#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************ # * * # * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2012 Insecure.Com LLC. Nmap is * # * also a registered trademark of Insecure.Com LLC. This program is free * # * software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the * # * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * # * Foundation; Version 2 with the clarifications and exceptions described * # * below. This guarantees your right to use, modify, and redistribute * # * this software under certain conditions. If you wish to embed Nmap * # * technology into proprietary software, we sell alternative licenses * # * (contact sales@insecure.com). Dozens of software vendors already * # * license Nmap technology such as host discovery, port scanning, OS * # * detection, version detection, and the Nmap Scripting Engine. * # * * # * Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet * # * it does not provide a detailed definition of that term. To avoid * # * misunderstandings, we interpret that term as broadly as copyright law * # * allows. For example, we consider an application to constitute a * # * "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the * # * following: * # * o Integrates source code from Nmap * # * o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as * # * nmap-os-db or nmap-service-probes. * # * o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or * # * execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are * # * not derivative works.) * # * o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable * # * installer, such as those produced by InstallShield. * # * o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above * # * * # * The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived * # * works of Nmap, as well as other software we distribute under this * # * license such as Zenmap, Ncat, and Nping. This list is not exclusive, * # * but is meant to clarify our interpretation of derived works with some * # * common examples. Our interpretation applies only to Nmap--we don't * # * speak for other people's GPL works. * # * * # * If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using * # * Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help. As mentioned above, * # * we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary * # * applications and appliances. These contracts have been sold to dozens * # * of software vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well * # * as providing for priority support and updates. They also fund the * # * continued development of Nmap. Please email sales@insecure.com for * # * further information. * # * * # * As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants * # * permission to link the code of this program with any version of the * # * OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that * # * listed in the included docs/licenses/OpenSSL.txt file, and distribute * # * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all * # * respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * # * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, * # * but you are not obligated to do so. * # * * # * If you received these files with a written license agreement or * # * contract stating terms other than the terms above, then that * # * alternative license agreement takes precedence over these comments. * # * * # * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a * # * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. * # * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes (none * # * have been found so far). * # * * # * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs, * # * and add new features. You are highly encouraged to send your changes * # * to nmap-dev@insecure.org for possible incorporation into the main * # * distribution. By sending these changes to Fyodor or one of the * # * Insecure.Org development mailing lists, or checking them into the Nmap * # * source code repository, it is understood (unless you specify otherwise) * # * that you are offering the Nmap Project (Insecure.Com LLC) the * # * unlimited, non-exclusive right to reuse, modify, and relicense the * # * code. Nmap will always be available Open Source, but this is important * # * because the inability to relicense code has caused devastating problems * # * for other Free Software projects (such as KDE and NASM). We also * # * occasionally relicense the code to third parties as discussed above. * # * If you wish to specify special license conditions of your * # * contributions, just say so when you send them. