--- -- This library implements HTTP requests used by the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson " -- -- @args anyconnect.group AnyConnect tunnel group (default: VPN) -- @args anyconnect.mac MAC address of connecting client (default: random MAC) -- @args anyconnect.version Version of connecting client (default: 3.1.05160) -- @args anyconnect.ua User Agent of connecting client (default: AnyConnect Darwin_i386 3.1.05160) local http = require('http') local stdnse = require('stdnse') local url = require('url') local math = require('math') local table = require('table') local os = require('os') local string = require('string') local args_group= stdnse.get_script_args('anyconnect.group') or "VPN" local args_mac= stdnse.get_script_args('anyconnect.mac') local args_ver = stdnse.get_script_args('anyconnect.version') or "3.1.05160" local args_ua = stdnse.get_script_args('anyconnect.ua') or ("AnyConnect Darwin_i386 %s"):format(args_ver) _ENV = stdnse.module("anyconnect", stdnse.seeall) Cisco = { Util = { generate_mac = function() math.randomseed(os.time()) local mac = {} for i=1,6 do mac[#mac + 1] = (("%x"):format(math.random(255))):gsub(' ', '0'); end return table.concat(mac,':') end, }, AnyConnect = { new = function(self, host, port) local o = { host = host, port = port } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- generate a random hex-string of length 'length' -- generate_random = function(length) local rnd = "" for i=1, length do rnd = rnd .. string.format("%.2X", math.random(255)) end return rnd end, connect = function(self) args_mac = args_mac or Cisco.Util.generate_mac() local headers = { ['User-Agent'] = args_ua, ['Accept'] = '*/*', ['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity', ['X-Transcend-Version'] = 1, ['X-Aggregate-Auth'] = 1, ['X-AnyConnect-Platform'] = 'mac-intel' } local data = ([[ %s mac-intel %s %s https://%s:%s ]]):format(args_ver, self.generate_random(64), args_mac, args_group, self.host.ip, self.port.number) local options = { header=headers , no_cache=true, redirect_ok = function(host,port) local c = 5 return function(url) if ( c==0 ) then return false end c = c - 1 return true end end } local path = '/' local response = http.head(self.host, self.port, path, options) -- account for redirects if not response.status == 200 then return false, "Failed to connect to SSL VPN server" elseif response.location then local u = url.parse(response.location[#response.location]) if u.host then self.host = u.host end if u.path then path = u.path end end response = http.post(self.host, self.port, path, options, nil, data) if response.status ~= 200 or response.body == nil then return false, "Not a Cisco ASA or unsupported version" end local xmltags = { 'version', 'tunnel-group', 'group-alias', 'config-hash', 'host-scan-ticket', 'host-scan-token', 'host-scan-base-uri', 'host-scan-wait-uri', 'banner' } self.conn_attr = {} for _, tag in ipairs(xmltags) do local body = response.body:gsub('\r?\n', '') local filter = ("<%s.->(.*)"):format(tag:gsub('-', '%%-'), tag:gsub('-', '%%-')) local m = body:match(filter) if m then self.conn_attr[tag] = m end end if not self.conn_attr['version'] then return false, "Not a Cisco ASA or unsupported version" end -- in case we were redirected self.conn_attr['host'] = stdnse.get_hostname(self.host) return true end, --- -- Returns the version of the remote SSL VPN concentrator -- @return table containing major, minor and rev numeric values get_version = function(self) local ver = {} ver['major'], ver['minor'], ver['rev'] = self.conn_attr['version']:match('^(%d-)%.(%d-)%((.*)%)$') return ver end } } return _ENV