--- -- Standard Nmap Scripting Engine functions. This module contains various handy -- functions that are too small to justify modules of their own. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- @class module -- @name stdnse local _G = require "_G" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local math = require "math" local nmap = require "nmap" local os = require "os" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local assert = assert; local error = error; local getmetatable = getmetatable; local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local next = next local rawset = rawset local require = require; local select = select local setmetatable = setmetatable; local tonumber = tonumber; local tostring = tostring; local print = print; local type = type local ceil = math.ceil local max = math.max local format = string.format; local rep = string.rep local match = string.match local concat = table.concat; local insert = table.insert; local pack = table.pack; local unpack = table.unpack; local difftime = os.difftime; local time = os.time; local EMPTY = {}; -- Empty constant table _ENV = require "strict" {}; --- Sleeps for a given amount of time. -- -- This causes the program to yield control and not regain it until the time -- period has elapsed. The time may have a fractional part. Internally, the -- timer provides millisecond resolution. -- @name sleep -- @class function -- @param t Time to sleep, in seconds. -- @usage stdnse.sleep(1.5) _ENV.sleep = nmap.socket.sleep; --- -- Prints a formatted debug message if the current debugging level is greater -- than or equal to a given level. -- -- This is a convenience wrapper around nmap.log_write. The first -- optional numeric argument, level, is used as the debugging level -- necessary to print the message (it defaults to 1 if omitted). All remaining -- arguments are processed with Lua's string.format function. -- -- If known, the output includes some context based information: the script -- identifier and the target ip/port (if there is one). If the debug level is -- at least 2, it also prints the base thread identifier and whether it is a -- worker thread or the master thread. -- -- @param level Optional debugging level. -- @param fmt Format string. -- @param ... Arguments to format. function debug (level, fmt, ...) local current = nmap.debugging() local prefix = "[" local id = getid() if id then prefix = prefix .. id end local host, port = gethostport() if host and host.ip then prefix = prefix .. " " .. host.ip end if port and port.number then prefix = prefix .. ":" .. port.number end local tid = gettid() local tid = match(tostring(tid), "0x(.*)") local worker = isworker() if current >= 2 and tid then if worker then prefix = prefix .. " W:" .. tid else prefix = prefix .. " M:" .. tid end end prefix = prefix .. "] " if type(level) == "number" then if level <= current then if prefix ~= "[] " then nmap.log_write("stdout", prefix..format(fmt, ...)) else nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...)) end end elseif 1 <= current then -- level is fmt and fmt is first argument if prefix ~= "[] " then nmap.log_write("stdout", prefix..format(level, fmt, ...)) else nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...)) end end end --Aliases for particular debug levels function debug1 (...) return stdnse.debug(1, ...) end function debug2 (...) return stdnse.debug(2, ...) end function debug3 (...) return stdnse.debug(3, ...) end function debug3 (...) return stdnse.debug(4, ...) end function debug5 (...) return stdnse.debug(5, ...) end --- -- Deprecated version of debug(), kept for now to prevent the script id from being -- printed twice. Scripts should use debug() and not pass SCRIPT_NAME print_debug = function(level, fmt, ...) local l, d = tonumber(level), nmap.debugging(); if l and l <= d then nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...)); elseif not l and 1 <= d then nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...)); end end --- -- Prints a formatted verbosity message if the current verbosity level is greater -- than or equal to a given level. -- -- This is a convenience wrapper around nmap.log_write. The first -- optional numeric argument, level, is used as the verbosity level -- necessary to print the message (it defaults to 1 if omitted). All remaining -- arguments are processed with Lua's string.format function. -- -- If known, the output includes some context based information: the script -- identifier. If the verbosity level is at least 2, it also prints the target -- ip/port (if there is one) -- -- @param level Optional verbosity level. -- @param fmt Format string. -- @param ... Arguments to format. function verbose (level, fmt, ...) local current = nmap.verbosity() local prefix = "[" local id = getid() if id then prefix = prefix .. id end if current >= 2 then local host, port = gethostport() if host and host.ip then prefix = prefix .. " " .. host.ip end if port and port.number then prefix = prefix .. ":" .. port.number end end prefix = prefix .. "] " if type(level) == "number" then if level <= current then if prefix ~= "[] " then nmap.log_write("stdout", prefix..format(fmt, ...)) else nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...)) end end elseif 1 <= current then -- level is fmt and fmt is first argument if prefix ~= "[] " then nmap.log_write("stdout", prefix..format(level, fmt, ...)) else nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...)) end end end --Aliases for particular verbosity levels function verbose1 (...) return stdnse.verbose(1, ...) end function verbose2 (...) return stdnse.verbose(2, ...) end function verbose3 (...) return stdnse.verbose(3, ...) end function verbose4 (...) return stdnse.verbose(4, ...) end function verbose5 (...) return stdnse.verbose(5, ...) end --- -- Deprecated version of verbose(), kept for now to prevent the script id from being -- printed twice. Scripts should use verbose() and not pass SCRIPT_NAME print_verbose = function(level, fmt, ...) local l, d = tonumber(level), nmap.verbosity(); if l and l <= d then nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...)); elseif not l and 1 <= d then nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...)); end end --- Join a list of strings with a separator string. -- -- This is Lua's table.concat function with the parameters -- swapped for coherence. -- @usage -- stdnse.strjoin(", ", {"Anna", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dolores"}) -- --> "Anna, Bob, Charlie, Dolores" -- @param delimiter String to delimit each element of the list. -- @param list Array of strings to concatenate. -- @return Concatenated string. function strjoin(delimiter, list) assert(type(delimiter) == "string" or type(delimiter) == nil, "delimiter is of the wrong type! (did you get the parameters backward?)") return concat(list, delimiter); end --- Split a string at a given delimiter, which may be a pattern. -- @usage -- stdnse.strsplit(",%s*", "Anna, Bob, Charlie, Dolores") -- --> { "Anna", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dolores" } -- @param pattern Pattern that separates the desired strings. -- @param text String to split. -- @return Array of substrings without the separating pattern. function strsplit(pattern, text) local list, pos = {}, 1; assert(pattern ~= "", "delimiter matches empty string!"); while true do local first, last, match = text:find(pattern, pos); if first then -- found? list[#list+1] = text:sub(pos, first-1); pos = last+1; else list[#list+1] = text:sub(pos); break; end end return list; end --- Generate a random string. -- You can either provide your own charset or the function will use -- a default one which is [A-Z]. -- @param len Length of the string we want to generate. -- @param charset Charset that will be used to generate the string. -- @return A random string of length len consisting of -- characters from charset if one was provided, otherwise -- charset defaults to [A-Z] letters. function generate_random_string(len, charset) local t = {} local ascii_A = 65 local ascii_Z = 90 if charset then for i=1,len do t[i]=charset[math.random(#charset)] end else for i=1,len do t[i]=string.char(math.random(ascii_A,ascii_Z)) end end return table.concat(t) end --- Return a wrapper closure around a socket that buffers socket reads into -- chunks separated by a pattern. -- -- This function operates on a socket attempting to read data. It separates the -- data by sep and, for each invocation, returns a piece of the -- separated data. Typically this is used to iterate over the lines of data -- received from a socket (sep = "\r?\n"). The returned string -- does not include the separator. It will return the final data even if it is -- not followed by the separator. Once an error or EOF is reached, it returns -- nil, msg. msg is what is returned by -- nmap.receive_lines. -- @param socket Socket for the buffer. -- @param sep Separator for the buffered reads. -- @return Data from socket reads or nil on EOF or error. -- @return Error message, as with receive_lines. function make_buffer(socket, sep) local point, left, buffer, done, msg = 1, ""; local function self() if done then return nil, msg; -- must be nil for stdnse.lines (below) elseif not buffer then local status, str = socket:receive(); if not status then if #left > 0 then done, msg = not status, str; return left; else return status, str; end else buffer = left..str; return self(); end else local i, j = buffer:find(sep, point); if i then local ret = buffer:sub(point, i-1); point = j + 1; return ret; else point, left, buffer = 1, buffer:sub(point), nil; return self(); end end end return self; end --[[ This function may be usable in Lua 5.2 function lines(socket) return make_buffer(socket, "\r?