local shortport = require "shortport" local smtp = require "smtp" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Attempts to use EHLO and HELP to gather the Extended commands supported by an SMTP server. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script smtp-commands.nse [--script-args smtp-commands.domain=] -pT:25,465,587 -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION -- 25/tcp open smtp syn-ack Microsoft ESMTP 6.0.3790.3959 -- | smtp-commands: -- | EHLO Returned: SIZE 52428800 8BITMIME AUTH PLAIN LOGIN STARTTLS HELP -- |_ HELP Returned: AUTH STARTTLS HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATA NOOP QUIT RSET HELP -- -- @args smtp.domain or smtp-commands.domain Define the domain to be used in the SMTP commands. -- -- @xmloutput -- -- SIZE 52428800 -- 8BITMIME -- AUTH PLAIN LOGIN -- STARTTLS -- HELP --
-- -- AUTH -- STARTTLS -- HELO -- EHLO -- MAIL -- RCPT -- DATA -- NOOP -- QUIT -- RSET -- HELP --
-- -- changelog -- - 2007-10-12 -- + added HELP command in addition to EHLO -- - 2008-05-19 -- + made output single line, comma-delimited, instead of -- CR LF delimited on multi-lines -- + was able to use regular text and not hex codes -- - 2008-05-21 -- + more robust handling of problems -- + uses verbosity and debugging to decide if you need to -- see certain errors and if the output is in a line or -- in , for lack of a better word, fancy format -- + I am not able to do much testing because my new ISP blocks -- traffic going to port 25 other than to their mail servers as -- a "security" measure. -- - 2008-05-22 -- + minor tweaks to get it working when one of the requests fails -- but not both of them. -- - 2008-08-15 -- + updated to use the nsedoc documentation system -- - 2008-10-06 -- + Updated gsubs to handle different formats, pulls out extra spaces -- and normalizes line endings -- - 2008-11-10 -- + Better normalization of output, remove "250 " from EHLO output, -- don't comma-separate HELP output. -- - 2010-04-19 -- + Complete rewrite based off of Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman's SMTP open -- relay detector script. -- - 2010-04-27 -- + Incorporated advice from Duarte Silva (http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2010/q2/277) -- - 'domain' can be specified via a script-arg -- - removed extra EHLO command that was redundant and not needed -- - fixed two quit()s to include a return value -- + To reiterate, this is a blatant cut and paste job of Arturo 'Buanzo' -- Busleiman's SMTP open relay detector script and Duarte Silva's SMTP -- user enumeration script. -- Props to them for doing what they do and letting me ride on their coattails. -- - 2011-06-01 -- + Rewrite the script to use the smtp.lua library. -- - 2015-08-09 -- + Replaced the multiple gsub calls with single gsubs overloaded with function as replace argument. -- + Added XML output. author = {"Jason DePriest", "Gyanendra Mishra"} license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service({ 25, 465, 587 }, { "smtp", "smtps", "submission" }) local state = { lc = 0, result = stdnse.output_table() } local function parse_ehlo(line) if state.lc ~= 0 and #line > 0 and line:match("[%u%d%s]*") == line then state.result["EHLO Returned"] = state.result["EHLO Returned"] or {} table.insert(state.result["EHLO Returned"], line) end state.lc = state.lc + 1 end local function parse_help(line) if state.lc ~= 0 then local commands = stdnse.strsplit("%s",line) state.result["HELP Returned"] = state.result["HELP Returned"] or {} for _, command in pairs(commands) do if #command > 0 and command:match("[%u%d]*") == command then state.result["HELP Returned"][command] = true end end end state.lc = state.lc + 1 end local function go(host, port) local options = { timeout = 10000, recv_before = true, ssl = true, } local spacesep = { __tostring = function (t) return table.concat(t, " ") end } local domain, hostname = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".domain") or smtp.get_domain(host) local result,commands, status = stdnse.output_table() -- Try to connect to server. local socket, response = smtp.connect(host, port, options) if not socket then return false, string.format("Couldn't establish connection on port %i", port.number) end status, response = smtp.ehlo(socket, domain) if not status then return status, response end string.gsub(response, "250[-%s](.-)%s?[\n\r]", parse_ehlo) setmetatable(state.result["EHLO Returned"], spacesep) status, response = smtp.help(socket) if status then state.lc = 0 string.gsub(response, "214[-%s2%.%0]+(.-)%s?[\n\r]", parse_help) if state.result["HELP Returned"] then state.result["HELP Returned"] = stdnse.keys(state.result["HELP Returned"]) setmetatable(state.result["HELP Returned"], spacesep) end smtp.quit(socket) end return true, state.result end action = function(host, port) local status, result = go(host, port) if status then return result end end