(), stat_ok, stat_nx, stat_dropped, stat_sf, stat_trans); } static void check_capacities(dns_server *tpserv) { if (tpserv->capacity < CAPACITY_MIN) tpserv->capacity = CAPACITY_MIN; if (tpserv->capacity > CAPACITY_MAX) tpserv->capacity = CAPACITY_MAX; if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "CAPACITY <%s> = %d\n", tpserv->hostname, tpserv->capacity); } // Closes all nsis created in connect_dns_servers() static void close_dns_servers() { std::list::iterator serverI; for(serverI = servs.begin(); serverI != servs.end(); serverI++) { if ((*serverI)->connected) { nsi_delete((*serverI)->nsd, NSOCK_PENDING_SILENT); (*serverI)->connected = 0; (*serverI)->to_process.clear(); (*serverI)->in_process.clear(); } } } // Inserts an integer (endian non-specifically) into a DNS packet. // Returns number of bytes written static int add_integer_to_dns_packet(char *packet, int c) { char tpnum[4]; int tplen; sprintf(tpnum, "%d", c); tplen = strlen(tpnum); packet[0] = (char) tplen; memcpy(packet+1, tpnum, tplen); return tplen+1; } // Puts as many packets on the line as capacity will allow static void do_possible_writes() { std::list::iterator servI; dns_server *tpserv; request *tpreq; for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end(); servI++) { tpserv = *servI; if (tpserv->write_busy == 0 && tpserv->reqs_on_wire < tpserv->capacity) { tpreq = NULL; if (!tpserv->to_process.empty()) { tpreq = tpserv->to_process.front(); tpserv->to_process.pop_front(); } else if (!new_reqs.empty()) { tpreq = new_reqs.front(); tpreq->first_server = tpreq->curr_server = tpserv; new_reqs.pop_front(); } if (tpreq) { if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: TRANSMITTING for <%s> (server <%s>)\n", tpreq->targ->targetipstr() , tpserv->hostname); stat_trans++; put_dns_packet_on_wire(tpreq); } } } } // nsock write handler static void write_evt_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event evt, void *req_v) { request *req = (request *) req_v; req->curr_server->write_busy = 0; req->curr_server->in_process.push_front(req); do_possible_writes(); } // Takes a DNS request structure and actually puts it on the wire // (calls nsock_write()). Does various other tasks like recording // the time for the timeout. static void put_dns_packet_on_wire(request *req) { char packet[512]; int plen=0; u32 ip; struct timeval now, timeout; ip = (u32) ntohl(req->targ->v4host().s_addr); packet[0] = (req->id >> 8) & 0xFF; packet[1] = req->id & 0xFF; plen += 2; memcpy(packet+plen, "\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 10); plen += 10; plen += add_integer_to_dns_packet(packet+plen, ip & 0xFF); plen += add_integer_to_dns_packet(packet+plen, (ip>>8) & 0xFF); plen += add_integer_to_dns_packet(packet+plen, (ip>>16) & 0xFF); plen += add_integer_to_dns_packet(packet+plen, (ip>>24) & 0xFF); memcpy(packet+plen, "\x07in-addr\004arpa\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x01", 18); plen += 18; req->curr_server->write_busy = 1; req->curr_server->reqs_on_wire++; memcpy(&now, nsock_gettimeofday(), sizeof(struct timeval)); TIMEVAL_MSEC_ADD(timeout, now, read_timeouts[read_timeout_index][req->tries]); memcpy(&req->timeout, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)); req->tries++; nsock_write(dnspool, req->curr_server->nsd, write_evt_handler, WRITE_TIMEOUT, req, packet, plen); } // Processes DNS packets that have timed out // Returns time until next read timeout static int deal_with_timedout_reads() { std::list::iterator servI; std::list::iterator servItemp; std::list::iterator reqI; std::list::iterator nextI; dns_server *tpserv; request *tpreq; struct timeval now; int tp, min_timeout = INT_MAX; memcpy(&now, nsock_gettimeofday(), sizeof(struct timeval)); if (keyWasPressed()) SPM->printStats((double) (stat_ok + stat_nx + stat_dropped) / stat_actual, &now); for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end(); servI++) { tpserv = *servI; nextI = tpserv->in_process.begin(); if (nextI == tpserv->in_process.end()) continue; do { reqI = nextI++; tpreq = *reqI; tp = TIMEVAL_MSEC_SUBTRACT(tpreq->timeout, now); if (tp > 0 && tp < min_timeout) min_timeout = tp; if (tp <= 0) { tpserv->capacity = (int) (tpserv->capacity * CAPACITY_MINOR_DOWN_SCALE); check_capacities(tpserv); tpserv->in_process.erase(reqI); tpserv->reqs_on_wire--; // If we've tried this server enough times, move to the next one if (read_timeouts[read_timeout_index][tpreq->tries] == -1) { tpserv->capacity = (int) (tpserv->capacity * CAPACITY_MAJOR_DOWN_SCALE); check_capacities(tpserv); servItemp = servI; servItemp++; if (servItemp == servs.end()) servItemp = servs.begin(); tpreq->curr_server = *servItemp; tpreq->tries = 0; tpreq->servers_tried++; if (tpreq->curr_server == tpreq->first_server || tpreq->servers_tried == SERVERS_TO_TRY) { // Either give up on the IP // or, for maximum reliability, put the server back into processing // Note it's possible that this will never terminate. // FIXME: Find a good compromise // **** We've already tried all servers... give up if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: *DR*OPPING <%s>\n", tpreq->targ->targetipstr()); output_summary(); stat_dropped++; total_reqs--; delete tpreq; // **** OR We start at the back of this server's queue //(*servItemp)->to_process.push_back(tpreq); } else { (*servItemp)->to_process.push_back(tpreq); } } else { tpserv->to_process.push_back(tpreq); } } } while (nextI != tpserv->in_process.end()); } if (min_timeout > 500) return 500; else return min_timeout; } // After processing a DNS response, we search through the IPs we're // looking for and update their results as necessary. // Returns non-zero if this matches a query we're looking for static int process_result(u32 ia, char *result, int action, u16 id) { std::list::iterator servI; std::list::iterator reqI; dns_server *tpserv; request *tpreq; for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end(); servI++) { tpserv = *servI; for(reqI = tpserv->in_process.begin(); reqI != tpserv->in_process.end(); reqI++) { tpreq = *reqI; if (id == tpreq->id) { if (ia != 0 && tpreq->targ->v4host().s_addr != ia) continue; if (action == ACTION_CNAME_LIST || action == ACTION_FINISHED) { tpserv->capacity += CAPACITY_UP_STEP; check_capacities(tpserv); if (result) { tpreq->targ->setHostName(result); addto_etchosts(tpreq->targ->v4hostip()->s_addr, result); } tpserv->in_process.remove(tpreq); tpserv->reqs_on_wire--; total_reqs--; if (action == ACTION_CNAME_LIST) cname_reqs.push_back(tpreq); if (action == ACTION_FINISHED) delete tpreq; } else { memcpy(&tpreq->timeout, nsock_gettimeofday(), sizeof(struct timeval)); deal_with_timedout_reads(); } do_possible_writes(); // Close DNS servers if we're all done so that we kill // all events and return from nsock_loop immediatley if (total_reqs == 0) close_dns_servers(); return 1; } } } return 0; } // Gets an IP address from a X.X.X.X.in-addr.arpa DNS // encoded string inside a packet. // maxlen is the very maximum length (in total bytes) // that should be processed static u32 parse_inaddr_arpa(unsigned char *buf, int maxlen) { u32 ip=0; int i, j; if (maxlen <= 0) return 0; for (i=0; i<=3; i++) { if (buf[0] < 1 || buf[0] > 3) return 0; maxlen -= buf[0] + 1; if (maxlen <= 0) return 0; for (j=1; j<=buf[0]; j++) if (!isdigit((int) buf[j])) return 0; ip |= atoi((char *) buf+1) << (8*i); buf += buf[0] + 1; } if (maxlen < 14) return 0; // length of the following string if (strcasecmp((char *) buf, "\x07in-addr\004arpa\0")) return 0; return ntohl(ip); } // Turns a DNS packet encoded name (see the RFC) and turns it into // a normal decimal separated hostname. // ASSUMES NAME LENGTH/VALIDITY HAS ALREADY BEEN VERIFIED static int encoded_name_to_normal(unsigned char *buf, char *output, int outputsize){ while (buf[0]) { if (buf[0] >= outputsize-1) return -1; memcpy(output, buf+1, buf[0]); outputsize -= buf[0]; output += buf[0]; buf += buf[0]+1; if (buf[0]) { *output++ = '.'; outputsize--; } else { *output = '\0'; } } return 0; } // Takes a pointer to the start of a DNS name inside a packet. It makes // sure that there is enough space in the name, deals with compression, etc. static int advance_past_dns_name(u8 *buf, int buflen, int curbuf, int *nameloc) { int compression=0; if (curbuf <= 0 || curbuf >= buflen) return -1; if ((buf[curbuf] & 0xc0)) { // Need 2 bytes for compression info if (curbuf + 1 >= buflen) return -1; // Compression is OK compression = curbuf+2; curbuf = (buf[curbuf+1] + (buf[curbuf] << 8)) & 0x3FFF; if (curbuf < 0 || curbuf >= buflen) return -1; } if (nameloc != NULL) *nameloc = curbuf; while(buf[curbuf]) { if (curbuf + buf[curbuf] >= buflen || buf[curbuf] <= 0) return -1; curbuf += buf[curbuf] + 1; } if (compression) return compression; else return curbuf+1; } // Nsock read handler. One nsock read for each DNS server exists at each // time. This function uses various helper functions as defined above. static void read_evt_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event evt, void *nothing) { u8 *buf; int buflen, curbuf=0; int i, nameloc, rdlen, atype, aclass; int errcode=0; int queries, answers; u16 packet_id; if (total_reqs >= 1) nsock_read(nsp, nse_iod(evt), read_evt_handler, -1, NULL); if (nse_type(evt) != NSE_TYPE_READ || nse_status(evt) != NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (o.debugging) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_dns: warning: got a %s:%s in %s()\n", nse_type2str(nse_type(evt)), nse_status2str(nse_status(evt)), __func__); return; } buf = (unsigned char *) nse_readbuf(evt, &buflen); // Size of header is 12, and we must have additional data as well if (buflen <= 12) return; packet_id = buf[1] + (buf[0] << 8); // Check that this is a response, standard query, and that no truncation was performed // 0xFA == 11111010 (we're not concerned with AA or RD bits) if ((buf[2] & 0xFA) != 0x80) return; // Check that the zero field is all zeros and there is no error condition. // We don't care if recursion is available or not since we might be querying // an authoritative DNS server. if (buf[3] != 0x80 && buf[3] != 0) { if ((buf[3] & 0xF) == 2) errcode = 2; else if ((buf[3] & 0xF) == 3) errcode = 3; else return; } queries = buf[5] + (buf[4] << 8); answers = buf[7] + (buf[6] << 8); // With a normal resolution, we should have 1+ queries and 1+ answers. // If the domain doesn't resolve (NXDOMAIN or SERVFAIL) we should have // 1+ queries and 0 answers: if (errcode) { int found; // NXDomain means we're finished (doesn't exist for sure) // but SERVFAIL might just mean a server timeout found = process_result(0, NULL, errcode == 3 ? ACTION_FINISHED : ACTION_TIMEOUT, packet_id); if (errcode == 2 && found) { if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: SERVFAIL \n", packet_id); stat_sf++; } else if (errcode == 3 && found) { if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: NXDOMAIN \n", packet_id); output_summary(); stat_nx++; } return; } if (queries <= 0 || answers <= 0) return; curbuf = 12; // Need to safely skip past QUERY section for (i=0; i= buflen) return; curbuf += 4; } // We're now at the ANSWER section for (i=0; i= buflen) return; atype = buf[curbuf+1] + (buf[curbuf+0] << 8); aclass = buf[curbuf+3] + (buf[curbuf+2] << 8); rdlen = buf[curbuf+9] + (buf[curbuf+8] << 8); curbuf += 10; if (atype == 12 && aclass == 1) { // TYPE 12 is PTR struct in_addr ia; char outbuf[512]; ia.s_addr = parse_inaddr_arpa(buf+nameloc, buflen-nameloc); if (ia.s_addr == 0) return; curbuf = advance_past_dns_name(buf, buflen, curbuf, &nameloc); if (curbuf == -1 || curbuf > buflen) return; if (encoded_name_to_normal(buf+nameloc, outbuf, sizeof(outbuf)) == -1) return; if (process_result(ia.s_addr, outbuf, ACTION_FINISHED, packet_id)) { if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: OK MATCHED <%s> to <%s>\n", inet_ntoa(ia), outbuf); output_summary(); stat_ok++; } } else if (atype == 5 && aclass == 1) { // TYPE 5 is CNAME