\n"), nil, nil; end --]] do local t = { ["0"] = "0000", ["1"] = "0001", ["2"] = "0010", ["3"] = "0011", ["4"] = "0100", ["5"] = "0101", ["6"] = "0110", ["7"] = "0111", ["8"] = "1000", ["9"] = "1001", a = "1010", b = "1011", c = "1100", d = "1101", e = "1110", f = "1111" }; --- Converts the given number, n, to a string in a binary number format (12 -- becomes "1100"). -- @param n Number to convert. -- @return String in binary format. function tobinary(n) assert(tonumber(n), "number expected"); return (("%x"):format(n):gsub("%w", t):gsub("^0*", "")); end end --- Converts the given number, n, to a string in an octal number format (12 -- becomes "14"). -- @param n Number to convert. -- @return String in octal format. function tooctal(n) assert(tonumber(n), "number expected"); return ("%o"):format(n) end --- Encode a string or number in hexadecimal (12 becomes "c", "AB" becomes -- "4142"). -- -- An optional second argument is a table with formatting options. The possible -- fields in this table are -- * separator: A string to use to separate groups of digits. -- * group: The size of each group of digits between separators. Defaults to 2, but has no effect if separator is not also given. -- @usage -- stdnse.tohex("abc") --> "616263" -- stdnse.tohex("abc", {separator = ":"}) --> "61:62:63" -- stdnse.tohex("abc", {separator = ":", group = 4}) --> "61:6263" -- stdnse.tohex(123456) --> "1e240" -- stdnse.tohex(123456, {separator = ":"}) --> "1:e2:40" -- stdnse.tohex(123456, {separator = ":", group = 4}) --> "1:e240" -- @param s String or number to be encoded. -- @param options Table specifying formatting options. -- @return String in hexadecimal format. function tohex( s, options ) options = options or EMPTY local separator = options.separator local hex if type( s ) == "number" then hex = ("%x"):format(s) elseif type( s ) == 'string' then hex = ("%02x"):rep(#s):format(s:byte(1,#s)) else error( "Type not supported in tohex(): " .. type(s), 2 ) end -- format hex if we got a separator if separator then local group = options.group or 2 local fmt_table = {} -- split hex in group-size chunks for i=#hex,1,-group do -- table index must be consecutive otherwise table.concat won't work fmt_table[ceil(i/group)] = hex:sub(max(i-group+1,1),i) end hex = concat( fmt_table, separator ) end return hex end ---Format a MAC address as colon-separated hex bytes. --@param mac The MAC address in binary, such as host.mac_addr --@return The MAC address in XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format function format_mac(mac) return tohex(mac, {separator=":"}) end ---Either return the string itself, or return "" (or the value of the second parameter) if the string -- was blank or nil. -- --@param string The base string. --@param blank The string to return if string was blank --@return Either string or, if it was blank, blank function string_or_blank(string, blank) if(string == nil or string == "") then if(blank == nil) then return "" else return blank end else return string end end --- -- Parses a time duration specification, which is a number followed by a -- unit, and returns a number of seconds. -- -- The unit is optional and defaults to seconds. The possible units -- (case-insensitive) are -- * ms: milliseconds, -- * s: seconds, -- * m: minutes, -- * h: hours. -- In case of a parsing error, the function returns nil -- followed by an error message. -- -- @usage -- parse_timespec("10") --> 10 -- parse_timespec("10ms") --> 0.01 -- parse_timespec("10s") --> 10 -- parse_timespec("10m") --> 600 -- parse_timespec("10h") --> 36000 -- parse_timespec("10z") --> nil, "Can't parse time specification \"10z\" (bad unit \"z\")" -- -- @param timespec A time specification string. -- @return A number of seconds, or nil followed by an error -- message. function parse_timespec(timespec) if timespec == nil then return nil, "Can't parse nil timespec" end local n, unit, t, m local multipliers = {[""] = 1, s = 1, m = 60, h = 60 * 60, ms = 0.001} n, unit = string.match(timespec, "^([%d.]+)(.*)$") if not n then return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\"", timespec) end t = tonumber(n) if not t then return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\" (bad number \"%s\")", timespec, n) end m = multipliers[unit] if not m then return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\" (bad unit \"%s\")", timespec, unit) end return t * m end -- Find the offset in seconds between local time and UTC. That is, if we -- interpret a UTC date table as a local date table by passing it to os.time, -- how much must be added to the resulting integer timestamp to make it -- correct? local function utc_offset(t) -- What does the calendar say locally? local localtime = os.date("*t", t) -- What does the calendar say in UTC? local gmtime = os.date("!