local dns = require "dns" local http = require "http" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local url = require "url" description = [[ Shows the title of the default page of a web server. The script will follow no more than one HTTP redirect, and only if the redirection leads to the same host. The script may send a DNS query to determine whether the host the redirect leads to has the same IP address as the original target. ]] --- --@output -- Nmap scan report for scanme.nmap.org ( -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- |_http-title: Go ahead and ScanMe! author = "Diman Todorov" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"} portrule = function(host, port) local svc = { std = { ["http"] = 1, ["http-alt"] = 1 }, ssl = { ["https"] = 1, ["https-alt"] = 1 } } if port.protocol ~= 'tcp' or not ( svc.std[port.service] or svc.ssl[port.service] ) then return false end -- Don't bother running on SSL ports if we don't have SSL. if (svc.ssl[port.service] or port.version.service_tunnel == 'ssl') and not nmap.have_ssl() then return false end return true end action = function(host, port) local data, result, redir, title, loc data = http.get( host, port, '/' ) -- check for a redirect if data and data.status and tostring( data.status ):match( "30%d" ) and data.header and data.header.location then redir = ("Did not follow redirect to %s"):format( data.header.location ) local url = url.parse( data.header.location ) local loc = redirect_ok( url, host, port ) if loc then -- follow redirect redir = ("Requested resource was %s://%s%s%s"):format( url.scheme or port.service, loc.host, (url.port and (":%s"):format(url.port)) or "", loc.path ) data = http.get( loc.host, loc.port, loc.path ) else loc = nil -- killed so we know we didn't follow a redirect end end -- check that body was received if data.body and data.body ~= "" then result = data.body else -- debug msg and no output; or no debug msg and some output if we were redirected. if not redir then stdnse.print_debug( "http-title.nse: %s did not respond with any data.", host.targetname or host.ip ) end return (redir and ("%s %s no page was returned."):format( redir, (loc and ", but") or "and" )) or nil end -- try and match title tags title = string.match(result, "<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee][^>]*>([^<]*)") if title and title ~= "" then result = string.gsub(title , "[\n\r\t]", "") if #title > 65 then stdnse.print_debug("http-title.nse: (%s) Title got truncated!", host.targetname or host.ip ); result = string.sub(result, 1, 62) .. "..." end else result = ("Site doesn't have a title%s"):format( ( data.header and data.header["content-type"] and (" (%s)."):format( data.header["content-type"] ) ) or ".") end return (redir and ("%s\n%s"):format( result, redir )) or result end -- Check if the given URL is okay to redirect to. Return a table with keys -- "host", "port", and "path" if okay, nil otherwise. function redirect_ok(url, host, port) -- A battery of tests a URL is subjected to in order to decide if it may be -- redirected to. They incrementally fill in loc.host, loc.port, and loc.path. local rules = { function (loc, url, host, port) -- bail if userinfo is present return ( url.userinfo and false ) or true end, function (loc, url, host, port) -- if present, url.host must be the same scanned target -- loc.host must be set if returning true if not url.host then loc.host = ( host.targetname or host.ip ) return true end if url.host and url.host == host.ip or url.host == host.targetname or url.host == ( host.name ~= '' and host.name ) or is_vhost( url.host, host ) then -- dns lookup as last resort loc.host = url.host return true end return false end, function (loc, url, host, port) -- if present, url.port must be the same as the scanned port -- loc.port must be set if returning true if (not url.port) or tonumber(url.port) == port.number then loc.port = port return true end return false end, function (loc, url, host, port) -- if url.scheme is present then it must match the scanned port if url.scheme and url.port then return true end if url.scheme and url.scheme ~= port.service then return false end return true end, function (loc, url, host, port) -- path cannot be unchanged unless host has changed -- loc.path must be set if returning true if ( not url.path or url.path == "/" ) and url.host == ( host.targetname or host.ip) then return false end if not url.path then loc.path = "/"; return true end loc.path = ( ( url.path:sub(1,1) == "/" and "" ) or "/" ) .. url.path -- ensuring leading slash return true end, function (loc, url, host, port) -- always true - jut add the query to loc.path if url.query then loc.path = ("%s?%s"):format( loc.path, url.query ) end return true end } local loc = {} for i, rule in ipairs( rules ) do if not rule( loc, url, host, port ) then return nil end end if loc.host and loc.port and loc.path then return loc else return nil end end function is_vhost( rhost, host ) -- query is sane? if rhost:match( ":" ) or rhost:match( "^[%d%.]+$" ) then return false end local opts = {} opts.dtype = "A" opts.retAll = true if host.ip:match( ":" ) then opts.dtype = "AAAA" end local status, answer = dns.query( rhost, opts ) if not status then stdnse.print_debug( "http-title.nse: DNS query failed for target %s. Query was: %s. Error: %s", host.targetname or host.ip, rhost, answer or "nil" ) return false end for i, ip_rec in ipairs( answer ) do if ipOps.compare_ip( ip_rec, "eq", host.ip ) then return true end end return false end