local nmap = require "nmap" local packet = require "packet" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local bin = require "bin" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local target = require "target" local table = require "table" description = [[ Queries targets for multicast routing information. This works by sending a DVMRP Ask Neighbors 2 request to the target and listening for DVMRP Neighbors 2 responses that are sent back and which contain local addresses and the multicast neighbors on each interface of the target. If no specific target is specified, the request will be sent to the All Hosts multicast address. This script is similar somehow to the mrinfo utility included with Windows and Cisco IOS. ]] --- -- @args mrinfo.target Host to which the request is sent. If not set, the -- request will be sent to -- -- @args mrinfo.timeout Time to wait for responses. -- Defaults to 5s. -- --@usage -- nmap --script mrinfo -- nmap --script mrinfo -e eth1 -- nmap --script mrinfo --script-args 'mrinfo.target=' -- --@output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | mrinfo: -- | Source: -- | Version 12.4 -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Neighbor: -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Source: -- | Version 12.4 -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Neighbor: -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Source: -- | Version 12.4 -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- | Neighbor: -- | Local address: -- | Neighbor: -- |_ Use the newtargets script-arg to add the responses as targets -- author = "Hani Benhabiles" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe", "broadcast"} prerule = function() if nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet' then stdnse.print_verbose("%s is IPv4 only.", SCRIPT_NAME) return false end if not nmap.is_privileged() then stdnse.print_verbose("%s not running for lack of privileges.", SCRIPT_NAME) return false end return true end -- Parses a DVMRP Ask Neighbor 2 raw data and returns -- a structured response. -- @param data raw data. local mrinfoParse = function(data) local index, address, neighbor local response = {} -- first byte should be IGMP type == 0x13 (DVMRP) if data:byte(1) ~= 0x13 then return end -- DVMRP Code index, response.code = bin.unpack(">C", data, 2) -- Checksum index, response.checksum = bin.unpack(">S", data, index) -- Capabilities (Skip one reserved byte) index, response.capabilities = bin.unpack(">C", data, index + 1) -- Major and minor version index, response.minver = bin.unpack(">C", data, index) index, response.majver = bin.unpack(">C", data, index) response.addresses = {} -- Iterate over target local addresses (interfaces) while index < #data do if data:byte(index) == 0x00 then break end address = {} -- Local address index, address.ip = bin.unpack("C", data, index) -- Treshold index, address.treshold= bin.unpack(">C", data, index) -- Flags index, address.flags = bin.unpack(">C", data, index) -- Number of neighbors index, address.ncount = bin.unpack(">C", data, index) address.neighbors = {} -- Iterate over neighbors for i = 1, address.ncount do index, neighbor = bin.unpack("C", 0x13) -- Code: Ask Neighbor v2 mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw.. bin.pack(">C", 0x05) -- Checksum: Calculated later mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw.. bin.pack(">S", 0x0000) -- Reserved mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw.. bin.pack(">S", 0x000a) -- Version == Cisco IOS 12.4 -- Minor version: 4 mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw.. bin.pack(">C", 0x04) -- Major version: 12 mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw.. bin.pack(">C", 0x0c) -- Calculate checksum mrinfo_raw = mrinfo_raw:sub(1,2) .. bin.pack(">S", packet.in_cksum(mrinfo_raw)) .. mrinfo_raw:sub(5) return mrinfo_raw end -- Function that sends a DVMRP query. --@param interface Network interface to use. --@param dstip Destination IP to send to. local mrinfoQuery = function(interface, dstip) local mrinfo_packet, sock, eth_hdr local srcip = interface.address local mrinfo_raw = mrinfoRaw() local ip_raw = bin.pack("H", "45c00040ed780000400218bc0a00c8750a00c86b") .. mrinfo_raw mrinfo_packet = packet.Packet:new(ip_raw, ip_raw:len()) mrinfo_packet:ip_set_bin_src(ipOps.ip_to_str(srcip)) mrinfo_packet:ip_set_bin_dst(ipOps.ip_to_str(dstip)) mrinfo_packet:ip_set_len(ip_raw:len()) if dstip == "" then -- Doesn't affect results, but we should respect RFC 3171 :) mrinfo_packet:ip_set_ttl(1) end mrinfo_packet:ip_count_checksum() sock = nmap.new_dnet() if dstip == "" then sock:ethernet_open(interface.device) -- Ethernet IPv4 multicast, our ethernet address and packet type IP eth_hdr = bin.pack("HAH", "01 00 5e 00 00 01", interface.mac, "08 00") sock:ethernet_send(eth_hdr .. mrinfo_packet.buf) sock:ethernet_close() else sock:ip_open() sock:ip_send(mrinfo_packet.buf, dstip) sock:ip_close() end end -- Returns the network interface used to send packets to a target host. --@param target host to which the interface is used. --@return interface Network interface used for target host. local getInterface = function(target) -- First, create dummy UDP connection to get interface local sock = nmap.new_socket() local status, err = sock:connect(target, "12345", "udp") if not status then stdnse.print_verbose("%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, err) return end local status, address, _, _, _ = sock:get_info() if not status then stdnse.print_verbose("%s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, err) return end for _, interface in pairs(nmap.list_interfaces()) do if interface.address == address then return interface end end end action = function() local timeout = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) timeout = (timeout or 5) * 1000 local target = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".target") or "" local responses = {} local interface, result interface = nmap.get_interface() if interface then interface = nmap.get_interface_info(interface) else interface = getInterface(target) end if not interface then return ("\n ERROR: Couldn't get interface for %s"):format(target) end stdnse.print_debug("%s: will send to %s via %s interface.", SCRIPT_NAME, target, interface.shortname) -- Thread that listens for responses stdnse.new_thread(mrinfoListen, interface, timeout, responses) -- Send request after small wait to let Listener start stdnse.sleep(0.1) mrinfoQuery(interface, target) local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses) condvar("wait") if #responses > 0 then local output, ifoutput = {} for _, response in pairs(responses) do result = {} result.name = "Source: " .. response.srcip table.insert(result, ("Version %s.%s"):format(response.majver, response.minver)) for _, address in pairs(response.addresses) do ifoutput = {} ifoutput.name = "Local address: " .. address.ip for _, neighbor in pairs(address.neighbors) do if target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then target.add(neighbor) end table.insert(ifoutput, "Neighbor: " .. neighbor) end table.insert(result, ifoutput) end table.insert(output, result) end if not target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then table.insert(output,"Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets") end return stdnse.format_output(true, output) end end