description = [[
Obtains a list of groups from the remote Windows system, as well as a list of the group's users.
This works similarly to enum.exe
with the /G
The following MSRPC functions in SAMR are used to find a list of groups and the RIDs of their users. Keep
in mind that MSRPC refers to groups as "Aliases".
* Bind
: bind to the SAMR service.
* Connect4
: get a connect_handle.
* EnumDomains
: get a list of the domains.
* LookupDomain
: get the RID of the domains.
* OpenDomain
: get a handle for each domain.
* EnumDomainAliases
: get the list of groups in the domain.
* OpenAlias
: get a handle to each group.
* GetMembersInAlias
: get the RIDs of the members in the groups.
* Close
: close the alias handle.
* Close
: close the domain handle.
* Close
: close the connect handle.
Once the RIDs have been termined, the
* Bind
: bind to the LSA service.
* OpenPolicy2
: get a policy handle.
* LookupSids2
: convert SIDs to usernames.
I (Ron Bowes) originally looked into the possibility of using the SAMR function LookupRids2
to convert RIDs to usernames, but the function seemed to return a fault no matter what I tried. Since
enum.exe also switches to LSA to convert RIDs to usernames, I figured they had the same issue and I do
the same thing.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script smb-enum-users.nse -p445
-- sudo nmap -sU -sS --script smb-enum-users.nse -p U:137,T:139
-- @output
-- Host script results:
-- | smb-enum-groups:
-- | | WINDOWS2003\HelpServicesGroup: SUPPORT_388945a0
-- | | WINDOWS2003\TelnetClients:
-- | | Builtin\Print Operators:
-- | | Builtin\Replicator:
-- | | Builtin\Network Configuration Operators:
-- | | Builtin\Performance Monitor Users:
-- | | Builtin\Users: INTERACTIVE, Authenticated Users, ron, ASPNET, test
-- | | Builtin\Power Users:
-- | | Builtin\Backup Operators:
-- | | Builtin\Remote Desktop Users:
-- | | Builtin\Administrators: Administrator, ron, test
-- | | Builtin\Performance Log Users: NETWORK SERVICE
-- | | Builtin\Guests: Guest, IUSR_WINDOWS2003
-- |_ |_ Builtin\Distributed COM Users:
author = "Ron Bowes"
copyright = "Ron Bowes"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"discovery","intrusive"}
dependencies = {"smb-brute"}
require 'msrpc'
require 'smb'
require 'stdnse'
hostrule = function(host)
return smb.get_port(host) ~= nil
action = function(host)
local status, groups = msrpc.samr_enum_groups(host)
if(not(status)) then
return stdnse.format_output(false, "Couldn't enumerate groups: " .. groups)
local response = {}
for domain_name, domain_data in pairs(groups) do
for rid, group_data in pairs(domain_data) do
local members = group_data['members']
if(#members > 0) then
members = stdnse.strjoin(", ", group_data['members'])
members = ""
table.insert(response, string.format("%s\\%s (RID: %s): %s", domain_name, group_data['name'], rid, members))
return stdnse.format_output(true, response)