*t", t) -- Interpret both as local calendar dates and find the difference. return difftime(os.time(localtime), os.time(gmtime)) end --- Convert a date table into an integer timestamp. -- -- Unlike os.time, this does not assume that the date table represents a local -- time. Rather, it takes an optional offset number of seconds representing the -- time zone, and returns the timestamp that would result using that time zone -- as local time. If the offset is omitted or 0, the date table is interpreted -- as a UTC date. For example, 4:00 UTC is the same as 5:00 UTC+1: -- -- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}) --> 14400 -- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}, 0) --> 14400 -- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=5,min=0,sec=0}, 1*60*60) --> 14400 -- -- And 4:00 UTC+1 is an earlier time: -- -- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}, 1*60*60) --> 10800 -- function date_to_timestamp(date, offset) offset = offset or 0 return os.time(date) + utc_offset(os.time(date)) - offset end local function format_tz(offset) local sign, hh, mm if not offset then return "" end if offset < 0 then sign = "-" offset = -offset else sign = "+" end -- Truncate to minutes. offset = math.floor(offset / 60) hh = math.floor(offset / 60) mm = math.floor(math.fmod(offset, 60)) return string.format("%s%02d:%02d", sign, hh, mm) end --- Format a date and time (and optional time zone) for structured output. -- -- Formatting is done according to RFC 3339 (a profile of ISO 8601), except -- that a time zone may be omitted to signify an unspecified local time zone. -- Time zones are given as an integer number of seconds from UTC. Use -- 0 to mark UTC itself. Formatted strings with a time zone look -- like this: -- -- format_timestamp(os.time(), 0) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42+00:00" -- format_timestamp(os.time(), 2*60*60) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42+02:00" -- -- Without a time zone they look like this: -- -- format_timestamp(os.time()) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42" -- -- -- This function should be used for all dates emitted as part of NSE structured -- output. function format_timestamp(t, offset) if type(t) == "table" then return string.format( "%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", t.year, t.month, t.day, t.hour, t.min, t.sec ) else local tz_string = format_tz(offset) offset = offset or 0 return os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t + offset) .. tz_string end end --- Format the difference between times t2 and t1 -- into a string in one of the forms (signs may vary): -- * 0s -- * -4s -- * +2m38s -- * -9h12m34s -- * +5d17h05m06s -- * -2y177d10h13m20s -- The string shows t2 relative to t1; i.e., the -- calculation is t2 minus t1. function format_difftime(t2, t1) local d, s, sign, yeardiff d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1)) if d > 0 then sign = "+" elseif d < 0 then sign = "-" t2, t1 = t1, t2 d = -d else sign = "" end -- t2 is always later than or equal to t1 here. -- The year is a tricky case because it's not a fixed number of days -- the way a day is a fixed number of hours or an hour is a fixed -- number of minutes. For example, the difference between 2008-02-10 -- and 2009-02-10 is 366 days because 2008 was a leap year, but it -- should be printed as 1y0d0h0m0s, not 1y1d0h0m0s. We advance t1 to be -- the latest year such that it is still before t2, which means that its -- year will be equal to or one less than t2's. The number of years -- skipped is stored in yeardiff. if t2.year > t1.year then local tmpyear = t1.year -- Put t1 in the same year as t2. t1.year = t2.year d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1)) if d < 0 then -- Too far. Back off one year. t1.year = t2.year - 1 d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1)) end yeardiff = t1.year - tmpyear t1.year = tmpyear else yeardiff = 0 end local s, sec, min s = "" -- Seconds (pad to two digits). sec = d % 60 d = math.floor(d / 60) if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then return sign .. string.format("%gs", sec) .. s end s = string.format("%02gs", sec) .. s -- Minutes (pad to two digits). min = d % 60 d = math.floor(d / 60) if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then return sign .. string.format("%dm", min) .. s end s = string.format("%02dm", min) .. s -- Hours. s = string.format("%dh", d % 24) .. s d = math.floor(d / 24) if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then return sign .. s end -- Days. s = string.format("%dd", d) .. s if yeardiff == 0 then return sign .. s end -- Years. s = string.format("%dy", yeardiff) .. s return sign .. s end --- Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch -- @return The current time in milliseconds since the epoch function clock_ms() return nmap.clock() * 1000 end --- Returns the current time in microseconds since the epoch -- @return The current time in microseconds since the epoch function clock_us() return nmap.clock() * 1000000 end ---Get the indentation symbols at a given level. local function format_get_indent(indent, at_end) local str = "" local had_continue = false if(not(at_end)) then str = rep(' ', #indent) -- Was: "| " else for i = #indent, 1, -1 do if(indent[i] and not(had_continue)) then str = str .. " " -- Was: "|_ " else had_continue = true str = str .. " " -- Was: "| " end end end return str end local function splitlines(s) local result = {} local i = 0 while i <= #s do local b, e b, e = string.find(s, "\r?