local mssql = require "mssql" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local target = require "target" -- -*- mode: lua -*- -- vim: set filetype=lua : description = [[ Discovers Microsoft SQL servers in the same broadcast domain. SQL Server credentials required: No (will not benefit from mssql.username & mssql.password). The script attempts to discover SQL Server instances in the same broadcast domain. Any instances found are stored in the Nmap registry for use by any other ms-sql-* scripts that are run in the same scan. In contrast to the ms-sql-discover script, the broadcast version will use a broadcast method rather than targeting individual hosts. However, the broadcast version will only use the SQL Server Browser service discovery method. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script broadcast-ms-sql-discover -- nmap --script broadcast-ms-sql-discover,ms-sql-info --script-args=newtargets -- -- @output -- | broadcast-ms-sql-discover: -- | (WINXP) -- | [\MSSQLSERVER] -- | Name: MSSQLSERVER -- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 -- | TCP port: 1433 -- | Named pipe: \\\pipe\sql\query -- | [\SQL2K5] -- | Name: SQL2K5 -- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- | Named pipe: \\\pipe\MSSQL$SQL2K5\sql\query -- | (SQLSRV) -- | [\PROD] -- | Name: PROD -- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 -- |_ Named pipe: \\\pipe\sql\query -- -- Created 07/12/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson -- Revised 02/01/2011 - v0.2 - Added compatibility with changes in mssql.lua (Chris Woodbury) author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"broadcast", "safe"} prerule = function() return true end --- Adds a label and value to an output table. If the value is a boolean, it is -- converted to Yes/No; if the value is nil, nothing is added to the table. local function add_to_output_table( outputTable, outputLabel, outputData ) if outputData ~= nil then if outputData == true then outputData = "Yes" elseif outputData == false then outputData = "No" end table.insert(outputTable, string.format( "%s: %s", outputLabel, outputData ) ) end end --- Returns formatted output for the given instance local function create_instance_output_table( instance ) local instanceOutput = {} instanceOutput["name"] = string.format( "[%s]", instance:GetName() ) add_to_output_table( instanceOutput, "Name", instance.instanceName ) if instance.version then add_to_output_table( instanceOutput, "Product", instance.version.productName ) end if instance.port then add_to_output_table( instanceOutput, "TCP port", instance.port.number ) end add_to_output_table( instanceOutput, "Named pipe", instance.pipeName ) return instanceOutput end action = function() local host = { ip = "" } local port = { number = 1434, protocol = "udp" } local status, result = mssql.Helper.DiscoverBySsrp(host, port, true) if ( not(status) ) then return end local scriptOutput = {} for ip, instanceList in pairs(result) do local serverOutput, serverName = {}, nil target.add( ip ) for _, instance in ipairs( instanceList ) do serverName = serverName or instance.serverName local instanceOutput = create_instance_output_table( instance ) table.insert(serverOutput, instanceOutput) end serverOutput.name = string.format( "%s (%s)", ip, serverName ) table.insert( scriptOutput, serverOutput ) end return stdnse.format_output( true, scriptOutput ) end