--- Library implementing a minimal TFTP server -- -- Currently only write-operations are supported so that script can trigger -- TFTP transfers and receive the files and return them as result. -- -- The library contains the following classes -- * Packet -- ** The Packet classes contain one class for each TFTP operation. -- * File -- ** The File class holds a received file including the name and contents -- * ConnHandler -- ** The ConnHandler class handles and processes incoming connections. -- -- The following code snippet starts the TFTP server and waits for the file incoming.txt -- to be uploaded for 10 seconds: -- -- tftp.start() -- local status, f = tftp.waitFile("incoming.txt", 10) -- if ( status ) then return f:getContent() end -- -- -- @author Patrik Karlsson -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- -- version 0.2 -- -- 2011-01-22 - re-wrote library to use coroutines instead of new_thread code. local bin = require "bin" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local nmap = require "nmap" local os = require "os" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("tftp", stdnse.seeall) threads, infiles, running = {}, {}, {} state = "STOPPED" srvthread = {} -- All opcodes supported by TFTP OpCode = { RRQ = 1, WRQ = 2, DATA = 3, ACK = 4, ERROR = 5, } --- A minimal packet implementation -- -- The current code only implements the ACK and ERROR packets -- As the server is write-only the other packet types are not needed Packet = { -- Implements the ACK packet ACK = { new = function( self, block ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.block = block return o end, __tostring = function( self ) return bin.pack(">SS", OpCode.ACK, self.block) end, }, -- Implements the error packet ERROR = { new = function( self, code, msg ) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.msg = msg o.code = code return o end, __tostring = function( self ) return bin.pack(">SSz", OpCode.ERROR, self.code, self.msg) end, } } --- The File class holds files received by the TFTP server File = { --- Creates a new file object -- -- @param filename string containing the filename -- @param content string containing the file content -- @return o new class instance new = function(self, filename, content, sender) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.name = filename o.content = content o.sender = sender return o end, getContent = function(self) return self.content end, setContent = function(self, content) self.content = content end, getName = function(self) return self.name end, setName = function(self, name) self.name = name end, setSender = function(self, sender) self.sender = sender end, getSender = function(self) return self.sender end, } -- The thread dispatcher is called by the start function once local function dispatcher() local last = os.time() local f_condvar = nmap.condvar(infiles) local s_condvar = nmap.condvar(state) while(true) do -- check if other scripts are active local counter = 0 for t in pairs(running) do counter = counter + 1 end if ( counter == 0 ) then state = "STOPPING" s_condvar "broadcast" end if #threads == 0 then break end for i, thread in ipairs(threads) do local status, res = coroutine.resume(thread) if ( not(res) ) then -- thread finished its task? table.remove(threads, i) break end end -- Make sure to process waitFile atleast every 2 seconds -- in case no files have arrived if ( os.time() - last >= 2 ) then last = os.time() f_condvar "broadcast" end end state = "STOPPED" s_condvar "broadcast" stdnse.debug1("Exiting _dispatcher") end -- Processes a new incoming file transfer -- Currently only uploads are supported -- -- @param host containing the hostname or ip of the initiating host -- @param port containing the port of the initiating host -- @param data string containing the initial data passed to the server local function processConnection( host, port, data ) local pos, op = bin.unpack(">S", data) local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp") socket:set_timeout(1000) local status, err = socket:connect(host, port) if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end socket:set_timeout(10) -- If we get anything else than a write request, abort the connection if ( OpCode.WRQ ~= op ) then stdnse.debug1("Unsupported opcode") socket:send( tostring(Packet.ERROR:new(0, "TFTP server has write-only support"))) end local pos, filename, enctype = bin.unpack("zz", data, pos) status, err = socket:send( tostring( Packet.ACK:new(0) ) ) local blocks = {} local lastread = os.time() while( true ) do local status, pdata = socket:receive() if ( not(status) ) then -- if we're here and haven't successfully read a packet for 5 seconds, abort if ( os.time() - lastread > 5 ) then coroutine.yield(false) else coroutine.yield(true) end else -- record last time we had a successful read lastread = os.time() pos, op = bin.unpack(">S", pdata) if ( OpCode.DATA ~= op ) then stdnse.debug1("Expected a data packet, terminating TFTP transfer") end local block, data pos, block, data = bin.unpack(">SA" .. #pdata - 4, pdata, pos ) blocks[block] = data -- First block was not 1 if ( #blocks == 0 ) then socket:send( tostring(Packet.ERROR:new(0, "Did not receive block 1"))) break end -- for every fifth block check that we've received the preceding four if ( ( #blocks % 5 ) == 0 ) then for b = #blocks - 4, #blocks do if ( not(blocks[b]) ) then socket:send( tostring(Packet.ERROR:new(0, "Did not receive block " .. b))) end end end -- Ack the data block status, err = socket:send( tostring(Packet.ACK:new(block)) ) if ( ( #blocks % 20 ) == 0 ) then -- yield every 5th iteration so other threads may work coroutine.yield(true) end -- If the data length was less than 512, this was our last block if ( #data < 512 ) then socket:close() break end end end local filecontent = "" -- Make sure we received all the blocks needed to proceed for i=1, #blocks do if ( not(blocks[i]) ) then return false, ("Block #%d was missing in transfer") end filecontent = filecontent .. blocks[i] end stdnse.debug1("Finished receiving file \"%s\"", filename) -- Add anew file to the global infiles table table.insert( infiles, File:new(filename, filecontent, host) ) local condvar = nmap.condvar(infiles) condvar "broadcast" end -- Waits for a connection from a client local function waitForConnection() local srvsock = nmap.new_socket("udp") local status = srvsock:bind(nil, 69) assert(status, "Failed to bind to TFTP server port") srvsock:set_timeout(0) while( state == "RUNNING" ) do local status, data = srvsock:receive() if ( not(status) ) then coroutine.yield(true) else local status, _, _, rhost, rport = srvsock:get_info() local x = coroutine.create( function() processConnection(rhost, rport, data) end ) table.insert( threads, x ) coroutine.yield(true) end end end --- Starts the TFTP server and creates a new thread handing over to the dispatcher function start() local disp = nil local mutex = nmap.mutex("srvsocket") -- register a running script running[coroutine.running()] = true mutex "lock" if ( state == "STOPPED" ) then srvthread = coroutine.running() table.insert( threads, coroutine.create( waitForConnection ) ) stdnse.new_thread( dispatcher ) state = "RUNNING" end mutex "done" end local function waitLast() -- The thread that started the server needs to wait here until the rest -- of the scripts finish running. We know we are done once the state -- shifts to STOPPED and we get a signal from the condvar in the -- dispatcher local s_condvar = nmap.condvar(state) while( srvthread == coroutine.running() and state ~= "STOPPED" ) do s_condvar "wait" end end --- Waits for a file with a specific filename for at least the number of -- seconds specified by the timeout parameter. -- -- If this function is called from the thread that's running the server it will -- wait until all the other threads have finished executing before returning. -- -- @param filename string containing the name of the file to receive -- @param timeout number containing the minimum number of seconds to wait -- for the file to be received -- @return status true on success false on failure -- @return File instance on success, nil on failure function waitFile( filename, timeout ) local condvar = nmap.condvar(infiles) local t = os.time() while(os.time() - t < timeout) do for _, f in ipairs(infiles) do if (f:getName() == filename) then running[coroutine.running()] = nil waitLast() return true, f end end condvar "wait" end -- de-register a running script running[coroutine.running()] = nil waitLast() return false end return _ENV;