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * # * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * # * General Public License v2.0 for more details at * # * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html , or in the COPYING file * # * included with Nmap. * # * * # ***************************************************************************/ import errno import gtk import gobject import os import re import time import xml.sax from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.hignotebooks import HIGNotebook, HIGAnimatedTabLabel from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higboxes import HIGVBox, HIGHBox from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higdialogs import HIGAlertDialog, HIGDialog from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higscrollers import HIGScrolledWindow from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higlabels import HIGSectionLabel from zenmapGUI.FilterBar import FilterBar from zenmapGUI.ScanHostDetailsPage import ScanHostDetailsPage from zenmapGUI.ScanToolbar import ScanCommandToolbar, ScanToolbar from zenmapGUI.ScanHostsView import ScanHostsView from zenmapGUI.ScanOpenPortsPage import ScanOpenPortsPage from zenmapGUI.ScanRunDetailsPage import ScanRunDetailsPage from zenmapGUI.ScanNmapOutputPage import ScanNmapOutputPage from zenmapGUI.ScanScanListPage import ScanScanListPage from zenmapGUI.ScansListStore import ScansListStore from zenmapGUI.TopologyPage import TopologyPage from zenmapCore.NetworkInventory import NetworkInventory, FilteredNetworkInventory from zenmapCore.NmapCommand import NmapCommand from zenmapCore.UmitConf import CommandProfile, ProfileNotFound, is_maemo from zenmapCore.NmapParser import NmapParser from zenmapCore.Paths import Path, get_extra_executable_search_paths from zenmapCore.UmitLogging import log from zenmapCore.NmapOptions import NmapOptions, split_quoted, join_quoted import zenmapCore.I18N # How often the live output view refreshes, in milliseconds. NMAP_OUTPUT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1000 class ScanInterface(HIGVBox): """ScanInterface contains the scan toolbar and the scan results. Each ScanInterface represents a single NetworkInventory as well as a set of running scans.""" # The time delay between when you stop typing a filter string and filtering # actually begins, in milliseconds. FILTER_DELAY = 1000 def __init__(self): HIGVBox.__init__(self) # The borders are consuming too much space on Maemo. Setting it to # 0 pixels while on Maemo if is_maemo(): self.set_border_width(0) self.set_spacing(0) # True if nothing has happened here page yet, i.e., it's okay to load a # scan from a file here. self.empty = True # The most recent name the inventory on this page has been saved under. self.saved_filename = None # The network inventory shown by this page. It may consist of multiple # scans. self.inventory = FilteredNetworkInventory() # The list of currently running scans (NmapCommand objects). self.jobs = [] # The list of running and finished scans shown on the Nmap Output page. self.scans_store = ScansListStore() self.top_box = HIGVBox() self.__create_toolbar() self.__create_command_toolbar() self.select_default_profile() self.scan_result = ScanResult(self.inventory, self.scans_store, scan_interface=self) self.host_view_selection = self.scan_result.get_host_selection() self.service_view_selection = self.scan_result.get_service_selection() self.host_view_selection.connect('changed', self.host_selection_changed) self.service_view_selection.connect('changed', self.service_selection_changed) host_page = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host host_page.host_view.get_selection().connect('changed', self.service_host_selection_changed) self.host_view_selection.connect('changed', self.host_selection_changed) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.connect("changed", self._displayed_scan_change_cb) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.scans_list.remove_button.connect("clicked", self._remove_scan_cb) # The hosts dict maps hostnames (as returned by HostInfo.get_hostname) # to HostInfo objects. self.hosts = {} # The services dict maps service names ("http") to lists of dicts of the # form # {'host': , 'hostname': u'example.com', # 'port_state': u'open', 'portid': u'22', 'protocol': u'tcp', # 'service_conf': u'10', 'service_extrainfo': u'protocol 2.0', # 'service_method': u'probed', 'service_name': u'ssh', # 'service_product': u'OpenSSH', 'service_version': u'4.3'} # In other words each dict has the same keys as an entry in # HostInfo.ports, with the addition of "host" and "hostname" keys. self.services = {} self.top_box.set_border_width(6) self.top_box.set_spacing(5) self.top_box._pack_noexpand_nofill(self.toolbar) self.top_box._pack_noexpand_nofill(self.command_toolbar) self._pack_noexpand_nofill(self.top_box) self._pack_expand_fill(self.scan_result) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.scans_list.cancel_button.connect("clicked", self._cancel_scans_list_cb) self.update_cancel_button() # Create