--- A minimalistic DNS BlackList library implemented to facilitate querying -- various DNSBL services. The current list of services has been implemented -- based on the following compilations of services: -- * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_DNS_blacklists -- * http://www.robtex.com -- * http://www.sdsc.edu/~jeff/spam/cbc.html -- -- The library implements a helper class through which script may access -- the BL services. A typical script implementation could look like this: -- -- -- local helper = dnsbl.Helper:new("SPAM", "short") -- helper:setFilter('dnsbl.inps.de') -- local status, result = helper:checkBL(host.ip) -- ... formatting code ... -- -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson " -- local bit = require "bit" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local dns = require "dns" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("dnsbl", stdnse.seeall) -- Creates a new Service instance -- @param ip host that needs to be checked -- @param mode string (short|long) specifying whether short or long -- results are to be returned -- @param config service configuration in case this service provider -- needs user supplied configuration -- @return o instance of Helper local function service_new (self, ip, mode, config) local o = { ip = ip, mode = mode, config = config } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end -- The services table contains a list of valid DNSBL providers -- Providers are categorized in categories that should contain services that -- do DNS blacklist checks for that particular category. -- -- Each service should be stored under a key that specifies the service name -- and should contain: -- ns_type - A table with a record type as key and mode as value -- eg: { ["A"] = "short", ["TXT"] = "long" }. -- If only short queries are supported using A records, this argument may be -- omitted. -- -- resp_parser - A function to parse the response received from -- the DNS query. The function should take two arguments: -- * response - the DNS response received by the server, -- typically a code represented by an IP. -- * mode - a string representing what mode (long|short) that -- the function should parse. If ns_type does not contain -- the TXT record, this argument and check can be omitted. -- When the short mode is used, the function should return a table containing -- the state field, or nil if the IP wasn't listed. When long -- mode is used, the function should return additional information using the -- details field. Eg: -- return { state = "SPAM" } -- short mode -- return { state = "PROXY", details = { -- "Proxy is working", -- "Proxy was scanned" -- } -- long mode -- -- fmt_query - A function responsible for formatting the DNS -- query. When the default format is being used . -- eg:, this function can be omitted. But if -- this function is defined, it must return the query to be executed, -- otherwise the library will assume that the provider needs configuration -- that failed to be provided. -- -- configuration - If the service requires the user to provide -- configurations, this function will have to return a list with the name -- and description of the arguments that provide the configuration/options. -- If this function isn't specified, the library will assume the service -- doesn't require configuration. -- SERVICES = { SPAM = { ["dnsbl.inps.de"] = { -- This service supports both long and short mode ns_type = { ["short"] = "A", ["long"] = "TXT", }, new = service_new, -- Sample fmt_query function, if no function is specified, the library -- will assume that the IP should be reversed add suffixed with the -- service name. fmt_query = function(self) local rev_ip = dns.reverse(self.ip):match("^(.*)%.in%-addr%.arpa$") return ("%s.spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net"):format(rev_ip) end, -- This function parses the response and supports both long and -- short mode. resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", } if ( ("short" == self.mode and r[1]) ) then return responses[r[1]] else return { state = "SPAM", details = { r[1] } } end end, }, ["spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net"] = { ns_type = { ["short"] = "A" }, new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) return ( r[1] == "" and { state = "SPAM" } ) end, }, ["bl.nszones.com"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "DYNAMIC" } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["all.spamrats.com"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "DYNAMIC", [""] = "SPAM", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["list.quorum.to"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) -- this service appears to return when the service is -- "blocked because it has never been seen to send mail". -- This would essentially return every host as SPAM and we -- don't want that. return ( ( r[1] and r[1] ~= "" ) and { state = "SPAM" } ) end }, ["sbl.spamhaus.org"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "SPAM", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["bl.spamcop.net"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["dnsbl.ahbl.org"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "SPAM", [""] = "SPAM", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["l2.apews.org"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "SPAM", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, }, PROXY = { ["dnsbl.tornevall.org"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) if ( "short" == self.mode and r[1] ) then return { state = "PROXY" } elseif ( "long" == self.mode ) then local responses = { [1] = "Proxy has been scanned", [2] = "Proxy is working", [4] = "?", [8] = "Proxy was tested, but timed out on connection", [16] = "Proxy was tested but failed at connection", [32] = "Proxy was tested but the IP was different", [64] = "IP marked as \"abusive host\"", [128] = "Proxy has a different anonymous-state" } local code = tonumber(r[1]:match("%.(%d*)$")) local result = {} for k, v in pairs(responses) do if ( bit.band( code, k ) == k ) then table.insert(result, v) end end return { state = "PROXY", details = result } end end, }, ["ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org"] = { configuration = { ["port"] = "the port to which the target can relay to", ["ip"] = "the IP address to which the target can relay to" }, new = service_new, fmt_query = function(self) if ( not(self.config.port) or not(self.config.ip) ) then return end local rev_ip = dns.reverse(self.ip):match("^(.*)%.in%-addr%.arpa$") return ("%s.%s.%s.ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org"):format(rev_ip, self.config.port, self.config.ip) end, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["tor.dan.me.uk"] = { ns_type = { ["short"] = "A", ["long"] = "TXT", }, new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } if ( "short" == self.mode and r[1] ) then return { state = responses[r[1]] } else local flagsinfo = { ["E"] = "Exit", ["A"] = "Authority", ["B"] = "BadExit", ["D"] = "V2Dir", ["F"] = "Fast", ["G"] = "Guard", ["H"] = "HSDir", ["N"] = "Named", ["R"] = "Running", ["S"] = "Stable", ["U"] = "Unnamed", ["V"] = "Valid" } local name, ports, flagsfound = r[1]:match( "N:(.+)/P:([%d,]+)/F:([EABDFGHNRSUV]+)") local flags = {} flags['name'] = "Flags" for k, v in pairs(flagsinfo) do if flagsfound:match(k) then table.insert(flags, v) end end local result = { ("Name: %s"):format(name), ("Ports: %s"):format(ports), flags } return { state = "PROXY", details = result } end end, }, ["dnsbl.ahbl.org"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["http.dnsbl.sorbs.net"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["socks.dnsbl.sorbs.net"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, }, ["misc.dnsbl.sorbs.net"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "PROXY", } return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = responses[r[1]] } end, } }, ATTACK = { ["dnsbl.httpbl.org"] = { configuration = { ["apikey"] = "the http:BL API key" }, new = service_new, fmt_query = function(self) if ( not(self.config.apikey) ) then return end local rev_ip = dns.reverse(self.ip):match("^(.*)%.in%-addr%.arpa$") return ("%s.%s.dnsbl.httpbl.org"):format(self.config.apikey, rev_ip) end, resp_parser = function(self, r) if ( not(r[1]) ) then return end local parts, err = ipOps.get_parts_as_number(r[1]) if ( not(parts) or err ) then -- TODO Should we return failure in the result? stdnse.debug1("The dnsbl.httpbl.org provider failed to return a valid address") return end local octet1, octet2, octet3, octet4 = table.unpack(parts) if ( octet1 ~= 127 ) then -- This shouldn't happen :P stdnse.debug1( "The request made to dnsbl.httpbl.org was considered invalid (%i)", octet1) elseif ( "short" == self.mode ) then return { state = "ATTACK" } else local search = { [0] = "Undocumented", [1] = "AltaVista", [2] = "Ask", [3] = "Baidu", [4] = "Excite", [5] = "Google", [6] = "Looksmart", [7] = "Lycos", [8] = "MSN", [9] = "Yahoo", [10] = "Cuil", [11] = "InfoSeek", [12] = "Miscellaneous" } local result = {} -- Search engines are a special case. if ( octet4 == 0 ) then table.insert(result, ("Search engine: %s"):format( search[octet3])) else table.insert(result, ("Last activity: %i days"):format( octet2)) table.insert(result, ("Threat score: %i"):format( octet3)) local activity = {} activity['name'] = "Activity" -- Suspicious activity if ( bit.band(octet4, 1) == 1) then table.insert(activity, "Suspicious") end -- Harvester if ( bit.band(octet4, 2) == 2) then table.insert(activity, "Harvester") end -- Comment spammer if ( bit.band(octet4, 4) == 4) then table.insert(activity, "Comment spammer") end table.insert(result, activity) end return { state = "ATTACK", details = result } end end, }, ["all.bl.blocklist.de"] = { new = service_new, resp_parser = function(self, r) local responses = { [""] = "Amavis", [""] = "DDoS", [""] = "Asterisk, SIP, VoIP", [""] = "Badbot", [""] = "FTP", [""] = "IMAP", [""] = "IRC bot", [""] = "Mail", [""] = "POP3", [""] = "Registration bot", [""] = "Remote file inclusion", [""] = "SASL", [""] = "SSH", [""] = "w00tw00t", [""] = "Port flood", } if ( "short" == self.mode and r[1] ) then return "ATTACK" else return ( r[1] and responses[r[1]] ) and { state = "ATTACK", details = { ("Type: %s"):format(responses[r[1]]) } } end end, } }, } Helper = { -- Creates a new Helper instance -- @param category string containing a valid DNSBL service category -- @param mode string (short|long) specifying whether short or long -- results are to be returned -- @return o instance of Helper new = function(self, category, mode) local o = { category = category:upper(), mode = mode } assert(category and SERVICES[category:upper()], "Invalid category was supplied, aborting") setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Lists all DNSBL services for the category -- @return services table of service names listServices = function(self) local services = {} for name, svc in pairs(SERVICES[self.category]) do if ( svc.configuration ) then local service = {} service['name'] = name for config, description in pairs(svc.configuration) do table.insert(service, ("config: %s.%s - %s"):format( name, config, description)) end table.insert(services, service ) else table.insert(services, name) end end return services end, -- Validates the filter set by setFilter to make sure it contains only -- valid service names. -- @return status boolean, true on success false on failure -- @return err string containing an error message on failure validateFilter = function(self) if ( not(self.filterstr) ) then return true end local all = SERVICES[self.category] self.filter = {} for _, f in pairs(stdnse.strsplit(",%s*", self.filterstr)) do if ( not(SERVICES[self.category][f]) ) then self.filter = nil return false, ("Service does not exist '%s'"):format(f) end self.filter[f] = true end return true end, -- Sets a new service filter to choose only a limited subset of services -- within a category. -- @param filter string containing a comma separated list of service names setFilter = function(self, filter) self.filterstr = filter end, -- Gets a list of filtered services, or all services if no filter is in use -- @return services table containing a list of services getServices = function(self) if ( not(self:validateFilter()) ) then return nil end if ( self.filter ) then local filtered = {} for name, svc in pairs(SERVICES[self.category]) do if ( self.filter[name] ) then filtered[name] = svc end end return filtered else return SERVICES[self.category] end end, doQuery = function(self, ip, name, svc, answers) local condvar = nmap.condvar(answers) local config = {} if ( svc.configuration ) then for key in pairs(svc.configuration) do config[key] = stdnse.get_script_args(("%s.%s"):format(name, key)) end end svc = svc:new(ip, self.mode, config) local ns_type = ( svc.ns_type and svc.ns_type[self.mode] ) and svc.ns_type[self.mode] or "A" local query if ( not(svc.fmt_query) ) then local rev_ip = dns.reverse(ip):match("^(.*)%.in%-addr%.arpa$") query = ("%s.%s"):format(rev_ip, name) else query = svc:fmt_query() end if ( query ) then local status, answer = dns.query(query, {dtype=ns_type, retAll=true} ) answers[name] = { status = status, answer = answer, svc = svc } else stdnse.debug1("Query function returned nothing, skipping '%s'", name) end condvar "signal" end, -- Runs the DNS blacklist check for the given IP against all non-filtered -- services in the given category. -- @param ip string containing the IP address to check -- @return result table containing the results of the BL checks checkBL = function(self, ip) local result, answers, threads = {}, {}, {} local condvar = nmap.condvar(answers) for name, svc in pairs(self:getServices()) do local co = stdnse.new_thread(self.doQuery, self, ip, name, svc, answers) threads[co] = true end repeat for t in pairs(threads) do if ( coroutine.status(t) == "dead" ) then threads[t] = nil end end if ( next(threads) ) then condvar "wait" end until( next(threads) == nil ) for name, answer in pairs(answers) do local status, answer, svc = answer.status, answer.answer, answer.svc if ( status ) then local svc_result = svc:resp_parser(answer) if ( not(svc_result) ) then local resp = ( #answer > 0 and ("UNKNOWN (%s)"):format(answer[1]) or "UNKNOWN" ) stdnse.debug2("%s received %s", name, resp) end if ( svc_result ) then table.insert(result, { name = name, result = svc_result }) end -- if status is false, and the response was "No Such Name", it -- simply means that the IP isn't listed, we haven't failed at -- this point. It would obviously be better to check this against -- an error code, or in some other way, but this is what we've got. elseif ( answer ~= "No Such Name" ) then table.insert(result, { name = name, result = { state = "FAIL" }}) end end return result end, } return _ENV;