-- -*- mode: lua -*-
-- vim: set filetype=lua :
description = [[
Queries Microsoft SQL Server (ms-sql) instances for a list of databases a user has
access to.
SQL Server credentials required: Yes (use ms-sql-brute
, ms-sql-empty-password
and/or mssql.username
& mssql.password
Run criteria:
* Host script: Will run if the mssql.instance-all
, mssql.instance-name
or mssql.instance-port
script arguments are used (see mssql.lua).
* Port script: Will run against any services identified as SQL Servers, but only
if the mssql.instance-all
, mssql.instance-name
and mssql.instance-port
script arguments are NOT used.
The script needs an account with the sysadmin server role to work.
When run, the script iterates over the credentials and attempts to run
the command for each available set of credentials.
NOTE: The "owner" field in the results will be truncated at 20 characters. This
is a limitation of the sp_MShasdbaccess
stored procedure that the
script uses.
NOTE: Communication with instances via named pipes depends on the smb
library. To communicate with (and possibly to discover) instances via named pipes,
the host must have at least one SMB port (e.g. TCP 445) that was scanned and
found to be open. Additionally, named pipe connections may require Windows
authentication to connect to the Windows host (via SMB) in addition to the
authentication required to connect to the SQL Server instances itself. See the
documentation and arguments for the smb
library for more information.
NOTE: By default, the ms-sql-* scripts may attempt to connect to and communicate
with ports that were not included in the port list for the Nmap scan. This can
be disabled using the mssql.scanned-ports-only
script argument.
-- @usage
-- nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-hasdbaccess --script-args mssql.username=sa,mssql.password=sa
-- @args ms-sql-hasdbaccess.limit limits the amount of databases per-user
-- that are returned (default 5). If set to zero or less all
-- databases the user has access to are returned.
-- @output
-- | ms-sql-hasdbaccess:
-- | webshop_reader
-- | dbname owner
-- | ====== =====
-- | hr sa
-- | finance sa
-- | webshop sa
-- | lordvader
-- | dbname owner
-- | ====== =====
-- | testdb CQURE-NET\Administr
-- |_ webshop sa
-- Created 01/17/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson
-- Revised 02/01/2011 - v0.2 - Added ability to run against all instances on a host;
-- added compatibility with changes in mssql.lua (Chris Woodbury)
author = "Patrik Karlsson"
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
categories = {"auth", "discovery","safe"}
require 'shortport'
require 'stdnse'
require 'mssql'
dependencies = {"ms-sql-brute", "ms-sql-empty-password", "ms-sql-discover"}
hostrule = mssql.Helper.GetHostrule_Standard()
portrule = mssql.Helper.GetPortrule_Standard()
local function process_instance( instance )
local status, result, rs
local query, limit
local output = {}
local exclude_dbs = { "'master'", "'tempdb'", "'model'", "'msdb'" }
local RS_LIMIT = stdnse.get_script_args( {'mssql-hasdbaccess.limit', 'ms-sql-hasdbaccess.limit' } )
and tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args( {'mssql-hasdbaccess.limit', 'ms-sql-hasdbaccess.limit' } )) or 5
if ( RS_LIMIT <= 0 ) then
limit = ""
limit = string.format( "TOP %d", RS_LIMIT )
local query = { [[CREATE table #hasaccess(dbname varchar(255), owner varchar(255),
DboOnly bit, ReadOnly bit, SingelUser bit, Detached bit,
Suspect bit, Offline bit, InLoad bit, EmergencyMode bit,
StandBy bit, [ShutDown] bit, InRecovery bit, NotRecovered bit )]],
"INSERT INTO #hasaccess EXEC sp_MShasdbaccess",
("SELECT %s dbname, owner FROM #hasaccess WHERE dbname NOT IN(%s)"):format(limit, stdnse.strjoin(",", exclude_dbs)),
"DROP TABLE #hasaccess" }
local creds = mssql.Helper.GetLoginCredentials_All( instance )
if ( not creds ) then
output = "ERROR: No login credentials."
for username, password in pairs( creds ) do
local helper = mssql.Helper:new()
status, result = helper:ConnectEx( instance )
if ( not(status) ) then
output = "ERROR: " .. result
if ( status ) then
status = helper:Login( username, password, nil, instance.host.ip )
if ( status ) then
for _, q in pairs(query) do
status, result = helper:Query( q )
if ( status ) then
-- Only the SELECT statement should produce output
if ( #result.rows > 0 ) then
rs = result
if ( status and rs ) then
result = mssql.Util.FormatOutputTable( rs, true )
result.name = username
if ( RS_LIMIT > 0 ) then
result.name = result.name .. (" (Showing %d first results)"):format(RS_LIMIT)
table.insert( output, result )
local instanceOutput = {}
instanceOutput["name"] = string.format( "[%s]", instance:GetName() )
table.insert( instanceOutput, output )
return instanceOutput
action = function( host, port )
local scriptOutput = {}
local status, instanceList = mssql.Helper.GetTargetInstances( host, port )
if ( not status ) then
return stdnse.format_output( false, instanceList )
for _, instance in pairs( instanceList ) do
local instanceOutput = process_instance( instance )
if instanceOutput then
table.insert( scriptOutput, instanceOutput )
return stdnse.format_output( true, scriptOutput )