local http = require "http" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local vulns = require "vulns" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local table = require "table" local string = require "string" description = [[ Checks the cross-domain policy file (/crossdomain.xml) and the client-acces-policy file (/clientaccesspolicy.xml) in web applications and lists the trusted domains. Overly permissive settings enable Cross Site Request Forgery attacks and may allow attackers to access sensitive data. This script is useful to detect permissive configurations and possible domain names available for purchase to exploit the application. The script queries instantdomainsearch.com to lookup the domains. This functionality is turned off by default, to enable it set the script argument http-crossdomainxml.domain-lookup. References: * http://sethsec.blogspot.com/2014/03/exploiting-misconfigured-crossdomainxml.html * http://gursevkalra.blogspot.com/2013/08/bypassing-same-origin-policy-with-flash.html * https://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html * https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AppSec/CrossDomain_PolicyFile_Specification.pdf * https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Test_RIA_cross_domain_policy_%28OTG-CONFIG-008%29 ]] --- -- @usage nmap --script http-crossdomainxml -- @usage nmap -p80 --script http-crossdomainxml --script-args domain-lookup=true -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON -- 80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 40 -- | http-crossdomainxml: -- | VULNERABLE: -- | Cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml) -- | State: VULNERABLE -- | A cross-domain policy file specifies the permissions that a web client such as Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, -- | etc. use to access data across different domains. Overly permissive configurations enables Cross-site Request -- | Forgery attacks, and may allow third parties to access sensitive data meant for the user. -- | Check results: -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -------------- -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | Extra information: -- | Trusted domains:0xdeadbeefcafe2.com, 0xdeadbeefcafe.com, "*" -- | Use the script argument 'domain-lookup' to find trusted domains available for purchase -- | References: -- | https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AppSec/CrossDomain_PolicyFile_Specification.pdf -- | http://gursevkalra.blogspot.com/2013/08/bypassing-same-origin-policy-with-flash.html -- | https://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html -- | http://sethsec.blogspot.com/2014/03/exploiting-misconfigured-crossdomainxml.html -- |_ https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Test_RIA_cross_domain_policy_%28OTG-CONFIG-008%29 -- -- @args http-crossdomainxml.domain-lookup Boolean to check domain availability. Default:false --- author = {"Seth Art ", "Paulino Calderon ", "Gyanendra Mishra"} license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe", "external", "vuln"} portrule = shortport.http local tlds_instantdomainsearch = {".com", ".net", ".org", ".co", ".info", ".biz", ".mobi", ".us", ".ca", ".co.uk", ".in", ".io", ".it", ".pt", ".me", ".tv"} --- -- Queries instantdomainsearch.com to check if domains are available -- Returns nil if the query failed and true/false to indicate domain availability -- -- Sample response: -- -- {"label":"nmap","tld":"com","isRegistered":true,"isBid":false, -- "price":0,"aftermarketProvider":"","rank":14.028985023498535,"search":"name"} -- {"words":["nmap"],"synonyms":["nmap","scans"],"tld":"com","isBid":false,"price":0, -- "aftermarketProvider":"","rank":0.23496590554714203,"search":"word"} -- {"label":"snmap","tld":"com","isBid":false,"price":2994,"aftermarketProvider":"afternic.com", -- "rank":9.352656364440918,"search":"ngram"} --- local function check_domain (domain) local name, tld = domain:match("(%w*)%.*(%w*%.%w+)$") if not(stdnse.contains(tlds_instantdomainsearch, tld)) then stdnse.debug(1, "TLD '%s' is not supported by instantdomainsearch.com. Check manually.", tld) return nil end stdnse.print_debug(1, "Checking availability of domain %s with tld:%s ", name, tld) local path = string.format("/all/%s?/tlds=%s&limit=1", name, tld) local response = http.get("instantdomainsearch.com", 443, path) if ( not(response) or (response.status and response.status ~= 200) ) then return nil end local _, _, registered = response.body:find('"isRegistered":(.