local coroutine = require "coroutine"
local drda = require "drda"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local unpwdb = require "unpwdb"
description = [[
Performs password guessing against databases supporting the IBM DB2 protocol such as Informix, DB2 and Derby
-- @args drda-brute.threads the amount of accounts to attempt to brute
-- force in parallel (default 10).
-- @args drda-brute.dbname the database name against which to guess
-- passwords (default "SAMPLE"
-- @usage
-- nmap -p 50000 --script drda-brute
-- @output
-- 50000/tcp open drda
-- | drda-brute:
-- |_ db2admin:db2admin => Valid credentials
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories={"intrusive", "brute"}
-- Version 0.5
-- Created 05/08/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson
-- Revised 05/09/2010 - v0.2 - re-wrote as multi-threaded
-- Revised 05/10/2010 - v0.3 - revised parallelised design
-- Revised 08/14/2010 - v0.4 - renamed script and library from db2* to drda*
-- Revised 09/09/2011 - v0.5 - changed account status text to be more consistent with other *-brute scripts
portrule = shortport.port_or_service({50000,60000}, {"drda","ibm-db2"}, "tcp", {"open", "open|filtered"})
--- Credential iterator
-- @param usernames iterator from unpwdb
-- @param passwords iterator from unpwdb
-- @return username string
-- @return password string
local function new_usrpwd_iterator (usernames, passwords)
local function next_username_password ()
for username in usernames do
for password in passwords do
coroutine.yield(username, password)
while true do coroutine.yield(nil, nil) end
return coroutine.wrap(next_username_password)
--- Iterates over the password list and guesses passwords
-- @param host table with information as received by action
-- @param port table with information as received by action
-- @param database string containing the database name
-- @param creds an iterator producing username, password pairs
-- @param valid_accounts table in which to store found accounts
doLogin = function( host, port, database, creds, valid_accounts )
local helper, status, response, passwords
local condvar = nmap.condvar( valid_accounts )
for username, password in creds do
-- Checks if a password was already discovered for this account
if ( nmap.registry.db2users == nil or nmap.registry.db2users[username] == nil ) then
helper = drda.Helper:new()
helper:connect( host, port )
stdnse.print_debug( "Trying %s/%s against %s...", username, password, host.ip )
status, response = helper:login( database, username, password )
if ( status ) then
-- Add credentials for future drda scripts to use
if nmap.registry.db2users == nil then
nmap.registry.db2users = {}
table.insert( valid_accounts, string.format("%s:%s => Valid credentials", username, password:len()>0 and password or "" ) )
--- Checks if the supplied database exists
-- @param host table with information as received by action
-- @param port table with information as received by action
-- @param database string containing the database name
-- @return status true on success, false on failure
isValidDb = function( host, port, database )
local status, response
local helper = drda.Helper:new()
helper:connect( host, port )
-- Authenticate with a static probe account to see if the db is valid
status, response = helper:login( database, "dbnameprobe1234", "dbnameprobe1234" )
if ( not(status) and response:match("Login failed") ) then
return true
return false
--- Returns the amount of currently active threads
-- @param threads table containing the list of threads
-- @return count number containing the number of non-dead threads
threadCount = function( threads )
local count = 0
for thread in pairs(threads) do
if ( coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" ) then
threads[thread] = nil
count = count + 1
return count
action = function( host, port )
local result, response, status = {}, nil, nil
local valid_accounts, threads = {}, {}
local usernames, passwords, creds
local database = stdnse.get_script_args('drda-brute.dbname') or "SAMPLE"
local condvar = nmap.condvar( valid_accounts )
local max_threads = stdnse.get_script_args('drda-brute.threads') and tonumber( stdnse.get_script_args('drda-brute.threads') ) or 10
-- Check if the DB specified is valid
if( not(isValidDb(host, port, database)) ) then
return ("The databases %s was not found. (Use --script-args drda-brute.dbname= to specify database)"):format(database)
status, usernames = unpwdb.usernames()
if ( not(status) ) then
return "Failed to load usernames"
-- make sure we have a valid pw file
status, passwords = unpwdb.passwords()
if ( not(status) ) then
return "Failed to load passwords"
creds = new_usrpwd_iterator( usernames, passwords )
stdnse.print_debug("Starting brute force with %d threads", max_threads )
for i=1,max_threads do
local co = stdnse.new_thread( doLogin, host, port, database, creds, valid_accounts )
threads[co] = true
-- wait for all threads to finish running
while threadCount(threads)>0 do
return stdnse.format_output(true, valid_accounts)