local stdnse = require "stdnse" local shortport = require "shortport" local dns = require "dns" local base32 = require "base32" local msrpc = require "msrpc" -- just for random string generation local math = require "math" local bin = require "bin" local nmap = require "nmap" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local openssl = stdnse.silent_require "openssl" description = [[ Tries to enumerate domain names from the DNS server that supports DNSSEC NSEC3 records. The script queries for nonexistant domains until it exhausts all domain ranges keeping track of hashes. At the end, all hashes are printed along with salt and number of iterations used. This technique is known as "NSEC3 walking". That info should then be fed into an offline cracker, like unhash from http://dnscurve.org/nsec3walker.html, to bruteforce the actual names from the hashes. Assuming that the script output was written into a text file hashes.txt like: domain example.com salt 123456 iterations 10 nexthash d1427bj0ahqnpi4t0t0aaun18oqpgcda vhnelm23s1m3japt7gohc82hgr9un2at nexthash k7i4ekvi22ebrim5b6celtaniknd6ilj prv54a3cr1tbcvqslrb7bftf5ji5l0p8 nexthash 9ool6bk7r2diaiu81ctiemmb6n961mph nm7v0ig7h9c0agaedc901kojfj9bgabj nexthash 430456af8svfvl98l66shhrgucoip7mi mges520acstgaviekurg3oksh9u31bmb Run this command to recover the domain names: # ./unhash < hashes.txt > domains.txt names: 8 d1427bj0ahqnpi4t0t0aaun18oqpgcda ns.example.com. found 1 private NSEC3 names (12%) using 235451 hash computations k7i4ekvi22ebrim5b6celtaniknd6ilj vulpix.example.com. found 2 private NSEC3 names (25%) using 35017190 hash computations Use the dns-nsec-enum script to handle servers that use NSEC rather than NSEC3. References: * http://dnscurve.org/nsec3walker.html ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -sU -p 53 --script=dns-nsec3-enum --script-args dns-nsec3-enum.domains=example.com --- -- @args dns-nsec3-enum.domains The domain or list of domains to -- enumerate. If not provided, the script will make a guess based on the -- name of the target. -- @args dns-nsec3-enum.timelimit Sets a script run time limit. Default 30 minutes. -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 53/udp open domain -- | dns-nsec3-enum: -- | domain example.com -- | salt 123456 -- | iterations 10 -- | nexthash d1427bj0ahqnpi4t0t0aaun18oqpgcda vhnelm23s1m3japt7gohc82hgr9un2at -- | nexthash k7i4ekvi22ebrim5b6celtaniknd6ilj prv54a3cr1tbcvqslrb7bftf5ji5l0p8 -- | nexthash 9ool6bk7r2diaiu81ctiemmb6n961mph nm7v0ig7h9c0agaedc901kojfj9bgabj -- | nexthash 430456af8svfvl98l66shhrgucoip7mi mges520acstgaviekurg3oksh9u31bmb -- |_ Total hashes found: 8 author = "Aleksandar Nikolic, John R. Bond" license = "Simplified (2-clause) BSD license--See http://nmap.org/svn/docs/licenses/BSD-simplified" categories = {"discovery", "intrusive"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(53, "domain", {"tcp", "udp"}) all_results = {} -- get time (in miliseconds) when the script should finish local function get_end_time() local t = nmap.timing_level() local limit = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args('dns-nsec3-enum.timelimit') or "30m") local end_time = 1000 * limit + nmap.clock_ms() return end_time end local function remove_empty(t) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(t) do if v ~= "" then result[#result + 1] = v end end return result end local function split(domain) return stdnse.strsplit("%.", domain) end local function join(components) return stdnse.strjoin(".", remove_empty(components)) end -- Remove the first component of a domain name. Return nil if the number of -- components drops below min_length (default 0). local function remove_component(domain, min_length) local components min_length = min_length or 0 components = split(domain) if #components < min_length then return nil end table.remove(components, 1) return join(components) end -- Guess the domain given a host. Return nil on failure. This function removes -- a domain name component unless the name would become shorter than 2 -- components. local function guess_domain(host) local name local components name = stdnse.get_hostname(host) if name and name ~= host.ip then return remove_component(name, 2) or name else return nil end end -- Remove a suffix from a domain (to isolate a subdomain from its parent). local function remove_suffix(domain, suffix) local dc, sc dc = split(domain) sc = split(suffix) while #dc > 0 and #sc > 0 and dc[#dc] == sc[#sc] do dc[#dc] = nil sc[#sc] = nil end return join(dc), join(sc) end -- Return the subset of authoritative records with the given label. local function auth_filter(retPkt, label) local result = {} for _, rec in ipairs(retPkt.auth) do if rec[label] then result[#result + 1] = rec[label] end end return result end local function empty(t) return not next(t) end local function random_string() return msrpc.random_crap(8,"etaoinshrdlucmfw") end -- generate a random hash with domains suffix -- return both domain and it's hash local function generate_hash(domain, iter, salt) local rand_str = random_string() local random_domain = rand_str .. "." .. domain local packed_domain = "" for word in string.gmatch(domain,"[^%.]