the filter GUI self.filter_bar = FilterBar() self.pack_start(self.filter_bar, False, True, 0) self.filter_bar.set_no_show_all(True) self.filter_timeout_id = None self.filter_bar.connect("changed", self.filter_changed) self.scan_result.filter_toggle_button.connect("toggled", self.filter_toggle_toggled) self.scan_result.filter_toggle_button.show() def toggle_filter_bar(self): self.scan_result.filter_toggle_button.clicked() def filter_toggle_toggled(self, widget): if self.scan_result.filter_toggle_button.get_active(): # Show the filter bar self.filter_bar.show() self.filter_bar.grab_focus() self.filter_hosts(self.filter_bar.get_filter_string()) else: # Hide the filter bar self.filter_bar.hide() self.filter_hosts("") self.update_ui() def filter_changed(self, filter_bar): # Restart the timer to start the filter. if self.filter_timeout_id: gobject.source_remove(self.filter_timeout_id) self.filter_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(self.FILTER_DELAY, self.filter_hosts, filter_bar.get_filter_string()) def filter_hosts(self, filter_string): start = time.clock() self.inventory.apply_filter(filter_string) filter_time = time.clock() - start; # Update the gui start = time.clock() self.update_ui() gui_time = time.clock() - start; if filter_time + gui_time > 0.0: log.debug("apply_filter %g ms update_ui %g ms (%.0f%% filter)" % (filter_time * 1000.0, gui_time * 1000.0, 100.0 * filter_time / (filter_time + gui_time))) self.filter_timeout_id = None return False def is_changed(self): """Return true if this window has unsaved changes.""" for scan in self.inventory.get_scans(): if scan.unsaved: return True return False changed = property(is_changed) def num_scans_running(self): return len(self.jobs) def select_default_profile(self): """Select a "default" profile. Currently this is defined to be the first profile.""" if len(self.toolbar.profile_entry.get_model()) > 0: self.toolbar.profile_entry.set_active(0) def go_to_host(self, hostname): """Scroll the text output to the appearance of the named host.""" self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.nmap_output.go_to_host(hostname) def __create_toolbar(self): self.toolbar = ScanToolbar() self.target_entry_changed_handler = \ self.toolbar.target_entry.connect('changed', self._target_entry_changed) self.profile_entry_changed_handler = \ self.toolbar.profile_entry.connect('changed', self._profile_entry_changed) self.toolbar.scan_button.connect('clicked', self.start_scan_cb) self.toolbar.cancel_button.connect('clicked', self._cancel_scan_cb) def __create_command_toolbar(self): self.command_toolbar = ScanCommandToolbar() self.command_toolbar.command_entry.connect('activate', lambda x: self.toolbar.scan_button.clicked()) self.command_entry_changed_handler = \ self.command_toolbar.command_entry.connect('changed', self._command_entry_changed) def _command_entry_changed(self, editable): ops = NmapOptions() ops.parse_string(self.command_toolbar.get_command()) # Set the target and profile without propagating the "changed" signal # back to the command entry. self.set_target_quiet(join_quoted(ops.target_specs)) self.set_profile_name_quiet("") def _target_entry_changed(self, editable): target_string = self.toolbar.get_selected_target() targets = split_quoted(target_string) ops = NmapOptions() ops.parse_string(self.command_toolbar.get_command()) ops.target_specs = targets self.set_command_quiet(ops.render_string()) def _profile_entry_changed(self, widget): """Update the command based on the contents of the target and profile entries. If the command corresponding to the current profile is not blank, use it. Otherwise use the current contents of the command entry.""" profile_name = self.toolbar.get_selected_profile() target_string = self.toolbar.get_selected_target() cmd_profile = CommandProfile() command_string = cmd_profile.get_command(profile_name) del(cmd_profile) if command_string == "": command_string = self.command_toolbar.get_command() ops = NmapOptions() ops.parse_string(command_string) # Use the targets from the command entry, if there are any, otherwise # use any targets from the profile. targets = split_quoted(target_string) if len(targets) > 0: ops.target_specs = targets else: self.toolbar.set_selected_target(join_quoted(ops.target_specs)) self.set_command_quiet(ops.render_string()) def set_command_quiet(self, command_string): """Set the command used by this scan interface, ignoring any further "changed" signals.""" self.command_toolbar.command_entry.handler_block(self.command_entry_changed_handler) self.command_toolbar.set_command(command_string) self.command_toolbar.command_entry.handler_unblock(self.command_entry_changed_handler) def set_target_quiet(self, target_string): """Set the target string used by this scan interface, ignoring any further "changed" signals.""" self.toolbar.target_entry.handler_block(self.target_entry_changed_handler) self.toolbar.set_selected_target(target_string) self.toolbar.target_entry.handler_unblock(self.target_entry_changed_handler) def set_profile_name_quiet(self, profile_name): """Set the profile name used by this scan interface, ignoring any further "changed" signals.""" self.toolbar.profile_entry.handler_block(self.profile_entry_changed_handler) self.toolbar.set_selected_profile(profile_name) self.toolbar.profile_entry.handler_unblock(self.profile_entry_changed_handler) def start_scan_cb(self, widget=None): target = self.toolbar.selected_target command = self.command_toolbar.command profile = self.toolbar.selected_profile log.debug(">>> Start Scan:") log.debug(">>> Target: '%s'" % target) log.debug(">>> Profile: '%s'" % profile) log.debug(">>> Command: '%s'" % command) if target != '': try: self.toolbar.add_new_target(target) except IOError, e: # We failed to save target_list.txt; treat it as read-only. # Probably it's owned by root and this is a normal user. log.debug(">>> Error saving %s: %s" % (Path.target_list, str(e))) if command == '': warn_dialog = HIGAlertDialog(message_format=_("Empty Nmap Command"), secondary_text=_("There is no command to \ execute. Maybe the selected/typed profile doesn't exist. Please, check the profile name \ or type the nmap command you would like to execute."), type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR) warn_dialog.run() warn_dialog.destroy() return self.execute_command(command, target, profile) def _displayed_scan_change_cb(self, widget): self.update_cancel_button() def update_cancel_button(self): """Make the Cancel button sensitive or not depending on whether the currently displayed scan is running.""" entry = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.get_active_entry() if entry is None: self.toolbar.cancel_button.set_sensitive(False) else: self.toolbar.cancel_button.set_sensitive(entry.running) def _cancel_scan_cb(self, widget): """Cancel the scan whose output is shown.""" entry = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.get_active_entry() if entry is not None and entry.running: self.cancel_scan(entry.command) def _cancel_scans_list_cb(self, widget): """This is like _cancel_scan_cb, but it cancels the scans that are currently selected in the scans list, not the one whose output is currently shown.""" model, selection = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.scans_list.scans_list.get_selection().get_selected_rows() for path in selection: entry = model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), 0) if entry.running: self.cancel_scan(entry.command) def _remove_scan_cb(self, widget): model, selection = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.scans_list.scans_list.get_selection().get_selected_rows() selected_refs = [] for path in selection: # Kill running scans and remove finished scans from the inventory. entry = model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), 0) if entry.running: self.cancel_scan(entry.command) try: # Remove it from the inentory if present. self.inventory.remove_scan(entry.parsed) except ValueError: pass # Create TreeRowReferences because those persist while we change the # model. selected_refs.append(gtk.TreeRowReference(model, path)) # Delete the entries from the ScansListStore. for ref in selected_refs: model.remove(model.get_iter(ref.get_path())) self.update_ui() def collect_umit_info(self, command, parsed): profile = CommandProfile() profile_name = command.profile parsed.profile_name = profile_name parsed.nmap_command = command.command del(profile) def kill_all_scans(self): """Kill all running scans.""" for scan in self.jobs: try: scan.kill() except AttributeError: pass del self.jobs[:] def cancel_scan(self, command): """Cancel a running scan.""" self.scans_store.cancel_running_scan(command) command.kill() self.jobs.remove(command) self.update_cancel_button() def execute_command(self, command, target = None, profile = None): """Run the given Nmap command. Add it to the list of running scans. Schedule a timer to refresh the output and check the scan for completion.""" command_execution = NmapCommand(command) command_execution.profile = profile try: command_execution.run_scan() except Exception, e: text = str(e) if isinstance(e, OSError): # Handle ENOENT specially. if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # nmap_command_path comes from zenmapCore.NmapCommand. text += "\n\n" + _("This means that the nmap executable was not found in your system PATH, which is") + "\n\n" + os.getenv("PATH", _("")) path_env = os.getenv("PATH") if path_env is None: default_paths = [] else: default_paths = path_env.split(os.pathsep) extra_paths = get_extra_executable_search_paths() extra_paths = [p for p in extra_paths if p