\n", i) if not b then break end result[#result + 1] = string.sub(s, i, b - 1) i = e + 1 end if i <= #s then result[#result + 1] = string.sub(s, i) end return result end -- A helper for format_output (see below). local function format_output_sub(status, data, indent) if (#data == 0) then return "" end -- Used to put 'ERROR: ' in front of all lines on error messages local prefix = "" -- Initialize the output string to blank (or, if we're at the top, add a newline) local output = {} if(not(indent)) then insert(output, '\n') end if(not(status)) then if(nmap.debugging() < 1) then return nil end prefix = "ERROR: " end -- If a string was passed, turn it into a table if(type(data) == 'string') then data = {data} end -- Make sure we have an indent value indent = indent or {} if(data['name']) then if(data['warning'] and nmap.debugging() > 0) then insert(output, format("%s%s%s (WARNING: %s)\n", format_get_indent(indent), prefix, data['name'], data['warning'])) else insert(output, format("%s%s%s\n", format_get_indent(indent), prefix, data['name'])) end elseif(data['warning'] and nmap.debugging() > 0) then insert(output, format("%s%s(WARNING: %s)\n", format_get_indent(indent), prefix, data['warning'])) end for i, value in ipairs(data) do if(type(value) == 'table') then -- Do a shallow copy of indent local new_indent = {} for _, v in ipairs(indent) do insert(new_indent, v) end if(i ~= #data) then insert(new_indent, false) else insert(new_indent, true) end insert(output, format_output_sub(status, value, new_indent)) elseif(type(value) == 'string') then local lines = splitlines(value) for j, line in ipairs(lines) do insert(output, format("%s %s%s\n", format_get_indent(indent, i == #data and j == #lines), prefix, line)) end end end return concat(output) end ---Takes a table of output on the commandline and formats it for display to the -- user. -- -- This is basically done by converting an array of nested tables into a -- string. In addition to numbered array elements, each table can have a 'name' -- and a 'warning' value. The 'name' will be displayed above the table, and -- 'warning' will be displayed, with a 'WARNING' tag, if and only if debugging -- is enabled. -- -- Here's an example of a table: -- -- local domains = {} -- domains['name'] = "DOMAINS" -- table.insert(domains, 'Domain 1') -- table.insert(domains, 'Domain 2') -- -- local names = {} -- names['name'] = "NAMES" -- names['warning'] = "Not all names could be determined!" -- table.insert(names, "Name 1") -- -- local response = {} -- table.insert(response, "Apple pie") -- table.insert(response, domains) -- table.insert(response, names) -- -- return stdnse.format_output(true, response) -- -- -- With debugging enabled, this is the output: -- -- Host script results: -- | smb-enum-domains: -- | Apple pie -- | DOMAINS -- | Domain 1 -- | Domain 2 -- | NAMES (WARNING: Not all names could be determined!) -- |_ Name 1 -- -- --@param status A boolean value dictating whether or not the script succeeded. -- If status is false, and debugging is enabled, 'ERROR' is prepended -- to every line. If status is false and debugging is disabled, no output -- occurs. --@param data The table of output. --@param indent Used for indentation on recursive calls; should generally be set to -- nil when calling from a script. -- @return nil, if data is empty, otherwise a -- multiline string. function format_output(status, data, indent) -- If data is nil, die with an error (I keep doing that by accident) assert(data, "No data was passed to format_output()") -- Don't bother if we don't have any data if (#data == 0) then return nil end local result = format_output_sub(status, data, indent) -- Check for an empty result if(result == nil or #result == "" or result == "\n" or result == "\n") then return nil end return result end -- Get the value of a script argument, or nil if the script argument was not -- given. This works also for arguments given as top-level array values, like -- --script-args=unsafe; for these it returns the value 1. local function arg_value(argname) if nmap.registry.args[argname] then return nmap.registry.args[argname] else -- if scriptname.arg is not there, check "arg" local argument_frags = strsplit("%.", argname) if #argument_frags > 0 then if nmap.registry.args[argument_frags[2]] then return nmap.registry.args[argument_frags[2]] end end end for _, v in ipairs(nmap.registry.args) do if v == argname then return 1 end end end --- Parses the script arguments passed to the --script-args option. -- -- @usage -- --script-args 'script.arg1=value,script.arg3,script-x.arg=value' -- local arg1, arg2, arg3 = get_script_args('script.arg1','script.arg2','script.arg3') -- => arg1 = value -- => arg2 = nil -- => arg3 = 1 -- -- --script-args 'displayall,unsafe,script-x.arg=value,script-y.arg=value' -- local displayall, unsafe = get_script_args('displayall','unsafe') -- => displayall = 1 -- => unsafe = 1 -- -- --script-args 'dns-cache-snoop.mode=timed,dns-cache-snoop.domains={host1,host2}' -- local mode, domains = get_script_args('dns-cache-snoop.mode', -- 'dns-cache-snoop.domains') -- => mode = 'timed' -- => domains = {host1,host2} -- -- @param Arguments Script arguments to check. -- @return Arguments values. function get_script_args (...) local args = {} for i, set in ipairs({...