-),"isBid":') return registered end --- -- Requests and parses crossdomain.xml file --- function check_crossdomain(host, port, lookup) local trusted_domains = {} local trusted_domains_available = {} local content = {} local req_opt = {redirect_ok=function(host,port) local c = 3 return function(url) if ( c==0 ) then return false end c = c - 1 return true end end} local CROSSDOMAIN = { name = 'crossdomain', url = '/crossdomain.xml', allow_access = '', wildcard_1 = 'domain%=\"(%*)\"', wildcard_2 = 'domain%=\"(https?://%*)\"', parse_domain = 'domain%=\"(.-)\"', } local CLIENTACCESS = { name = 'clientaccesspolicy', url = '/clientaccesspolicy.xml', allow_access = '<(domain uri=".-")/>', wildcard_1 = 'domain uri%=\"(%*)\"', wildcard_2 = 'domain uri%=\"(https?://%*)\"', parse_domain = 'domain uri%=\"(.-)\"', } local lists = {} table.insert(lists, CROSSDOMAIN) table.insert(lists, CLIENTACCESS) for _, list in pairs(lists) do local req = http.get(host, port, list.url, req_opt) if req.status and req.status == 200 then table.insert(content, req.body) for line in req.body:gmatch(list.allow_access) do line = line:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") --Matches wildcard, which means vulnerable as any host can comunicate with app if line:match(list.wildcard_1) or line:match(list.wildcard_2) then stdnse.debug(1, "Wildcard detected!") table.insert(trusted_domains, line:match(list.wildcard_1) or line:match(list.wildcard_2)) else --Parse domains line = line:match(list.parse_domain):gsub("%*%.", "") stdnse.debug(1, "Extracted line: %s", line) local domain = line:match("(%w*%.*%w+%.%w+)$") if domain ~= nil then --Deals with tlds with double extension local tld = domain:match("%w*(%.%w*)%.%w+$") if tld ~= nil and not(stdnse.contains(tlds_instantdomainsearch, tld)) then domain = domain:match("%w*%.(.*)$") end --We add domains only once as they can appear multiple times if not(stdnse.contains(trusted_domains, domain)) then stdnse.debug(1, "Added trusted domain:%s", domain) table.insert(trusted_domains, domain) --Lookup domains if script argument is set if ( lookup ) then if check_domain(domain) == "false" then stdnse.debug(1, "Domain '%s' is available for purchase!", domain) table.insert(trusted_domains_available, domain) end end end end stdnse.debug(1, "Extracted domain: %s", domain) end end end end if (#trusted_domains> 0 or trusted_domains['clientaccesspolicy']> 0) then return true, trusted_domains, trusted_domains_available, content else return nil end end action = function(host, port) local lookup = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".domain-lookup") or false local vuln_report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port) local vuln = { title = 'Cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml)', state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN, description = [[ A cross-domain policy file specifies the permissions that a web client such as Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, etc. use to access data across different domains. Overly permissive configurations enables Cross-site Request Forgery attacks, and may allow third parties to access sensitive data meant for the user.]], references = { 'http://sethsec.blogspot.com/2014/03/exploiting-misconfigured-crossdomainxml.html', 'http://gursevkalra.blogspot.com/2013/08/bypassing-same-origin-policy-with-flash.html', 'https://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html', 'https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AppSec/CrossDomain_PolicyFile_Specification.pdf', 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Test_RIA_cross_domain_policy_%28OTG-CONFIG-008%29' }, } local check, domains, domains_available, content = check_crossdomain(host, port, lookup) if check then if stdnse.contains(domains, "*") or stdnse.contains(domains, "https://") or stdnse.contains(domains, "http://") then vuln.state = vulns.STATE.VULN else vuln.state = vulns.STATE.LIKELY_VULN end vuln.check_results = stdnse.strjoin('\n--------------\n', content) vuln.extra_info = string.format("Trusted domains:%s\n", stdnse.strjoin(', ', domains)) if not(lookup) and nmap.verbosity()>=2 then vuln.extra_info = vuln.extra_info .. "Use the script argument 'domain-lookup' to find trusted domains available for purchase" end if lookup ~= nil and #domains_available>0 then vuln.state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT vuln.extra_info = vuln.extra_info .. string.format("\n[!]Trusted domains available for purchase:%s", stdnse.strjoin(', ', domains_available)) end end return vuln_report:make_output(vuln) end