struct in_addr ia; ia.s_addr = parse_inaddr_arpa(buf+nameloc, buflen-nameloc); if (ia.s_addr == 0) return; if (o.debugging >= TRACE_DEBUG_LEVEL) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: CNAME found for <%s>\n", inet_ntoa(ia)); process_result(ia.s_addr, NULL, ACTION_CNAME_LIST, packet_id); } else { if (rdlen < 0 || rdlen + curbuf >= buflen) return; curbuf += rdlen; } if (curbuf >= buflen) return; } } // nsock connect handler - Empty because it doesn't really need to do anything... static void connect_evt_handler(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_event evt, void *servers) { } // Adds DNS servers to the dns_server list. They can be separated by // commas or spaces - NOTE this doesn't actually do any connecting! static void add_dns_server(char *ipaddrs) { std::list::iterator servI; dns_server *tpserv; char *hostname; struct sockaddr_storage addr; size_t addr_len = sizeof(addr); for (hostname = strtok(ipaddrs, " ,"); hostname != NULL; hostname = strtok(NULL, " ,")) { if (!resolve(hostname, 0, 0, (struct sockaddr_storage *) &addr, &addr_len, PF_UNSPEC)) continue; for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end(); servI++) { tpserv = *servI; // Already added! if (memcmp(&addr, &tpserv->addr, sizeof(addr)) == 0) break; } // If it hasn't already been added, add it! if (servI == servs.end()) { tpserv = new dns_server; tpserv->hostname = strdup(hostname); memcpy(&tpserv->addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); tpserv->addr_len = addr_len; servs.push_front(tpserv); if (o.debugging) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "mass_rdns: Using DNS server %s\n", hostname); } } } void free_dns_servers() { std::list::iterator servI; dns_server *tpserv; for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end();servI++){ tpserv = *servI; if(tpserv){ if(tpserv->hostname) free(tpserv->hostname); delete tpserv; } } servs.clear(); } // Creates a new nsi for each DNS server static void connect_dns_servers() { std::list::iterator serverI; dns_server *s; for(serverI = servs.begin(); serverI != servs.end(); serverI++) { s = *serverI; s->nsd = nsi_new(dnspool, NULL); if (o.spoofsource) { struct sockaddr_storage ss; size_t sslen; o.SourceSockAddr(&ss, &sslen); nsi_set_localaddr(s->nsd, &ss, sslen); } if (o.ipoptionslen) nsi_set_ipoptions(s->nsd, o.ipoptions, o.ipoptionslen); s->reqs_on_wire = 0; s->capacity = CAPACITY_MIN; s->write_busy = 0; nsock_connect_udp(dnspool, s->nsd, connect_evt_handler, NULL, (struct sockaddr *) &s->addr, s->addr_len, 53); nsock_read(dnspool, s->nsd, read_evt_handler, -1, NULL); s->connected = 1; } } #ifdef WIN32 // Reads the Windows registry and adds all the nameservers found via the // add_dns_server() function. void win32_read_registry(char *controlset) { HKEY hKey; HKEY hKey2; char keybasebuf[2048]; char buf[2048], keyname[2048], *p; DWORD sz, i; Snprintf(keybasebuf, sizeof(keybasebuf), "SYSTEM\\%s\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters", controlset); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keybasebuf, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (firstrun) error("mass_dns: warning: Error opening registry to read DNS servers. Try using --system-dns or specify valid servers with --dns-servers"); return; } sz = sizeof(buf); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "NameServer", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) buf, (LPDWORD) &sz) == ERROR_SUCCESS) add_dns_server(buf); sz = sizeof(buf); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "DhcpNameServer", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) buf, (LPDWORD) &sz) == ERROR_SUCCESS) add_dns_server(buf); RegCloseKey(hKey); Snprintf(keybasebuf, sizeof(keybasebuf), "SYSTEM\\%s\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces", controlset); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keybasebuf, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sz = sizeof(buf); for (i=0; RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, buf, &sz, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; i++) { Snprintf(keyname, sizeof(keyname), "SYSTEM\\%s\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\%s", controlset, buf); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sz = sizeof(buf); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, "DhcpNameServer", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) buf, (LPDWORD) &sz) == ERROR_SUCCESS) add_dns_server(buf); sz = sizeof(buf); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, "NameServer", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) buf, (LPDWORD) &sz) == ERROR_SUCCESS) add_dns_server(buf); RegCloseKey(hKey2); } sz = sizeof(buf); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } #endif // Parses /etc/resolv.conf (unix) and adds all the nameservers found via the // add_dns_server() function. static void parse_resolvdotconf() { FILE *fp; char buf[2048], *tp; char fmt[32]; char ipaddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { if (firstrun) error("mass_dns: warning: Unable to open /etc/resolv.conf. Try using --system-dns or specify valid servers with --dns-servers"); return; } /* Customize a sscanf format to sizeof(ipaddr). */ Snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "nameserver %%%us", (unsigned int) sizeof(ipaddr)); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { tp = buf; // Clip off comments #, \r, \n while (*tp != '\r' && *tp != '\n' && *tp != '#' && *tp) tp++; *tp = '\0'; tp = buf; // Skip any leading whitespace while (*tp == ' ' || *tp == '\t') tp++; if (sscanf(tp, fmt, ipaddr) == 1) add_dns_server(ipaddr); } fclose(fp); } static void parse_etchosts(const char *fname) { FILE *fp; char buf[2048], hname[256], ipaddrstr[16], *tp; struct in_addr ia; fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return; // silently is OK while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { tp = buf; // Clip off comments #, \r, \n while (*tp != '\r' && *tp != '\n' && *tp != '#' && *tp) tp++; *tp = '\0'; tp = buf; // Skip any leading whitespace while (*tp == ' ' || *tp == '\t') tp++; if (sscanf(tp, "%15s %255s", ipaddrstr, hname) == 2) { if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddrstr, &ia)) addto_etchosts(ia.s_addr, hname); } } fclose(fp); } void free_etchosts() { host_elem *he; std::list::iterator hi; int i; for(i=0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++){ for(hi = etchosts[i].begin(); hi != etchosts[i].end(); hi++) { he = *hi; if(he) { free(he->name); delete he; } } etchosts[i].clear(); } } /* Executed when the DNS cache is full, ages entries * and removes any with a cache hit of 0 (the least used) */ bool remove_and_age(host_elem *host) { if(host->cache_hits) { host->cache_hits /=2; return false; } else return true; } /* Add to the dns cache. If there are too many entries * we age and remove the least frequently used ones to * make more space. */ static void addto_etchosts(u32 ip, const char *hname) { static u16 total_size = 0; std::list::iterator it; host_elem *he; int i; if(lookup_etchosts(ip) != NULL) return; while(total_size >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) { for(i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { while((it = find_if(etchosts[i].begin(), etchosts[i].end(), remove_and_age)) != etchosts[i].end()) { etchosts[i].erase(it); /* We don't want total_size to become out of sync with the actual number of entries. */ assert(total_size > 0); total_size--; } } } he = new host_elem; he->name = strdup(hname); he->addr = ip; he->cache_hits = 0; etchosts[IP_HASH(ip)].push_back(he); total_size++; } /* Search for a hostname in the cache and increment * its cache hit counter if found */ static char *lookup_etchosts(u32 ip) { std::list::iterator hostI; host_elem *tpelem; int localIP_Hash = IP_HASH(ip); for(hostI = etchosts[localIP_Hash].begin(); hostI != etchosts[localIP_Hash].end(); hostI++) { tpelem = *hostI; if (tpelem->addr == ip) { if(tpelem->cache_hits < UCHAR_MAX) tpelem->cache_hits++; return tpelem->name; } } return NULL; } /* External interface to dns cache */ const char *lookup_cached_host(u32 ip) { const char *tmp = lookup_etchosts(ip); return tmp; } static void etchosts_init(void) { static int initialized = 0; if (initialized) return; initialized = 1; #ifdef WIN32 char windows_dir[1024]; char tpbuf[2048]; int has_backslash; if (!GetWindowsDirectory(windows_dir, sizeof(windows_dir))) fatal("Failed to determine your windows directory"); // If it has a backslash it's C:\, otherwise something like C:\WINNT has_backslash = (windows_dir[strlen(windows_dir)-1] == '\\'); // Windows 95/98/Me: Snprintf(tpbuf, sizeof(tpbuf), "%s%shosts", windows_dir, has_backslash ? "" : "\\"); parse_etchosts(tpbuf); // Windows NT/2000/XP/2K3: Snprintf(tpbuf, sizeof(tpbuf), "%s%ssystem32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts", windows_dir, has_backslash ? "" : "\\"); parse_etchosts(tpbuf); #else parse_etchosts("/etc/hosts"); #endif } /* Initialize the global servs list of DNS servers. If the --dns-servers option * was given, use the listed servers; otherwise get the list from resolv.conf or * the Windows registry. If o.mass_dns is false, the list of servers is empty. * This function caches the results from the first time it is run. */ static void init_servs(void) { static bool initialized = false; if (initialized) return; initialized = true; if (!o.mass_dns) return; if (o.dns_servers) { add_dns_server(o.dns_servers); } else { #ifndef WIN32 parse_resolvdotconf(); #else win32_read_registry("CurrentControlSet"); #endif } } //------------------- Main loops --------------------- // Actual main loop static void nmap_mass_rdns_core(Target **targets, int num_targets) { Target **hostI; std::list::iterator reqI; request *tpreq; int timeout; char *tpname; int i; bool lasttrace = false; char spmobuf[1024]; // If necessary, set up the dns server list init_servs(); if (servs.size() == 0 && firstrun) error("mass_dns: warning: Unable to determine any DNS servers. Reverse DNS is disabled. Try using --system-dns or specify valid servers with --dns-servers"); // If necessary, set up the /etc/hosts hashtable etchosts_init(); total_reqs = 0; id_counter = get_random_u16(); // Set up the request structure for(hostI = targets; hostI < targets+num_targets; hostI++) { if (!((*hostI)->flags & HOST_UP) && !o.resolve_all) continue; // See if it's in /etc/hosts or cached tpname = lookup_etchosts((u32) (*hostI)->v4hostip()->s_addr); if (tpname) { (*hostI)->setHostName(tpname); continue; } tpreq = new request; tpreq->targ = *hostI; tpreq->tries = 0; tpreq->servers_tried = 0; tpreq->id = id_counter++; new_reqs.push_back(tpreq); stat_actual++; total_reqs++; } if (total_reqs == 0 || servs.size() == 0) return; // And finally, do it! if ((dnspool = nsp_new(NULL)) == NULL) fatal("Unable to create nsock pool in %s()", __func__); if ((lasttrace = o.packetTrace())) nsp_settrace(dnspool, NULL, NSOCK_TRACE_LEVEL, o.getStartTime()); connect_dns_servers(); cname_reqs.clear(); read_timeout_index = MIN(sizeof(read_timeouts)/sizeof(read_timeouts[0]), servs.size()) - 1; Snprintf(spmobuf, sizeof(spmobuf), "Parallel DNS resolution of %d host%s.", num_targets, num_targets-1 ? "s" : ""); SPM = new ScanProgressMeter(spmobuf); while (total_reqs > 0) { timeout = deal_with_timedout_reads(); do_possible_writes(); if (total_reqs <= 0) break; /* Because this can change with runtime interaction */ if (o.packetTrace() != lasttrace) { lasttrace = !lasttrace; if (lasttrace) nsp_settrace(dnspool, NULL, NSOCK_TRACE_LEVEL, o.getStartTime()); else nsp_settrace(dnspool, NULL, 0, o.getStartTime()); } nsock_loop(dnspool, timeout); } SPM->endTask(NULL, NULL); delete SPM; close_dns_servers(); nsp_delete(dnspool); if (cname_reqs.size() && o.debugging) log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "Performing system-dns for %d domain names that use CNAMEs\n", (int) cname_reqs.size()); if (cname_reqs.size()) { Snprintf(spmobuf, sizeof(spmobuf), "System CNAME DNS resolution of %u host%s.", (unsigned) cname_reqs.size(), cname_reqs.size()-1 ? "s" : ""); SPM = new ScanProgressMeter(spmobuf); for(i=0, reqI = cname_reqs.begin(); reqI != cname_reqs.end(); reqI++, i++) { struct sockaddr_storage ss; size_t sslen; char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1] = ""; if (keyWasPressed()) SPM->printStats((double) i / cname_reqs.size(), NULL); tpreq = *reqI; if (tpreq->targ->TargetSockAddr(&ss, &sslen) != 0) fatal("Failed to get target socket address."); if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&ss, sslen, hostname, sizeof(hostname), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD) == 0) { stat_ok++; stat_cname++; tpreq->targ->setHostName(hostname); } delete tpreq; } SPM->endTask(NULL, NULL); delete SPM; } cname_reqs.clear(); } static void nmap_system_rdns_core(Target **targets, int num_targets) { Target **hostI; Target *currenths; struct sockaddr_storage ss; size_t sslen; char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1] = ""; char spmobuf[1024]; int i; for(hostI = targets; hostI < targets+num_targets; hostI++) { currenths = *hostI; if (((currenths->flags & HOST_UP) || o.resolve_all) && !o.noresolve) stat_actual++; } Snprintf(spmobuf, sizeof(spmobuf), "System DNS resolution of %d host%s.", num_targets, num_targets-1 ? "s" : ""); SPM = new ScanProgressMeter(spmobuf); for(i=0, hostI = targets; hostI < targets+num_targets; hostI++, i++) { currenths = *hostI; if (keyWasPressed()) SPM->printStats((double) i / stat_actual, NULL); if (((currenths->flags & HOST_UP) || o.resolve_all) && !o.noresolve) { if (currenths->TargetSockAddr(&ss, &sslen) != 0) fatal("Failed to get target socket address."); if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&ss, sslen, hostname, sizeof(hostname), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD) == 0) { stat_ok++; currenths->setHostName(hostname); } } } SPM->endTask(NULL, NULL); delete SPM; } // Publicly available function. Basically just a wrapper so we // can record time information, restart statistics, etc. void nmap_mass_rdns(Target **targets, int num_targets) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&starttv, NULL); stat_actual = stat_ok = stat_nx = stat_sf = stat_trans = stat_dropped = stat_cname = 0; // mass_dns only supports IPv4. if (o.mass_dns && o.af() == AF_INET) nmap_mass_rdns_core(targets, num_targets); else nmap_system_rdns_core(targets, num_targets); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (stat_actual > 0) { if (o.debugging || o.verbose >= 3) { if (o.mass_dns && o.af() == AF_INET) { // #: Number of DNS servers used // OK: Number of fully reverse resolved queries // NX: Number of confirmations of 'No such reverse domain eXists' // DR: Dropped IPs (no valid responses were received) // SF: Number of IPs that got 'Server Failure's // TR: Total number of transmissions necessary. The number of domains is ideal, higher is worse log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "DNS resolution of %d IPs took %.2fs. Mode: Async [#: %lu, OK: %d, NX: %d, DR: %d, SF: %d, TR: %d, CN: %d]\n", stat_actual, TIMEVAL_MSEC_SUBTRACT(now, starttv) / 1000.0, (unsigned long) servs.size(), stat_ok, stat_nx, stat_dropped, stat_sf, stat_trans, stat_cname); } else { log_write(LOG_STDOUT, "DNS resolution of %d IPs took %.2fs. Mode: System [OK: %d, ??: %d]\n", stat_actual, TIMEVAL_MSEC_SUBTRACT(now, starttv) / 1000.0, stat_ok, stat_actual - stat_ok); } } } firstrun=0; } // Returns a list of known DNS servers std::list get_dns_servers() { init_servs(); // If the user said --system-dns (!o.mass_dns), we should never return a list // of servers. assert(o.mass_dns || servs.empty()); std::list::iterator servI; std::list serverList; for(servI = servs.begin(); servI != servs.end(); servI++) { serverList.push_back(inet_socktop((struct sockaddr_storage *) &(*servI)->addr)); } return serverList; }