# Extract the version string from nping.h. export NPING_VERSION := $(shell grep '^\#[ \t]*define[ \t]\+NPING_VERSION' nping.h | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' -e 'q') NPING_NAME= Nping NPING_URL= http://nmap.org/nping NPING_PLATFORM=@host@ prefix = @prefix@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ bindir = @bindir@ sbindir = @sbindir@ mandir = @mandir@ srcdir = @srcdir@ npingdatadir = @datadir@/nping NPINGDEVDIR=~/nping-private-dev WIN32STUFFDIR=mswin32 NPINGWEBDIR=../../../web/nmap/nping NPINGWININSTDIR=mswin32/nsis export RELEASE_DATE := $(shell date +"%b %d, %Y") export NBASEDIR=../nbase export NSOCKDIR=../nsock export NDIR=$(shell pwd) CC = @CC@ CXX = @CXX@ CCOPT = DBGFLAGS = STRIP = @STRIP@ LIBPCAPDIR = @libpcapdir@ export LIBDNETDIR = @LIBDNETDIR@ DEFS = @DEFS@ -DNPING_NAME=\"$(NPING_NAME)\" -DNPING_URL=\"$(NPING_URL)\" -DNPING_PLATFORM=\"$(NPING_PLATFORM)\" # With GCC, add extra security checks to source code. # http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-09/msg02055.html # Level 1 only makes changes that don't affect "conforming" programs, # while level 2 enforces additional restrictions. DEFS += -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 # For mtrace debugging -- see MTRACE define in main.cc for instructions # Should only be enabled during debugging and not in any real release. # DEFS += -DMTRACE=1 CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ $(DBGFLAGS) $(CCOPT) $(DEFS) CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ -I$(NBASEDIR) -I$(NSOCKDIR)/include export CFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) # CFLAGS = $(DEFS) $(INCLS) STATIC = LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ $(DBGFLAGS) $(STATIC) OPENSSL_LIBS = @OPENSSL_LIBS@ LIBS = $(NSOCKDIR)/src/libnsock.a $(NBASEDIR)/libnbase.a ../libnetutil/libnetutil.a $(OPENSSL_LIBS) @LIBPCAP_LIBS@ @LIBDNET_LIBS@ @LIBS@ # LIBS = -lefence @LIBS@ # LIBS = -lrmalloc @LIBS@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ # MAKEDEPEND = @MAKEDEPEND@ export RPMTDIR=$(HOME)/rpm # DESTDIR is used by some package maintainers to install Nping under # its usual directory structure into a different tree. See the # CHANGELOG for more info. DESTDIR = TARGET = nping export SRCS = ArgParser.cc common.cc common_modified.cc nping.cc NpingOps.cc utils.cc utils_net.cc output.cc stats.cc EchoHeader.cc EchoClient.cc EchoServer.cc NEPContext.cc Crypto.cc ProbeEngine.cc TargetHost.cc NetworkInterface.cc ProtoField.cc HeaderTemplates.cc export HDRS = ArgParser.h nping_config.h common.h common_modified.h nping.h NpingOps.h global_structures.h output.h utils.h utils_net.h stats.h EchoHeader.h EchoClient.h EchoServer.h NEPContext.h Crypto.h ProbeEngine.h TargetHost.h NetworkInterface.h ProtoField.h HeaderTemplates.h OBJS = ArgParser.o common.o common_modified.o nping.o NpingOps.o utils.o utils_net.o output.o stats.o EchoHeader.o EchoClient.o EchoServer.o NEPContext.o Crypto.o ProbeEngine.o TargetHost.o NetworkInterface.o ProtoField.o HeaderTemplates.o export DOCS2DIST = leet-nping-ascii-art.txt nping.1 nping-man.html export MISC2DIST = config.guess config.sub configure configure.ac Makefile.in TODO nping_config.h.in CHANGELOG COPYING # %.o : %.cc -- nope this is a GNU extension .cc.o: $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: $(MAKE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(NBASEDIR)/libnbase.a $(NSOCKDIR)/src/libnsock.a ../libnetutil/libnetutil.a $(OBJS) @echo Compiling nping rm -f $@ $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) @echo Nping compiled successfully! # Make a statically compiled binary for portability between distributions static: $(MAKE) STATIC=-static debug: $(MAKE) DBGFLAGS="-O0 -g -pg -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs" # CALL THIS FROM ONE COMPUTER AND CHECK IN RESULTS BEFORE DOING ANYONE # DOES A MAKE RELEASE prerelease: cd $(NPINGDEVDIR) && $(MAKE) prerelease # Generate the Nping distribution tarball generate-tarball: cd nping-priv && ./create_tarballs.sh # Update the web site. WARNING: "make generate-tarball" must have been called first. web: cd nping-priv && ./update_web.sh clean: my_clean my_clean: rm -f dependencies.mk rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET) config.cache debugclean: rm -f *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno gmon.out distclean: my_clean my_distclean my_distclean: rm -f Makefile Makefile.bak makefile.dep nping_config.h stamp-h stamp-h.in \ config.cache config.log config.status install-nping: $(TARGET) $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 $(INSTALL) -c -m 755 nping $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/nping # Use strip -x to avoid stripping dynamically loaded NSE functions. See # http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2007/q4/0272.html. $(STRIP) -x $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/nping $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 docs/$(TARGET).1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ install: install-nping @echo "NPING SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED" uninstall: uninstall-nping uninstall-nping: rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(TARGET) rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/$(TARGET).1 ${srcdir}/configure: configure.ac cd ${srcdir} && autoconf ## autoheader might not change config.h.in, so touch a stamp file. #${srcdir}/config.h.in: stamp-h.in #${srcdir}/stamp-h.in: configure.ac acconfig.h \ # config.h.top config.h.bot # cd ${srcdir} && autoheader # echo timestamp > ${srcdir}/stamp-h.in # #config.h: stamp-h #stamp-h: config.h.in config.status # ./config.status Makefile: Makefile.in config.status ./config.status config.status: configure ./config.status --recheck makefile.dep: $(CXX) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $(SRCS) > $@ include makefile.dep