not in default_paths] if len(extra_paths) > 0: if len(extra_paths) == 1: text += "\n\n" + _("plus the extra directory") else: text += "\n\n" + _("plus the extra directories") text += "\n\n" + os.pathsep.join(extra_paths) warn_dialog = HIGAlertDialog(message_format=_("Error executing command"), secondary_text=text, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR) warn_dialog.run() warn_dialog.destroy() return log.debug("Running command: %s" % command_execution.command) self.jobs.append(command_execution) i = self.scans_store.add_running_scan(command_execution) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.set_active_iter(i) # When scan starts, change to nmap output view tab and refresh output self.scan_result.change_to_nmap_output_tab() self.scan_result.refresh_nmap_output() # Add a timeout function self.verify_thread_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(NMAP_OUTPUT_REFRESH_INTERVAL, self.verify_execution) def verify_execution(self): """This is a callback that is called periodically to refresh the output check whether any running scans have finished. The timer that schedules the callback is started in execute_command. When there are no more running scans, this function returns True so that it won't be scheduled again.""" self.scan_result.refresh_nmap_output() finished_jobs = [] for scan in self.jobs: try: alive = scan.scan_state() if alive: continue except: log.debug("Scan terminated unexpectedly: %s" % scan.command) self.scans_store.fail_running_scan(scan) else: log.debug("Scan finished: %s" % scan.command) self.load_from_command(scan) scan.close() self.update_cancel_button() finished_jobs.append(scan) # Remove finished jobs from the job list for finished in finished_jobs: self.jobs.remove(finished) del(finished_jobs) return len(self.jobs) != 0 def load_from_command(self, command): """Load scan results from a completed NmapCommand.""" parsed = NmapParser() try: parsed.parse_file(command.get_xml_output_filename()) except IOError, e: # It's possible to run Nmap without generating an XML output file, # like with "nmap -V". if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise except xml.sax.SAXParseException, e: try: # Some options like --iflist cause Nmap to emit an empty XML # file. Ignore the exception in this case. st = os.stat(command.get_xml_output_filename()) except: st = None if st is None or st.st_size > 0: warn_dialog = HIGAlertDialog(message_format = _("Parse error"), secondary_text = _(u"""\ There was an error while parsing the XML file generated from the scan: %s\ """) % str(e), type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR) warn_dialog.run() warn_dialog.destroy() else: parsed.unsaved = True self.scan_result.refresh_nmap_output() try: self.inventory.add_scan(parsed) except Exception, e: warn_dialog = HIGAlertDialog(message_format = _("Cannot merge scan"), secondary_text = _(u"""\ There was an error while merging the new scan's XML: %s\ """) % str(e), type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR) warn_dialog.run() warn_dialog.destroy() parsed.set_xml_is_temp(command.xml_is_temp) self.collect_umit_info(command, parsed) parsed.nmap_output = command.get_output() self.update_ui() self.scans_store.finish_running_scan(command, parsed) def load_from_file(self, filename): """Load scan results from a saved file.""" parsed = NmapParser() parsed.parse(filename) parsed.unsaved = False self.update_target_profile(parsed) self.inventory.add_scan(parsed, filename=filename) self.update_ui() i = self.scans_store.add_scan(parsed) log.info("scans_store.add_scan") self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.set_active_iter(i) self.scan_result.change_to_ports_hosts_tab() def load_from_parsed_result(self, parsed_result): """Load scan results from a parsed NmapParser object.""" parsed = parsed_result parsed.unsaved = False self.update_target_profile(parsed) self.inventory.add_scan(parsed) self.update_ui() i = self.scans_store.add_scan(parsed) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.set_active_iter(i) self.scan_result.change_to_ports_hosts_tab() def update_target_profile(self, parsed): """Update the "Target" and "Profile" entries based on the contents of a parsed scan.""" command = parsed.get_nmap_command() targets = parsed.get_targets() profile_name = parsed.get_profile_name() self.set_command_quiet(parsed.get_nmap_command() or "") self.set_target_quiet(join_quoted(targets)) self.set_profile_name_quiet(profile_name or "") def update_ui(self): """Update the interface's lists of hosts and ports from a parsed scan.""" self.empty = False up_hosts = self.inventory.get_hosts_up() self.scan_result.scan_host_view.mass_update(up_hosts) self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.topology.update_radialnet() self.hosts = {} self.services = {} for host in up_hosts: hostname = host.get_hostname() for service in host.services: name = service["service_name"] state = service["port_state"] if name not in self.services.keys(): self.services[name] = [] hs = {"host":host, "hostname":hostname} hs.update(service) self.services[name].append(hs) self.hosts[hostname] = host # If the host and service selection is empty or has become empty, select # the first host if there is at least one. if len(self.host_view_selection.get_selected_rows()[1]) == 0 \ and len(self.service_view_selection.get_selected_rows()[1]) == 0 \ and len(self.scan_result.scan_host_view.host_list) > 0: self.host_view_selection.select_iter(self.scan_result.scan_host_view.host_list.get_iter_first()) self.filter_bar.set_information_text(_("%d/%d hosts shown") % (len(self.inventory.get_hosts_up()), len(NetworkInventory.get_hosts_up(self.inventory)))) if self.scan_result.scan_host_view.mode == ScanHostsView.HOST_MODE: self.refresh_port_output() elif self.scan_result.scan_host_view.mode == ScanHostsView.SERVICE_MODE: self.refresh_host_output() def refresh_port_output(self): """Refresh the "Ports" output of the "Ports / Hosts" tab to reflect the current host selection.""" self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.port_mode() model_host_list, selection = self.host_view_selection.get_selected_rows() host_objs = [] for i in selection: hostname = model_host_list[i[0]][2] if self.hosts.has_key(hostname): host_objs.append(self.hosts[hostname]) if len(host_objs) == 1: self.set_single_host_port(host_objs[0]) else: self.set_multiple_host_port(host_objs) self.switch_host_details(self.build_host_details(host_objs)) def refresh_host_output(self): """Refresh the "Hosts" output of the "Ports / Hosts" tab to reflect the current service selection.""" self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.host_mode() model_service_list, selection = self.service_view_selection.get_selected_rows() serv_objs = [] for i in selection: key = model_service_list[i[0]][0] if self.services.has_key(key): serv_objs.append(self.services[key]) # Each element of serv_objs is a list of port dicts. if len(serv_objs) == 1: self.set_single_service_host(serv_objs[0]) else: servs = [] for s in serv_objs: servs.append({"service_name":s[0]["service_name"], "ports": s}) self.set_multiple_service_host(servs) def host_selection_changed(self, widget): self.refresh_port_output() # Switch nmap output to show first host occourrence model, selection = self.host_view_selection.get_selected_rows() for path in selection: self.go_to_host(model[path][2]) break def service_selection_changed(self, widget): self.refresh_host_output() # Change scan tab to "Ports/Hosts" self.scan_result.change_to_ports_hosts_tab() def service_host_selection_changed(self, selection): """This is the callback called when the view is in "Services" mode and the user changes the selection among the many hosts displayed for a given service.""" model, selection = selection.get_selected_rows() host_objs = [] for path in selection: host_objs.append(model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), 2)) self.switch_host_details(self.build_host_details(host_objs)) def switch_host_details(self, pages): """Switch the "Host Details" view to show the ScanHostDetailsPages in the given list.""" vbox = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.host_details_vbox # Remove the old children. for child in vbox.get_children(): vbox.remove(child) for p in pages: p.set_expanded(False) vbox._pack_noexpand_nofill(p) if len(pages) == 1: pages[0].set_expanded(True) vbox.show_all() def _save_comment(self, widget, extra, host): """Sets the comment on a host from the contents of the comment text entry.""" buff = widget.get_buffer() host.comment = buff.get_text(buff.get_start_iter(), buff.get_end_iter()) for scan in self.inventory.get_scans(): if host in scan.get_hosts(): scan.unsaved = True break def build_host_details(self, hosts): """Builds and returns a list of "Host Details" pages corresponding to the given hosts.""" pages = [] for host in hosts: page = ScanHostDetailsPage(host) page.host_details.comment_txt_vw.connect("insert-at-cursor", self._save_comment, host) page.host_details.comment_txt_vw.connect("focus-out-event", self._save_comment, host) pages.append(page) return pages def set_single_host_port(self, host): """Change the "Ports / Hosts" tab to show the port output from the single given host.""" host_page = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host host_page.switch_port_to_list_store() host_page.freeze() host_page.clear_port_list() for p in host.ports: host_page.add_to_port_list(p) host_page.thaw() def set_single_service_host(self, service): """Change the "Ports / Hosts" tab to show the hosts associated with the single named service.""" host_page = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host