}) do if type(set) == "string" then set = {set} end for _, test in ipairs(set) do local v = arg_value(test) if v then args[i] = v break end end end return unpack(args, 1, select("#", ...)) end ---Get the best possible hostname for the given host. This can be the target as given on -- the commandline, the reverse dns name, or simply the ip address. --@param host The host table (or a string that'll simply be returned). --@return The best possible hostname, as a string. function get_hostname(host) if type(host) == "table" then return host.targetname or ( host.name ~= '' and host.name ) or host.ip else return host end end ---Retrieve an item from the registry, checking if each sub-key exists. If any key doesn't -- exist, return nil. function registry_get(subkeys) local registry = nmap.registry local i = 1 while(subkeys[i]) do if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then return nil end registry = registry[subkeys[i]] i = i + 1 end return registry end --Check if the given element exists in the registry. If 'key' is nil, it isn't checked. function registry_exists(subkeys, key, value) local subkey = registry_get(subkeys) if(not(subkey)) then return false end for k, v in pairs(subkey) do if((key == nil or key == k) and (v == value)) then -- TODO: if 'value' is a table, this fails return true end end return false end ---Add an item to an array in the registry, creating all sub-keys if necessary. -- -- For example, calling: -- registry_add_array({'', 'www', '80', 'pages'}, 'index.html') -- Will create nmap.registry[''] as a table, if necessary, then add a table -- under the 'www' key, and so on. 'pages', finally, is treated as an array and the value -- given is added to the end. function registry_add_array(subkeys, value, allow_duplicates) local registry = nmap.registry local i = 1 -- Unless the user wants duplicates, make sure there aren't any if(allow_duplicates ~= true) then if(registry_exists(subkeys, nil, value)) then return end end while(subkeys[i]) do if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then registry[subkeys[i]] = {} end registry = registry[subkeys[i]] i = i + 1 end -- Make sure the value isn't already in the table for _, v in pairs(registry) do if(v == value) then return end end insert(registry, value) end ---Similar to registry_add_array, except instead of adding a value to the -- end of an array, it adds a key:value pair to the table. function registry_add_table(subkeys, key, value, allow_duplicates) local registry = nmap.registry local i = 1 -- Unless the user wants duplicates, make sure there aren't any if(allow_duplicates ~= true) then if(registry_exists(subkeys, key, value)) then return end end while(subkeys[i]) do if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then registry[subkeys[i]] = {} end registry = registry[subkeys[i]] i = i + 1 end registry[key] = value end --- This function allows you to create worker threads that may perform -- network tasks in parallel with your script thread. -- -- Any network task (e.g. socket:connect(...)) will cause the -- running thread to yield to NSE. This allows network tasks to appear to be -- blocking while being able to run multiple network tasks at once. -- While this is useful for running multiple separate scripts, it is -- unfortunately difficult for a script itself to perform network tasks in -- parallel. In order to allow scripts to also have network tasks running in -- parallel, we provide this function, stdnse.new_thread, to -- create a new thread that can perform its own network related tasks -- in parallel with the script. -- -- The script launches the worker thread by calling the new_thread -- function with the parameters: -- * The main Lua function for the script to execute, similar to the script action function. -- * The variable number of arguments to be passed to the worker's main function. -- -- The stdnse.new_thread function will return two results: -- * The worker thread's base (main) coroutine (useful for tracking status). -- * A status query function (described below). -- -- The status query function shall return two values: -- * The result of coroutine.status using the worker thread base coroutine. -- * The error object thrown that ended the worker thread or nil if no error was thrown. This is typically a string, like most Lua errors. -- -- Note that NSE discards all return values of the worker's main function. You -- must use function parameters, upvalues or environments to communicate -- results. -- -- You should use the condition variable (nmap.condvar) -- and mutex (nmap.mutex) facilities to coordinate with your -- worker threads. Keep in mind that Nmap is single threaded so there are -- no (memory) issues in synchronization to worry about; however, there -- is resource contention. Your resources are usually network -- bandwidth, network sockets, etc. Condition variables are also useful if the -- work for