#include #include #include #include "ncat_core.h" #include "http.h" static long test_count = 0; static long success_count = 0; /* Check strings or null pointers for equality. */ int nullstreq(const char *s, const char *t) { if (s == NULL) { if (t == NULL) return 1; else return 0; } else { if (t == NULL) return 0; else return strcmp(s, t) == 0; } } int test_uri(const char *uri_s, const char *scheme, const char *host, int port, const char *path) { struct uri uri; int scheme_match, host_match, port_match, path_match; test_count++; if (uri_parse(&uri, uri_s) == NULL) { printf("FAIL %s: couldn't parse.\n", uri_s); return 0; } scheme_match = nullstreq(uri.scheme, scheme); host_match = nullstreq(uri.host, host); port_match = uri.port == port; path_match = nullstreq(uri.path, path); if (scheme_match && host_match && port_match && path_match) { printf("PASS %s\n", uri_s); uri_free(&uri); success_count++; return 1; } else { printf("FAIL %s:", uri_s); if (!scheme_match) printf(" \"%s\" != \"%s\".", uri.scheme, scheme); if (!host_match) printf(" \"%s\" != \"%s\".", uri.host, host); if (!port_match) printf(" %d != %d.", uri.port, port); if (!path_match) printf(" \"%s\" != \"%s\".", uri.path, path); printf("\n"); uri_free(&uri); return 0; } } int test_fail(const char *uri_s) { struct uri uri; test_count++; if (uri_parse(&uri, uri_s) != NULL) { uri_free(&uri); printf("FAIL %s: not expected to parse.\n", uri_s); return 0; } else { printf("PASS %s\n", uri_s); success_count++; return 0; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { test_uri("http://www.example.com", "http", "www.example.com", 80, ""); test_uri("HTTP://www.example.com", "http", "www.example.com", 80, ""); test_uri("http://WWW.EXAMPLE.COM", "http", "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM", 80, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com:100", "http", "www.example.com", 100, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com:1", "http", "www.example.com", 1, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com:65535", "http", "www.example.com", 65535, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com:", "http", "www.example.com", 80, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com:/", "http", "www.example.com", 80, "/"); test_uri("http://www.example.com/", "http", "www.example.com", 80, "/"); test_uri("http://www.example.com:100/", "http", "www.example.com", 100, "/"); test_uri("", "http", "", 80, ""); test_uri("", "http", "", 100, ""); test_uri("http://[::ffff]", "http", "::ffff", 80, ""); test_uri("http://[::ffff]:100", "http", "::ffff", 100, ""); test_uri("http://www.example.com/path?query#frag", "http", "www.example.com", 80, "/path?query#frag"); test_uri("http://www.exampl%65.com", "http", "www.example.com", 80, ""); test_uri("http://www.exampl%6a.com", "http", "www.examplj.com", 80, ""); test_uri("http://www.exampl%6A.com", "http", "www.examplj.com", 80, ""); test_uri("http://www.exampl%2523.com", "http", "www.exampl%23.com", 80, ""); test_fail("http://www.example.com:%380"); test_uri("http://www.example.com/a%23b", "http", "www.example.com", 80, "/a%23b"); test_uri("unknown://www.example.com", "unknown", "www.example.com", -1, ""); test_uri("unknown:", "unknown", NULL, -1, ""); test_fail(""); test_fail("/dir/file"); test_fail("http://www.example.com:-1"); test_fail("http://www.example.com:0"); test_fail("http://www.example.com:65536"); /* We explicitly don't support userinfo in the authority. */ test_fail("http://user@www.example.com"); test_fail("http://user:pass@www.example.com"); printf("%ld / %ld tests passed.\n", success_count, test_count); return success_count == test_count ? 0 : 1; }