host_page.switch_host_to_list_store() host_page.freeze() host_page.clear_host_list() for p in service: host_page.add_to_host_list(p["host"], p) host_page.thaw() def set_multiple_host_port(self, host_list): """Change the "Ports / Hosts" tab to show the port output for all of the hosts in host_list. When multiple hosts are selected, the port output for each is contained in an expander.""" host_page = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host host_page.switch_port_to_tree_store() host_page.freeze() host_page.clear_port_tree() for host in host_list: host_page.add_to_port_tree(host) host_page.thaw() def set_multiple_service_host(self, service_list): """Change the "Ports / Hosts" tab to show the hosts associated with each of the services in service_list. Each element of service_list must be a dict with the keys "service_name" and "ports". When multiple services are selected, the hosts for each are contained in an expander.""" host_page = self.scan_result.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host host_page.switch_host_to_tree_store() host_page.freeze() host_page.clear_host_tree() for service in service_list: host_page.add_to_host_tree(service["service_name"], service["ports"]) host_page.thaw() class ScanResult(gtk.HPaned): """This is the pane that has the "Host"/"Service" column (ScanHostsView) on the left and the "Nmap Output"/"Ports / Hosts"/etc. (ScanResultNotebook) on the right. It's the part of the interface below the toolbar.""" def __init__(self, inventory, scans_store, scan_interface=None): gtk.HPaned.__init__(self) self.scan_host_view = ScanHostsView(scan_interface) self.scan_result_notebook = ScanResultNotebook(inventory, scans_store) self.filter_toggle_button = gtk.ToggleButton(_("Filter Hosts")) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(self.scan_host_view, True, True) vbox.pack_start(self.filter_toggle_button, False) self.pack1(vbox) self.pack2(self.scan_result_notebook, True, False) def set_nmap_output(self, msg): self.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.nmap_output.text_view.get_buffer().set_text(msg) def clear_nmap_output(self): self.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.nmap_output.text_view.get_buffer().set_text("") def get_host_selection(self): return self.scan_host_view.host_view.get_selection() def get_service_selection(self): return self.scan_host_view.service_view.get_selection() def get_nmap_output(self): return self.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.get_nmap_output() def clear_port_list(self): self.scan_result_notebook.open_ports.host.clear_port_list() def change_to_ports_hosts_tab(self): self.scan_result_notebook.set_current_page(1) def change_to_nmap_output_tab(self): self.scan_result_notebook.set_current_page(0) def refresh_nmap_output(self): """Refresh the Nmap output with the newest output of command_execution, if it is not None.""" self.scan_result_notebook.nmap_output.nmap_output.refresh_output() class ScanResultNotebook(HIGNotebook): """This is the right side of a ScanResult, the notebook with the tabs such as "Nmap Output".""" def __init__(self, inventory, scans_store): HIGNotebook.__init__(self) self.set_border_width(5) self.__create_widgets(inventory, scans_store) self.scans_list.scans_list.connect("row-activated", self._scan_row_activated) self.append_page(self.nmap_output_page, gtk.Label(_('Nmap Output'))) self.append_page(self.open_ports_page, gtk.Label(_('Ports / Hosts'))) self.append_page(self.topology_page, gtk.Label(_('Topology'))) self.append_page(self.host_details_page, gtk.Label(_('Host Details'))) self.append_page(self.scans_list_page, gtk.Label(_('Scans'))) def host_mode(self): self.open_ports.host.host_mode() def port_mode(self): self.open_ports.host.port_mode() def __create_widgets(self, inventory, scans_store): self.open_ports_page = HIGVBox() self.nmap_output_page = HIGVBox() self.topology_page = HIGVBox() self.host_details_page = HIGScrolledWindow() self.host_details_vbox = HIGVBox() self.scans_list_page = HIGVBox() self.open_ports = ScanOpenPortsPage() self.nmap_output = ScanNmapOutputPage(scans_store) self.topology = TopologyPage(inventory) self.scans_list = ScanScanListPage(scans_store) self.no_selected = gtk.Label(_('No host selected.')) self.host_details = self.no_selected self.open_ports_page.add(self.open_ports) self.nmap_output_page.add(self.nmap_output) self.topology_page.add(self.topology) self.scans_list_page.add(self.scans_list) self.host_details_page.add_with_viewport(self.host_details_vbox) self.host_details_vbox._pack_expand_fill(self.host_details) def _scan_row_activated(self, treeview, path, view_column): """Switch back to the Nmap Output view when a scan is activated (double-clicked) on the scans list.""" self.nmap_output.set_active_iter(treeview.get_model().get_iter(path)) self.set_current_page(0)