any single thread is dynamic. For example, a web server spider -- script with a pool of workers will initially have a single root html -- document. Following the retrieval of the root document, the set of -- resources to be retrieved (the worker's work) will become very large -- (an html document adds many new hyperlinks (resources) to fetch). --@name new_thread --@class function --@param main The main function of the worker thread. --@param ... The arguments passed to the main worker thread. --@return co The base coroutine of the worker thread. --@return info A query function used to obtain status information of the worker. --@usage --local requests = {"/", "/index.html", --[[ long list of objects ]]} -- --function thread_main (host, port, responses, ...) -- local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses); -- local what = {n = select("#", ...), ...}; -- local allReqs = nil; -- for i = 1, what.n do -- allReqs = http.pGet(host, port, what[i], nil, nil, allReqs); -- end -- local p = assert(http.pipeline(host, port, allReqs)); -- for i, response in ipairs(p) do responses[#responses+1] = response end -- condvar "signal"; --end -- --function many_requests (host, port) -- local threads = {}; -- local responses = {}; -- local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses); -- local i = 1; -- repeat -- local j = math.min(i+10, #requests); -- local co = stdnse.new_thread(thread_main, host, port, responses, -- table.unpack(requests, i, j)); -- threads[co] = true; -- i = j+1; -- until i > #requests; -- repeat -- condvar "wait"; -- for thread in pairs(threads) do -- if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then threads[thread] = nil end -- end -- until next(threads) == nil; -- return responses; --end do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua --- Returns the base coroutine of the running script. -- -- A script may be resuming multiple coroutines to facilitate its own -- collaborative multithreading design. Because there is a "root" or "base" -- coroutine that lets us determine whether the script is still active -- (that is, the script did not end, possibly due to an error), we provide -- this stdnse.base function that will retrieve the base -- coroutine of the script. This base coroutine is the coroutine that runs -- the action function. -- -- The base coroutine is useful for many reasons but here are some common -- uses: -- * We want to attribute the ownership of an object (perhaps a network socket) to a script. -- * We want to identify if the script is still alive. --@name base --@class function --@return coroutine Returns the base coroutine of the running script. do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua --- The Lua Require Function with errors silenced. -- -- See the Lua manual for description of the require function. This modified -- version allows the script to quietly fail at loading if a required -- library does not exist. -- --@name silent_require --@class function --@usage stdnse.silent_require "openssl" do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua ---Checks if the port is in the port range -- -- For example, calling: -- in_port_range({number=31337,protocol="udp"},"T:15,50-75,U:31334-31339") -- would result in a true value --@param port a port structure containing keys port number(number) and protocol(string) --@param port_range a port range string in Nmap standard format (ex. "T:80,1-30,U:31337,21-25") --@returns boolean indicating whether the port is in the port range function in_port_range(port,port_range) assert(port and type(port.number)=="number" and type(port.protocol)=="string" and (port.protocol=="udp" or port.protocol=="tcp"),"Port structure missing or invalid: port={ number=, protocol= }") assert((type(port_range)=="string" or type(port_range)=="number") and port_range~="","Incorrect port range specification.") -- Proto - true for TCP, false for UDP local proto if(port.protocol=="tcp") then proto = true else proto = false end --TCP flag for iteration - true for TCP, false for UDP, if not specified we presume TCP local tcp_flag = true -- in case the port_range is a single number if type(port_range)=="number" then if proto and port_range==port.number then return true else return false end end --clean the string a bit port_range=port_range:gsub("%s+","") -- single_pr - single port range for i, single_pr in ipairs(strsplit(",",port_range)) do if single_pr:match("T:") then tcp_flag = true single_pr = single_pr:gsub("T:","") else if single_pr:match("U:") then tcp_flag = false single_pr = single_pr:gsub("U:","") end end -- compare ports only when the port's protocol is the same as -- the current single port range if tcp_flag == proto then local pone = single_pr:match("^(%d+)$") if pone then pone = tonumber(pone) assert(pone>-1 and pone<65536, "Port range number out of range (0-65535).") if pone == port.number then return true end else local pstart, pend = single_pr:match("^(%d+)%-(%d+)$") pstart, pend = tonumber(pstart), tonumber(pend) assert(pstart,"Incorrect port range