import gtk import gobject from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higboxes import HIGHBox from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higlabels import HintWindow class FilterBar(HIGHBox): """This is the bar that appears while the host filter is active. It allows entering a string that restricts the set of visible hosts.""" __gsignals__ = { "changed": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()) } def __init__(self): HIGHBox.__init__(self) self.information_label = gtk.Label() self.entry = gtk.Entry() self.pack_start(self.information_label, False) label = gtk.Label(_("Host Filter:")) self.pack_start(label, False) self.pack_start(self.entry, True, True) help_button = gtk.Button() icon = gtk.Image() icon.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) help_button.add(icon) help_button.connect("clicked", self._help_button_clicked) self.pack_start(help_button, False) help_button.show_all() self.entry.connect("changed", lambda x: self.emit("changed")) def grab_focus(self): self.entry.grab_focus() def get_filter_string(self): return self.entry.get_text().decode("UTF-8") def set_filter_string(self, filter_string): return self.entry.set_text(filter_string) def set_information_text(self, text): self.information_label.set_text(text) def _help_button_clicked(self, button): hint_window = HintWindow(HELP_TEXT) hint_window.show_all() HELP_TEXT = _("""\ Entering the text into the search performs a keyword search - the \ search string is matched against every aspect of the host. To refine the search, you can use operators to search only \ specific fields within a host. Most operators have a short form, listed. \ target: (t:) - User-supplied target, or a rDNS result. os: - All OS-related fields. open: (op:) - Open ports discovered in a scan. closed: (cp:) - Closed ports discovered in a scan. filtered: (fp:) - Filtered ports discovered in scan. unfiltered: (ufp:) - Unfiltered ports found in a scan (using, for \ example, an ACK scan). open|filtered: (ofp:) - Ports in the \"open|filtered\" state. closed|filtered: (cfp:) - Ports in the \"closed|filtered\" state. service: (s:) - All service-related fields. inroute: (ir:) - Matches a router in the scan's traceroute output. script: (sc:) - All script fields. """)