local bin = require "bin" local http = require "http" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" description = [[ Retrieves a list of music from a DAAP server. The list includes artist names and album and song titles. Output will be capped to 100 items if not otherwise specified in the daap_item_limit script argument. A daap_item_limit below zero outputs the complete contents of the DAAP library. Based on documentation found here: http://www.tapjam.net/daap/. ]] --- -- @args daap_item_limit Changes the output limit from 100 songs. If set to a negative value, no limit is enforced. -- -- @output -- | daap-get-library: -- | BUBBA|TWO -- | Fever Ray -- | Fever Ray (Deluxe Edition) -- | Concrete Walls -- | I'm Not Done -- | Here Before -- | Now's The Only Time I Know -- | Stranger Than Kindness -- | Dry And Dusty -- | Keep The Streets Empty For Me -- | Triangle Walks -- | If I Had A Heart -- | Seven -- | When I Grow Up -- |_ Coconut author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} -- Version 0.2 -- Created 01/14/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson -- Revised 01/23/2010 - v0.2 - changed to port_or_service, added link to documentation, limited output to 100 songs or to daap_item_limit script argument. portrule = shortport.port_or_service(3689, "daap") --- Gets the name of the library from the server -- -- @param host table containing an ip field. -- @param port table containing number and protocol fields. -- @return string containing the name of the library function getLibraryName( host, port ) local _, libname, pos local url = "daap://" .. host.ip .. "/server-info" local response = http.get( host, port, url, nil, nil, {auto = true}) if response == nil or response.body == nil or response.body=="" then return end pos = string.find(response.body, "minm") if pos > 0 then local len pos = pos + 4 pos, len = bin.unpack( ">I", response.body, pos ) pos, libname = bin.unpack( "A" .. len, response.body, pos ) end return libname end --- Reads the first item value specified by name -- -- @param data string containing the unparsed item -- @param name string containing the name of the value to read -- @return number local function getAttributeAsInt( data, name ) local pos = string.find(data, name) local attrib if pos and pos > 0 then pos = pos + 4 local len pos, len = bin.unpack( ">I", data, pos ) if ( len ~= 4 ) then stdnse.debug1("Unexpected length returned: %d", len ) return end pos, attrib = bin.unpack( ">I", data, pos ) end return attrib end --- Gets the revision number for the library -- -- @param host table containing an ip field. -- @param port table containing number and protocol fields. -- @return number containing the session identity received from the server function getSessionId( host, port ) local _, sessionid local response = http.get( host, port, "/login", nil, nil, {auto = true}) if response ~= nil then sessionid = getAttributeAsInt( response.body, "mlid") end return sessionid end --- Gets the revision number for the library -- -- @param host table containing an ip field. -- @param port table containing number and protocol fields. -- @param sessionid number containing session identifier from getSessionId -- @return number containing the revision number for the library function getRevisionNumber( host, port, sessionid ) local url = "/update?session-id=" .. sessionid .. "&revision-number=1" local _, revision local response = http.get( host, port, url, nil, nil, {auto = true}) if response ~= nil then revision = getAttributeAsInt( response.body, "musr") end return revision end --- Gets the database identity for the library -- -- @param host table containing an ip field. -- @param port table containing number and protocol fields. -- @param sessionid number containing session identifier from getSessionId -- @param revid number containing the revision id as retrieved from getRevisionNumber function getDatabaseId( host, port, sessionid, revid ) local url = "/databases?session-id=" .. sessionid .. "&revision-number=" .. revid local response = http.get( host, port, url, nil, nil, {auto = true}) local miid if response ~= nil then miid = getAttributeAsInt( response.body, "miid") end return miid end --- Gets a string item type from data -- -- @param data string starting with the 4-bytes of length -- @param pos number containing offset into data -- @return pos number containing new position after reading string -- @return value string containing the string item that was read local function getStringItem( data, pos ) local len pos, len = bin.unpack(">I", data, pos) if ( len > 0 ) then return bin.unpack( "A"..len, data, pos ) end end local itemFetcher = {} itemFetcher["mikd"] = function( data, pos ) return getStringItem( data, pos ) end itemFetcher["miid"] = itemFetcher["mikd"] itemFetcher["minm"] = itemFetcher["mikd"] itemFetcher["asal"] = itemFetcher["mikd"] itemFetcher["asar"] = itemFetcher["mikd"] --- Parses a single item (mlit) -- -- @param data string containing the unparsed item starting at the first available tag -- @param len number containing the length of the item -- @return item table containing mikd, miid, minm, -- asal and asar when available parseItem = function( data, len ) local pos, name, value = 1, nil, nil local item = {} while( len - pos > 0 ) do pos, name = bin.unpack( "A4", data, pos ) if itemFetcher[name] then pos, item[name] = itemFetcher[name](data, pos ) else stdnse.debug1("No itemfetcher for: %s", name) break end end return item end --- Request and process all music items -- -- @param host table containing an ip field. -- @param port table containing number and protocol fields. -- @param sessionid number containing session identifier from getSessionId -- @param dbid number containing database id from getDatabaseId -- @param limit number containing the maximum amount of songs to return -- @return table containing the following structure [artist][album][songs] function getItems( host, port, sessionid, revid, dbid, limit ) local meta = "dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dmap.itemkind,daap.songalbum,daap.songartist" local url = "/databases/" .. dbid .. "/items?type=music&meta=" .. meta .. "&session-id=" .. sessionid .. "&revision-number=" .. revid local response = http.get( host, port, url, nil, nil, {auto = true}) local item, data, pos, len local items = {} local limit = limit or -1 if response == nil then return end -- get our position to the list of items pos = string.find(response.body, "mlcl") pos = pos + 4 while ( pos > 0 and pos + 8 < response.body:len() ) do -- find the next single item pos = string.find(response.body, "mlit", pos) pos = pos + 4 pos, len = bin.unpack( ">I", response.body, pos ) if ( pos < response.body:len() and pos + len < response.body:len() ) then pos, data = bin.unpack( "A" .. len, response.body, pos ) else break end -- parse a single item item = parseItem( data, len ) local album = item.asal or "unknown" local artist= item.asar or "unknown" local song = item.minm or "" if items[artist] == nil then items[artist] = {} end if items[artist][album] == nil then items[artist][album] = {} end if limit == 0 then break elseif limit > 0 then limit = limit - 1 end table.insert( items[artist][album], song ) end return items end action = function(host, port) local limit = tonumber(nmap.registry.args.daap_item_limit) or 100 local libname = getLibraryName( host, port ) if libname == nil then return end local sessionid = getSessionId( host, port ) if sessionid == nil then return stdnse.format_output(true, "Libname: " .. libname) end local revid = getRevisionNumber( host, port, sessionid ) if revid == nil then return stdnse.format_output(true, "Libname: " .. libname) end local dbid = getDatabaseId( host, port, sessionid, revid ) if dbid == nil then return end local items = getItems( host, port, sessionid, revid, dbid, limit ) if items == nil then return end local albums, songs, artists, results = {}, {}, {}, {} table.insert( results, libname ) for artist, v in pairs(items) do albums = {} for album, v2 in pairs(v) do songs = {} for _, song in pairs( v2 ) do table.insert( songs, song ) end table.insert( albums, album ) table.insert( albums, songs ) end table.insert( artists, artist ) table.insert( artists, albums ) end table.insert( results, artists ) local output = stdnse.format_output( true, results ) if limit > 0 then output = output .. string.format("\n\nOutput limited to %d items", limit ) end return output end