description = [[ Shows SSH hostkeys. Shows the target SSH server's key fingerprint and (with high enough verbosity level) the public key itself. It records the discovered host keys in nmap.registry for use by other scripts. Output can be controlled with the ssh_hostkey script argument. ]] --- --@usage -- nmap host --script SSH-hostkey --script-args ssh_hostkey=full -- nmap host --script SSH-hostkey --script-args ssh_hostkey=all -- nmap host --script SSH-hostkey --script-args ssh_hostkey='visual bubble' -- --@args ssh_hostkey Controls the output format of keys. Multiple values may be -- given, separated by spaces. Possible values are -- * "full": The entire key, not just the fingerprint. -- * "bubble": Bubble Babble output, -- * "visual": Visual ASCII art representation. -- * "all": All of the above. -- --@output -- 22/tcp open ssh -- | ssh-hostkey: 2048 f0:58:ce:f4:aa:a4:59:1c:8e:dd:4d:07:44:c8:25:11 (RSA) -- 22/tcp open ssh -- | ssh-hostkey: 2048 f0:58:ce:f4:aa:a4:59:1c:8e:dd:4d:07:44:c8:25:11 (RSA) -- | +--[ RSA 2048]----+ -- | | .E*+ | -- | | oo | -- | | . o . | -- | | O . . | -- | | o S o . | -- | | = o + . | -- | | . * o . | -- | | = . | -- | | o . | -- |_ +-----------------+ -- 22/tcp open ssh -- | ssh-hostkey: 2048 xuvah-degyp-nabus-zegah-hebur-nopig-bubig-difeg-hisym-rumef-cuxex (RSA) -- |_ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwVuv2gcr0maaKQ69VVIEv2ob4OxnuI64fkeOnCXD1lUx5tTA+vefXUWEMxgMuA7iX4irJHy2zer0NQ3Z3yJvr5scPgTYIaEOp5Uo/eGFG9Agpk5wE8CoF0e47iCAPHqzlmP2V7aNURLMODb3jVZuI07A2ZRrMGrD8d888E2ORVORv1rYeTYCqcMMoVFmX9l3gWEdk4yx3w5sD8v501Iuyd1v19mPfyhrI5E1E1nl/Xjp5N0/xP2GUBrdkDMxKaxqTPMie/f0dXBUPQQN697a5q+5lBRPhKYOtn6yQKCd9s1Q22nxn72Jmi1RzbMyYJ52FosDT755Qmb46GLrDMaZMQ== author = "Sven Klemm" license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"safe","default","discovery"} require("shortport") require("stdnse") -- openssl is required for this script if pcall(require,"openssl") then require("ssh1") require("ssh2") else portrule = function() return false end action = function() end stdnse.print_debug( 3, "Skipping %s script because OpenSSL is missing.", filename ) return; end portrule = shortport.port_or_service(22, "ssh") --- put hostkey in the nmap registry for usage by other scripts --@param host nmap host table --@param key host key table local add_key_to_registry = function( host, key ) nmap.registry.sshhostkey = nmap.registry.sshhostkey or {} nmap.registry.sshhostkey[host.ip] = nmap.registry.sshhostkey[host.ip] or {} table.insert( nmap.registry.sshhostkey[host.ip], key ) end action = function(host, port) local output = {} local keys = {} local _,key local format = nmap.registry.args.ssh_hostkey or "hex" local all_formats = format:find( 'all', 1, true ) key = ssh1.fetch_host_key( host, port ) if key then table.insert( keys, key ) end key = ssh2.fetch_host_key( host, port, "ssh-dss" ) if key then table.insert( keys, key ) end key = ssh2.fetch_host_key( host, port, "ssh-rsa" ) if key then table.insert( keys, key ) end for _, key in ipairs( keys ) do add_key_to_registry( host, key ) if format:find( 'hex', 1, true ) or all_formats then table.insert( output, ssh1.fingerprint_hex( key.fingerprint, key.algorithm, key.bits ) ) end if format:find( 'bubble', 1, true ) or all_formats then table.insert( output, ssh1.fingerprint_bubblebabble( openssl.sha1(key.fp_input), key.algorithm, key.bits ) ) end if format:find( 'visual', 1, true ) or all_formats then -- insert empty line so table is not destroyed if this is the first -- line of output if #output == 0 then table.insert( output, " " ) end table.insert( output, ssh1.fingerprint_visual( key.fingerprint, key.algorithm, key.bits ) ) end if nmap.verbosity() > 1 or format:find( 'full', 1, true ) or all_formats then table.insert( output, key.full_key ) end end if #output > 0 then return table.concat( output, '\n' ) end end