specification.") assert(pstart<=pend,"Incorrect port range specification, the starting port should have a smaller value than the ending port.") assert(pstart>-1 and pstart<65536 and pend>-1 and pend<65536, "Port range number out of range (0-65535).") if port.number >=pstart and port.number <= pend then return true end end end end -- if no match is found then the port doesn't belong to the port_range return false end --- Module function that mimics some behavior of Lua 5.1 module function. -- -- This convenience function returns a module environment to set the _ENV -- upvalue. The _NAME, _PACKAGE, and _M fields are set as in the Lua 5.1 -- version of this function. Each option function (e.g. stdnse.seeall) -- passed is run with the new environment, in order. -- -- @see stdnse.seeall -- @see strict -- @usage -- _ENV = stdnse.module(name, stdnse.seeall, require "strict"); -- @param name The module name. -- @param ... Option functions which modify the environment of the module. function module (name, ...) local env = {}; env._NAME = name; env._PACKAGE = name:match("(.+)%.[^.]+$"); env._M = env; local mods = pack(...); for i = 1, mods.n do mods[i](env); end return env; end --- Change environment to load global variables. -- -- Option function for use with stdnse.module. It is the same -- as package.seeall from Lua 5.1. -- -- @see stdnse.module -- @usage -- _ENV = stdnse.module(name, stdnse.seeall); -- @param env Environment to change. function seeall (env) local m = getmetatable(env) or {}; m.__index = _G; setmetatable(env, m); end --- Return a table that keeps elements in order of insertion. -- -- The pairs function, called on a table returned by this function, will yield -- elements in the order they were inserted. This function is meant to be used -- to construct output tables returned by scripts. -- -- Reinserting a key that is already in the table does not change its position -- in the order. However, removing a key by assigning to nil and -- then doing another assignment will move the key to the end of the order. -- -- @return An ordered table. function output_table () local t = {} local order = {} local function iterator () for i, key in ipairs(order) do coroutine.yield(key, t[key]) end end local mt = { __newindex = function (_, k, v) if t[k] == nil and v ~= nil then -- New key? table.insert(order, k) elseif v == nil then -- Deleting an existing key? for i, key in ipairs(order) do if key == k then table.remove(order, i) break end end end rawset(t, k, v) end, __index = function (_, k) return t[k] end, __pairs = function (_) return coroutine.wrap(iterator) end, __call = function (_) -- hack to mean "not_empty?" return not not next(order) end, __len = function (_) return #order end } return setmetatable({}, mt) end --- A pretty printer for Lua objects. -- -- Takes an object (usually a table) and prints it using the -- printer function. The printer function takes a sole string -- argument and will be called repeatedly. -- -- @param obj The object to pretty print. -- @param printer The printer function. function pretty_printer (obj, printer) if printer == nil then printer = print end local function aux (obj, spacing) local t = type(obj) if t == "table" then printer "{\n" for k, v in pairs(obj) do local spacing = spacing.."\t" printer(spacing) printer "[" aux(k, spacing) printer "] = " aux(v, spacing) printer ",\n" end printer(spacing.."}") elseif t == "string" then printer(format("%q", obj)) else printer(tostring(obj)) end end return aux(obj, "") end -- This pattern must match the percent sign '%' since it is used in -- escaping. local FILESYSTEM_UNSAFE = "[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]" --- -- Escape a string to remove bytes and strings that may have meaning to -- a filesystem, such as slashes. -- -- All bytes are escaped, except for: -- * alphabetic a-z and A-Z -- * digits 0-9 -- * . _ - -- In addition, the strings "." and ".." have -- their characters escaped. -- -- Bytes are escaped by a percent sign followed by the two-digit -- hexadecimal representation of the byte value. -- * filename_escape("filename.ext") --> "filename.ext" -- * filename_escape("input/output") --> "input%2foutput" -- * filename_escape(".") --> "%2e" -- * filename_escape("..") --> "%2e%2e" -- This escaping is somewhat like that of JavaScript -- encodeURIComponent, except that fewer bytes are -- whitelisted, and it works on bytes, not Unicode characters or UTF-16 -- code points. function filename_escape(s) if s == "." then return "%2e" elseif s == ".." then return "%2e%2e" else return (string.gsub(s, FILESYSTEM_UNSAFE, function (c) return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c)) end)) end end --- Check for the presence of a value in a table --@param tab the table to search into --@param item the searched value --@return Boolean true if the item was found, false if not --@return The index or key where the value was found, or nil function contains(tab, item) for k, val in pairs(tab) do if val == item then return true, k end end return false, nil end return _ENV;