--- -- Unit testing support for NSE libraries. -- -- This library will import all NSE libraries looking for a global variable -- test_suite. This must be a callable that returns true or false -- and the number of tests that failed. For convenience, the -- unittest.TestSuite class has this property, and tests can be -- added with add_test. Example: -- -- local data = {"foo", "bar", "baz"} -- test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new() -- test_suite:add_test(equal(data[2], "bar"), "data[2] should equal 'bar'") -- -- The library is driven by the unittest NSE script. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local nmap = require "nmap" _ENV = stdnse.module("unittest", stdnse.seeall) local libs = { "afp", "ajp", "amqp", "asn1", "base32", "base64", "bin", "bitcoin", "bit", "bittorrent", "bjnp", "brute", "cassandra", "citrixxml", "comm", "creds", "cvs", "datafiles", "dhcp6", "dhcp", "dnsbl", "dns", "dnssd", "drda", "eap", "eigrp", "formulas", "ftp", "giop", "gps", "http", "httpspider", "iax2", "ike", "imap", "informix", "ipOps", "ipp", "iscsi", "isns", "jdwp", "json", "ldap", "lfs", "listop", "match", "membase", "mobileme", "mongodb", "msrpc", "msrpcperformance", "msrpctypes", "mssql", "mysql", "natpmp", "ncp", "ndmp", "netbios", "nmap", "nrpc", "nsedebug", "omp2", "openssl", "ospf", "packet", "pcre", "pgsql", "pop3", "pppoe", "proxy", "rdp", "redis", "rmi", "rpcap", "rpc", "rsync", "rtsp", "sasl", "shortport", "sip", "smbauth", "smb", "smtp", "snmp", "socks", "srvloc", "ssh1", "ssh2", "sslcert", "stdnse", "strbuf", "stun", "tab", "target", "tftp", "tns", "unittest", "unpwdb", "upnp", "url", "versant", "vnc", "vulns", "vuzedht", "wsdd", "xdmcp", "xmpp", } --- -- Run tests provided by NSE libraries -- @param to_test A list (table) of libraries to test. If none is provided, all -- libraries are tested. run_tests = function(to_test) if to_test == nil then to_test = libs end local fails = stdnse.output_table() for _,lib in ipairs(to_test) do stdnse.print_debug(1, "Testing %s", lib) local thelib = require(lib) local failed = 0 if rawget(thelib,"test_suite") ~= nil then failed = thelib.test_suite() end if failed ~= 0 then fails[lib] = failed end end return fails end --- The TestSuite class -- -- Holds and runs tests. TestSuite = { --- Creates a new TestSuite object -- -- @return TestSuite object new = function(self) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.tests = {} return o end, --- Set up test environment. Override this. setup = function(self) return true end, --- Tear down test environment. Override this. teardown = function(self) return true end, --- Add a test. -- @param test Function that will be called with the TestSuite object as its only parameter. -- @param description A description of the test being run add_test = function(self, test, description) self.tests[#self.tests+1] = {test, description} end, --- Run tests. -- Runs all tests in the TestSuite, and returns the number of failures. -- @return failures The number of tests that failed -- @return tests The number of tests run __call = function(self) local failures = 0 local passes = 0 self:setup() for _,test in ipairs(self.tests) do stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Test: %s...", test[2]) local status, note = test[1](self) local result local lvl = 2 if status then result = "Pass" passes = passes + 1 else result = "Fail" lvl = 1 if nmap.debugging() < 2 then stdnse.print_debug(1, "| Test: %s...", test[2]) end failures = failures + 1 end if note then stdnse.print_debug(lvl, "| \\_result: %s (%s)", result, note) else stdnse.print_debug(lvl, "| \\_result: %s", result) end end stdnse.print_debug(1, "|_%d of %d tests passed", passes, #self.tests) self:teardown() return failures, #self.tests end, } --- Test creation helper function. -- Turns a simple function into a test factory. -- @param test A function that returns true or false depending on test -- @param fmt A format string describing the failure condition using the -- arguments to the test function -- @return function that generates tests suitable for use in add_test make_test = function(test, fmt) return function(...) local args={...} local nargs = select("#", ...) return function(suite) if not test(table.unpack(args,1,nargs)) then return false, string.format(fmt, table.unpack(args,1,nargs)) end return true end end end --- Test for nil -- @param value The value to test -- @return bool True if the value is nil, false otherwise. is_nil = function(value) return value == nil end is_nil = make_test(is_nil, "Expected not nil, got %s") --- Test for not nil -- @param value The value to test -- @return bool True if the value is not nil, false otherwise. not_nil = function(value) return value ~= nil end not_nil = make_test(not_nil, "Expected not nil, got %s") --- Test for equality -- @param a The first value to test -- @param b The second value to test -- @return bool True if a == b, false otherwise. equal = function(a, b) return a == b end equal = make_test(equal, "%s not equal to %s") --- Test for inequality -- @param a The first value to test -- @param b The second value to test -- @return bool True if a != b, false otherwise. not_equal = function(a, b) return a ~= b end not_equal = make_test(not_equal, "%s unexpectedly equal to %s") --- Test for truth -- @param value The value to test -- @return bool True if value is a boolean and true is_true = function(value) return value == true end is_true = make_test(is_true, "Expected true, got %s") --- Test for falsehood -- @param value The value to test -- @return bool True if value is a boolean and false is_false = function(value) return value == false end is_false = make_test(is_false, "Expected false, got %s") --- Test less than -- @param a The first value to test -- @param b The second value to test -- @return bool True if a < b, false otherwise. lt = function(a, b) return a < b end lt = make_test(lt, "%s not less than %s") --- Test less than or equal to -- @param a The first value to test -- @param b The second value to test -- @return bool True if a <= b, false otherwise. lte = function(a, b) return a <= b end lte = make_test(lte, "%s not less than %s") --- Test length -- @param t The table to test -- @param l The length to test -- @return bool True if the length of t is l length_is = function(t, l) return #t == l end length_is = make_test(length_is, "Length of %s is not %s") --- Expected failure test -- @param test The test to run -- @return function A test for expected failure of the test expected_failure = function(test) return function(suite) if test(suite) then return true, "Test unexpectedly passed" else return true, "Test failed as expected" end return true end end -- Self test test_suite = TestSuite:new() test_suite:add_test(is_nil(test_suite["asdfdoesnotexist"]), "Nonexistent key does not exist") test_suite:add_test(equal(1+1336, 7 * 191), "Arithmetically equal expressions are equal") test_suite:add_test(not_equal( true, "true" ), "Boolean true not equal to string \"true\"") test_suite:add_test(is_true("test" == "test"), "Boolean expression evaluates to true") test_suite:add_test(is_false(1.9999 == 2.0), "Boolean expression evaluates to false") test_suite:add_test(lt(1, 999), "1 < 999") test_suite:add_test(lte(8, 8), "8 <= 8") test_suite:add_test(expected_failure(not_nil(nil)), "Test expected to fail fails") test_suite:add_test(expected_failure(is_nil(nil)), "Test expected to fail succeeds") test_suite:add_test(length_is(test_suite.tests, 10), "Number of tests is 10") return _ENV;