local http = require "http" local httpspider = require "httpspider" local math = require "math" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local tab = require "tab" local table = require "table" local url = require "url" description = [[ Measures the time a website takes to deliver a web page and returns the maximum, minimum and average time it took to fetch a page. Web pages that take longer time to load could be abused by attackers in DoS or DDoS attacks due to the fact that they are likely to consume more resources on the target server. This script could help identifying these web pages. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script http-chrono -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- |_http-chrono: Request times for /; avg: 2.98ms; min: 2.63ms; max: 3.62ms -- -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 80/tcp open http -- | http-chrono: -- | page avg min max -- | /admin/ 1.91ms 1.65ms 2.05ms -- | /manager/status 2.14ms 2.03ms 2.24ms -- | /manager/html 2.26ms 2.09ms 2.53ms -- | /examples/servlets/ 2.43ms 1.97ms 3.62ms -- | /examples/jsp/snp/snoop.jsp 2.75ms 2.59ms 3.13ms -- | / 2.78ms 2.54ms 3.36ms -- | /docs/ 3.14ms 2.61ms 3.53ms -- | /RELEASE-NOTES.txt 3.70ms 2.97ms 5.58ms -- | /examples/jsp/ 4.93ms 3.39ms 8.30ms -- |_/docs/changelog.html 10.76ms 10.14ms 11.46ms -- -- @args http-chrono.maxdepth the maximum amount of directories beneath -- the initial url to spider. A negative value disables the limit. -- (default: 3) -- @args http-chrono.maxpagecount the maximum amount of pages to visit. -- A negative value disables the limit (default: 1) -- @args http-chrono.url the url to start spidering. This is a URL -- relative to the scanned host eg. /default.html (default: /) -- @args http-chrono.withinhost only spider URLs within the same host. -- (default: true) -- @args http-chrono.withindomain only spider URLs within the same -- domain. This widens the scope from withinhost and can -- not be used in combination. (default: false) -- @args http-chrono.tries the number of times to fetch a page based on which -- max, min and average calculations are performed. -- LOOK AGAIN: -- won't auth slow down laod times? author = "Ange Gutek" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "intrusive"} portrule = shortport.http action = function(host, port) local maxpages = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".maxpagecount") or 1 local tries = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".tries") or 5 local dump = {} local crawler = httpspider.Crawler:new( host, port, nil, { scriptname = SCRIPT_NAME, maxpagecount = tonumber(maxpages) } ) crawler:set_timeout(10000) -- launch the crawler while(true) do local start = stdnse.clock_ms() local status, r = crawler:crawl() if ( not(status) ) then break end local chrono = stdnse.clock_ms() - start dump[chrono] = tostring(r.url) end -- retest each page x times to find an average speed -- a significant diff between instant and average may be an evidence of some weakness -- either on the webserver or its database local average,count,page_test local results = {} for result, page in pairs (dump) do local url_host, url_page = page:match("//(.-)/(.*)") url_host = string.gsub(url_host,":%d*","") local min, max, page_test local bulk_start = stdnse.clock_ms() for i = 1,tries do local start = stdnse.clock_ms() if ( url_page:match("%?") ) then page_test = http.get(url_host,port,"/"..url_page.."&test="..math.random(100), { no_cache = true, auto = true }) else page_test = http.get(url_host,port,"/"..url_page.."?test="..math.random(100), { no_cache = true, auto = true }) end local count = stdnse.clock_ms() - start if ( not(max) or max < count ) then max = count end if ( not(min) or min > count ) then min = count end end local count = stdnse.clock_ms() - bulk_start table.insert(results, { min = min, max = max, avg = (count / tries), page = url.parse(page).path }) end local output if ( #results > 1 ) then table.sort(results, function(a, b) return a.avg < b.avg end) output = tab.new(4) tab.addrow(output, "page", "avg", "min", "max") for _, entry in ipairs(results) do tab.addrow(output, entry.page, ("%.2fms"):format(entry.avg), ("%.2fms"):format(entry.min), ("%.2fms"):format(entry.max)) end output = "\n" .. tab.dump(output) else local entry = results[1] output = ("Request times for %s; avg: %.2fms; min: %.2fms; max: %.2fms"):format(entry.page, entry.avg, entry.min, entry.max) end return output end