local http = require "http" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" description = [[ Modified "http-title.nse" to get title by hostrule. ]] --- --@output -- Nmap scan report for scanme.nmap.org ( -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- |_http-title: Go ahead and ScanMe! -- -- @xmloutput -- Go ahead and ScanMe! -- @xmloutput -- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page author = "Diman Todorov, modified by Andrew Farabee" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe"} hostrule = function(host) return true end action = function(host) local resp, redirect_url, title local port = 80 resp = http.get( host, port, '/' ) -- check for a redirect if resp.location then redirect_url = resp.location[#resp.location] if resp.status and tostring( resp.status ):match( "30%d" ) then return {redirect_url = redirect_url}, ("Did not follow redirect to %s"):format( redirect_url ) end end if ( not(resp.body) ) then return end -- try and match title tags title = string.match(resp.body, "<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee][^>]*>([^<]*)") local display_title = title if display_title and display_title ~= "" then display_title = string.gsub(display_title , "[\n\r\t]", "") if #display_title > 65 then display_title = string.sub(display_title, 1, 62) .. "..." end else display_title = "Site doesn't have a title" if ( resp.header and resp.header["content-type"] ) then display_title = display_title .. (" (%s)."):format( resp.header["content-type"] ) else display_title = display_title .. "." end end local output_tab = stdnse.output_table() output_tab.title = title output_tab.redirect_url = redirect_url local output_str = display_title if redirect_url then output_str = output_str .. "\n" .. ("Requested resource was %s"):format( redirect_url ) end return output_tab, output_str end