+") do packed_domain = packed_domain .. bin.pack("c",string.len(word)) .. word end local to_hash = bin.pack("c",string.len(rand_str)) .. rand_str .. packed_domain .. bin.pack("c",0) .. bin.pack("H",salt) iter = iter - 1 local hash = openssl.sha1(to_hash) for i=0,iter do hash = hash .. bin.pack("H",salt) hash = openssl.sha1(hash) end return string.lower(base32.enc(hash,true)), random_domain end -- convenience function , returns size of a table local function table_size(tbl) local numItems = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do numItems = numItems + 1 end return numItems end -- convenience function , return first item in a table local function get_first(tbl) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do return k,v end end -- convenience function , check if table cointains an element local function table_contains(tbl,element) for _, value in pairs(tbl) do if value == element then return true end end return false end -- queries the domain and parses the results -- returns the list of new ranges local function query_for_hashes(host,subdomain,domain) local status local result local ranges = {} status, result = dns.query(subdomain, {host = host.ip, dtype='NSEC3', retAll=true, retPkt=true, dnssec=true}) if status then for _, nsec3 in ipairs(auth_filter(result, "NSEC3")) do local h1 = string.lower(remove_suffix(nsec3.dname,domain)) local h2 = string.lower(nsec3.hash.base32) if not table_contains(all_results,"nexthash " .. h1 .. " " .. h2) then table.insert(all_results, "nexthash " .. h1 .. " " .. h2) stdnse.print_debug("nexthash " .. h1 .. " " .. h2) end ranges[h1] = h2 end else stdnse.print_debug(1, "DNS error: %s", result) end return ranges end -- does the actuall enumeration local function enum(host, port, domain) local seen, seen_subdomain = {}, {} local ALG ={} ALG[1] = "SHA-1" local todo = {} local dnssec, status, result = false, false, "No Answer" local result = {} local subdomain = msrpc.random_crap(8,"etaoinshrdlucmfw") local full_domain = join({subdomain, domain}) local iter local salt local end_time = get_end_time() -- do one query to determine the hash and if DNSSEC is actually used status, result = dns.query(full_domain, {host = host.ip, dtype='NSEC3', retAll=true, retPkt=true, dnssec=true}) if status then local is_nsec3 = false for _, nsec3 in ipairs(auth_filter(result, "NSEC3")) do -- parse the results and add initial ranges is_nsec3 = true dnssec = true iter = nsec3.iterations salt = nsec3.salt.hex local h1 = string.lower(remove_suffix(nsec3.dname,domain)) local h2 = string.lower(nsec3.hash.base32) if table_size(todo) == 0 then table.insert(all_results, "domain " .. domain) stdnse.print_debug("domain " .. domain) table.insert(all_results, "salt " .. salt) stdnse.print_debug("salt " .. salt) table.insert(all_results, "iterations " .. iter) stdnse.print_debug("iterations " .. iter) if h1 < h2 then todo[h2] = h1 else todo[h1] = h2 end else for b,a in pairs(todo) do if h1 == b and h2 == a then -- h2:a b:h1 case todo[b] = nil break end if h1 == b and h2 > h1 then -- a b:h1 h2 case todo[b] = nil todo[h2] = a break end if h1 == b and h2 < a then -- h2 a b:h1 todo[b] = nil todo[b] = h2 break end if h1 > b then -- a b h1 h2 todo[b] = nil todo[b] = h1 todo[h2] = a break end if h1 < a then -- h1 h2 a b todo[b] = nil todo[b] = h1 todo[h2] = a break end end -- for end -- else table.insert(all_results, "nexthash " .. h1 .. " " .. h2) stdnse.print_debug("nexthash " .. h1 .. " " .. h2) end end -- find hash that falls into one of the ranges and query for it while table_size(todo) > 0 and nmap.clock_ms() < end_time do local hash hash, subdomain = generate_hash(domain,iter,salt) local queried = false for a,b in pairs(todo) do if a == b then todo[a] = nil break end if a < b then -- [] range if hash > a and hash < b then -- do the query local hash_pairs = query_for_hashes(host,subdomain,domain) queried = true local changed = false for h1,h2 in pairs(hash_pairs) do if h1 == a and h2 == b then -- h1:a h2:b case todo[a] = nil changed = true end if h1 == a then -- h1:a h2 b case todo[a] = nil todo[h2] = b changed = true end if h2 == b then -- a h1 bh:2 case todo[a] = nil todo[a] = h1 changed = true end if h1 > a and h2 < b then -- a h1 h2 b case todo[a] = nil todo[a] = h1 todo[h2] = b changed = true end end -- if changed then -- stdnse.print_debug("break[]") --break -- end end elseif a > b then -- ][ range if hash > a or hash < b then local hash_pairs = query_for_hashes(host,subdomain,domain) queried = true local changed = false for h1,h2 in pairs(hash_pairs) do if h1 == a and h2 == b then -- h2:b a:h1 case todo[a] = nil changed = true end if h1 == a and h2 > h1 then -- b a:h1 h2 case todo[a] = nil todo[h1] = b changed = true end if h1 == a and h2 < b then -- h2 b a:h1 case todo[a] = nil todo[h2] = b changed = true end if h1 > a and h2 > h1 then -- b a h1 h2 case todo[a] = nil todo[a] = h1 todo[h2] = b changed = true end if h1 > a and h2 < b then -- h2 b a h1 case todo[a] = nil todo[a] = h1 todo[h2] = b changed = true end if h1 < b then -- h1 h2 b a case todo[a] = nil todo[a] = h1 todo[h2] = b changed = true end end if changed then --break end end end if queried then break end end end return dnssec, status, all_results end action = function(host, port) local output = {} local domains domains = stdnse.get_script_args('dns-nsec3-enum.domains') if not domains then domains = guess_domain(host) end if not domains then return string.format("Can't determine domain for host %s; use %s.domains script arg.", host.ip, SCRIPT_NAME) end if type(domains) == 'string' then domains = { domains } end for _, domain in ipairs(domains) do local dnssec, status, result = enum(host, port, domain) if dnssec and type(result) == "table" then output[#output + 1] = result output[#output + 1] = "Total hashes found: " .. #result else output[#output + 1] = "DNSSEC NSEC3 not supported" end end return stdnse.format_output(true, output) end